I'd also have to respectfully disagree with you. Captain Jordan, TheMaster, and I are all here daily, and voice our opinions daily, which is why changes seem to be made that we approve of, but in the end, we generally end up agreeing with Mahz's final decision, which is also what tends to be implemented. It's not that anyone beyond Mahz carries more weight (though programming for the Guild does help), but it's that we rarely receive other opinions or voices here. You have a handful of regulars, and then everyone else tends to remain silent. So please, if anyone would like a change, do speak up. Otherwise, forever hold your peace.In my opinion, an optional rating system is definitely not a big change. To me, a big change is something that would radically change the forum, and/or couldn't possibly be ignored. Ratings don't really change anything, and someone can simply not use them if they prefer not to. I do agree with putting a poll up for larger, potentially controversial features, though.I respectfully disagree. A ratings system is a modification to our social structure, and in my opinion that would be a big change. I for one, don't feel the need for it. That was the biggest turn off for me regarding other sites, I don't feel the need to compete for a ratings system, or trophies, or badges of honor, etc., to represent my public approval. I also don't feel that more than the opinions of a select few are being taken into consideration. I think the rest of the guild should be asked for feedback through a simple poll, and if the majority of the public wants to see it implemented then I can shutup and be content with things. So I can agree with you on the poll, but the scale of things is really left up to personal opinions. It would be much easier to just say, "Well, it's going to change things 'round these parts,' and throw up a poll.