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Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
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Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
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Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
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Biting Spider Writing
7 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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Quinn had, in fact, not expected her medical exam to take very long at all. It seemed strange to think it now, but she'd only just discovered there was modium in her head and with how busy she'd been since then, how tumultuous yesterday had been, she'd forgotten all about it. Despite the severity of a piece of modium in her head. And so it was that after an hour or two, once the easy parts of the exam were over and midway through the head scan, there had been faint sounds first of confusion and then alarm from the doctor who'd talked to her. Minutes passed, and so did rapid footsteps in the hallway outside. Then it had gone quiet. And so, Quinn had sat in the exam room for the last two hours, totally isolated from everyone, with nothing to do but think.

It had been a long time since she'd had a morning that leisurely. On the Aerie, the second she was up, she was eating, and the second she was fed, she was out, usually heading for the sims or the gym. So that morning had been one of nigh-inconceivable luxury. Taking a long shower with her braid undone, replaiting it, unpacking her luggage finally, ordering a dresser that would come up later that day, shooting a few texts back and forth with Deelie, putting the sweaty clothes from yesterday aside to wash them later...it felt like she'd come unbuttoned from time, she'd had so much.

The one thing she hadn't done was eat breakfast. She knew that some medical tests didn't work if you'd eaten, so she'd just had a bottle of clean, clear water to start the day. By the time she'd been pinged to come to medical, she was almost grateful for it. She didn't quite know what to do with herself for that long.

Perhaps there was something a bit sad about that.

She wasn't entirely sure how long she'd been sitting in the exam room, dawdling her feet off the side of the table where they'd seated her as she stared up at the ceiling. One of the lights flickered every so often, and it had started to captivate her attention in a way few things could. Strange things happened to a mind when it was bored. It had helped to distract her from the images of her destroying the treaty again, at least.

She frowned, itching to put her eyepatch back on—being without it was discomfiting—and sighed for the umpteenth time, only to this time be cut off by the door shuttled open, and Toussaint walked in. Quinn gave him her best smile, but it was strained no matter how hard she tried, and after a moment she dropped it, waiting to hear her sentence.

"We have determined that you are not, currently, a danger to yourself or anyone who might be in close proximity to you."

Quinn couldn't help it; she let out a loud breath of relief as he went on. She'd need to come back every few days. That was fine, she was used to visiting medical constantly now after Roaki. She nodded along as he asked her as well to keep it hidden. No problems there. She didn't want much to talk about it either.

He stood at stared at her, and she twitched, before he revealed the best news that he possibly could, except maybe that Casoban had decided that the treaty was fine and Quinn could go home to the Aerie. So the best news he realistically could: her technician had arrived. The smile came back to her face as she nodded, small but sincere this time.

"Mhmm. I'm...sorry about all of that."
In Lem's Stash 10 mos ago Forum: Test Forum

Lina Anastasia Delikhova
Scion of
Wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy?
"I'm never quite sure whether or not my daughter knows what she's doing, and I don't think she is either."
"Pfft, why're you being so serious? Lighten up, spoilsport!"

Holy Sigil Location
Her holy sigil appears just left of her left eye.

Can describe your character here what pictures don't show

should be obvious

include where you were born, your status (if you're a noble), how being a Scion has affected your life, and any current personal goals. If you weren't expected to be a Scion, explain how you found out.

Weapon of Choice
Setting is pretty modern but there be monsters on the road so what do you use to defend yourself?

  • Lina has a final wrinkle to complicate her life more. As sweet-tempered as she is, all that pent-up anger and aggression from her childhood had to go somewhere, and it manifested as a voice that urges her to act as cold and merciless as her father always wanted her to: the Rodion Voice.
  • use a list to make it nice and neat
  • :)
Quinn lightly closed her eye for a bit, feeling all the energy bleeding out of her and leaving her just as tired as she'd ever been. It was midnight, after all, and she hadn't had a lot of sleep the night before. For obvious reasons. Still, the smile hovered on her face. With a quick word, she hung the dress up and reclaimed the pajamas she'd been wearing as she returned to her bed, flopping backwards onto it, still staring at Besca's smile. She nodded in reply, making to speak before her face was suddenly split by a tremendous yawn. When it was finally done, she blinked heavily a few times before nodding again. She was...much more tired than she'd though she was.

