Going over the key bits of information she had gleaned from the documents, Zatana passed from roof to roof with ease. A few times she quickly changed her step to avoid a loose tile or shingle, but it was second nature to the dark elf. Helmsguard and the agents going quiet. It was something she would need to pass on, if her grandfather knew of it then it would only let him know that Balthazar knew of it. If the aged drow did not? Then it might prove of interest enough to pull him from his research, though that was doubtful. The only reason Zatana had been sent abroad had been to glean what she could from the wider picture and make sure that she was well placed to ensure nothing would interfere with Murdoc Do'ana's experiments. No, that would not go well if it did come to pass. Even as a small child Zatana had quickly learned to integrate herself with the process rather than to seek to disrupt it. Hopefully, she would have time to transcribe down what she remembered of the notes into her grimoire to work out the code later. While waiting for a siege, it should be easy enough to disappear for a time.
Dropping over the edge of one roof, she landed on the ground in an alley not far from where the group had entered. Refixing her hood, Zatana adjusted the few pins that kept it on. It would not do for them to come loose and reveal her for what she was. Hearing the commotion further down she dispelled the darkness she used to cloak herself and moved warily to the alley's mouth. Dark eyes smirked as she spied a pretty girl waving at Acrius, the hot head apparently was rescuing damsels now. A sobering thought of little Acriuses running about. Clucking her tongue softly, she stepped into the street and moved with boneless easy grace towards the small group, which luckily for her contained the wizard. What a grand sense of timing! "Wizard. Your package." Zatana offered the parcel the Balthazar before taking the reins of her mount as it was eyeing Acrius with a bit too much attention and strangely enough standing completely docile. Inclining her head to Faira, Zatana offered no reason as to the time she had taken. There was simply nothing she wished to say and if it did come into question, then she had a reasonable answer. Information within the mind was far more sage than on paper. Especially if she needed to toss the package.
The devious mare sidestepped towards Acrius lipping at his armor as she moved closer to his hair. Gripping the reins in a tight fist, Zatana snapped a sharp command. "Enough." The mare's head had been jerked away just as she tried to take a mouthful of hair and pinned her ears back in displeasure as the woman hauled herself into the saddle. If only to keep a better eye on the wicked mare who was wont to start trouble while she sensed a fight brewing. "Soon enough." Zatana murmured, patting the grey neck.
Dropping over the edge of one roof, she landed on the ground in an alley not far from where the group had entered. Refixing her hood, Zatana adjusted the few pins that kept it on. It would not do for them to come loose and reveal her for what she was. Hearing the commotion further down she dispelled the darkness she used to cloak herself and moved warily to the alley's mouth. Dark eyes smirked as she spied a pretty girl waving at Acrius, the hot head apparently was rescuing damsels now. A sobering thought of little Acriuses running about. Clucking her tongue softly, she stepped into the street and moved with boneless easy grace towards the small group, which luckily for her contained the wizard. What a grand sense of timing! "Wizard. Your package." Zatana offered the parcel the Balthazar before taking the reins of her mount as it was eyeing Acrius with a bit too much attention and strangely enough standing completely docile. Inclining her head to Faira, Zatana offered no reason as to the time she had taken. There was simply nothing she wished to say and if it did come into question, then she had a reasonable answer. Information within the mind was far more sage than on paper. Especially if she needed to toss the package.
The devious mare sidestepped towards Acrius lipping at his armor as she moved closer to his hair. Gripping the reins in a tight fist, Zatana snapped a sharp command. "Enough." The mare's head had been jerked away just as she tried to take a mouthful of hair and pinned her ears back in displeasure as the woman hauled herself into the saddle. If only to keep a better eye on the wicked mare who was wont to start trouble while she sensed a fight brewing. "Soon enough." Zatana murmured, patting the grey neck.