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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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Yes that's probably why Haki likes him so much UWU
Haki couldn’t sense up from down or right from left as he rolled around inside the pocked. Once it stopped, he could feel his brain pounding against his head. He never had this much problem with motion in the past but now that his body had changed so did many things that he was used to in the past. it also didn't help that his eyes can now see between the veil causing him even more of headache.

“Wait CHANCE don’t! you might collapse again,” Haki said as he saw the waves of magic radiate through the air. He jumped out of the pocked and began to change his form. His body turned into a mist that expanded and engulfed the entire area. Slowly everything disappeared from view as if the mist had brought them to another place. The poachers were nowhere to be seen. The cage had disappeared along with Chance’s restraint. Now they were standing in an endless expanse surrounded by a thick fog.

“Chance I said I’ll prove it’s me,” Haki said appearing out of the mist in his normal form though his fur had changed to incorporate a wave-like pattern.

“I-I missed you,” Haki said as tears ran down his face but he quickly wiped them away. “You know I promised myself I wouldn’t cry?”

Adrian was startled when they suddenly flew through the air. He had seen the world from the sky many time but there was something breathtaking about this sight. Was it because he was being carried? He didn’t know but took a moment to take in the view before he felt chills run down his spine. Looking ahead, he could see a giant explosion of mist that surrounded a small portion of the city. He quickly signed Nessa to stop because he wasn’t sure If the mist was dangerous. It could continue the same substance that made him lose his power, which was something he cannot let happen to Nessa.
yes, they are all good and should be protected. having a "big heart and are incredibly protective" is like the perfect description for everyone in the group. bring overly protective is such a cute trait though.
XD haha that doesn't sound very pleasant. why is it always the nice ones that are scary when they are mad?
lol I doubt anyone could do that. maybe a god but I doubt our little band of adventures can fight a god.

Romantic interest you say? UWU
ohhhh really now??? I also have a few secrets of my own.

"destroy the sun you say," the Liched said while laughing manically...
So should we allow Chance to be rescued by the others? or should we do something else? maybe they successfully capture chance and sold him to another group of poachers that are using Fae for an experiment under the control of the Litch? like the Litch is mind-controlling people to help with try and gain more power. originally I planned the whole Adrian temporarily losing his power as a result of the glitch experimenting with a substance that can steal magic power. what do you think?
Haki's heart fluttered when Chance called him friends, but he quickly denied his feelings. There was no way that the Druid mother was correct. The more he thought about it the more conflicted he felt. In reality, he had only known Chance for a few days, so there was simply no way he had to devolve feelings. He quickly dismissed the thought and continued to tell himself that the Druid mother was wrong he what he felt was something else.

“Chance I can prove that is me but for now you just need to trust me. They’re coming and I can’t risk fighting them so please bear with it for now. The others are on their way,” Haki said as he wiped the tears from his eyes, though it was difficult being in that form. He then climbed his way back into Chance’s pocket to hide from the poachers.

“C-Chance I’m sorry I wasn’t here to protect you but now I promise that I will,” Haki said quietly with a hit of sadness in his voice.

Right after he got into the pocket, he heard the poachers speak but he couldn’t understand it. Was it because he was in another for? Or was it that his magic had changed? Then why could he understand chance?

Adrian was shocked that Nessa could sign. It wasn’t something many due because being mute is a sign of weakness. He then watched as Nessa started to glow. It was a mesmerizing sight that he had never seen before. It begs the question of her true identity. She said that she came to from the stars but how could that be possible? Her ability to use magic wasn’t anything he had seen and her unique biology was very strange and yet astonishing.

“You’re wings are beautiful. Though I’m not sure how well I can keep up with you with armor on,” Adrian signed as he slowly stripped himself of his armor. Now, all he wore was a shirt that did little to hide his tone body and pants that were tucked into his boots. at his side was still his sword and bag filled with provisions and other tools.

“Right lead the way,” Adrian signed then took Nessa's hand.
“Good. Let us go—“ Adrian started to sign but quickly realized that Nessa couldn’t understand him. He sighed in frustration, then returned to his notebook. He needed to find Chance quick. The flower was in his possession, and it was more important to him than anything else.

Lead the way. He wrote in his notebook and showed it to Nessa.

An unknown amount of time later, Haki woke up feeling refreshed. Throughout his body was a tingling sensation as tiny sparks of magic jumped from his fur. When he opened his eyes, he saw Tatiana caressing his head and humming a light tune. He slowly sat up and looked around to see a small forest of plants that seemingly grew from nothing. The room still resembled the place before but now was completely covered in foliage. He couldn’t remember if he had caused this or anything after entering the room. The last thing he could remember was Tatiana and a strange voice.

“What happened?” Haki asked as he reached to stroke his head but stopped when he noted his arm. His fur was no longer pure black but now had strange white marks, that resembled waves, throughout his entire body. His claws were sharper. His eyes a bright green instead of a pale yellow. He felt like he was in a different body.

“Welcome back my child,” Tatiana said as she stood up from the ground, “come I shall explain as we walk.”

Haki was confused but kept quiet and followed Tatiana as they left the room. “I’m sure you are confused but it will reveal itself in due time. All you need to know is that you now possess a porting of the world tree. thus allowing you to bypass our ancient laws.”

Ancient laws? A part of the world tree? Haki could understand what she was saying, but before he could ask they stopped at a nearby room where he was allowed to change. He was given a green robe that left his right arm and portion of his chest opened. The fabric itself hummed with magic that wrapped around him like a barrier. After he changed, they returned to the previous room. Haki was told to stand at the center with Tatiana across form him.

“My child, do you truly wish to leave?” Tatiana said once again.

“Yes,” Haki said almost immediately.

Tatian smiled and nodded, though the pain and sadness were clear in her eyes. “I do not wish to force you to stay. All I can do is hope for your safety. But please promise me that you will stay safe. There are forces at play that even I cannot see. And even though you are allowed to let go of pacifism, it does not mean you are safe———”

“———it is time for you to go. But before that, make sure you take care of that boy. Chance, I believe was his name was. He is very special to you, which is why you saw him in the pond. You may deny it, but you have feelings for him, so make sure you don’t let the opportunity pass you by."

Haki could feel his face getting warm as Tatiana saw right through him. “What! I do not have feelings for Chance!”

Tatiana gave a small laugh and said, “as I said. even if you denied it. It is the truth. Now it is time.” Tatiana took a step back and let the world guide him through the veil. Thousands of small light emerged from the surrounding plants and began to surround Haki. They slowly pulled themself together and formed a small white flower. Through it, he could feel the other world. He could feel Chance. He took one last look at Tatiana before his vision was blinded by a flash of light.

The flower that was in the possession of Chance began to glow and radiate power. Then in a flash of light, a small black wolf with the same pattern as Haki’s fur replaced the flower. He tumbled around the pocked for a bit until he finally escaped and fell onto Chance’s lap. There wasn’t enough space for Haki to fully manifest so he took on another form, a baby wolf. To Chance, he was barely bigger than a pair of hands and could easily fit into a pocket.

“Chance I——“ Haki could feel tears running down his face as he looked at Chance. To his friends, he was only gone for a few days but to Haki, it had been months.

Yes I understand that but I was wanting to have a character who can transform (not illusion but true transformation) and none of the arts you have listed seem to match that type of power.
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