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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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So what do you think should happens when they entered the compound. I planed this for them to find evidence of a werebeast but not he werebeast itself. Maybe they are being held in another building or something but they were discovered before they could find much. what do you think?
“I—I,” Alister couldn't find the right words which formed a lump in his throat keeping him silenced. He nearly fell at the sudden closeness by Drake but manage to catch himself. His legs were numb and his face burned a bright red as he listened to Drake talked. Once he was done, Alister stood still unmoving, his hands clenching on the straps of his messenger bag as if they would save him. He couldn't bring himself to respond or even look up.

“Thank you for your kind words. Wow, what did you do to Alister?” Leo said stepping out of the kitchen with a decorative box in hand. Not a second later, Alister threw his sword striking the wall behind Leo, nearly missing his head.

“Okay okay, I’ll stop,” Leo said fearing for our life. He then walked over to Alister handing him the box and a small note.

“Some snacks for the road, on the house of course. Now be safe you two,” Leo said. He then turned to clear the table before disappearing back into the kitchen with a devious smile on his face.

The paper read, “about time you got a boyfriend.” Alister immediately tore the paper into tiny pieces and stuffed it into his bag. He cursed Leo under his breath before walking over to Drake. “So—um I cracked the code on the video and found a way into the compound. I was thinking we could check it out before making any plans….is that okay with you?” Alister said meekly. He still kept from making eye contact and stared at his fidgeting hands.

As they walked through the forest, Valeria picked random flowers forming various bouquets and crowns. “So where exactly are we going?” Valeria asked.
Alister stared at the small red vile then hesitantly took it. The vile was heavy in his hand, it’s content beckoning him to devour it. With shaking hands, he opened the vial and drank the blood. A numbness hummed throughout his body as the blood filled his stomach. His eyes went bloodshot for a split second before returning to normal. Once his vision returned, everything seemed to dull in color and lacked vibrancy. He blinked it away and turned to Drake feeling refresh. “Um…thank you,” Alister said.

“Should we go?” Alister asked his voice lacking emotion which startled him. He felt as if he wasn’t the one that spoke it but the feeling faded as quickly as it came.

“Oh I love the sun,” Valeria said stretching. She turned her face towards the sky seeming to purr as she soaked up the sun. She liked the sky because it was the only thing that stayed constant as time moved on.

“I wish we could just run off and relax on a beach. That would be a dream comes true,” Valeria said, “but sadly we have a job to do .shall we get going?”
“…yeah,” Alister said. He couldn’t help but smile while watching Drake enjoyed his food. 5 years years ago, he would’ve never imagined that he would be eating breakfast with the enemy but times are changing. From a young child in the military, it was drilled into him that all Werebeast were evil and should be illuminated. Now for the first time, he’s second-guessing himself.

“Well since you’re done we should really get started on the day,” Alister said in a single breath. Heat rushed to his face and didn’t want to stick around for someone to notice.

“Hmm I could use another snack,” Alister said licking his lips. Though he was full, he still hungered for blood and it terrified him. He suppressed the hunger then turned to look at drake. “Never mind. So ready to go?”

“I don’t know. The bar changes location every time I visit but I can teleport us back to the hotel,” Valeria said. She then grabbed on to Andrew's arm and disappeared. Their surrounding melted away like paint before another took its place. In a matter of second, they were standing in front of the hotel.

“So now where do we go?”
“Right it’ll it out in a moment,” Leo said scribbling down the order before returning to the kitchen.

“Hot chocolate for breakfast? I would’ve thought you were a coffee kind of guy,” Alister commented sipping on his coffee. In the short spanned of time that Drake ordered Alister already finish haft of his food. Plates were already piling them self up as he continues to feast. He didn’t remember the last time he had good food since he threw himself at missions after missions to distract himself.

“Yeah, it's my favorite place to eat. Though I never have the time anymore. I've also wanted to share it people but everyone is busy these days,” Alister said.

10 minutes later Leo came back with Drake’s order. Dark swirls of chocolate and golden brown pancake made a marble-like pillar of pancake sided with various condiment from butter, to a range of maple syrup and hot steaming hot chocolate. Leo had a smile of his face as he serves his food. "Enjoy. if you need anything don't hesitate to holler." Leo said before returning to the kitchen.

"Come on try it. I'm sure it'll be the best pancakes you will ever taste." Alister said.

“Well Spacial Magic is my specialty,” Valeria said, “so I have no idea where we’re going so I’ll follow your lead.”
Alister’s eyes lit up when he noticed Drake pulling into the bistro. He quickly surprised his excitement and calmed his self back into his normal self. He hid the smile that formed on his face as he Drake entered the Bistro and sat down. “Hardly old man. And what’s with the shirt?” Alister asked.

Before Drake could answer Leo came up to the table carrying several plates of food. “Wow I thought you were kidding, he is a Werebeast. You’ve gone soft teach,” Leo said smirking. He didn't keep the face for long before Alister chucked his messenger bag at Leo’s face. He stumbled back and dropped the pates he was carrying.

Alister gracefully saved all the food and set them down on the table. The amount of food nearly cover the entire table and ranged from savory to sweet. “Call me soft again and I tell your mothers about this place.”

