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Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
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Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
2 yrs ago
Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
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Biting Spider Writing
7 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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Well would you look at that, turns out that if given enough time I can write a post using only dictation. Sorry for the wait!
Aoife sighed, heavy and long.

As much as she hated this—and she did hate it—it was...well, it was an occupational hazard now. She was an operator at Rhodes Island; did she really think that she'd be able to avoid talking to Victorians at all, even when working on a diverse landship like Rhodes? It wasn't as though she knew everyone on the ship, after all. as far as she knew, she interacted with tens of Victorians every day. Idiot, She admonished herself, get it together. You're making a fool of yourself. It wasn't like she had anywhere else to go if Rhodes Island fell through, after all. If this level of oripathy went untreated, she be dead before the end of the week, the month if she was really lucky.

So she did her best to take a long, calming breath, only to this time be rudely interrupted by a sudden stabbing pain from her chest that drew a sharp gasp from her and lingered for several seconds afterwards, setting her teeth grinding against each other. Her words grew grating, and maybe a bit harsher than she would have liked: "Then we're wasting time here."

By the time she bit the last word through to a close, she'd already turned and was heading towards customs, trying to breathe as little and as lightly as she could, using all of her self control to stop from doubling over as the knifelike sensation slowly, slowly began to abate and her jaws gradually unlocked themselves. She knew that it hadn't been long, but she still found herself wondering just how long it had been, and how long it would be until she could go back to Polka. It was too hot out, everything hurt, and she needed to talk to Victorians. Even though it was barely lunchtime, she was ready for this day to be over.

She had a sinking feeling it wouldn't be over any time soon.
In Lem's Stash 12 mos ago Forum: Test Forum
Also, I should mention that I have injured my wrists and so typing is a little bit awkward. It may be a little while before I'm able to properly post again.
@Nanolyte I did note that Elise thought about Aoife by her first name, even though she's only ever introduced herself as Ash Girl as far as Elise is aware. I don't know if that is due to Elise's unique sight, and it's fine if it is intentional, but I feel like it's at least worth mentioning.
On her trip down the elevator, Quinnlash cried. How could she not?

How long ago had she told Dr. Follen that she never wanted to leave the Aerie? That it had really become her home? She wasn't exactly sure, but she knew that it wasn't very long ago at all. Up there, in that hanging station that she watched recede into the darkness of space above her, was the only real home that she'd ever had, and the only people she'd ever really loved.

And now she was leaving. Being made to leave. So how could she not cry?

But still...she was about to do something incredibly important. So, as the trip down dragged on and her final hug with Dahlia and Besca stayed fresh in her memory, she grit her teeth, wiped her eyes, and dried her tears. By the time she reached the surface of Casoban--for the third time, she realized, once she'd gotten on the Aerie she'd been to Casoban more than she'd been to Runa--all that remained of the tears that she cried was a faint, vague redness around her eye that could easily be excused as nerves or sleeplessness, or even dismissed entirely.

And it was a good thing too, as she was led through the unbelievably loud crowd by Toussaint, the only Casobani person that she recognized in person, to a small cadre of the Very Important People. Toussaint, commander of the CSC. Pilots, new and veteran. And...the Prime Minister of Casoban. As he reached forward to shake her small hand, a small part of her--not Quinnlash, but her--was suddenly filled for the barest moment with a searing rage that this man had taken her away from her family.

But it only lasted a fraction of a fraction of a second before fading into gray ashes as she shook his hand back.

“Olivier Moroux,” he said. “Casoban is delighted to have you, miss Loughvein. I want to extend my sincerest thanks for your heroism. I think we can all sleep a little more soundly knowing you’re protecting us.”

As the handshake stopped, Quinn found her voice locked again. Just like it had been at the end of Mona's--like somebody was throttling her throat closed, strangling the air from her body. She felt suddenly like she couldn't breathe as the first fragments of a blinding panic started to rise within her...

...before she shut them down. Hard.

This was the only chance she had. The only way she could make things right after the disastrous fallout of her first, and so far only, duel. She had to do it, and she had to do it right, because EVERYTHING was riding on it. So she punched the rising hysteria down within her mercilessly, and forced a smile that was almost genuine out to her face.

I know you hate me, but...

"Thank you, Prime Minister Moroux," Her voice was quiet, but at least reasonably steady and self-assured, enough that she was almost surprised, though if you listened carefully there was still a noticeable quaver she couldn't quite shut down. "And thank you for this opportunity." What else should she say? Should she say anything else? Having all these unfamiliar eyes was taxing already. What was she supposed to say in front of them?

"I hope I can live up to the standards of your amazing Savior Corps, and I look forward to working with all of you."

