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Ah yes. The lands of Ravenloft call to me once more! Would you mind if I joined in?
Tsot Kskoss

The blackened hull of the Usk streaked through the atmosphere of Tatooine, quickly moving to its designated landing spot in the hustle and bustle of Mos Eisley. The spaceport remained as active as ever, not that it had remotely seen the Empire’s touch outside the Battle of Tatooine. However, the history of Imperial rule over Mos Eisley nor the battle that raged around it were of much interest to the bounty hunter, Tsot. Her ship landed in one of the many docking bays, the ramp of the old XS-freighter lowering allowing the sole pilot of the vessel to walk out. The trandoshan pushed a poor soul that had been frozen in carbonite, her blaster rifle on her back and her sword on her hip ready for any surprises that the city may have in store.

Another trandoshan came out from the shade of the docking bay, a cruel smile on his face as he saw the score that the hunter had brought in. ”I see grabbing the debt runner went smoothly, Tsot,” Droc stated as he approached his cousin.

”He was a worthless challenge. The Scorekeeper would have not approved of me wasting my skills on such a… petty criminal,” Tsot responded, pushing the frozen man along before stopping next to her cousin. She gave him a wordless order and Droc responded with a nod before calling out to his droids to begin refueling the Usk for its next journey. The hunter then moved along to cash in her bounty. She snarled to herself seeing as how the lowly debt runner had pleaded with her to not kill him. He hadn’t hid, he didn’t hire guards, nor did he put up a fight. People such as this was why Tsot went to Otoc’fiho for her bounties and not some bureaucrat or simple corporate man.

However, the credits that the debt runner would give her more than enough to pay for fuel costs and to pay Otoc more in order to get adequate bounties. In fact, the twi'lek was exactly who Tsot went to look for after dropping off the disgrace of a bounty. The trandoshan stalked into the cantina, people chattered loudly and paid no heed to the hunter as she was just another normal person there on business, just as many of them were. Tsot quickly found herself seated in front of the green-skinned twi'lek, a sly grin forming across Otoc’fiho’s face as she saw the trandoshan seat herself.

”If it isn’t my favorite hunter! It has sure been a while hasn’t it, Tsot” the twi’lek said in a mocking tone as she held out a hand, ready to receive her payment. However, Tsot merely gazed at her, narrowing her eyes.

”Must you always extort me for contracts?” Tsot asked with a hostile snort following, fiddling around her pocket for the payment that Otoc’fiho wanted. Her gaze never faltered as the twi’lek waited with the most cocky smile sat firmly across her face as credits were slid into her green hands. However, her smile disappeared when she looked at home much had actually been given her, and instead she gave the trandoshan a confused look.

”This is less than the last time you had paid me!” Otoc’fiho complained, earning a sly smile from Tsot as she arrogantly looked down upon the twi’lek. The trandoshan didn’t need to speak before Otoc’fiho let out a sigh of disappointment before reaching down and placing a few bounty pucks onto the table. ”You are lucky I like you Tsot. And that I am utterly scared of pissing you off on the wrong day,” she said in an honest voice, leaning back in her seat as the hunter inspected the quarries.

Tsot’s eyes stopped on one that had no face and merely the simple name of “Singe'', her clawed fingers wrapped around the puck before looking at Otoc’fiho.

”Ah. I see you picked out the one with possibly the least amount of information I have seen in a long time,” the twi’lek looked around to make sure that there were not any unwanted listeners before continuing in a more hushed tone, “That is an imperial contract, old, and submitted to me under the table of course. From what I’ve heard, this ‘Singe’ is a slicer, a Sephi woman, and she is a hard one to track down. If I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t really give this one out, but knowing you, you’d enjoy the challenge.”

The sly smile that had been on Tsot’s face became one that practically drooled over the challenge, knowing that a slicer was likely to be hard to chase down and that they may just make a fine addition to her Jagannath Points. Tsot put the puck into her pocket before looking back at Otoc’fiho with her cruel smile plastered all over her face, asking in a guttural voice, ”How much more do you know of this slicer?”

The twi’lek put a finger under her chin for a moment, thinking for a brief moment before speaking, ”Well, for starters, from the records the imperials had of this woman, there seemed to be a correlation between her and one Kiara Tosk, a mercenary hired by Singe on many different operation. Kiara has her own posse though, so I would say to be careful on this lead.”

Tsot only smiled more as she stood from her seat, nodding to Otoc’fiho before turning away from the twi’lek to begin making her way back through the cantina. The trandoshan had her mark and her lead, now all that was left was to track down the loose end so that she could force her quarry out of hiding. When she neared the door of the cantina, she heard the voice of Otoc’fiho call out to her, ”Good hunting, trandoshan!”

