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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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The world froze as the man slammed Chance into the wall. Anger began to boil and slowly took over his body. Though it was not just his own, it overwhelmed him none the less. All of his senses began to fade. His vision turned a pale red. He felt nothing but a burning desire kill. A feeling he had not felt for a very long time. “YOU FUCKING BASTARD,” Haki roared.

The entire room began to rumble as thousands of wines sprouted from the stone. It grabbed and crushed everything in the area except for Chance and the children. He had thought the man would've died in the attack but he still felt his presence from within the wince. It made his blood boil even more but the sight of Chance injured brought him back. his emotion returned and changed into that of worry and regret. "Chance!" he moved the vines and ran over to chance. He began to use the remaining of his powers to heal Chance though it was slow as he used most of it spawning the vines.

“Please be okay I cannot lose you…”

Once the dust finally faded from the hallway, the large door was gone revealing a large open room. Though he couldn’t see much of the interior, due to the dust but felt a familiar presence. It was Haki! he was about to head inside when he noticed Nessa struggling. knowing that Haki can take care of himself, he went and gave Nessa a helping hand. She was exhausted from that massive attack. “Are you okay?” He signed, a little worried. This was the first time he had seen Nessa this vulnerable. It made him afraid that he couldn’t protect her in his current state.

Suddenly he heard yelling from down the hall as over a dozen men charged towards them. He smirked as they unknowingly walked into a trap. In an instant, all of the runes exploded sending the dozens of men back down the gall. As he predicted, it was a cascade of explosions that manage to knock most of them out but not all. In the far back, he could see several men readying their bow. Before he could react, all of them fired, sending a large barrage of arrows in their direction. Most of them missed or hit the feeling, but a few came flying at him. He couldn’t let Nessa get hurt, so push her to the side then moved to escape.

Though it was too late as pain surges through his body. Two arrows had managed to hit his back. But the pain only lasted an instant as he felt anger began to boil. It blocked out all his pain and filled him with the desire to kill. it overwhelms him until he was no longer in control. He pulled out his sword then charged at his attacker. He reached within second and began a massacre. They didn’t have time to react before facing his blade. It ended as quickly as it started. Adrian made short work of the enemy and once it was done he regained his senses. Now he stood in a pool of blood not understanding what just happened.

Haki smiled when the guard called Chance a child. He has always found that spark of anger in Chance to be adorable. His passion and personality were what made him fell for Chance in the first place. So when sensed an immense amount of anger coming from Chance, he became concerned. It was growing bigger and eventually, it exploded. A strange aura suddenly enveloped the entire room that sent shivers down his spine. He didn’t want to believe that this was coming from Chance but the evidence was right before him. People were wittering in pain all around them and trhe source was Chance. It scared him to see Chance like this. Was it because of that strange magic he has developed? Or was this his vampiric powers? He didn’t have time to think about and rushed over to Chance.

“Chance stop, please! you cannot do this in front of the children. Imagine what they would think. I know you are mad but please come back to me,” Haki begged then pulled chance into his arms. This wasn’t the Chance he knew. He didn’t have this destructive anger or this malevolent power.

“What is all of this commotion?” a voice echoed throughout the room. Haki looked up to see a very familiar face. It was the man from his youth. The one who saved his life as well as Adrian. Without him, he would’ve never seen the light of day. Then why was it that the man he saw in his vision is the same as his savor. It didn’t make any sense. How could a human being bring destruction to the world?

“I see. it has been a very long time Terriphas Alendar,” the man said while staring straight at Chance.

Adrian did was he was told and stepped away. He was mesmerized at the magic coming off of Nessa. Even without his powers, he could still sense the immense destructive power that was building up in her palm. The only concern he has was the barrier on the door. Would Nessa be able to harness enough power to break through it? Only time would tell, for now, he had another problem to deal with. The sound of several armed guards echoed though the hall behind them.

He quickly acted by hiding several runes around the area. They would create enough force to push back several men. He hoped by putting them close together they would create a directional wall of force that could knock out the attacker. Once he was done he stood behind Nessa and waited. please wait for me Haki I’m coming
Noooo not my Chance! T-T

Haha Haki would probably be concern that his power spontaneously came out of no where and might pose a threat to his health.
OOF i am an idiot and deleted a part of my question.

I was meant to ask will you be controlling the lich that turned Chance?
haha, you're fine. his reaction was great. but wow "Terriphas Alendar" what a fancy name.

anywho, Am I correct to assume that you'll be controlling him?
“Oh don’t hurt him?” the leader said then walked up to Haki. He pulled out a knife from his sheath and held it to Haki’s neck. It’s cold steel sent shivers down his spine and caused him to struggle. Sensing the movement, Crater twisted his arm harder causing him to grunt. “Well if you don’t want me to turn your friend into a nice rug than I suggest you behave. that goes for you too mutt.”

