Avatar of Lava Alckon


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Location: Sorian Park
Mentions: Anastasia @princess

Farim couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed at missing all three shots, but Anastasia was a good enough sport that it was quickly discard as a run of bad luck, which he readily accepted as the main culprit of his poor performance. He looked with curiosity as his hands were pulled and positioned by her, and he felt his face soften as the bear was placed into his hands. Her talk of being friends and the rather sweet gesture was enough to catch him completely off-guard. He stood practically stunned for a few seconds before composing himself with a warm but gentle smile. "I am very happy you gave me this. It is a sweet gesture, Princess."

Then she spoke of her brothers and felt a similar feeling. "I know how you feel. I arrived late so I've only really seen two of my family members. They are...much too busy to be associating with the lesser nobles of the house." His tone was somber, but he bounced back to a more positive stance as much as he could. He knew his family had important matters and it wasn't like the world revolved around him anyway. "I bet if you win your brothers a prize you'd make them smile like you just made me!" He let out a short chuckle while she turned and pointed out the nearest drink stand. He whistled once into the air, prompting Thara to come and gracefully land onto his left shoulder.

"I figured you were tired my precious falcon. Come rest and grab a drink with us. Look~! This nice princess won us a friend!" He held the bear towards the bird, which curiously tilted its head and craned its neck as if to inspect the fluffy stuffed animal before cooing softly. She lifted up her wing and began pruning her feathers while resting on the shoulder Farim had given her. Farim then turned towards Anastasia, shifting the bear towards his left hand and holding out his right hand, palm facing up. Whether she had wanted a hand to hold or arm to clutch he left up entirely to her, but either way he would follow her towards the drink stand, feeling his parched throat begin to call for refreshment. "That sounds lovely, let's get us a drink then, shall we?"


Location: Sorian Park
Mentions: Anastasia @princess

Farim couldn't help but find the mannerisms of Anastasia rather cutesy and adorable. But based on how she acted and talked this morning she was far from some naïve little girl trying to get her newest toy. He felt there might be something more to the girl than she let on, but this was neither the time nor flash his calculating side. He watched miss after miss of the folks in front of him, his hands growing slightly warm and nervous now that he realized he was up next. Back home it was as simple as tossing it with a flick of the wrist into some peddler's pot or a loose bottle left on the street. But here, there was a crowd, and he felt that his exuberant and flashy garbs as well as the company he kept only drew more and more eyes to him.

Farim took notice of Anastasia's stance and throws, first observing the mix and how she played it off so casually. He smiled in turn and gave an enthusiastic thumbs up with his right hand. "Exactly. Just a warmup. You've got these next two." He said, his smile not faltering once as he witnessed her sink the next two shots just behind the center bottle. He couldn't help but clap with her as she excitedly proclaimed her victory. As she brought her two bears back to Farim he realized that now it was his turn to put his money where his mouth is.

"You can do it Farim! Get the big bear! We'll have a whole family! Wooo!" Farim took a moment and looked towards the man running the stall, and did his best to remember how everyone had thrown it as well as how she had thrown it just now to sink it around the necks of the bottles. They were much thinner and taller than what he expected, and realized this may be a lot more challenging than he initially thought. "Oh what cute prizes you have won. I'm sure they will be happy to keep you company in your chambers. As for the big one..." He swallowed slightly and let his body shiver as if to shake the nerves off of him. "It would be my pleasure." He collected himself and approached the stall, reaching for the rings that were handed to him by the game owner.

"Well well well, Prince Charming! Looking to score a nice prize for the lovely princess? Can't say I blame you. Same as before, three rings for you my good man. Get her highness that coveted bear and score some brownie points~." The man gave a sly tease to Farim, no doubt eliciting a slight rush of red to his face. Farim took a slow breath and stood his legs slightly apart, and began to take aim for his three attempts. At first, he was getting used to the weight of the ring, and shot it clear over bottles onto the other side. He rolled his shoulder, as if to play it off as a warm-up, and threw another ring, this one bouncing off the rim of the bottle just left to the center. So close! He thought to himself, lining up his final shot. Just as he brought his hand back for another toss, Thara let loose a loud "CAW!" that startled him, causing his hand to throw the ring far to the right. The ring juggled around the rim of the bottle before the force of the throw caused it to fly off the rim and onto the ground. Farim reflexively put a hand up to his face in a mixture of shame and embarrassment. Three shots. Three misses.

