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Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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WAIT is chance royalty? tell me he's not a prince or king or....something?
“Hmm, Fae realm…” Haki had never heard of such a place. It needed some looking into especially if it could help Change gain more control over his magic. Suddenly he heard footsteps making him panic but Chance acted before he could. Once the bull was gone they continue walking which reminded him that being able to see the future doesn’t mean he could react in time.

"Chance you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want too,” Haki said then quickly returned to his normal form. He spun Chance around and stood between him and a man clad in armor.

“Who are you?” he asked with a hand on his sword.

“I was sent form the reserve unit,” Haki bluffed.

After a moment of silence, he let go of his sword and relax his stance, “Oh I see. I thought you would be arriving tomorrow. I guess they didn’t exaggerate when they said you were skilled. Next time make sure to check in first——wait who is that with you?”

“Don’t touch him,” Haki growled when the man reached to grab change. In a quick motion, Haki pummeled the man and slammed him into the wall. After a word of warning, the wall of the cave began to move and grab onto the man. Within seconds, he completely disappeared into the rock leaving only a small crack.

“Chance are you okay?” he asked almost in a panic. h

Adrian continued to fly while keeping a close eye on Nessa. Her combat capabilities were impressive, not to mention her beautiful appearance. That didn’t change the fact that she was still a complete mystery and thus needed caution. Though he found it strange that he enjoyed her company while not knowing anything about her. In the past, he had been stabbed in the back too many times to know to cautious around strangers. and yet he had a feeling that she could be trusted.

After taking a deep deep breath, he signed, “it’s up ahead. Expect a fight.”

Once in view, he began to descend towards the cave. Strangely there were no guards or any movement at all. At a glance, it was like any other cave which made it a perfect hiding spot. “I will land. you go ahead. I’ll join you.” He signed than descended to a nearby clearing. Once on the ground, he quickly dismounted then headed towards the cave.
“Iella…” Lillian said with a smile. She watched as the two strangers left through the hole in the bars that returned to its normal position after they left. She knew that escaping wasn’t an option since she had no special ability. She needed to care for the children and leaving would mean their death. “Come everyone I’ll tell you a story. It’s about a woman who changed the world."

“Chance when did you learn such magic? I mean I’m impressed but people don’t learn magic that quickly…” Haki asked. It only added to his admiration towards chance but he was slightly concerned. Did something happen while he was gone for Chance’s magic to change this quickly? He will have to test some theories later. “I can show us how to get to the main chamber,” Haki said then began to give directions.

“…how so?” Haki had a few ideas about what Chance could be talking about but he decided to play ignorance. He didn’t understand it but somehow he could see all the possible futures for Chance. His precognition had changed from seeing the present to seeing all the future relating to one person. But why was it Chance? What does fate have in store for the haft vampire? And what did he had to with it?

Adrian grinned and let Nessa have her ways with the poachers for a few minutes before stopping her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and immediately pulled it back. Her body was extremely hot and he could see tiny burns bark on his palm. He then waves his hand in front of Nessa to get her attention then signed, “we need to go. He might be moved soon. I have an idea where he might be.”

The guild told him of several locations where the poachers might be hiding. It was likely that Chance would be at one of these locations. The nearest one was a cave that ran deep into the large cave system under the city. He left Nessa to finish off the poachers while he mounted Diana. once Nessa was done and ready, he flew off in the direction of the cave.
“You think the council cares about small villages like us? They do what benefits them not their people. We have nothing to give so to them i doubt we don’t even exist. With their recent expansion and the ongoing conflict with the humans and dwarves, I doubt they even care about their people anymore. And trust me we’ve tried contacting them. We never get a response. All we can do is accept our fate,” Lilia said as she conversed the children away from Chance.

“Chance let’s go. They might be back and if we’re not here they might hurt the children so time is of the essence,” Haki said. He wiggled his way out of Chance’s grasp and clumsily trotted to the bars. He could fit between them easily but Chance couldn’t. After checking that the coast is clear, Haki placed his paws on the bar and pride them apart like they were nothing more than twigs. On his way back to Chance, he could see the fear in the children's eyes. It bothered him that they looked at him that way but these were trying time. “I’m ready when you are,” Haki said.

