Well, I should really get my arse online more often... Hiya @AdmrlStalfos19 and welcome to the thread. As Raven said, we're not allowing Valkyrur as PCs, though they may still be in the plot somewhere or other. This is mainly to keep everyone balanced and to play the war from the point of a group of more or less normal soldiers.
But a sniper with an anti-tank rifle sounds pretty damn cool. The practical restrictions that Raven mentioned would of course apply, but if you're ok with that, sounds good to me. Shooting off the tracks and popping a shot through the driver's hatch would be a cool way to immobilise an tank, or one through the radiator to kill the engine.
But a sniper with an anti-tank rifle sounds pretty damn cool. The practical restrictions that Raven mentioned would of course apply, but if you're ok with that, sounds good to me. Shooting off the tracks and popping a shot through the driver's hatch would be a cool way to immobilise an tank, or one through the radiator to kill the engine.