“You wouldn't,” Leo gasped dramatically. He got off the ground and patted the dust off of his apron. “I’m never going to get used to your new accent or lack of one. Well, the name is Leo Wilhelm an old apprentice of Alister’s. It's nice to meet you what can I get for you today? Nice shirt by the way.”

“Sure amazing…”

“Flattery gets you everywhere,” Valeria said jokingly, “I’m itching for some action so let's get going.”

She turned away from Andrew and disappeared leaving behind a cloud of smoke. She reappeared a moment later and laugh nervously. Her face was a pale pink and she kept from making eye contact. “Where exactly are we going?”
Alister walked inside the near-empty bistro and stood at the front counter. Moments later, a tall man with short black hair and golden eyes walked out and smiled. “By best customer.”

“Hey Leo, how are you these days. And how are your mothers?” Alister asked. Leo was a strange being, even in the world of the Fae. He was a human child that was raised by a flock of a water nymph. By being in the realm of the Fae he became part Fae gaining the golden eyes that gave him impeccable sight.

“WOW…what happen to your accent?” Leo stared at him big-eyed like a puppy begging for a treat.

“I needed a change of pace,” Alister said quietly. Leo noticed his reluctances to talked and smiled.

“Well, my mothers are fine. You should visit sometime they’re always asking about you, though if you came you might never leave or gain like 200 pounds,” Leo joked.

“Yeah they do like to feed you till you drop dead,” Alister laughed, “well I’ll get the usual. Also, a weredragon is going to join be so just a heads up.”

“Have you gone soft? Did my ruthless teacher finally gone soft?” Leo laughed then quickly disappeared into the kitchen. He knew if he had stayed he would’ve gotten a face full of fist. Allister smiled and sat down by the window. He watched the road and sky with watchful eyes trying to catch any sign of drake like an impatient child.

Valeria thought for a long moment and smiled. “I guess you really can’t call me Fae anymore. Well back in my youth I was a succubus but over the few thousands of years that I’ve been alive. I’ve fed on all type of creatures gaining a part of their soul power. Most succubus would die if they fed too much but me and my sister found a loophole. And over the many years, I became what I am now.”

“And if you called my old I will turn your skin inside out and feed you a soup of your own limbs,” Valeria threatened, causing room filled with malice and the air to grow thick and heavy.

“Just kidding I wouldn’t you promise.” The malice suddenly disappeared and the room went back to normal. She laughs then headed for the door. “Shall we get going? Oh JOEY put our drinks on my tab.”
Well that’s funny. I was just wondering how Drake is suppose to follow Alister and was debating to change my post or not but problem solved
Alister stole a glance at Drake seeing all of his scars. He wondered how he got all of them but then remembered his story from last night. “Well let's get breakfast first. The place has really good food and I know the owner,” Alister said handing Drake a phone with the direction to the Bistro.

“I’m not taking no as an answer so see you there,” Alister said before leaving. He walked to his bike and got on before it came to life and moved to the road on its own. He left as quickly as possible due to the wedding that was hosted at the hotel. He didn’t need Rebeca on him when he accidentally lost control and snack on one of her guests.

He relaxed when he got far away from the hotel and into a more quiet part of town with a larger concentration of Fae. The Bistro was owned by a human but he was raised by Fae, a rare gen these days. It didn’t take him long before he made it to the bistro and parked out front.

“He’s no Alister but he should do,” Valeria said licking her lips, “kidding.”

She handed back the file and grabbed the closest bottle of wine. She chugged haft the bottle before getting up and stretched her back. “So are we going to barge in there and have some fun?”
After Valeria left the hotel’s stables she reappeared on top of a nearby building. Vanessa, her sister, sat at the edge overlooking the hotel. “Hello sister how is our foolish Alister,” she asked.

“He overworked himself as always but he will recover. What troubles me is his bloodlust,” Valeria said.

“I wonder how long until he breaks,” Vanessa stated.

“That won't happen. Now if you excuse I have some hot men to investigate,” Valeria said jumping off the building then disappearing in a cloud of smoke. She stopped at a local bistro and grabbed breakfast before heading back to the far. Once she was done, she reappeared back at the bar landing on Andrew hugging his neck from behind.

“Missed me,” She said giggling. She let after a moment and handed him the food, “got you breakfast. I didn’t know what you liked so I got a little of everything an egg and cheese biscuit, some bagels with jam and cream cheese, donuts, a salad, and coffee. Dig in.” Her voice was calm and mother-like, a striking contrast to her usual loud and bubbly persona

Alister’s face flushed red when he noticed Drake curled up around him. He tried to hide his embarrassment but failed. He was afraid that he was getting soft but he didn’t care if it was drake. People rarely cared for him, except for the Fae Twin, but they were an exception. Somehow it warmed his heart knowing that drake cared. “That long?…um sorry for the innocence,” Allister mumbled, “and thank you.”

Alister immediately stood up and looked away trying to hide his flushed face. He grabbed his bag and quickly sat down at the table with his back towards drake. He gave himself another shoot feeling the fatigue slowly leave him.

“Ready old man? We have a lot of work to do. I’ve already wasted haft of the day so we should really be heading out,” Alister said back to his normal tone. “We should also get breakfast, on me, as a thank you. I know a good place.”

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