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2 yrs ago


Remember to take care of yourself!! ~ LaQue

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Haki quietly listened to Chance’s story. It was a heartbreaking tale that made him want to cry. He knew where Chance was coming from since his own past wasn’t that much different. He just never fell in love. But when he was little and still a slave, his magic would occasionally cause him to go berserk. It was mostly due to the magic dampening collar and a special medication that his slavers forced him to drink. The purpose of this medication was to block the growth of magic but it didn’t work as intended. Instead of halting the growth it only bottled it up until it eventually exploded. During one of these occasions, he went berserk and killed several of his fellow slaves and severely injuring a few. Needless to say, he was locked up and punished for months after that incident.

“I’m sorry Chance. She must’ve been someone special to you,” Haki said. He unknowingly shrank his size and curled tighter into a ball. Chance’s story only strengthened his hunch that he was straight. Even if He couldn’t be something more, Haki hoped that Chance would stick around since he is one of the few friends he made on his journey. In the past, he thought he had made friends but they only wanted to be with him for his fame. Chance and Nessa were the only genuine friend he made thus far.

“Chance…” Haki began talking but hesitated, “can I ask you something?”

He wanted to ask if Chance liked him but decided against it. They have only met a few days ago, though in his perspective that day had been months ago. It wouldn’t be right for an almost complete stranger to ask something so personal. He was also afraid of what Chance would say. Their friendship would surely end if Chance said no.

“What does the stag want with you now?” Haki asked. He had no intention in asking that question, it was just what came to mind.

Adrian was slightly startled when Nessa leaned against him. Though the feeling quickly faded as he leaned back against her. Her touch was warm and calming. Someone thing he hasn’t felt in a long time. He wished It would last forever but deep down knew that it wouldn’t. He was too afraid of starting a relation seeing how his last one ended. Even if Nessa could defend herself, it wouldn’t be right to put her in danger. He held up his hand as if to say something but it didn’t move. He couldn’t think of what to say so he stayed quiet.

He looked to the sky and towards the horizon. It was the afternoon and the wine festival would soon start. To mark the occasion, the city would light thousands of and release it into the sky. Afterward, a large parade would bring everyone to the city center. Once everyone was gathered a dance would take place. To predicate, one would need to buy a flower and leave it at the city center under a large willow tree. Once the signal is given, everyone would go and retrieve their flower then ask their partner for a dance.

“Nessa, would you like to go and look around the city?” Adrian signed. Nessa was an amazing woman and if he didn’t try, he would regret it for the rest of his life. He would at least need to try and ask if Nessa felt the same about him.
Haki leaned into Chance’s hand as his tail lazily began to wag. He often hated it when his dog-like nature would show because Adrian would tease him about it. It’s not something he could control but actively try to avoid when he noticed them. Right now it could be far from the truth. He liked it when Chance pet him even if it was slightly embarrassing.

“Y-you don’t have to tell me. I just thought it would make it feel like less of a burden if you told someone else,” Haki said, his voice still above a near whisper. He wanted Chance to feel better but also to learn more about Iella. She was the reason chance was turned into the vampire but also had connections to the druids. He wasn’t sure but remembered seeing something about her in a vision. It wasn’t very clear but maybe a past druid had met with the woman and he was seeing their memories. His connection to the past had only grown stronger after he gained this new form. It could prove to be useful but first, he needed to get a grasp at out to use it.

Adrian sat down next to Nessa and began to sign. He had extra rings but he wanted what he was about to say be genuine. The voice created by the enchantment was only artificial. “First I wanted to apologize about earlier. I was scared. I had loved another woman once but she died because of my foolishness. I don’t want the same fate to fall upon you.”
He stopped and reached up to scratched Ra’s head. He then returned his attention to Nessa. “I have enjoyed traveling with you. I am just afraid that you might get hurt because of me. If you…” He stopped and curled his knees to his face. He wanted to ask Nessa but his hands were shaking unpardonably. His heart was racing and butterflies formed in his stomach. At this time, he wished he had a voice so that he could talk. It would make what he wanted to say so much easier. But he couldn’t, he was too afraid to express his feelings.

Haki fell silent while listening to Chance. He wondered what happened in Chance’s past to cause so much sadness. Did it have to do with his fiance? He wanted to ask but was afraid to draw up any bad memories. It would be better to ask another time. For now, he changed his size into something a little large and moseyed his way over to Chance. He laid down with his head on Chance’s stomach. “Chance you are anything but a monster. You cared for those kids and did so much to try and save them. Does that sound like a monster to you?” Haki said.

It pained him to hear Chance talked about himself like this. It showed how much Chance had been though. Being a haft vampire and losing his fiance must’ve been harsh. He didn’t know how that would field but he knew it must be painful. “Can you tell me more about that day?” Haki asked, his voice almost inaudible. He debated whether or not to ask about it. In the end, his curiosity got a hold of him.