Good going, "Prince Charming" Farim said this to himself mockingly as he took a step to the side. He turned towards Anastasia with his face more obviously flushed than before. His hand went up and behind his head to nervously itch and scratch at it, but he kept his posture and stood tall with a smile on his face. "You know. I guess you're just that good of a shot! I am sorry I could not get you that bear though..." He added a hint of sadness to the end of his sentence before shrugging it off and focusing on what they could do next. He looked at her and offered his hand once more as his facial features began to relax to a more gentle smile and posed a question to her. "Would you like to play some more? Perhaps another game? Or maybe you are hungry? I honestly could go for anything. This is all so much fun!"


Location: Sorian Park
Mentions: Anastasia @princess

Farim felt a sense of excitement as he felt his hand tugged, rushing along aside Anastasia. Her outward positivity was a big change of pace for today, and a very welcome one. His mind was stuck on all of the bad things occurring since he came to Caessonia, and to have this moment to just let all of those negative memories take a backseat was something he was grateful for.

He held onto her hand as they approached the ring toss stall. His eyes traced the actions and technique of those who were still throwing rings instead of casting sudden glances towards the two of them. His attention came back to him as he felt a gentle touch along his arm. Her smile only warranted him to return it in kind, his cheeks turning a subtle shade of red while she talked of winning a stuffed animal. “A friend for Thara, or a friend for you, princess?”

He chuckled lightly and fished a small coin purse from his pocket. “I did like to toss small rings and rocks growing up. As a young boy, my … friend and I used to try and land them in the openings of pots.” He paused for just a moment as he recalled a memory of his long gone friend. Despite the slight falter he made sure to finish his thought. He guided her towards the back of the line, ignoring any stubborn gazes coming their way.“No matter who lands the winning shot, I promise to give you the prize you most desire!”

He smiled at her, his hand still clasped onto hers. He felt he may be rather bold and forward for having just met this woman, but he was having such a fun time that he desired to just enjoy this time with the princess. The movement of her entourage was not lost on him either, and as he looked up once more he confirmed that Thara was still overhead. “Thara keeps herself, and me, very busy anyway. But I’ll let her know you thought of her.” He casually spoke as if he could talk to falcon directly. He gestured towards the various prizes with the hand holding his coin purse and looked into her eyes directly and with a softer tone asked her a question. “Which one do you like the most?”


Location: Park of Sorian
Time: 11am
Mentions: Anastasia @princess

"Super amazing to meet you Farim, and your cousins were also no trouble. Sorry again about the mess last night..."

He smiled at the gesture of hers, enjoying her curtsy and bubbly personality as she spoke. "Honestly, while I don't wish them harm...a little humility will go a long way for some of them." He couldn't help but let out a slightly loud syllable of a chuckle before coughing once to regain his composure. "I love most of them all the same." He suppressed the urge to scowl at the thought of a particular lacking father figure, silently cursing his bloodline for what could only be the 100th time in his life.

"Oooh... Many have the same impression of me and I think there are certainly worse reputations."

A sly grin moved along Farim's right cheek as he couldn't help but tilt his head and earnestly ask a rhetorical question. "People refer to you as a needy bird? Well that certainly isn't very nice..." He spoke with feigned innocence and smiled at her. He continued to listen to her talk about her now gone friend and the idea of frequenting the park together. He grew rather fond of the idea quickly, having no plans himself and wanting something new to break apart the monotony of the morning that had started so terribly with the gathering in the main hall.

"An excellent idea. It would be more comforting to have someone more familiar with the area to 'show me the ropes' as they say." He took a brief glance around the various stalls and noticed two particular stands that stood out immediately to him. The first being a game of what he could only assume was ring-toss. He noticed several folks trying and several folks failing to chuck a colorful ring onto varying bottles. The second game he looked at reminded him of a few peddlers back home who would use this routine to get a quick coin out of any unsuspecting players. A simple game of sleight of hand that he knew all too well, and would love to see if the vendors of Sorian held a candle to the streetfolk of Alidasht.

