Avatar of Lava Alckon


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Location: Park of Sorian
Time: 1pm
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Layla @Potter, Nahir @Rodiak, Saiya @Tae, and Dali @Ojo chan 42

Layla turned to watch her cousin Dali and Saiya approach while Princess Anastasia took her leave. It was a surprise to find Dali here and she had to do a double take at first to make sure it was him; however it was not surprising to find him with Saiya. She eyed them both with a haughty smirk and then ushered them over.

Once they approached, she greeted them. "Looks like we've all had the same idea today. Hello you two. Just in time to see Nahir and I show these stuffy Caesonians how it's done with our Alidasht intuition.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder while Zilal leaned forward to greet them both with a flick of his tongue. ”Not as exciting as our festivals at home, but the entertainment will do.”

"As-salaam 'alykum, it is good to see you both here." Nahir smiled their way, her eyes lingering on Saiya before she turned her attention back to Layla with a smile. "We have yet to explore much of the festival, but I am sure we all can find something that will meet our expectations. Hopefully." The day was still young, and the promise of adventure still dangled over them.

Saiya hadn’t missed the lingering glance of Nahir and she met her dear friend with a happy smile. She would have to put aside some time today to sit and talk with Nahir some more, perhaps inform her of her discussions with the princes since she hadn’t gotten a chance to speak with her since the night before. She was curious what Nahir might have been up to since then other than the craziness that had happened at the after party.

Farim stood amidst his family and wore a rather large grin on his face, stretching from ear to ear. He crossed his arms and listened to them talk about their plans, thinking on what he might be doing for the rest of the day. ”I am happy to see you all here. When was the last time we were together like this, eh? I think some more festival-going will be fun. I am slightly concerned about the princess seeing as she ran off just after all that noise.” He pauses, then looks to Thara who had perched onto his shoulder after Anastasia had left. He reaches over to stroke the side of her head with his finger, causing her to coo softly.

”Saiya, Dali, what brings you to this park today? Knowing my brother it is likely the work of the gods, much to my pleasure. Saiya, are you done with all your tasks for today? Do you have some time for a little fun?”

Layla glanced around at everyone, then eyed Nahir with a mischievous smirk. The stall owner was excited by the many faces, but looked frazzled that the games weren’t being played. "Well. It's nice to see you all but Nahir and I have some gossip to attend to. We’ll see you later!”

Nahir smiled at the group, ”Wada’an, I have fun in the festival.” She glanced at Saiya again, before turning with Layla and leaving the group. She’d have to seek out Saiya later in the day in private.

Saiya’s gaze fell on Layla, giving her a soft smile now as well before dipping her head in a small bow. ”Ma’a salama, you two. Be wary with whatever that commotion was.” She said to both Layla and Nahir, having a sneaking suspicion that they may be curious and go poking around. She wouldn’t stop them, however, as she knew she really couldn’t.

Her attention turned back to Farim now, her body language relaxing as she was glad to find none of them in harm's way. Where were Mayet and Munir though? Gods above, she certainly hoped they weren’t in any trouble. ”Ah yes, I do believe most of my tasks have been completed for the day. I spent the morning at the prince’s court and actually met a lovely person while there. Then I decided to come try to find you and your cousins when I ran into Dali, which was a welcome surprise!” She said in response to her friend as she glanced up at Dali, arm still linked with his. ”I believe fun is most welcome, at least for me.”

It was indeed a proper family reunion. So many faces, so many futures and fates intertwining. Tangling with one another until knots were formed that could not be undone. The gods had truly send him well, as he was sure one or two of these people here would need his help or a soft guiding hand.

He looked after the Princess that had just ran away from them, and he had to admit. He was a little bit touched by her kindness. Fetching food for her guards,she had a gentle heart. "Inshallas, it is so very good to see you all here today. I have much to tell you all about my travels. And I have even more stories to listen to. I am curious about the paths the gods have made you walk during these years." He chimed happily.

The noises had long ago faded away and he found himself back into his usual carefree groove. Saiya could probably feel his tens arm relax now. "If you wish for some fun habibi, how about we show these people some proper entertainment. Does anyone here know a sword dance?" He asked enthusiastically and pulled his shoulder bag to the front. He rummaged through it before pulling something out with a triumphant expression. He held his phungi flute in his hands.

