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Is he going to surprise adopt her?

I don't see that hunter anywhere so I clearly have scared him off with my beauty and grace!


you wouldn't dare

And so the hunt begins.

”Like hell am I going with you!,” Eahara snapped, her eyes narrowing at Ysran as if he were some traitor to her cause. Her quarry was getting away as they spoke and she could not allow another step to be taken without her double timing it after that damned orcish warband. ”I need to kill Tharac now! I cannot jeopardize my mission now, you cur!,” the Kobold growled before turning away from the two and to retrieve her essentials from a skeleton that had delicately been holding them, snatching them away. After securing her bow she began to walk towards the tree line where she had seen Tharac’s warband go, eager to begin hunting her quarry once more. ”If one of you wants to tag along then keep up,” she said in a tone that really stated that they had not get on her way again.

Soon she disappeared into the tree line, breaking into a sprint and bobbing and weaving between trees and bushes. If Eahara hurried then she knew she could catch up to the warband in no time, her only hope would be that they did not suddenly change direction. Then again, an orc’s foot was large and easy to track thus making the situation all the better as all she had to do was look down to see if there were any large footprints to keep up with, which there was, and keep on the trail. Those two fools had slowed her and she wanted to skin them for interfering in her mission against the Dark Lord.
<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

The Banditos of being Angery

The Dudes who are Mad

Amartia's Facebook Circle

I'm pretty sure Amartía would be a Tumblr user, cause as we all know, Tumblr is Sin incarnate.


I've been lazy about that. I'll get started after one more turn on Civ
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