"Uh-huh," she murmured sleepily, "I'll do my best. The people here are nice, I think."

She flipped over, shimmied into the luxurious covers, and curled up onto her side, letting her body relax and groaning in relief as she did so. Quinn wasn't very good at relaxing these days, and it wasn't often that she let herself. But Besca was right. She'd earned it today. And this really was a very nice bed. Another yawn, as she popped off the elastics, tossed them haphazardly to her nightstand, and let her braid loosen: a true luxury for someone who, up until now, had been expected to be ready to go go go at the slightest notice at any moment.

Another yawn, and her eye fell to half-mast as she propped her phone up on her pillow—one of her pillows—so she didn't need to hold it any longer. She gave a contented hum, and relished the warmth; both within her and without.

"...I think...I'm going to go to sleep soon." She let her eye close completely, and the contented smile stayed.

"I love you."
Quinn's smile grew even wider, the widest that it had ever been since that faraway sunny afternoon. She gave one more twirl, slower this time, then plucked the phone from the sink again, practically vibrating with excitement. It had been a weird day for sure, but there wasn't a lot that boosted Quinn's mood like Besca telling her that she looked perfect!

"It was this little place called Miséricorde, I walked in 'cause I realized everyone on the Ange is really fancy so dressing like I usually do would look weird," she babbled, "Isn't it beautiful? She didn't need to alter it at ALL, it was just like this, it's like it was meant to be!" She practically skipped back into the bedroom, leaving the bathroom door open behind her, and tripped over herself because she was looking at the screen instead of where she was walking, nearly faceplanting into the baseboard of her bed.

Still, her cheer was unblunted. It was like talking to Besca after not even a full day in Casoban had unlocked a piece of Quinn that had been buried since Hovvi, and now that it had been let free Quinn was caught up in the current, unable to fully control it but more than happy to be along for the ride. She wheeled on the ball of her foot, stretching out her arm full length in front of her. "Ooh, I can show you my room! It's just..." She tapped the camera button on the video chat, displaying what was in front of her instead of her face and waving it around, "...SO huge! Look how huge it is!"

She nearly turned left, but held off, she wanted to save that for last. So instead she zipped off to the right and ducked into her closet, where her luggage laid forgotten on the ground still. "Look at this! This is a closet! It's like my whole room back at home! I'm never going to use all this space, but—ooh, I think I could get a couch up here! I bet it'd be great in there!"

Then she was off again, darting into the kitchen this time and panning Besca's vicarious eyes about. "I have a kitchen! I have a whole kitchen, just in my room! And guess what?" She popped open the fridge with a flourish, and proudly showed off the four pack of yuzu soda.

"And last but not least...!"

She finally ran over to the left again, and as she pointed the camera at the 'wall,' she whacked the button. The shutters disengaged, and the window once more showed off the starry void of space.

Finally, Quinn was quiet, but for a bit of heavy breathing that grew lighter as she wound down. She blinked hard once, twice. After a bit, she spoke again, and her voice had returned to something like its normal tone and cadence, if not even slower now. She swapped the camera again, and it once more displayed her, though her bright smile had grown softer, more tired.

"So. That's...that's my room."
Only when Besca asked Quinn what she'd done did she realize that she actually had answers. Quinn had lived with Besca in the Aerie for long enough now that it felt a bit strange to tell her secondhand all these miles and miles away; but like so many things she'd discovered since that day, strange was not necessarily bad.

"Well, uh, yeah, I went to eat with Cyril...uh...Derisa, I think his name was? One of the new pilots—well, first I met him and his sister, they have an obstacle course that must be half a mile long and I couldn't even make it past the first obstacle, haha. He took me out too a really fancy place called..." Oh, what was it? "...called, um, Lumière something?" She pushed back against the bed and popped back up to a sitting posiiton, shaking her head to get her braid settled against her back. "I've never seen anything like it, not even on TV. I couldn't even eat it all, it was just so much, you know?"

"The gym here is crazy too, the pilot gym back home could fit in a quarter of it. It's going to take me a long time to get used to it."

