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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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Haki noticed the little creature that made its way down to the tavern floor. It wasn’t a creature that he recognized and it piqued his interest. From a bag at his side, he grabbed a small notebook and a piece of charcoal. He made a quick sketch of the little creature then turned to look at the women.

“Excuse me. Does your companion have a name? I’ve never seen such a creature,” Haki asked. Seeing that the little creature didn’t like his presence, he searched through his bag for a small container containing a large variety of berries and fruits.

“Do you mind if I give him some berries,” Haki asked showing her a handful of small red berries, “These are Goji berries which are usually safe for everyone.”

Adrian rolled his eyes at Haki. His interest in animals was completely lost at him. He wasn’t sure if it was because Haki was an animal himself or something else but he found it a waste of time. It was far more important to focus on their current plans than some small animals. He wanted to take out the slavers in the area but Haki would probably object. He let out a long sigh and continued to go over the stack of paper until he landed on a drawing of a man. He had two different color eyes with a rather large scar over one of them.

He tapped Haki on the shoulder and signed, “look I found something.” He then handed Haki the drawing of the man.

Haki pondered over the drawing for a moment before handing it back, “Could be a lead. We should look into it. But later.”

Adrien rolled his eyes again and decided to look into it on his own. He grabbed his thing and headed out the tavern towards the adventurer’s guilds. He was hoping to find someone who could dig up some more information for them and hopefully the man in the drawing.
For as long as they could remember, they were sold for the highest bitter to hundreds of different masters, all of which were Dukes and Barron, who required labor or entertainment. Conditions were grueling with little time to rest and countless hours of hard labor and painful punishments. If they ever disobeyed or cause problems, death would he mercy as some had their limbs cut and left die or hours of torture that left many broken. 16 years of grueling enslavement until they finally took their revenge.

On the night of the winter solstice, Haki and Adrian watched as their childhood burned down to the ground. The large wooden mansion before them engulfed by blue fire with people fleeing and screening for their lives. There felt no remorse, only anger towards their previous masters. Now they were free and had a mission to find the man who helped them escape, the one who taught them magic, the person they owed their life to. The man rarely talked and was always shrouded by a thick haze and an aura of darkness. They had no leads only the lessons taught by the man.


Haki spun around towards the voice to see a vast expanse of darkness. Then from the void, a hand grabbed his neck and held him off the ground. Haki struggled to break free, gasping for air. His lungs burned. His vision slowly fading. Then suddenly it released him and the vast expanses turned into a crimson red wasteland and in his arms was Adrian, dead, by his own hands.

Haki jolted awake finding himself in the room of a tavern. His heart raced and his neck burned from where the hand had grabbed him. He quickly calmed himself knowing that it was just a dream. The same nightmare had continued to plague him and it was becoming more real and frequent. The small discomfort it used to left him turned into a burning pain that quickly dispersed. Wanting to forget his dream, he got dressed and headed down to the near-empty tavern. The sun was barely over the horizon but the tavern still had early business. Though it was near empty he could still feel eyes at his back and discomfort from the few tavern patrons.

Haki scanned the room finding Adrian sitting at the counter with a large mug of beer in his hand and a stack of papers in the other. Their previous informant had given them useless information about the Magician but did point them in the direction of some more slavers in the area. It wasn’t their intention to take on any more slavers but he couldn’t help but be curious. Adrian continued to ponder over the information when he felt a large hand on his shoulder and looked up.

“No anything useful,” Haki signed. Though Adrian was able to hear, it was much easier for them to talk in sign language since that was what they grew up with. Adrian did possess a ring that allowed him to project his thought but Haki had a distrust for magical items.

“No,” Adrian signed.

Haki sighed in frustration and mumbled, “How hard can it be to find one Mage with a fucking scar.”

Adrian shrugged and went back to his stack of papers. Haki joined him moments later with his own mug of beer. He quickly chugged the alcohol and rested his head on the table with a loud thud. Adrian smiles and started to scratch Haki’s ear. It was always entertaining to see the dog-like behavior from his furry friend.
Here we go @SporkoBug
Hello there! I’m so sorry for the long hiatus without any updates. A lot of thing happened that drains pretty much everyone I had. I didn’t have the energy to return to the guild and I’m really sorry. It’s a given at this point but I won’t be able to continue the RP. I wish you luck and thank you for the your time ^ w ^
I'm really sorry for the frequent hiatus but I have to take a bit of time off for school. I'm really sorry and understand if you don't want to keep going.
Alister glared at the Zyriff and the raven but chose to kept silence. His entire body felt like it was on fire and his vision blurred as the blood loss took its toll on his already fatigued body. He quickly patched up his bleeding arm then grabbed Drake. “Good, we can deal with him later. For now, we need to him Drake back to the hotel,” Alister said. He stood up with Drake in his arms and walked past Zyriff.