"That ring game looks interesting, as does the coin in the cup. But what do you think would be best?" He wanted to hear her opinion after all, and only just now did he notice her outstretched hand. He gently reached and placed his to match their palms and began to hold a grip strong enough to follow her should she pull but soft enough to not smother her hands. He even noticed a soft texture to them that distracted him for a moment before he returned the smile she was giving him. He looked up for just a moment and let loose a single long-toned whistle. "That's just so she knows to follow us. Wherever you'd like to go, I shall follow!" He winked with his right eye as he finished, ready to take off to whatever direction the woman desired them to go.


Location: Sorian Park
Time: 11am
Mentions: Anastasia @Princess

"Did you know that you have a very soft shirt?" Those words were caught him off guard the most. Farim turned slowly and looked at the woman who had just bumped into him. A look of initial confusion turned to intrigue as he instantly recognized the woman who had caused such an upset in the early morning. As he got a much closer look at her clothes, her complexion, her features, and heard her voice up close, he could definitely see why she would be dubbed a princess. When she wasn't accidentally running into folks or yelling at her parents, she still had an air of beauty and elegance to her that certainly caught Farim by surprise. Not to mention her words that morning were daring but she drove home a point most of the young nobles had begun to feel in that moment. He admired her honesty and such returned her moment of slight embarrassment with a smile.

"Oh? I believe that is fair to say. I don't think it's nearly as soft as your smile. I do believe I recognize you, they call you...Anastasia correct?" His accent bled through his pronunciation as he put just enough emphasis on certain syllables to sound like he was out of practice. He made sure to fully face her and offer a full bow, one arm over his chest and the other stretch out perpendicular to his frame. "A pleasure to meet you on such a fine day. I am Farim, from the land of Alidasht. I trust my cousins haven't been given you all...too much trouble?" He spoke politely but knew his family was a rather eccentric one, but he had no room to talk considering the exuberant garments he wore, the pet he had, and the amount of times he simply threw money at things.

It was then that the bird on his decided to make her presence known with a few deliberate pecks to the ear closest to her. Farim winced slightly, fixing his posture and chuckling at the demand for attention from Thara. "Okay okay, Thara. Go fly around for a little but don't cause any trouble!" He took the falcon into his hand and gently tossed her into the air, her wings flapping to catch the air and take flight, seamlessly gaining more and more altitude until it began to circle overhead. "Do not mind her, she is a needy bird. But a lovely one all the same." He rubbed his recently pecked ear and gestured lightly towards Anastasia. "I read of this festival in the newspaper of yours and simply had to come check it out. Every little event I've been to has had such wonderful food. I'm even excited to try a few games. Are you here to partake in these festivities as well?" He rattled off a few questions of sorts and after having spoken far more than he felt needed, Farim would keep his smile yet internally curse at himself a little. What is this, 20 questions? Let the gorgeous woman speak for once, you dope!
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Tanithil Malaggar

Time: Afternoon
Location: Outside Ironhold
Interactions: Sivaros @GingerBoi123, Kaleb @FunnyGuy, and Amisra @Tae
Leather armor, and two backpacks.

Tanithil rubbed his fingers against his temple as the new information was presented. Of course it's the opposite direction I'd love to be going. Oh well. He exhaled slowly, shooting Amisra a slight look as if to tell her this was her fault for them being in such a weird situation, but he ultimately shrugged and began to think of an actual helpful solution to their predicament.

"Well, I am somewhat versed in stealth-applied magics. However applying it to all four of us would be...a challenge to say the least. And for as long as we'd need it I think I'd run out of energy well before we made it to our destination." He brought his hand to his chin in a moment of perplexed thought, trying to think of various means he knew of to perhaps make it to the island in the north. "All I can really think of that's a reliable means of transport is a boat...and for the love of god if we have to sneak onto one again I think I will actually go mad. I don't suppose either of you have some kind of connection that would get us on the quickest sea charter there?" He openly asked the group.

He himself had very little connections in the way of sea-farers as most were only stopping in Ironhold for a few days at most. Not much of a repertoire to build with folks who would drink themselves dizzy and be gone before the next fortnight. Still, he figured that between the human who was close to the Light Elf princess and the actual "Bladedancer" or whatever title that meant of the Light Elf forces that surely someone had to have some idea or way to make their way onto the island.