She paused for a moment, remember how the woman had reacted when they'd left the lift, and what Cyril had told her. Her voice grew a bit more subdued, then, but not unduly so; more thoughtful than pensive. "I thought Casoban would hate me. But they seem to like me, it's weird. Like after lunch, when I—"

She slapped her hand suddenly over her mouth to silence herself, and her eye went wide. She'd almost forgotten! She needed to show Besca! When she dropped the hand away from her face, she was wearing a downright giddy grin, and even bouncing a little, all thoughts of piloting and international relationships forgotten as she put her phone aside on the cover and bolted up. "Oooh I forgot! I gotta show you something!"

She gave a quick wave and bolted out of the camera's line of sight, and into her closet, where she snatched the dress off the hanger and held it out in front of her, brimming with excitement. Dahlia had called her gorgeous, right? She hoped she hadn't shown Besca the picture yet, she wanted it to be a surprise!

If Besca listened carefully, a few small noises of frustration could be heard as the camera faced the wide cream-colored ceiling. Only a moment later, though, there was the pitter-patter of rapid footsteps, and the phone was grabbed up too quickly for anything to be visible as she jogged a little ways. Eventually, the phone was settled against what seemed to be just beneath a sink in a very fancy-looking bathroom, just a flash of Quinn's hand visible as she slipped out of frame for just a moment, revealing a very posh looking bathroom and a door leading into a room of frankly concerning size.

...The view of which was blocked out a moment later, as Quinn nearly bounced back into frame, now wearing her brand-new dress. She spun on her feet as the long skirt flared out around her, nearly fell over, and then, facing the camera again, thrust out her arms to the sides and absolutely beamed:

Besca's voice, even over the phone, was like a balm on the burn of Quinn's feelings, and it wasn't long before the breathing started, and the sobbing petered down to sniffing, then just breathing. Shaky, yes, and she could still feel the tears beading at the corner of her eye. But after only a few minutes, she shook her head, took a few more sniffles, blew her nose, and wiped her eye with the corner of her shirt sleeve.

The day was over. She did it. She made it.

She took took one or two more deep breaths, and—back to herself—remembered to press the video call button, pointing the camera at her tear-stained face.

Tear-stained, yes, which was not uncommon; was debatably the most common. But what her face wasn't was still crumpled. Her eye, though misty with tears, was clear and focused instead of faraway like it tended to be sometimes. There was a shadow behind it, certainly. More than what was usually present, even. But steady. By the way the phone was focused on her face, it was clear that her hand wasn't shaking, or was at least only trembling a minimal amount. On the whole, despite the sudden outpouring of emotion that resembled one of her emotional breakdowns, the way she looked now was as composed as she ever really could look.

The other side of the screen blinked on and Besca's face came into focus. She was exhausted, clearly, and the creases of worry that Quinn had become so used to were pasted on her face. She clearly hadn't showered or brushed her hair in probably longer than was hygienic, and her face had a sunken look to it. The bags under her eyes had grown more pronounced. Really, she looked like hell.

But, like Quinn, her eye was bright, and she wore a smile that, while tired, was still wide, genuine, and clearly very happy.

And, a moment later, Quinn's face grew one to match. A sudden smile, one that she'd only matched once or twice before. And then, to make the blue moon even rarer, she gave a little self-conscious laugh.

"Ahaha, sorry about that. It's been a...well, a day, I'm just...it's a lot, you know?" she murmured, flopping down on her back so her hair spread out on the blanket like a crown as the smile grew more mellow. No less happy, but calmer.

"I'm so happy to see you."
Quinn breathed in a deep sigh as the door slid shut behind her with a pneumatic hiss, and then let it out in a long, heavy breath. She needed to get used to working out alone, she supposed. Peeling off her sweat-soaked clothing, she hucked it carelessly into the closet; she'd deal with it tomorrow. Unzipping the bag, she picked out another set of comfy clothes to sleep in and a bag of toiletries, then headed into the oversize bathroom.

Still overwhelmed at the absurd size of everything, she headed immediately to the sink. She'd shower in the morning. Brushed her teeth, spat, washed her face, stared at her reflection like she was somehow looking at somebody else. A CSC pilot. She wasn't sure she liked it very much. She wanted to go home already.