Farim looked on as his cousins decided to head off and attend their “gossip”. He shrugged a little and waved them off with a gentle hand motion. ”Well a surprise this certainly is! And as for a dance…” Farim thinks for a moment before reaching under his robes, just at the sash and pulls his scabbard from its spot on his hip. The weapon he had under his sash was a medium sized scabbard, boasting a bright red ruby in its hilt with a gold coating along the scabbard. Within it housed his special shortsword, one he rarely had the opportunity to use. He slowly curled his fingers over the hilt of the blade, looked up towards Saiya and smirked. ”Perhaps you would like to share a dance then, my friend? Dali here is pretty good on that flute of his!” He pulled his blade from its scabbard, a fine sheen to the blade that almost seemed….longer than it should be. Its weird appearance did not take much from its craftsmanship as he checked it over and slid it back into its sheath. ”Yup! Still clean and ready to be shown off!”

The prospect of two of her favorite things at once had Saiya letting go of Dali's arm and moving towards Farim. She boldly snatched Farim's sword from him, a playful smirk on her lips as she did so. "Then let's show it off." She said, taking a moment as she admired the fine blade before turning back to Dali. "It may not be exactly what you had in mind, but I do have a dance that is sure to impress." She said as she pulled the blade from the scabbard and prepared for a dance. She looked to Farim once more, smirk still in place. "I trust you can follow along?"

Dali had that sad puppy expression when Saiya let go of his arm. Which did not last all that long as he was about to see two of his most cherished persons, do a dance together. He blew on his flute a few times, seeing if it was still in tune after being exposed to salt air. It sounded fine, and like the secret showman he was, Dali rushed forwards towards the crowd. "When the wind turns and blows in from the south, it brings with it a sand cloud. Hidden far away by desert sand, is a mysterious and colourfull land. Full of swords and full of power, behold this warrior and a desert flower" He rhymed and hyped up the crowds by clapping his hands and running around. Herding people to form a circle. He son and twirled a bit, his flute clashed underneath his armpit, clapping and attracting attention.

Ladies, gentlemen and everything in between. Come here and behold to be seen. The great sword of Alishasht, the master of spices and the sea. The warrior only second to the gods , the great Shezadi, Farim!" he hyped the crowds some more before gesturing to Saiya. " and there she is, the desert flower, the swan is in her movement and the morning in her smile. All the roses in the garden, do bow and ask for pardon, for not one can match the beauty of the queen of sword and dance " Dali the showman was peeking out so very obviously. He always had a knack for attracting people and addressing crowds

"They will perform for you, a dance so dangerous and mysterious it will captivate you. And your humble musician will provide the tune" Dali did not need to be the main attraction here, he simply enjoyed spreading joy and could not wait to get started. So he placed the flute on his lips and began to play. A fast paced tune with lashings in the tunes and gentle caresses dancing in between the notes.

Farim looked on as he watched his sister eye his blade and flaunt it in her hands. He knew that she would prove to be deadly with the weapon in her hands, but the point of their little show was to dance. And that was something he certainly loved to do, and could definitely provide the entertainment that Dali was advertising. He slowly paced around Saiya as Dali gathered the crowd. ”Well it seems we are to give the people a show, friend. I know you won’t disappoint.” He winked, and as Dali began to start his tune, he quickly danced around Saiya as she stood with his sword. His hand held her hand with the blade in it, pointing it up and bringing his free hand to chuck the sheath off the blade.He released her hand, spun his body and bowed in front of her, taking her hand and looking up. ”After you!”

”You both certainly know how to make things interesting!” Saiya chuckled and twirled the sword gracefully in her hand. She then began to sway to the rhythm of Dali's tune, the sword becoming an extension of her body as she moved. The crowd was captivated by the display of skill and grace, cheering as she executed a series of fluid movements with the blade. Saiya movements were becoming more and more intricate as she moved in perfect synchronization with Farim. It was clear that they were not only siblings, but also partners in their art. ”Let's give them a show they’ll never forget…” Saiya whispered with a grin, as they both erupted into a series of flashy, high-energy moves, the sword glinting in the light as they danced.