Location: Guest House
Time: 11am
Mentions: Layla @Potter

Sitting at the table with all this prepared food looking at his cousin, Farim could feel a rather distinct set of emotions and tones in the way that Layla spoke that seemed all too familiar with him. He could tell she was having a bit of a morning to say the least, and while he didn't blame her for the curt and tense replies, he could still feel the sting of her tone. In-between lines of questions he could almost feel as if Layla were shooting daggers into his very soul. He had been part of many unpleasant dinners before, and did not quite desire to continue a forced conversation if there was no enjoyment for both parties. It wasn't so much that he felt unwanted but he certainly did not feel desired either.

He stood up slowly and picked up a small bowl, leaving some chicken curry in it for Thara to feast on in a moment. He gave a warm smile to Layla and spoke to her in a calm and polite manner, as was his usual cadence. "I think it's about time I took my leave. I was planning on heading to the festival and the time has already gotten so far from me. I just wanted to make sure the family is going well and that nothing...bad or nefarious was happening. All I could hear were the sharp words of my father saying that we were all made fools and I wanted a more precise opinion." He paused, moving the bowls together that were done with into the appropriate boxes they came with. He lifted the bowl to Thara's beak and let her peck and nibble at the morsels of food as he continued speaking. "But it is rather uncouth of me to drill my cousin with questions so soon in the morning. So I will let you enjoy yourself. I'll send a servant soon enough to clean up here and I hope to see you at dinner, Layla." He ended his talk with a smile and began walking towards the door and with the hand that Thara was perched on, delicately moved the door handle as to not disturb his bird. The door swung open smoothly and he took a slight bow towards Layla before leaving. As the door shut behind him he looked around to make sure no one was present and rolled his eyes slightly. Must everyone be so stingy today?

He walked back to his room, on the way finding female maid making her rounds through the common room. Farim recognized the woman from back home as one of the many staff that would take care of the Shehazdi Palace, and was happy to see another familiar face. He raised an arm and spoke directly to her, keeping his voice from being startlingly loud. "Pardon me, Ayisha. Would you be so kind as to check on Layla here in the next half hour? She will likely have some dishes to be tended too and some other small favors I'm sure." He flashes another smile, his eyelids coming slightly closed as he displayed his friendly persona. The maid, as if by instinct, nodded and smiled back to him, giving him ample reason to believe she would see to it that Layla would be taken care of. He briskly walked to his chambers and in a similar fashion to before, opened the door and walked into his room.

"Come then, Thara. It is time we head to the park. I hear there is a fun festival there!" He took the bird and began to quickly walk from his chambers and out the front door. He took the nearest carriage, his bird happily resting on his shoulder while they got into the back of his ride to the festival. He told the driver to take their time so he could enjoy the ride to the park. He rather enjoyed the new scenery of the capital. His homeland would always be beautiful to him, but a change of location never hurt anyone. Sorian had plenty of good features to it, even if the capital may contain some...less than ideal occupants. But such is the way of any city, really. Farim continued looking on and taking note of any passersby, and as the carriage came to a stop he couldn't help but notice the large volume of sounds and people gathering in the beautiful park. The several stalls of pleasant looking food and many games he could see from afar definitely peaked his interest. Even though he had just ate he could still feel his stomach making room for more of Sorian's yummy delicacies and treats. He took a few steps from the carriage, his bird happily spreading its wings and tilting its head at the several new sites before her.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Bardulf Siegfried

Time: Afternoon
Location: North Pass Wilderness
Interactions: Annya @princess, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, and Bron @GingerBoi123
Equipment: Leather armor over smallclothes, tooth necklace, warm boots, winter cloak, halberd, and

As Bardulf looked at the now slightly charred body of the animal that was teeming with life but moments earlier, he couldn't help but feel just a tinge of empathy for the creature. However, he knew it was the way of the wild...to hunt or be hunted. Annya's question grabbed his attention, prompting yet another moment of thought as he went over the options in his head.

"We are rather close. Maybe a quick jaunt back into town before we meet up with the others. They might think we're lost or something." He let out a single chuckle before leaning over and reaching a hand out. "Could I perhaps....borrow some rope?" He felt a tad embarrassed after seeming so prepared and not having something as trivial as rope with him. However, he knew Annya would have his back, and felt a sense of relief as she pulled the rope from her things and handed him a lengthy portion.