Speaking of home...

She knew it was late, but she also knew that Besca hadn't slept before midnight probably since Quinn had been on the Aerie, and she probably wasn't starting now. Stepping out of the bathroom, she flinched as she looked at the window, out into the dizzying void of space, then walked over and smacked the button to shut it. Too much, a little too much. Another heavy breath, then she pulled the phone out of her pocket and trotted over to the bed, taking a seat on it as her heart grew a little bit lighter. She might not be able to go home, but at least she could ask about it.

God. The mattress was just...god. Everything was so luxurious. But still...she paused, and was again slapped by how quiet it was, still. Probably even moreso now; any minute hum of activity there might've been was long gone, leaving only a silence that she could hear her heartbeat in. She swallowed past the sudden lump in her throat, shook her head, flicked her braid back, and tapped at her phone to find her second most called contact after Deelie: Besca <3

She hesitated, just for a second, struck with a sudden nameless anxiety that she couldn't place. It passed in a blink, though, and she tapped on the contact, and made the call.

The first ring hadn't even ended when it was answered. And at having that link back to the Aerie formed...that link back to all that was familiar to her, here in this strange place where she knew nothing and nobody, really: it was suddenly too much. And before Besca could even say anything, Quinn's self-control detonated, and just like that, she burst into tears.

"Why is it so quiet here?"
In Lem's Stash 10 mos ago Forum: Test Forum


Physical Description
Hiei Moeko is a bizarrely tall girl, standing at nearly six feet already. Consequently, she stands much taller than most people in her class, including the boys, but especially the girls. She has long, bright red hair which she ties up in twin tails every day to keep it out of her face and off of her neck, and brilliant orange eyes held often at some degree of aggravation. She tends to wear an intense expression on her round face, like she's concentrating really hard on something a lot of the time. But the most notable part of her body is the center of her chest over her heart. It glows with a brilliant yellow-orange light that pulses along with her heartbeat. As her solar reservoir fills it grows brighter, and the pulsing less frequent. When it's full, it's a brilliant, unbroken light.

As far as musculature goes, she doesn't have a ton. That's not to say she's unfit; but it's certainly not something she's prioritized, choosing instead to hone her Quirk.

Though of course at school she wears her uniform, outside of it she prefers lightweight t-shirts and shorts. Because of her Quirk heating her from the inside it's difficult for her to get cold much of the time, so she just wears what she finds comfortable. She carries herself with pride, as—in her mind—befits a hero-to-be.

Personal History
Aoi has always been a computer person.

Even when she was a small child, she was endlessly fascinated by them, often spending hours poking at them (and accomplishing nothing, of course, she was a small child after all). Her mother Kimiko, a four-armed programmer, indulged her daughter, let her fiddle around to her heart's content as long as she didn't touch the work stuff. Still, as Aoi grew, she nursed a private worry. Quirks were inherited. But Aoi didn't have four arms like her, and her husband...

...Well, Saiba Ryoutarou was Quirkless. And as Aoi grew and grew, past six, seven, eight, it looked like she might be Quirkless too. And some of the kids at school were starting to notice.

So both Kimiko and Aoi were delighted--though Kimiko was deeply confused--to find that Aoi's legs had flickered and faded into pixelated data. And when she proudly walked into the classroom, hand in her pocket with her phone, and fell due to her unfamiliar physiology...she vanished. The class was instantly freaked out, and the teacher, even more so, running over in fear. Until...


Character Arc
Perhaps it's not obvious at first glance what's up with Aoi, and where her character development will go. Well, I point you to the above backstory and ask you to consider it. For as cheerful and chipper as Aoi is all the time, she's also burdened down by feelings of inadequacy. Being treated as Quirkless until mid-elementary school, and then being told, however gently, that her Quirk just wasn't cut out of hero work... well, it's left some marks on her psyche.

Quirk Description
Moeko's Quirk is Cannon Core.