As the helmet's contents clattered to the desk behind her, Shin-ae jumped, and the violin case that she held in her hand bumped into the cabinet she was searching with a loud thud. She directed a cold glare back at Ethan, but ultimately, she didn't see the point of yelling at him. He'd apologized anyway, so he wasn't likely to do it again.

Speaking of the cabinet, there wasn't anything of much use in it. Well, there was a small bottle of hot sauce, the really spicy stuff, nestled back against the wall. They could drink it if they needed to, but she would really prefer not to. She didn't know the brand. Still, no point in not taking it, it wasn't like it weighed much. She frowned to herself, looking up at the ceiling. Did she bring her water bottle today? She couldn't remember. If she had, it would be in her locker now.

Shaking her head--heading out to search her locker sounded hazardous right about now--she turned, shutting the cabinet again behind her and moving on to the next. Again, nothing of much use. Stacks of paper, notebooks, a box of pencils...she was about to close the door--last one on that side of the room--when she realized she hadn't searched the bottom shelf. Bending down, she peered in, ran her hand along the inside walls...

Ooh, that felt promising.

Withdrawing her hand, she found herself looking at a roll of duct tape. Used, clearly; there wasn't much left on there. But it never hurt to have. Tossing the bottle a few times up and down in her hand, she walked quietly over and put it down on the desk next to the chocolate bars with a soft clink, then dropped the roll of tape beside it, only half listening to what Ethan was saying. What a dumb question.

"Just about the only things worthwhile on that side of the room."
In Lem's Stash 1 yr ago Forum: Test Forum


Physical Description
Saiba Aoi is...not tall. Standing at a tiny 148cm (more or less 4'10"), she is head and shoulders below several of her classmates, and still significantly shorter than even the other 'short' students. Cornflower blue hair tied in twintails and bright blue eyes frame and sit atop a narrow, pale face that is nearly always sporting a big smile. Her frame is as small as the rest of her and as narrow as her face. Her legs are long (proportionately, at least) and as slender as the rest of her. She is fairly weak as far as appearances go, with relatively undeveloped musculature. Still, though she isn't strong by any means, she's much stronger than she looks. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the obvious appearance: her legs evaporate into pixels and electricity, and then nothingness, from her mid-shin down. She can't fly or anything, but it does mean she never needs to touch the ground.

It must be noticed that with her Quirk fully active--that is to say, with her entire body digitized--she changes appearance slightly on whatever screen she manifests on. Her cornflower blue hair fades to glowing electric blue at the tips, and her blue eyes turn to a bright turquoise-cyan. She gains a few digitized lines on each cheek. Whatever she's wearing or carrying at the time comes with her when she jumps in. Excepting, of course, her phone if she uses it to jump in.

While at school she wears her Ishin Academy uniform as per requirements, when she's got the choice to wear something else she is inordinately fond of a tracksuit jacket with hugely oversized sleeves into which her arms just about disappear.

Personal History
Aoi has always been a computer person.

Even when she was a small child, she was endlessly fascinated by them, often spending hours poking at them (and accomplishing nothing, of course, she was a small child after all). Her mother Kimiko, a four-armed programmer, indulged her daughter, let her fiddle around to her heart's content as long as she didn't touch the work stuff. Still, as Aoi grew, she nursed a private worry. Quirks were inherited. But Aoi didn't have four arms like her, and her husband...

...Well, Saiba Ryoutarou was Quirkless. And as Aoi grew and grew, past six, seven, eight, it looked like she might be Quirkless too. And some of the kids at school were starting to notice.

So both Kimiko and Aoi were delighted--though Kimiko was deeply confused--to find that Aoi's legs had flickered and faded into pixelated data. And when she proudly walked into the classroom, hand in her pocket with her phone, and fell due to her unfamiliar physiology...she vanished. The class was instantly freaked out, and the teacher, even more so, running over in fear. Until...


Character Arc
Perhaps it's not obvious at first glance what's up with Aoi, and where her character development will go. Well, I point you to the above backstory and ask you to consider it. For as cheerful and chipper as Aoi is all the time, she's also burdened down by feelings of inadequacy. Being treated as Quirkless until mid-elementary school, and then being told, however gently, that her Quirk just wasn't cut out of hero work... well, it's left some marks on her psyche.

Quirk Description
Aoi's Quirk is Cyber Jump.

Description in brief: Passively, Aoi has digitized legs that have different properties than normal people, cutting off some avenues and opening up others. Actively, she can transform into computer data, jumping inside of a terminal. She can travel at internet-fast speeds on Wi-Fi, data cables, or wire connections, but needs to open a channel through cell data by making a call at the moment, and can only travel between devices; she can't jump out midway. If the device she's in is disconnected from all data, she can't exit it. If it's turned off, she goes unconscious until it goes back on. If it's destroyed, she dies.
Side note, my internet had an seizure so I double posted by mistake, my bad.
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