Adrian walked into the inn and headed to his room. He was about to enter when his hand stopped on the door nob. Was it right for him to push Nessa away like that? Yes, he was afraid of starting another relationship but it wasn’t fair for Nessa. She had done so much for him and deserved more. Sighing, he let go of the door nob and walked outside. He didn’t see Nessa around but could sense her on the roof. He was about to teleported up there but decided against it. His magic may have returned but it could still be affected by the strange power.

Moving to the side of the building. He leaned onto the wall and pulled himself onto the roof. His back and lung burned from the act but he didn’t care. He needed to set things right with Nessa. Looking around the roof, he found Nessa a little ways away. Slowly, he walked over to her. “Can I talk to you?” he signed.
“…I would like that,” Haki whispered when Chance told him that he could stay. He pressed himself into Chance’s chest and listen to his heartbeat. It was steady but quite. He knew that Chance was hurting after everything that had happened. Seeing his people die, facing the man who took away his life, and nearly dying. He wouldn’t be surprised if Chance would just leave, since the problems only started after he joined Haki and Adrian. If that would happen, Haki wouldn’t stop him. Chance deserved a better life than what he currently has.

After a short, walk they reached the inn and entered. The lady at the front desk glared at him but didn’t stop Chance from bringing a dog into the Inn. Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw a blue butterfly. It looked like the one from the stag but slightly different. While the ones before were spitted, the one he saw was corporally and slightly magical. “Chance could you tell me what the stag was?” Houston asked quietly.

Adrian felt extremely guilty for making Nessa sad. He could tell by her voice but she would be better off without him. He had only brought misfortune to anyone who cared for him. That included Haki. He had lost count of how many times his action nearly caused Haki’s life. It was the sad truth but Haki never seemed to mind. This couldn’t be said about Nessa. They were practical strangers and yet he liked her.

Without another word, Adrian began walking away. He saw Chance up ahead holding a small puppy which he can only assume was Haki. He wanted to come up and say hi but they seemed busy. It wasn’t a secret that Haki had a thing for the vampire but he doubted that Chance knew. From his eyes, it was rather obvious. This made him wonder if Nessa saw through him? Would that be so bad, he thought.

It would be something he needed to think about later. For now, he needed to rest. His wounds have not fully healed and needed to be tended to.
I assumed that chance had a heartbeat (since he is only haft vampire) but if not tell me and I can change it.

also, where do you want to take the story from here? I was thinking we can spend a little time developing their relationships. I was thinking that there could be a large dance during the festival and they asked each other to go. or maybe we can move on with the story and go after the man?
Haki walked towards the gate only to be apprehended by several of the guards. They questioned who he was thinking that he was working with the poachers. He reassured them that the was part of the guild and tried to show them his badge only to find it missing. He left it on the griffins. Sighing he wanted no trouble and was allowed to leave. Once outside of seeing distance, he transformed back into a small wolf to sneak back in. It didn’t take as long as he would’ve thought with his short less. In a few minutes, he was standing right outside the barrier next to several guards who didn’t even notice him.

Slowly, he held up a small flower that began to glow and disperse into the air. After his offering was accepted, he ran inside to find Chance. He could sense the griffins in a nearby alley and headed towards it. As he got deeper into the city, it became increasingly harder to bob and weave through the sea of people. His tiny form didn’t help because people didn’t notice him make a path. After a long struggle, he accidentally ran into someone and stumbled back. Looking up, he saw that it was Chance and he was crying.

“Chance are you okay? You’re not hurt anywhere, are you? I was sure that I healed everything…” Haki said telepathically to Chance. His voice became incredibly soft as he whispered “Is there anything I can do to help?"

Adrian unknowingly leaned into Nessa’s soft hand. He had been a long time since someone, other than Haki, cared for him. It was strange but in a good way. Adrian, somewhat hesitantly, grabbed Nessa’s hand that was resting on his cheek and gave it a soft squeeze. “A little sore but I will be fine.” Adrian signed with his other hand.

He then forcibly made himself step away from Nessa. The feelings he had for Nessa was a dangerous one. He feared what it might bring and the memories associated with it. This was not the first time he felt something for another. A long time ago, he met a woman. She had long flowing hair, a bright smile, and a tender personality. He couldn’t ask anything more from a lover, accept for forgiveness because he was the reason she died. One day after returning from a quest, she found her home ransacked and her lifeless body pinned to the wall by over a dozen swords. Drawn in her blood, was the emblem of an organization that he brought down.