He moved fast, tying a harness of rope around the elk's torso. With a sudden "Hnnn!" from Bardulf, he began to drag the elk through the snow as he motioned the way they had just come. "Just make sure nothing is....watching us..." He said with a slightly ominous tone. Something was indeed there, just on the edge of his perception. It seemed to move with them so it clearly wanted to observe the pair. He kept himself alert and pulled the elk, finding it quite the hefty and obvious task as a trail of blood was left in the snow where the animal's wound was still emptying its bodily fluids.

After what felt like quite the walk, Bardulf and Annya made it into town, attracting the attention of several townsfolk. Some look at the sight of a dead animal carcass being dragged through town with disgust, others with admiration, and some with a look of hunger as they anticipated just what kind of a meal the meat could make. He took the game with Annya over to the hunting stall that was buying fresh kills and let the rope hit the ground. He let loose a strong pant as he looked up at her with a smile. "We did it! Our first actual hunt in such a long time. This is really...nostalgic."

Bardulf was cut off slightly as a man in a white robe rushed to the pair, a letter in hand. "Your Highness! A letter from the King! It is urgent!" A slightly surprised look came over Annya's face as she took the letter and hushed the courier. "Not so loud, would you! Now let's see what-" Annya's expressions continued to warp and change as her worst fears had been addressed to her. Everywhere war had broken out. Scouts reported Orc and Dark Elf collusion as well as several advancements on allied territories. Her presence was going to be needed in the days to come, so the King had sent for a royal escort to bring her back home post-haste, with or without her friends. Bardulf noticed the change in her looks, still trying his best to read just how serious this might be. She did not speak a word until she folded the paper back into its case. She smiled at Bardulf and spoke quickly yet directly.

"Bardulf...it saddens me to say this. But I am needed back home. I'm not going to lie. Things will be tough. The war is escalating and I don't want any of you in harms way yet. So I need you to tell the others to remain here. Continue your training. Follow every one of my rules...and don't even think of doing silly things like running about by yourself in the midst of night!" She paused to give Bardulf a serious glare, as if to scorn one of her children. But her tone returned to a more somber one as she continued. "I will send for someone to get you once I deem it safe, or you may inform me if you all leave the island. Just please...be safe and don't keep me in the dark if you all choose to leave. I know I can't force you to stay here forever but...I can't stand the thought of losing you all." Her eyes became slightly wet for a moment before she sniffed her tears back into her ducts. She breathed slowly, her chest filling with air before a slow and calming exhale washed over her. She reached her arms out and gave Bardulf a firm and unexpected hug, lasting several moments. His expression immediately changed as he seemed unsure just what to do or where to place his arms. An awkward attempt at returning the hug came from him, his arms slowly wrapping around her as if to join her in saying goodbye.

"I know what it's like to do what needs to be done. I pray you have the strength to see your people through this hard time. And know that we are all plenty capable. If we're going to get through this...it'll be because of you Annya." Bardulf smiled and released from the embrace, eyeing the courier who seemed to be feeling just as awkward for witnessing the heartfelt moment. Annya composed herself and immediately began commanding the elf to find her things and bring them to the nearest ship while she settles her affairs with the town leadership. Before he could say much more, she was heading off to do greater things. He couldn't help but feel sad to watch her go, but knew that it wasn't without purpose that she was leaving. She at least wouldn't be gone for good, like so many others that had left him in this shallow existence he called life.

He shook his head slightly and collected his pay from the gamesman for the elk, and began the trek back out to the meeting spot to share the news with Ismael and Bron about recent events. Even so, as he wandered further and further away from town, he couldn't help but feel that same feeling of being watched. Normally he wouldn't be so bold as to walk out into the woods alone with an obvious predator lurking about, but he knew his friends were still deep in the woods, and he couldn't just leave them. He pulled his hood over his head and began to shift through the trees as best he could, wanting to shake the tail of whatever or whoever felt the need to observe his every move.


