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I can wait
The player cap, I didn't see it until I finished my form... all of the religions hates me.
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Name of Race:
The Ohmuru

Pic/Description (either one, but both is preferred):
The Ohmuru are a race of humanoid avians who stand averagely at about six feet tall, the highest being 6'2. Most males have black plumage on the back of their heads. They have rough skin which ranges from green to dark green and their "beaks" become jagged at multiple points, resembling teeth.

Their hands are four fingered, two of which are thumbs used to better grip things.

Racial Characteristics (things specific to the race):
Ohmuru are extremely great climbers and have the sight of normal bird of prey, yet they have very fragile bones which would break in a lot of physical combat. Another weakness is that they have are easily killed by a rapid change in climate conditions however they can gradually adjust to any climate that they need to with so long as the change isn't too sudden.

Race Bio (personality, etc.):
The Ohmuru have a high honor code that is followed until death, it is similar to the Japanese Bushido. They will often go after prey much larger than them in teams of five and if one is to die then they are honored by a burning regardless on how their life went. They also find that if one is unable to fight then they are useless until then. Though the greatest sin would be the inability to climb, even those with a broken arm are able to scale up trees if needed.

The Ohmuru are omnivorous so they eat both plants, typically seeds, and meat due to this neat little trick.

Women in the Ohmuru society are not allowed to leave their tribes and are typically taken as loot from one another. However, they still hold the rights to tend to the tribe as the men would, they just are not allowed to hunt, still they are allowed to defend themselves. Males are allowed to have multiple wives to a max of two, three for a chieftain.

Location on Map:
The Island to the south west

Techs (specifically those not already given):
They are able to build structures in trees, typically communities. As well as have archery in their ranks. The last tech that I dare add is the basics of boating.

The Confederacy of Sawl

Government Info:
The Confederation is held together by a dictatorship backed by a strong military to keep everyone oppressed enough to make sure they don't attack the dictator but still be happy with their lives. The current dictator is a man named Elijah Zaro whom finds time to address his people's happiness but refuses for them to have political or civil rights.

Military Overview:
All Sawlians are required to serve at least one year of military service in their lifetime once they have reached the age of eighteen. The military utilizes more technology than anything making them weak if some sort of electromagnetic pulse went off. They navy is comprised of many battleships and submarines which are constantly patrolling the waters and warding off any intruders with a warning before shooting.

Economic Overview:
The economy is run by many private businesses which have a set amount of money that they must pay yearly, depending on how well the business is doing and how large the industry is. Most notably they have Arms manufacturing, Automobile manufacturing, and raw material extraction. However, their newest business would be Space Exploration and Colonization.

Cultural Description:
Everybody is equal in the eyes of Sawl and many people can worship and do what they want so long as it doesn't endanger anybody. They are renowned for their national park which contains many different types of animals. All people of Sawl must be polite in order to keep appeal to others who dare visit their countries.

Technological Overview:
Sawl has very advanced weaponry but is still within kinetics on their infantry, they have handheld rail guns that are designed to destroy tanks. Many of their citizens are into science and so the rate of scientific advancement is astounding. they have more advanced space flight technology as they have taken the time to develop better technology to get from planet to planet. Newly built space ships now have weapons equipped to do damage from orbit or to engage in dogfights in space.

While currently having no colonies they plan on expanding to the moon or Mars, as well as terraform Venus.

Sawl had started up as a single business which rapidly grew into a monopoly in Madagascar, having many political ties with the government. They were seemingly peaceful up until the monopoly started a civil war within Madagascar and split it up into different states, all of which fought each other. Eventually Sawl won, they rebuilt and established their mark as a power on the planet. Now they aim to extend their power to the stars.

Well, time to watch and see what happens

Nation Name:
Sawlian Empire

Government type:

While having no religious affiliation that does not mean that this nation doesn't have a good culture going for it. They have a very big bushido system that is followed to death, similar to the Japanese bushido. No one is allowed to slander their government in any shape or form, it is often met with prison or sometimes death. The citizen's have their rights but only to a certain extent, other nations may see the citizens as oppressed yet the citizens live happy lives. All citizens are required to serve a minimum of one-year within the ages of 18-50, if not then punishment by banishment will ensue. They see everyone as equal if they prove themselves, even other people in other nations.

Formed from several different clans who were united from a military campaign led by the first dictator of Sawl. It was a twelve year campaign that lead their lands to be known as the Warring lands due to the nonstop death. Eventually it came to an end when they finished the fighting. Now they aim to rebuild from the events and restore their rightful rule over their lands.

National Relations:
Many see Sawl as nothing more than constant savages who do nothing but make war on one another but they are mainly neutral with everybody.

National Faith:
Religion is typically shunned in this society but they allow it if the person so chooses.

Military Description:
The military is filled with those who wear a large metal armor which is adorned in decoration that describes one's self. There are plenty of archers to do a lot of damage, they typically use long bows and wear leather armor and higher ranking archers have metal put into their leather armor. Calvary is typically unused but they still have Calvary. However, their best unit is their assassins who are very stealthy and deadly with swords and throwing knives. The military has been known to use vast amounts of smoke bombs on their enemies to blind them.

Location on Map:
The western most island, east of the larger peninsula to the north a over most of the other nations.

Other special Mentions:
They embark on a lot of trade, leading their economy to be pretty good
I am hyped for the RP :3
@Remipa Awesome

Don't worry about it man :)
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