“Why don’t you cut off the bastard’s wing so he can’t escape,” Alister suggested. He walked outside and stared at his bike. “Do you have a car we can use?” He asked.

Pain ruptured through her body as she crashed into the water. She noticed that they were both sinking and cursed in her head. She had hoped one of them knew how to swim. She clumsily paddled her way towards Andrew and pulled him into a hug. She closed her eyes and teleported both of them out of the water.

“Fucking god,” She yelled as they landed the ground. She didn’t have time to perform proper teleportation and ended up a little way away from their previous location. They were out of sight but she could still hear the men that attacked them.

She then noticed that she was still hugging Andrew and quickly let go. “Well…time to go,” She said as she tried to stand up. The moment she was on her feet, they became numb and she fell back down.
Alister caught Drake before he hit the ground. He carefully set drake on the ground and placed his hand over drake’s chest looking for a heartbeat. He relaxed for a moment when he felt one. “Drake, can you hear me?” Alister asked.

“Please answer…” Alister plead. He didn’t want to lose another person right after he met them. All his life everyone he was close to died or left, starting with his parent. The only ones that stayed were Vanessa and Valeria. Now seeing that he might lose Drake, he would give up anything to save his life.

“Yeah he really does,” Valeria said. She smiled at Andrew then focused at Jay who was still underwater. She was happy that the boy was back in the water but she worried about his parents. They must be worried about his well being. She took a deep breath feeling the cool air when a chill ran down her spine.

“ANDREW WATCH OUT!” Valeria screamed. She lunges at him knocking him onto the ground. Just as they hit the floor a spray of bullet rained on them. A few grazed her arm and leg but luckily none of them hit Andrew. She cursed herself for not paying attention.

“Into the water you go,” Valeria said as she threw Andrew into the water just before another spray of bullets hit her. She managed to teleport away but not before one hit her shoulder. She didn’t have time to chose a location and teleported to the last thing on her mind, Andrew.
A wave of energy washed over the city sending a rumble of magic into the ground. Alister rushed out of the hotel and quickly scanned the horizon. The source of magic was in another part of town but he couldn’t pinpoint where. He had a bad feeling in his stomach. The energy was familiar but also foreign like two source of magic clashing and canceling one another. Suddenly he thought of Drake causing worry to pool in his mind.

“Please be okay” he mumbled as he got on Rose who answered his call. He didn’t wait and rushed through the city scanning for the source of magic. After a short while, he gave up as the magic had dispersed and there was no way of tracking it through sense alone.

Not wanting to be defeated, He stopped in a hidden place and grabbed his sword. After taking a deep breath, he slit his wrist. Blood poured from his wound but instead of falling they formed a thin thread of red that quickly spread through out the entire city. He closed his eyes and focused on controlling the thread. After mere seconds they found Drake who was no far from where he stood.

“…no.” Alister followed his thread which led him to a large house in a dark part of town. He rushed towards the door and kicked it opened. “DRAKE!”

“Old enough to understand,” Valeria said. She smiled at Jay’s excitement to the sound of water. “Well looks like we’re almost there.”
“Thank you, Rebecca,” Alister said as she left. The blood was tempting but he didn't feel like having any. He just gave himself a shot of the serum and moved onto cleaning his blade. From his bag, he pulled out several grindstones, cloth, and steel wool. First, he cleaned the sword of any blood and dirt then moved on to sharpening the blade. It didn't take long for him to lose himself in work and forgot about the time.

He could t help but wonder where Drake went. It bothered him that De left without a word especially in the condition he was in. Vanessa was adept at healing but it takes a toll on the body to heal that quickly even for a Werebeast. Countless though and worries flooded his mind as he continued to work his sword.

“Really why do you say that?” Valeria asked. She did her best to hide any aura or presence she gave off so that she would pass off as any normal Fae. So she was surprised that Jay could call her out. It was bizarre and refreshing to see a kid like him.

“Well you’re correct I’m a little different. Though I’ll tell you once you’re a bit older,” Valeria said.
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