Farim merely followed her lead, but he made sure every movement of his legs, arms, torso, and feet were all perfectly efficient. Not a single ounce of momentum was lost as he spun, pivoted, and leapt to where it matched her movements. He made sure to match her moves, but as she paused to suggest “giving a show”, he smiled and took the lead for a moment. He slipped the sword from her hand, plunging it into the ground in front of them. Then, he flipped her around to face him with a grin on his face. ”Trust me, desert rose.” He said before leaning down to pull on her leg, prompting her to begin a cartwheel maneuver. He made sure she stayed upright as he guided her body through several cartwheels, rotating on his feet to keep pace with her agile movements. As she finished yet another spin of her body, he helped her stand back on her feet, his arm now wrapped behind her back as they began to finish the dance. He would normally end things there, however, the dance they were doing usually ended in a kiss. In his intense focus, he mimicked this action, giving her a slightly drawn out kiss in the park before leaning back up. He raised an eyebrow, leaning in to whisper to her. ”How’s that for a show?” He spoke as if he was unaware of the completely bold move he just pulled.

Saiya's lips burned and tingled as she stared up at Farim for a long moment. The world around her spun and she could barely hear the gasps, applause, and cheers of the audience and her heart pounded loudly in her ears. Panic. She felt panic. She slowly let go of Farim, her eyes now drifting to Dali and then the rest of the crowd before falling to the ground as she backed away. "I…e-excuse me, I just remembered something I need to do. Thank you for the fun, both of you " She said before turning and fleeing into the crowd, being sure to avoid either men grabbing her. In seconds, Saiya seemed to disappear into the shadows to leave the brothers alone on their stage with the whispers and cheering of people.


Location: Park of Sorian
Time: 12pm
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Layla @Potter, Nahir @Rodiak, Saiya @Tae, and Dali @Ojo chan 42

Farim could not help but smirk with confidence at his choice. He had redeemed himself in the eyes of his new friend, Anastasia as well as done an impressive little trick to his two cousins. He looked over the four prizes, finding himself stuck with the decision as each prize was something either he or his company would deeply enjoy. His gaze went down to the bear with a yellow ribbon still on the hip of his belt. He smiles and nods slowly as he speaks up. "As much as I would love to get all four of the gifts for you all, I must make a choice. My cousins, thank you for your compliments, but I was given a gift earlier, so it is only fair if I were to return the favor. It would be unbecoming of the Trade Prince to be indebt to someone." He winked at Anastasia as he turned to the stall owner. "The bear please. For this beautiful lady over here." He would then hold out a hand, accepting the bear from the Game Master and pacing over to Anastasia. With a slight bow he offers her the bear in his hand. "I find this to be quite the even trade, don't you?" He smiled, but his attention was immediately caught elsewhere as a errant noises seemed to sound across the park.

The sound of chaos and property damage were all too clear to him, but he felt that running towards the source would make a scene. As he read the room around him, no one seemed particularly worried. This put him at ease, but he still felt the need to at least address it. "Anastasia...I hope everything is okay? Is that something we should be worried about, my friend?" He would take a moment to pause before gesturing over to Nahir and Layla. "Otherwise, perhaps my two talented cousins can show off some more of that Alidasht intuition? Or I could always just try my luck once more~." He spoke with a confident flair in his voice. Yet again, however, something else caught his attention. A face he had not seen in a long time. He clasped Anastasia's hands together with the bear, and grinned with excitement. "Here. He shall be your new friend in honor of our meeting this day."

He let her hold the bear and turned to the familiar pair that had come to them. Almost as if a wind billowed from behind the both of them to usher them to him. He raised his arms and approached his long lost brother and his dear friend who had been missing from todays activites until now. "As-salaam alaikum, my brother! It has been too long since I have seen you!" Farim couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle at the family reunion happening here in the park. He reached his arms out and gave Dali a hug. "And you brought Saiya too! She must have been up to some mischief no doubt?" Farim said with a chuckle before turning back to the group he had been with.

"Look here! We have so much of the Shehazdi gathered. It's almost a proper family reunion, haha!." Farim chuckled once more, bringing the two closer to the group. "We were just playing some games and enjoying the festivities. But there were some loud noises earlier. Nothing that either of you spurred on, I hope?" Farim paused, giving everyone ample time to talk amongst themselves before he would speak again.

"What does everyone have in plan for today, hm? I bet you all have all kinds of interesting things to do and places to be! Especially you, Dali. Wallah, I hardly thought you of all people would be here this season! It is great to see you!" Farim's colorful and cheerful manner only multiplied as he saw more of his cousins and siblings. It was a sight he didn't get to see often. His constant travelling and working away from the palace had made him rather distant and detached from family happenings. This attendance to this season's court was just as much a chance to see his family again as it was to...well...court. He relished the chance to see them all and looked about to hear their various plans.

