Chestnutkit tilted his head. "Fresh..?" He remembered the term being used by cats he had met before- but there had always been friendly queens to share some milk. Then again, he supposed, he did think he might be big enough to eat prey now. He sat down eagerly as Primrosestar went to find him a piece of freshkill.
[but damn prim was just nonexistent for a while lol- I get it tho, balancing two rp forums]
Chestnutkit tilted his head. "Fresh..?" He remembered the term being used by cats he had met before- but there had always been friendly queens to share some milk. Then again, he supposed, he did think he might be big enough to eat prey now. He sat down eagerly as Primrosestar went to find him a piece of freshkill.
[but damn prim was just nonexistent for a while lol- I get it tho, balancing two rp forums]