In addition to all normal functions, her heart serves as a reservoir for solar energy that she fills up every time she's exposed to sunlight, though of course the more direct the better. In addition to gaining physical resilience, speed, and strength, as well as resistance to heat and cold, commensurate to the state of her reservoir, the main function of her Quirk draws on her reservoir instead, funneling power out of it to create destructive lances of firelight.
As soon as Quinn got back in the lift and left the crowd behind, she let out a long, slow breath, and realized that she'd been holding it for a while. And for once, not solely out of anxiety; there had been a certain thrill in walking through the upper commons in full view and having people clustering around her—her alone—that she was quite unfamiliar with, but wasn't all unwelcome.

As she stared at the image in the door, she reached out her hand, laying it against her reflection's and marveling at how different it looked. It was so...sleek. Oh, what was that word she'd read in one of Dahlia's magazines once? Svelte? The last time she'd wore a dress was...well, it wasn't exactly a fun time for anybody—she felt her back teeth clench—but she was allowed to feel pretty now and then, right? She was allowed to feel pretty, and she was allowed to enjoy it when people cheered her name.

She'd somehow forgotten she was on the lift—it was just so quiet!—and jumped when the doors slid open before her. Stepping out, she was once more enwrapped in the cream-colored quiet. She stood still for a moment, then reached a hand into her pocket to check the time—

Oh. That was right, she didn't have any pockets in this, did she?

Well, whatever. It was probably about half an hour after lunch, so it was time anyway. Making her swift walk down the hall back to her dorm, she stepped into the enormous walk-in closet, nearly tripped over her luggage that she still needed to unpack, reminded herself that she still needed to order a dresser, and quickly—or, as quickly as someone vastly out of practice could—divested herself of her fancy new clothing, sliding a coathanger carefully into it and hanging it up as the first addition to her closet. She stared at it for another moment and found herself smiling.

Then she emptied out the Miséricorde bag, reclaimed her usual clothing, and popped it on. She breathed a sigh, one of paradoxical disappointment and relief, and checked the time for real this time. A little after one. It was a little later than she wished, but it was still around the right time, and she couldn't in good conscience wait any longer or else she'd start feeling guilty for skipping training. Tying up the drawstring in her sweatpants, she cracked her neck. Then she unzipped her bag just enough to pull out her water bottle, filled it up with fresh water in the bathroom, took a long, deep breath, and whacked the button to open her door again, wheeled on her heel to the right, and set off towards the gym.
Only a few seconds after Quinn sent the message, she received one back, and the anxiety that had shot to the surface began to quell:

You make plenty PLEASE buy the dress you look gorgeous!

And then, unexpectedly, another:


She blinked at it for a moment, confused, until she got to the deadgirl at the end, and her lips curled into a smile. Roaki saw it too. And that also meant that Roaki and Dahlia were spending time together, at least a little bit, and maybe they'd be less oil-and-water when she got back (she tried to avoid thinking about the part that when she got back, Dahlia would be leaving right after). Still, the smile remained. Dahlia had called her gorgeous, and Roaki had texted her. That was worth something, at least, right?

She fired back a quick <3 to Dahlia, and then, after a moment's consideration, made one final text: <3 (for Roaki)

So, the decision was made, and the dress would be hers. Reaching down again and digging through her pants pocket for her wallet after replacing her phone, she fished through that too, until she found her 'debit card,' which she didn't think she'd ever actually used before. She frowned for just a moment as she realized this dress didn't have any pockets, and she was going to need to buy a purse at some point too, which would also probably cost a lot on the Ange; it was too important that a pilot have their phone on them at all times. '

But that frown didn't last long; her mood was being buoyed back up by thoughts of Dahlia and Roaki before too long. So it was with a smile she came back out to the cashier. She'd kind of wanted to put her normal clothing back on, but...

She also kind of didn't want to take this off so soon. There was a butterfly flutter of anxiety in her gut about going back out into the Upper Commons wearing it, and the firm knowledge that she wouldn't be avoiding any kind of attention, but she'd already squared herself with the fact that she was going to get an excess of attention in Casoban anyway. Just like Dahlia asking about the bathroom had followed her, it was best if she chose where she was going to get that attention first so people remembered it best.

So as she was fiddling with the card in preparation for buying something so expensive, she asked,

"Can I have a bag for my other clothes and wear this out?"
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