So much happened in such a quick span of time. Firstly, Latrell noticed a large muscle-bound man approaching Buki with an extremely pointed finger. His companion hopped shoulders before he could be poked, as if to avoid being touched by something gross. His eyes and mouth shifted gears into a frown as the man seemed incredibly displeased with the mechanical creature's existence. Latrell noticed this and raised an eyebrow to the man. "You don't seem to quite understand what you're looking at. Not that I really expect you to, but trust me when I say he's a valuable asset to us all. And if you want to fight magic with science, then so am I." Everyone seemed so much in a rust it began to annoy him.

Latrell watched as everyone bickered and forced their own thoughts and impressions on the situation. He knew saying more would only add to the chaos but he couldn't help but internally argue. You all just want to blindly trust 9 other individuals without even so much as a single conversation? God you all are so prude. Acting like small talk will kill you guys or something. Latrell simply gave a nod after the folks discussed their approaches and opinions on what to fight. Before he could muster much of an opinion of his own, however, the group as a whole were rushed out of the castle proper and onto the streets. He huffed slightly at the whole situation.

As the group meandered to the nearby tavern, he sat at a large table and witnessed Versle order a round of drinks and challenge Adelaide to a drinking contest. He smirked a little, finding the social game of theirs to be fun to watch. He pulled a small book of his from his backpack and laid it on the table in front of him. A small lead pencil then appeared seemingly from nowhere as he began to write small notes and begin light sketches and doodles. He absent-mindedly worked on his sketches as the two began to drink. The question Versle has asked him before had definitely stuck on his mind, making him want to deliver an answer. What would he do if presented with so much raw power he couldn't simply "shoot" from afar. Well the only logical answer is to fight back with all the power he could muster. But his body was not anywhere near the level of some "lizard guard" or "muscle-head". So he began to think up something of an exo-skeleton. Something light yet powerful enough to launch a punch well over 5 times his normal punching strength.

His attention however, comes up as he realizes that he stayed silent for far too long. "Oh I suppose I never gave a proper answer to the whole 'who do we want to kill' conundrum. Whatever we go for we should try to prepare counter-measures. I feel like either or is a fine target. But if I'm being honest the lizard will likely require the most simple counter rather than the magical 'bruja'. " He paused between his words, putting down his pencil and looking at those standing and sitting. "Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Comments?"


Location: Park of Sorian
Time: 11am
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Layla @Potter, and Nahir @Rodiak

The arms of the 4 of them were linked into an equally impressive and somewhat clumsy looking daisy-chain of royalty. Their pace at first was a bit mis-matched but quickly Farim found himself matching their strides, his smile never waning as they approached the game stand. The four made their grand entrance in front of the several others who were interested in watching this game unfold. Many found this game to be somewhat of a scam, but Farim knew his way around this game back home. At least, that is what he hoped. Every nation had their own spin on this, and immediately he could see what set Caessonia apart from others.

The addition of the several coins made it slightly different to track. 12 moving glints rather than 1 were considerably harder. As the game-keeper made their quip about Farim going first, he stepped forward with a smirk, unhooking his arms for a moment to give him the chance to focus on the game. "Well, I am happy to be breaking the ice so the ladies can have a better shot at seeing through the game." He gave the woman a nod as she started to shuffle the coins. His eyes darted around, looking for the precise and deliberate movements she made. It was a blur to him, but he felt that he made out most of her tricky moves. The final piece of the puzzle was the slight sound of the coins shuffling under the cups. He took a moment to listen for the most subtle difference in volume between the cups. As he found himself satisfied with his mental choice, he addressed the three women behind him.

"So, my three divine and radiant friend and family~. Before I choose, I must ask..." He turned his head back towards Nahir as he spoke again. "You said you wanted a white bunny? That is quite adorable, cousin. And duly noted." He then turned towards Anastasia. "Princess, I believe you were looking for big bears, or simply anything large and fluffy? He turned his upper body then to look towards Layla. "And for you...what is it that you would like?" He asked with a slight eyebrow raise and smile. His arm slowly lifted and after a comically long dramatic pause, Farim's finger pointed to the center cup. He knew this entire show could either pay off big or make him look the fool. But he was a gambling man, and he could not sway himself from his nature. "The center cup is my choice, game master."

Latrell certainly didn't expect the backlash from the Queen. He knew respect was needed, and perhaps he had been a bit forward. But he was merely introducing himself! Call us out here and get all pissy when we show up. Figures. He took a piece of paper from a nearby servant and began to look around. He saw the gentleman who was kneeling earlier motion that he was number one, which happened to be Latrell's number as well. He took a short walk and gave a mild wave to the man as he approached.

