Avatar of leopard


Recent Statuses

19 hrs ago
Current whos up for a Katy Perry song inspired RP?? FxF only, first come first serve roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
24 hrs ago
I wanna base a 1x1 after Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" so I'll totally make it exist soon <3
2 days ago
I am the queen of cats and chaos, mwahaahaa
2 days ago
sooo.. I may or may have not got a one day ban from roblox- whoops.. hell I better not say that in chat again I suppose, even tho I was kidding-
5 days ago
contest entries look so good! I wonder if mine will win or if it will be someone else's :3


I don't bite...

✧Roblox games: DOORS, Brookhaven, Berry Avenue, Warrior Cats Ultimate Edtion, Creatures Of Sonaria, and too many others.
✧I also play Minecraft and goof around on creative mode.
✧Avatar is TigerLily, my cat. My stubborn furball of a sister, heh.
✧Fanbases: DOORS, Warriors, Miraculous Ladybug, Wakfu (netflix series).
✧I Draw: Cats, Dogs, Dragons.

✧Middle Schooler
✧Proud sister of 3 cats
✧Basic American
✧Taken by my shortie ♡︎
✧Itsfunneh fan
✧Thinknoodles fan
✧Laurenzside fan

✧Forum Roleplayer
✧Basic Roleplayer
✧Roblox: cutekittengirl1222 - display: leopard_wcue

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

Character Sheets: roleplayerguild.com/topics/194842-cha…

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

currently looking for group rps and more rp partners!
i post often (except for weekends), and I like to write! i can make ocs for you (can't on fandoms I'm not familiar with).
I like cats and dragons.
I like horror and roleplay games.
I play Roblox, Minecraft, Animal Royale, Realm Royale, Pokemon Arceus, Pokemon Sword...
I am a minor in middle school.
I like ramen and chicken noodle stew.
I like helping my dad cook :3
I am mainly part of the following fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Warrior Cats
I am taken.


Most Recent Posts

@Hari I has an itch for excessive rp. I love romance shippy ships. interesting plots you have here. cant do adult or smut, I like goofy saucy touches on romance rps honestly, and I love myself a touch of fantasy. I'd love to get into more advanced rp, and I would be pretty well on that cause I like writing paragraphs about ocs. i like drama and action. i love getting to know people on here <3 I chat a lot throughout the day, yapping about life lols. i am a minor tho, I get if this is an immediate reject, but I begeth for more partners. i bite off more than I can chew sometimes, to be fair. i can't post on weekends atm and not past at least 3:30 on weekdays, but I rapid-reply throughout the day otherwise. you have some interesting plots, too ;3
Bio: roleplayerguild.com/posts/5591681/raw

The little brown, folded-eared he kit tumbled into the camp, his big, hazel eyes wide. "Is this it?" he wondered aloud, remembering the tales from the many cats along the way. His stubby tail stood up as he noticed cats roaming about, his medium-length fur standing on end. He does an awkward, tail in stance toward the supposed boss of these big cats, a fluffy cat with white spotting.

@isla primmy should totally care for/adopt dis innocent babi
Name: Riverclaw
Nickname: River
Age: 26 moons
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: https://cdn.picrew.me/shareImg/org/202502/2058819_XFs8M5Rg.png
Mentor/App:Open to any

accepted :P

aged 2-4 moons

Quartz Clan RP Character

dark brown he-kit with folded ears, a stubby tail, hazel eyes, and a bouncy personality.


A dark brown, medium-furred he-kit with folded ears, a fluffy, stubby tail, curious, big hazel eyes, and a bouncy personality. He has a light brown patch on his right eye, his back right foot is light brown, and he has a small scar above his right front paw. He was that of a litter born to a kittypet, but was abandoned when no twoleg adopted him. He is curious, energetic, and optimistic. He's sensitive, however, and doesn't like to talk about his family. He has one light brown paw and a white splotch around his right eye. He is somewhat of a Scottish fold cat. He is hoping to find a place to stay.