Adrian didn’t get the chance to react before Nessa took out most of the poachers. He was once again impressed at Nessa's combat abilities. He was also surprised if these poachers were the one that took down Chance. They seem so incompetent while Chance had his strange magic and some ounce of cunning. Either way, this would prove to be very useful if these were the right men.

After checking if the coast was clear, he turned and swatted next to the poacher. He pulled out his notebook and showed the poacher a drawing of chance that Haki drew. He pointed to the picture then turned the page to write “where is he? I can make this painful”.
“That’s a strange thing to say aren’t you a child too?” Lillian said with a smile. “And yes most of us are children all taken from villages in the area. About once every few months, these people come and take us. For what? none of us know. We’re just trying our best to survive.”

Suddenly Lillia was tackled by several small children who all clung onto her leg. "Don't worry there's nothing to be worried about. I'm here to protect you. I don't let the scary man hurt you."

Haki felt chills run down his spine as several of the children ran over and surround Chance. “Mr is that your puppy? He’s so cute! Can I hold him? Does he have a name? OH, HE SO SMALL AND CUTE!” all of the children started bombarding chance with questions. Haki lowered his ears and sink further into Chance’s arm. As much as he cared for the children, he knew he would be torn apart if they got their hands on him.

“Chance as much as I hate to leave them, I think we should escape and look around. I can probably bend the bars enough for us to slip through. I also ask you to not give me to them. I don’t think I’ll survive,” Haki said while looking up at Chance.

Adrian followed the movement of the poachers on the ground until Nessa joined him. It gave him some relief that he had Nessa. His inability to use magic had weight him down severely so having someone at his side was nice. “I’ll make a distraction then we can go in,” Adrian signed then pointed to the group of poachers in the forest.

Adrian reached into his bag and pulled out a hand full of small runes. They were not meant to be used as weapons since they would only make a loud sound on impact. They were useful only as a distraction which is exactly what he needed. Once he was in position, he dropped a hand full of those runes on top of the poaches then dove down with Diana. He made sure to stay above the runes and once the explosions went off he landed on a frightened poacher pinning him into the ground.
Haki let out a low growl when Chance mentioned something about breaking his spirit. He suddenly felt protective over Chance and resisted the urge to pounce on the man talking. He knew there were others around and his action would only endanger not only Chance but the other Fae as well. “Chance doesn’t fall for his taunts,” Haki said, “I won’t let them do anything to you.”

Suddenly, their cage was picked up once again. This time they were moved into what smelled like a cave. After a short bit of walking, the cage door was opened and a pair of large hands grabbed Chance and pulled him out. He was then thrown into a prison cell alongside the other Fae. Outside bars was a large cave with several more prison carved into the wall, all filled with people. The person that grabbed them was a large bull Beastmen who snarl them before disappearing further into the cave.

“Hello there. My name is Lillian. Are you okay? Not hurt anywhere are you?” a tall girl with long blond hair and point ears asked Chance. Judging by her appearance she was barely 17 maybe 18. Looking around the cage, all of the captured Fae were children.

Adrian scratched Ra behind the ear and smiled. He needed someone to tell him that. “Right, I’ll take Diana and search towards the east. If I find anything the griffin will let you know and vice versa,” Adrian signed.

He returned Ra to Nessa before mounting on Diana. Before he took off, he waved to Nessa and smiled. Once in the air, he quickly headed in his intended direction until he found something. A little ways away from their location was a group of poachers. They seem to be part of the same group as the one that attacked him. Like instinct, Adrian was about to jump off Diana when she stopped him. He was suddenly reminded that he didn’t have his magic anymore. Shit, he thought. It was going to much harder to engage them now that he was powerless.
Haki’s tail began wagging when Chance picked up him. It was strange to so easily picked up and yet he didn’t mind it. But he quietly whimpered when Chance set him back down. He wanted to be held a little longer since their reunion was cut short. but not wanting to bother Chance, he began distracting himself by trying to get used to his new form. After many tries, he finally managed to walk properly so he made his way onto chance’s lap and stared up at him while he prayed.

“Yes, I agree. They will not be turned into the thralls of these people——” Haki quieted himself when he heard footsteps. He placed a paw on Chance's arm and began channeling power. The magic that was imbued into his robes still protected him even though he wasn’t wearing them. So after a short channel, he was able to grant the same form of protection to Chance at the loss of its strength.