“We should follow Chance. He might get himself in more trouble,” Adrian signed while keeping his eyes low. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Nessa. He didn’t want to put her in any more danger than he already had.
“Adrian is fine. He’s asleep and so should you. You used up a lot of your energy, so don’t worry and rest. We are heading back to the city,” He told Nessa. He then returned his attention to the city which is rapidly approaching. As they got closer, he could see a barrier of sort surroundings the entire city. He guessed that it was the magic that protected the city and kept out anyone who didn’t offer something to the gate guardian. He did it in the past so he hoped it would be fine just to fly right over the walls but he was wrong. The griffins and everyone else passed it perfectly fine, but when it was his turn, he was met with a hard wall. It flung him off the Diana and sent him plummeting to the ground. The griffin was about to double back and get him but he instructed them not to. He only hoped Chance and the others would get to the inn and be safe.

Haki looked to the ground that was rapidly approaching. Closing his eyes and channeling his powers, his body began to change into that of a large bird. It wasn’t what he had in mind but it allowed him to land without being injured. Once safely on the ground, he headed for the gate to offer his offering.

In the meantime, the griffin landed in a secluded part of the city to drop everyone off. During that time, Adrian slowly began to regain consciousness. It looked around to see that they were no longer in the forest. He was about to panic but realize that they were safe. “Where are we?” he thought then realized his magic had returned. He was able to use the ring again.

“I see you are alive,” Haki’s voice echoed through his head. For the first time in years, he began crying. He couldn’t contort his breathing and caused his lungs to ache. Though hearing the voice of his friend made the pain bearable. “Hold tight I will be there in a bit,” Haki said. Adrian didn’t respond only nodded, forgetting that Haki wasn’t there.

“Are you okay?” he signed at Nessa seeing that she was awake. He would’ve used the ring but the enchantment has worn off.
Haki sat there for a moment longer after Chance got up. He promised that he would save the kids and he failed them. Even with all this power he still cannot protect people around him. He’s still a burden after all of these years. It would always be Adrian that bailed him out of trouble and protect him. He would do his best to do the same but never to the same extent. He can only heal or provide support instead of actually protecting him from danger. Why was he even given this power? It would’ve been better if someone else had it.

He then realized that Adrian had injured himself. He quickly stopped his sulking and ran over. He carefully laid Nessa onto the ground to get a better look at Adrian’s wounds. He placed hand near the wounds and began to channel power. The arrowes had lodged themself between Adrian’s ribs but didn’t damage any organs. Slowly he numbed the area wound the wounds before pulling them out. He then immediately healed them to the point where it stopped bleeding. For now, it was enough to stabilize his condition. He didn’t have enough power to do much more.

While focusing on Adrian he hadn’t noticed the large stag beast until he looked up. After all he had seen, it didn’t surprise him more so made him curious about what it was and said. Contract? Bonded? He didn’t understand what it said but realized that It had brought the souls of the children to the other side. It was a gatekeeper which explained it’s strange aura. Though that didn’t explain what connections it had with Chance. He wasn’t going to question it. He needed to get everyone back to safety.

Standing up, he put his hand to his mouth and made a loud whistle. Moments later, Diana and Atari appeared from the sky. They landed next to him trapped him into a circle as they carefully incepted his new form. After getting their approval, they looked to the others. “…Chance it’s time to go. We need to get Nessa and Adrian to somewhere safe. We can come back tomorrow and give the children a proper burial,” Haki said. He then carefully picked up Adrian and Nessa and secure them onto the Griffins. He then waited for Chance before talking off.
Haki smiled seeing that Chance was already back to his normal self. It gave him some reassurance that he didn’t lose someone else. Slowly, he stood up and walked over to a vine. He placed a hand on the plant and instructed them to move. Eventually, a path was created to where the children were. They were all scared and huddled together inside the magic circle. Luckily they were all safe except for a few bruises. Then suddenly, the magic circle activated. Haki felt the malice radiating thought he air as power accurate inside the room. In an instant, all of the children exploded into a pool of blood that swirl and danced inside the boundary of the circle.

“I’m so sorry Chance,” Haki said. He grabbed picked up Chance than began running. Though the maze of vines and out into the tunnel. He found Adrian standing in a pool of blood and Nessa on the floor. Most of her magic had been drained. And all of Adrian’s magic was gone. “We need to leave,” Haki yelled as a large red crystal exploded out of the room and began attacking. It formed Chain like spears that hunted anything that moved.

The sound of Haki’s voice snapped Adrian out of his daze. He began to move but still felt the two arrows in his back. It was excruciating but he picked up Nessa and followed Haki down the tunnel. As they ran, the red crystal followed them trying to catch up and absorb them. This made Adrian feel even more useless than he already was. If he had his magic then he could protect them and bring them to safety. If only he wasn’t a burden.

Eventually, they reached the exit and before the crystal could follow, the cave collapsed. Hundreds of boulders began falling filling the area in smoke. It shattered the crystal causing it to return to its previous state. The blood of the children. “I’m so sorry…” Haki said meekly. He fell onto the ground and held Chance tightly in his arms. “I failed you…”

Adrian stumbled a moment before falling. The pain had become unbearable causing him to blackout. That last thing he saw was a shadow watching them before disappearing.
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