Chestnut is a curious, nosy, energetic, optimistic, yet sensitive he-kit. His eyesight is a little blurry and he can't balance well due to being born with a stubby tail. He loves playing with others and wants to be " a big, brave kitty," he claims.


Coming from the far off twolegplace, this kit has hardly made it by, following the tales of the serene warriors of QuartzClan. He hopes to find a new family there. He's befriended many loners along the way, and has been taught to scavenge for food because his size is too small to hunt properly.

aged 2-4 moons

Quartz Clan RP Character

dark brown he-kit with folded ears, a stubby tail, hazel eyes, and a bouncy personality.


A dark brown, medium-furred he-kit with folded ears, a fluffy, stubby tail, curious, big hazel eyes, and a bouncy personality. He was that of a litter born to a kittypet, but was abandoned when no twoleg adopted him. He is curious, energetic, and optimistic. He's sensitive, however, and doesn't like to talk about his family. He has one light brown paw and a white splotch around his right eye. He is somewhat of a Scottish fold cat. He is hoping to find a place to stay.

Chestnut is a curious, nosy, energetic, optimistic, yet sensitive he-kit. His eyesight is a little blurry and he can't balance well due to being born with a stubby tail. He loves playing with others and wants to be " a big, brave kitty," he claims.


Coming from the far off twolegplace, this kit has hardly made it by, following the tales of the serene warriors of QuartzClan. He hopes to find a new family there. He's befriended many loners along the way, and has been taught to scavenge for food because his size is too small to hunt properly.

I will wiggle him into the clan, lols. someone museth take care of child
@ErosSense I'd like to be a Talent Facilitator (also colloquially known as a "Potential Unlocker") my character, and others like him, would have small classroom sizes (about 7-10 at a time MAX, sometimes only 2 or 3 at a time).

Also, @leopard wcue, I like your gender fluid character and the idea that they "snuck" into the academy, but as @ErosSense mentioned, that would be way too hard to do, being surrounded by brilliant staff members that may even have abilities that could potentially be borderline telepathic. But perhaps they only THINK they snuck into the academy. But the mysterious headmaster and all need-to-know staff members actually know what you've done or figure it out rather quickly, but they don't say anything. Perhaps they don't kick your character out, because this sneaky nature is part of what actually makes them belong at the academy.


ooh that's a good plot, i'd be up for it
just wondering. character adopts were a thing that used to be done on the rp forum I used to use. people would fill bases or randomise ocs and adopt them out, crediting the OG generator used. or you would throw in an oc you could no longer roleplay and hope someone would be like: hey, I'll adopt and rp them!

i needa do that for a warrior cat oc, so I was wondering where i'd put that.

/edit: some people actually made money off of it too, selling the characters if they were original ideas thought up by the user. [ofc that was in-forum money with no off-site value, but you could use real money here]
btw anyone wanna adopt Poppyclaw? is the sibling of enchanted ice, all I have for them is: shorthaired red tabby with yellow eyes
/edit: quick image I pulled from an ai emoji place --> emojis.com/emoji/red-white-tabby-cat-…



An extremely fluffy, white tabby demigirl she-cat with yellow, inviting eyes. They are quick on her feet and love to pace themself. She enjoys racing other cats. They are known for their agility. She enjoys climbing trees. They are caring and inquisitive, and very competitive.

She is a loyal, long-time member of the clan. Their family tree stretches to the clan's creation. She is well sought-after for her problem-solving abilities. They are nosy and curious. She races cats in various ways; tree climbing, swimming, and basic racing. They have a high jump and large paws. She has an extremely bushy, squirrel-like tail. They hope to be deputy one day.


Enchantedice nosed around the camp, taking in the clean air as she shifted her paws about. Her fluffy, near-white fur was matted with sticks and leaves.

header found on this link ---> emojis.com/emoji/fluffy-white-and-tab…

alr yall can post now
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