Location: Layla's Bedroom
Time: Morning (approx. 1030am)
Mentions: Layla @Potter

Farim had been smelling the delightful scents that he only assume would be a fine culinary experience for the past thirty minutes. His stomach slightly grumbled at the anticipation as he picked up a beef kebab and slowly worked on the juicy and tender meat pierced with a wooden stick that was firm and unyielding against any pressure his hands may give. He took several bites along the first kebab and took in the tastes. While not overly impressed, he found the gesture that another nation would seek to re-create his homelands dishes rather humble and flattering. Admittedly, there were improvements to be made. He could almost taste how quickly the meat had been prepared in an effort to impress him and the other nobles he told the owner he would be bringing this food to.

It was then he heard his cousin speak to him, almost as if to hiss her words ever so slightly at him. He had a feeling the only thing stopping her from chewing him out and kicking him out the door was the fact he brought some remotely delicious food. He did not care however, as he had been used to this kind of air about the room for quite some time. In fact, he became quite adept at displaying the best of poker faces in times like these. He smiled and gave a slight shrug as he moved the bowl of curry closer to him.

"Well, you aren't inherently wrong, Layla. There are some areas for improvement but it's nice to see our country's influence spread across the borders. But it isn't quite like the way the staff would make it back home." He took a moment to take a spoonful of curry into his mouth and with a smile taste the delectable sauce that was drizzled over the surprisingly well-cooked chicken. He smiled and took in a few more generous spoonfuls into his eager gullet. He takes one more spoonful and brings it to the beak of his bird, Thara, and lets her peck slightly at the food until she's had her fill, wiping her beak of any remnants shortly after. "I was meaning to ask...How have things been around here since your arrival? I have heard some words and rumors but I would like to hear it from a more trustworthy source if possible?" He turned to her and slowly ate as he awaited a response.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Bardulf Siegfried

Time: Afternoon
Location: Outside Northpass
Interactions: Annya @princess, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, and Bron @GingerBoi123
Equipment: Leather armor over smallclothes, tooth necklace, warm boots, winter cloak, halberd, and

He made sure everyone made it to the starting point easily enough, and upon seeing the tell-tale sign of a red stained rope on wrapped around the trunk of a tree, Bardulf would nod and turn to the others. "Well we made it. I wish you both a happy hunt, and we'll see you at the other tree. Remember..." He points to the rope, which began to look mildly morbid in the more well-lit afternoon weather. "Look for the red rope. If we don't see each other by nightfall then just make it back to the village and we'll look for anyone missing. It shouldn't be that dangerous but, you never know." He topped the slightly ominous words of his with an awkward smile as he would turn and walk with Annya along the Eastern path.

The trees did somewhat remind him of home, and the weather would be akin to some of the more harsh winters he was used to seeing. He turned to Annya as she spoke.

"Bardulf, I'm really proud of you."

He would hide smirk crossing his lips as best he could. Amidst all the rough times he'd been having, some light-hearted adventures and kind words were certainly a pleasantry he would appreciate. "Thank you. I try. Frankly all that talking has already worn me out some but we still have quite the hunt ahead of us." He would pull his hood up further, hiding his long hair and his footsteps would grew light on the snow. Even with all his effort there was still the occasional crunch of freshly packed snow that sounded underfoot. He paused as Annya did, noticing the sudden rustling in the distance. He read her lips with a slight turn of his head, figuring that she was offering him the first shot. He slowly nodded and prepped some magic he had been meaning to practice more.

In his left hand, he pulled his fingers together, as if to make a gesture with his hands. A slight spark began to circulate around each fingertip as he slowly pulled them apart. A circular arc of lightning magic solidified between his fingers as he pulled them further and further apart. His right hand reached over, and as if drawing the string on a bow, pull the lightning back. His stance was firm and deliberate, as if to mimic that of someone using a longbow. However his hands felt not nearly enough tension as you normally would from a bowstring. He instead imagined and visualized the picture of an archer about to prime their killing shot. His left index finger pointed outward while his other fingers curled towards his palm. His right hand and hip rotated to position behind his right shoulder. A streak of lightning was formed and pulled from the pinching of his first two fingers from his right hand until it reached the pointed finger from his left hand. He smirked, seeing his imagination taking physical form as an arrowhead formed just in front of his left fingertip. He breathed slowly, and took aim for several seconds. The buzz of his magic hummed against the still air, but seemed to not quite hit his prey's eardrums yet. He used these precious seconds to line up his shot towards a rustling bush, and let his shot fly.
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