The leader grinned than walked away while laughing to himself. He instructed everyone to keep moving. Then after a short walk, they stopped at a large metal door. It had several magical circled carved into it causing the metal itself to radiant magical power. From what he could tell, it was some form of barrier that was meant to protect or keep in something powerful. Then after a knock from the leader, the door opened to a large open room lit using hundreds of candles. In the middle of the room was a magic circle drawn from blood and inside its perimeter's were all of the Fae children.

“Keep an eye on those two. I will go speak to the master,” the leader said. Then before he walked away, he waved his hand signaling Crater to let go oh Haki which he does. He wanted to run over to chance but several guards stood in his way.


“T-They” the child immediately began crying and collapse onto Nessa’s arm, “they took them! Those bad guys. And and they’re going to be killed. PLEASE please…you have to help them!”

Adrian tensed up at the words kill and looked into the cave. “Nessa I’m going in. No use in waiting. Join me when you can.” With that Adrian rushed into the cave. As quietly as he could, he looked around the cave until he found a group of guards escorting several children. He followed them until they reached a door where where he pounced on them. He immediately took slit the throat of one guard and stab the other. Before long they were all dead. He turned to the children and realize he isn’t going to be able to tell them to run. Hoping they knew how to read he showed them a price of paper saying “leave. It’s dangerous”

Luckily the children understood and ran leaving him alone with the large metal door. He had no way of getting in and didn’t have anything powerful enough to breakthrough. Damn, he thought.
“Don’t worry about it. You’ll be joining them soon enough. You’re nothing more than sacrifices anyway,” the man leading the group said. He was tall, muscular, and menacing. Though he was nothing compared to Haki, he still towered over Chance and all of the other guards. There was also something strange about complexion. It was much paler than normal though it might just be because of the lighting in the cave.

“I—“ before Haki could answer, he was forced to let go of Chance.

“Crater keep an eye on him,” the leader said to a figure behind them. When he looked back, Haki could see the bull Beastmen standing there. He forcibly grabbed Haki’s arm and held them tightly behind his back. Then with a painful twist to his arm, he began walking. This wasn’t the ideal situation but it was better than fighting all of them at once. He only hoped that Chance wouldn’t put himself in danger.

Adrian couldn’t help but smile at Nessa’s childish behavior. It helped break up the tension that was around them. “Yes. It has to be. Why make a prison when with one in it. It makes so sense,” Adrian signed.

He was about it continue when he heard a small tussle of leaves. He scanned the area to see someone crouching in a nearby bush. Quickly, he walked up to it and reached in to pull out a small child. She was a Fae with long blond hair and dressed in shorts and a cloak. She couldn’t be any older than 10 so why was she alone in the forest. Could it be that they were kidnapping children?

“P-put me down! Or or else!” The child screamed and failed around. He wasn’t that good with children so he put her on the ground and looked to Nessa for help.
“Y-Your Fiance?" Haki asked. His ears began to droop and his tail stopped wagging. So chance belonged to someone else? And this person was also female which proved one of his many fears. He had hope that he was more than a friend to chance but now he was sure that was not the case. Chance was royalty and he was nothing more than an adventure. Why did he think he even stood a chance?

“I——” Haki could find the words so he quietly followed chance. He could sense that they were getting close to the center of the compound but he couldn’t bring himself to focus on that. He had too many things on his mind so he couldn’t react when they were suddenly surrounded. Over a dozen men came out of nowhere, sword in hand, and ready for a fight. He then realized that the disappearance of the guard before must’ve caused some suspicions.

“Don’t try any funny business and follow us,” one of the guards said. There were too many enemies to take on without getting injured and he rather avoided fighting since it was still against his ideals.

Haki placed a hand on Chance’s shoulder and used his power to talk to him telepathically, “Chance we shouldn’t make a scene and let them take us. We’ll probably get more information from them than if we fought.”

Adrian was quick on his feet and made it to the cave in a short amount of time. Once again it was quiet with no guards in sight. Only a small wagon stood by the entrance. After confirming that the coast was clear, he headed inside to find several prison cells carved into the wall. They were all empty which was strange. Shouldn’t they be filled with Fae if the poachers were kidnapping them? He didn’t like this. Something was off like they were being led into a trap. he looked around for a bit longer before returning to Nessa.

"Something is off, I don't think we should go in without proper intel," Adrian said.
Oh, poor Chance. Hasn’t the poor boy suffered enough?
So I was planning for then to meet the lich here but which one? as in which avatar of the lich should be here. Haki and Adrian? Chance? or Nessa. maybe this could be the one that turned Chance?
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