"Right, looks like we're on the same team then. Don't think I've heard your name friend. I seem to have arrived a bit after everyone." "NEW FRIEND? OH BOY!" Buki interjected right after Latrell, who lightly rolled his eyes at his companions excitement.

Latrell looked around at the group and took stock of their actions and reactions. They certainly were a mixed bag of expertise, moxie, and general hubris. He found this all very amusing and would have some fun getting to know these folks. He noticed the gaze of one of the twins towards Buki, which certainly put him on edge. However as he thought it out, it was rather strange to see a sentient invention of his, so he dismissed the suspicion for the time being.

"This here is my pride 'n joy. He can really prove useful in a pinch. But don't rough him up too much or I'll need to build the poor fella a new body." He lightly chuckled as he broke the ice and awaited more figures to join their group.

Latrell walked along the streets of Abona, wandering and letting his curious streak flare as he looked at each of the buildings, the people, and the way they all looked at him strangely as he got far too comfortable with his surroundings. He was far more used to the port town of Shestead, and was almost looking too hard for some of the usual mannerisms he'd seen back in his hometown. He'd find no such comfort here, in this far off capital city where everyone felt much more important than they really were. At least that's the case on the Silken Roads, and Latrell found his original impression of the place to be rather accurate. Too many important people doing too much 'important' things, it seems. He thought to himself as he continued walking along the well-kept streets.

It wasn't until he reached the walls of the castle that he finally reached into his bag and pulled out his dear friend, Buki. Mechanical gears whirred inside his currently lifeless body, and with a flick of a switch the light bulbs adorning his head where his "ears" would be came to life. Blue-tinted electricity soon filled his body to give him motor control and sentience once more, a form of magic imbuement that Latrell had gotten rather accustomed to. Buki looked to his creator and his cheeks clicked upwards in a smile. "HELLO LATY. HAVE WE MADE IT YET?" Latrell chuckled and gave Buki a slight "nuggie", which the robot did not react to one bit. "Only to the castle walls. I couldn't risk showing you off to the common folk who may try to scrap you for less than a silver piece." His words were cold but he had his fair share of ragabond and ne'erdowell activity back home. Too many folks wanting to take apart such a cute creation of his just to make a quick coin.

He continued through the doors, an armed escort flanking him on either side as he looked with quizzical expressions. "I doubt I'm dangerous enough for 4 guards, gentlemen...I don't even have an-"

"Pipe it, hunter. We know that little gadget you keep talkin' to could fry our insides. We also know about most of your little "gizmos" that have backfired and cased folks to meet an unpleasant time. Some inventor you are if half your shit doesn't work."

Latrell turned to the guard and gave him a slightly raised eyebrow. "Who says the invention was for them? It did exactly as I intended. Don't ask for something you can't pay for and don't try to insult my work. Thank you."

The guard's face turned pale for a moment, another one behind Latrell piped up with a question. "So that guy with the missing finger...you uh-" Latrell spoke before he could finish, knowing exactly who he was speaking about. "Yes."

"And the fella with water coming from his..." "Yup."

"But what about the lady whose hair went-" "Oh for god's sake, yes! All intentional! Now shut up the Queen's chambers are right there!"

Latrell walked in through the doors, looking at the entourage and taking notes of each unique character who stood before him. Many seemed to be either scowling, yelling, or moving to prove themselves as the alpha in the group almost immediately. Latrell held no such notions and simply introduced himself as any masterclass engineer would.

"Right then. Hello all present company, the names Latrell. I make things. Very creative things. No I won't make you that weird obscure invention unless it proves very fun or interesting. This here is Buki. "I'M BUKI!" You hurt him. I hurt you. Badly. "OH DON'T DO THAT." You all seem pleasant enough though! How is everyone this fine gloomy, foggy, and somewhat dreary day?" "IT WAS VERY DARK FOR ME. I JUST WOKE UP!"

He pauses for a moment before looking up towards the Queen who would likely seem extremely unamused with his rambling. "Oh, Your Grace! I do hope I wasn't interrupting anything. I suppose I can wait on the introduction for now, and let the last of the group funnel on in." He spoke lightly and shifted to the side as he finished his air-headed introduction, curious to see their reactions and retorts.