Back at the hangar which housed the Usk, Tsot found herself walking up to her cousin and her smile brought a cruel smile to him as well. “I assume you have a target?” Droc asked with a light chuckle, earning a simple nod from the hunter as she stepped towards her ship. Droc followed closely behind, “I refueled the Usk and made sure that everything on it is good. Though, you will need to find more replacement parts for the ramp, and it might start falling apart soon.”

”That doesn’t matter me, Droc,” Tsot stated, turning to her cousin and crossing her arms as she looked him up and down. ”You’re coming with me Droc, going to be chasing down a mercenary band that has our lead,” she ordered, which got a semi-surprised look out of the other trandoshan but before he could say anything else, she was already walking aboard her ship. Droc scrambled to gather his weapons and order his droids to guard the hangar as the engine of the Usk roared to life.

Tsot could hear her relative scramble onboard, the ship beginning it’s ascent into the sky of Tatooine as the ramp raised itself. She heard Droc stomp into the cockpit, muttering to himself only to stop out of fear when Tsot gave him a simple look. He dared not say anything directly to her, knowing that he would be on the chopping block if he did. Eventually, her eyes went back to the view outside of the window as the Usk broke the atmosphere of Tatooine and welcomed itself into the empty vacuum of space. Only then did Tsot speak, her voice commanding and focused, ”Begin scanning the HoloNet for any signs of a Kiara Tosk. She is a mercenary and my lead.” She heard Droc silently begin to go to work, searching the HoloNet for any signs of the mercenary, unquestioning his cousin’s orders.

”May the Scorekeeper reward me with many points on this hunt.” Tsot said to herself, followed by the guttural laugh that only a trandoshan could muster.

The hunt had begun.
Consider me highly interested!
President Diego Saavedra

The economy of Melizea, always based off the oil that it could produce and the people that it could attract to its beaches, would once more live up to what was expected of its exports. Despite the generous offer from the Arkanian Federation, President Saavedra had believed that the exports to the world market would benefit Melizean interests far more than cheaper construction materials that could be produced from home. As such, President Saavedra would make efforts to move oil from the countryside in order to be properly exported before the prices dropped too much as a result of the COVID 19 scare that seemed to be gripping the east. However, the president did release a statement regarding the subject of Melizean-Arkanian relations.

"It is not my intention to ignore the generous deal of our neighbor, however, I must put forth the interests of the nation as a whole before looking to make deals with individual countries. As such, I do hope that this does not put a damper on our relations with the Arkanian Federation."

Later, came the topic of Balruban Smuggler Crisis, which saw much attention from the issue being placed onto President Saavedra, who had very quickly stated that, "these smuggles will be brought to swift justice by the Minister of Defense, Isabella Cortez. It is under her supervision that we will end this crisis before it gets out of hand." However, he refuse to answer questions on how these events would play into the Melizean-Balruban relations in the near future of dealing with future issues such as this. While President Saavedra offered a brief insight as to how the issue will end, little else can be gathered other than pure speculation as to what is to be done regarding the smuggling crisis. Though, it is noted that President Saavedra is taking a more active stance against these smugglers than his predecessors had, marking a sound change in the countries leadership.


Currently, it would seem so that you would be free, unless it comes up in the IC.
President Diego Saavedra

"It is my honor to take up the mantle of President of Melizea, and as such, I take the responsibility of making this nation into something to marvel at! I take the responsibility of making our streets a better place, giving our children the lives that they deserve, and keeping the peace of our nation!"

-Excerpt of President Saavedra's inauguration

The newly made Melizean President would go on to deliberate about how to best fill the numerous cabinet potions within the government, having to choose representatives carefully as to not incite guerrillas who sought their own say in the government. As such, President Saavedra would incorporate those who had opposed him during the election process, even the one who had run against him, however, none were given positions of ministers. The positions he did assign were important nonetheless and those who had announced their support for Saavedra had received higher positions as to maintain a dominance over what policies would be enacted and how they would be implemented throughout his years as president. This movement would be refereed to as "Gobierno Leal", keeping the government in a state of keeping overal compliance with Saavedra.

With this "Gobierno Leal", Saavedra would present the cabinet with his initial budget, which would be overall balanced with more going to the Minister of Transport with the idea to begin improving the national infrastructure. Yet, it was still up for the cabinet to vote on whether or not this initial budget would be passed.

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