“Chance I cannot understand anyone other than you in this form so I will need you to translate for me. I can talk to you telepathically as long as I am touching your skin so we don’t have to worry about being heard,” Haki said.

Adrian flinched when Nessa suddenly wrapped her arm around his waist. He nodded then took a glance at the mist before they left. There was something familiar about the mist and yet it was had an ominous presence. Strange, he thought.

Once they made it out of the city, the griffins joined them. He was surprised to see them since Haki was gone but he realize that they weren’t summoned but tamed. He then realized how much he missed his friend. From the little information on the fairy realm he could find, he knew that time flowed differently there. So much more time may have past for Haki compare to them. It was worrying because Haki had separation anxiety for the longest time and he feared that something bad would happen. `
“Very well here is your payment,” A hooded figure said, then handed the poachers a bag of coin. Once the payment was done, the hooded men draped a large cloth over the cage blocking their sight. Then something large started moving the cage a short distance before setting it down with a loud thud. However they were not alone, Haki could sense several more Fae, around 5, probably in the same situation as they were.

“Chance how are you feeling? You’re not hurt or anything right?” Haki asked. Now that they were out of sight, Haki left his hiding place and fell onto the wooden floor of the cage. He stumbled aground for a moment before giving up and sat down instead of standing. He was having trouble working four legs instead of two, which made moving a hassle, not to mention the lack of hands.

“How am I supposed to work four legs. This harder than I imagined,” Haki complained. It was the second time he ever used transformation magic since he awakened as a druid. Before it wasn’t as simple as thinking of an animal and changing. It used to be extremely painful, having every bone in his body be snaped and morphed into a new shape. Due to the pain, he avoided using but his now body was different. It was more malleable, stronger, and was composed mostly of magic instead of matter.

"Chance I'm sorry I got you wrapped up in this. We should've just ran. If you rather leave I can do that." Haki said.

Adrian placed a hand on Nessa's shoulder then signed, “It’s not your fault. That mist is not normal. Something is blocking magic and it could be interfering with yours. For now, we can search for them the normal way. I can get my people searching within the city while we look in the forest.”

Adrian pulled out a small piece of paper and wrote a message for the guild before lighting it on fire. The paper lit ablaze with green fire before disappearing. It was a special form of paper, made by the guild, that allowed for long-distance communication. “You can try using your magic later. once we're further away from the mist." He signed.
Haki smile and held Chance close. After so many sleepless nights wondering if he would ever see his friends again, now that it was actually happening, he didn’t know if it was real. But if it was real, then nothing in the world can take Chance away from him. “Chance please don’t blame your self. I'm back and everyone is safe so there's nothing for you to be sorry about," Haki said, “and now that I back I won't ever leave you again,”

Suddenly the winds began to pick up and the mist darken. He instinctive growled and tighten his grip on Chance. Something was interfering with his magic, and he suspected that it was the creature Tatiana spoke of. “Chance the mist won't hold much longer. I don’t know where we’ll end up but I’ll be right here,” Haki said then changed his form back into that of a small puppy and returned to Chance’s pocket.

He released his hold on the mist, causing it to disperse. Now they were no longer in the alley but the forest outside the city. Along with the poachers, there were also several men dressed in black cloaks waiting for them. The cage also returned, but Haki got rid of the restraint and took the liberty to show the poachers some visions where the events played out differently. Hopefully, it was convincing enough for them to not question Chance’s lack of restraint and the small puppy in his pocket.

Haki tumbled around the pocket for a second until he found the opening. he was starting to hate his small form but it was crucial to stay hidden. Letting out a short sigh, he placed a paw on Chance to speak directly into the mind, “Chance I’m sorry to ask this of you but I need you to go with their plans. There is something I must see but I promise I won't let any harm come to you.”

“No. I’ll go. Stay here.” Adrian signed. He broke free Nessa grasp and jumped off the roof of the building. He landed with a quiet thud before he drew his weapon and dashed towards the mist. He slowly made his way around the alley watching for any potential dangers. He continued to search the area until he ended up on the other side of the mist. There was nothing of interest here but surly Nessa’s magic wasn’t wrong. Could it be that whatever was here had move do to the mist? Not wanting to stick around, he returned to Nessa. He took longer than expected because getting back on the roof rather troublesome.

“Nessa I found nothing. Are you sure they were here?” Adrian signed.
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