Location: Sorian Park
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Layla @Potter, and Nahir @Rodiak

Farim found his eyes darting about to keep up with the conversation as his energy began to steady-out. He took in a breath and listened to the women talk, a scowl forming on his face at the mention of his father and his wicked nature. You are far too reserved about his shitty disposition, cousin. He kept his rants and toxic words to himself, not wanting to worsen the mood anymore with the mention of a sensitive topic such as this morning, and quickly let his face return to a more neutral expression.

"Asalamu alaykum, to you as well my cousins. It is quite good fortune to find you both here and enjoying yourselves on such a nice day. You are both looking about as radiant as the sun god, but what else is new?" He smiled, chuckling lightly as he observed the conversation of prizes and games. The three women seemed ready to bring something home, and he looked over to Thara still on his shoulder. "Well, girl, go and stretch your wings some more for me, and have some fun in the air." He spoke to the falcon before giving a single sharp whistle, and Thara took off flapping into the sky for some eager gliding and people watching, or at least that's what Farim would tell himself.

"I am happy you at least mildly enjoyed the food, cousin. They really did try their hardest for it." He reminisced for a moment about the lovely staff that had gone above and beyond for some random figurehead from another land. It struck him as odd yet wholesome even if the notion was to try and buzz up more business. But as a businessman, he could hardly fault them. He stowed the prized bear in a secure place under his silk robes and let his other arm curl, much like a snake, along the arm of his cousin. His eyes glanced over to Anastasia with a bit of a grin as he spoke next.

"So three lovely princesses and a trade-prince link arms and are ready to take over the park with our good looks and dashing skills. This definitely turning out to a fun day." His attention turned to Anastasia who mentioned the cup game, and he thought back to the usual scammers on the streets who made a quick gold piece from unsuspecting passersby. He also smiled at the times he'd managed to beat such peddlers at their own game. "This cup game sounds fun, let us make our way there and enjoy the day! Sorian Park, look out, the Shehzadi have arrived~!" He spoke the last words not at a shout, but definitely loud enough to draw a few close witnesses towards the spectacle, but he really didn't care. He was happy and having a good time with his family and his new friend.


Location: Sorian Park
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Layla @Potter, and Nahir @Rodiak

Farim took a moment to think on what she had just said. I mean...she isn't wrong... He took a moment to think on what he'd say next, not wanting to sound too somber in his tone. "Well...it's that not I really miss them...I just sort of miss that family we had growing up. But things are different now, as I said, we are all much too busy nowadays." He knew he was the last one to be talking about being busy, since he was literally late for the initial arrival of Alidasht. But he still did think fondly of the family dinners and parties where he could interact with his cousins. But these were different times. Everyone had to make their race for the Sultan's choice and would likely do much of anything to get there. Did he have the resolve to push others out of his path to make the right decisions? Did he have the will to carry on such a mighty seat of authority and power even if he had a decent shot at it? He asked himself similar questions a lot and had to shake himself back to reality for a moment.

He noticed Anastasia was looking at Thara, seemingly brimming with the desire to possibly hold, pet, or maybe even kiss his bird. He smiled and pushed off the more melancholy thoughts of his to give attention to the person right in front of him. "She will not bite, I made her promise before coming here to not cause any trouble. Riiiiight, Thara?" Farim spoke to the bird sternly as if it could understand every word. The bird looked in slight confusion, tilting its head at Farim then turning towards Anastasia and leaning in to inspect the new person she had started to see in such close proximity.

It was then that his hand was again pulled and whisked through the crowd. His feet marched forward quickly and Thara clamped down onto his shoulder to keep balance. A slight "Oop!" and a "Yow..." came from Farim as he felt both surprise tugging and surprise claws. He looked up and saw the sight Anastasia had very aptly hollered, and became slightly nervous. He remembered the mood Layla had been in this morning and wondered if it would carry over to this afternoon. "Princess, perhaps another time? They seem to be-" He spoke in mild protest before realizing it was too late. They had already made it right in front of Nahir and Layla, and Farim did his best to recover and put on a smile as to not seem as much of a nervous wreck as he had been all morning.

"Heellooooo, my cousins! I hope you are both in good health? I am not sure if you have already met, but allow me to introduce Princess Anastasia of Caessonia! She is a kind person who was looking to get you all some lovely prizes from the festivities today. This is all such a lovely festival, no?" He took a moment to breath after somewhat hurriedly greeting his cousins, and found himself calming down some. Perhaps they could actually be somewhat like a family during this season of courting. At least before the more serious matters of marriage and proposals began to be discussed.
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