Avatar of Letter Bee


Recent Statuses

14 days ago
Current Two years, eight months, three threads... Four months more until my RP as a whole lasts three years.
26 days ago
My Elder Scrolls RP may reach a third month... or die in a few days. It depends on luck.
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1 mo ago
My RP, despite many challenges, has ran for two years and seven months across three threads.
1 mo ago
Thanks to all who stood by me; you're all good people.
2 mos ago
We've done it. Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, lives.
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Most Recent Posts

It's been a long while since I've watched Bleach but I just begins my journey to reading the manga so I'm down to join this rp since it'll probably be my first one in this website.

Hey, V.D.; glad to see you here!
Mykhailo Martinez

"Thanks, Aurélie; I'd be honored to fight you in the simulators," Mykhailo replied to the Frenchwoman, before replying to his fellow 'silver-spoon child', "And yes, Fuka, next time, I'll ask someone to take the food to the Women's dorms - I forgot about the existence of the staff; no offense to them."

Then he followed the female pilot to the simulators, anticipating a fierce fight; he knew not to underestimate a strong and assertive woman.

A few hours later, he realized that, as he won through the skin of his teeth, Aurélie was holding back the true extent of her skills, and he looked at her directly as the both of them got out of the simulators so he can outright tell her he knew.

"I got lucky and you were holding back," were the twenty-one-year-old's exact words. "It seems you're wary enough to hold back some tricks; had I been lulled into overconfidence by that, I could be dead next time I fight."

His eyes glinted with... something before he continued, "You're a great pilot; I read enough of the superficial similarities of your backstory to Valkyrie's. I am honored to have had the chance to pretend I shot you down, and also to have tasted the sharpness of your wit. Let's have a fiercer fight next time when the opportunity strikes."

I like you but in a different way than Valkyrie and Fuka. That does not mean I trust you, you lovable rogue. But for now... We can use how skilled you are.

Then he went to the men's dorms to shower, put on his nightclothes, and then sleep; he had a long day tomorrow.

@Damo021@AvaP@Kensai@Smike@Rhona W
@donndollas07, Okay?

Maybe the Arena section is best for you?
10/25/24 - Added the Public NPC System and a copy of the First Batch of Public NPCs.
NPC Arms Masters First Batch

ASEAN NPC Arms Masters:


Name: Chai Jakkrit

Antagonist, Friendly, or Neutral: Friendly

Arms Master: Y

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Abilities: A Thai Bladed Staff that can transmute the user's body into electricity, allowing them to travel through metal objects, such as copper wire, while inflicting stunning to fatal shocks on living targets they pass through.

Brief Description: Thai Arms Master deployed to Phnom Penh to punish the Cambodians.

Disposability: 5


Name: The Chau Sisters

Antagonist, Friendly, or Neutral:

Arms Master: Y/N

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Abilities:

Twinswap - A unique ability that exploits, then breaks the rules of the Noble Arm System, this allows the Chau Twins to swap their Noble Arms to each other using their bond as Twins.

Crystalization (Red Chau) - Any living flesh cut by Red Chau's sword slowly crystalizes until the person dies, the damage is reversed by another Noble Arm, or Red Chau wills it to reverse on its own (cutting off the cut flesh is also an option). Wood, natural fibers, and bone (including ivory) are immune, as well as hair and animal horns.

Liquification (Blue Chau) - Any inorganic material (stone, metal, plastic, concrete) cut by Blue Chau's sword quickly dissolves into liquid; this includes vehicles and walls. This ability does not affect living flesh and organic materials like wood, but those can still be cut by the blade like normal. Unlike Red Chau, Blue Chau cannot will the damage to reverse.

Unnatural Agility (Blue Chau) - Blue Chau is just fast enough to avoid bullets.

Barrier Skin (Red Chau) - Red Chau emits an energy barrier close to her skin that allows her to withstand most calibers of bullet and even one Anti-Materiel Rifle Round. This, however, saps her Persistence and thus she prefers to swap with Blue Chau every other minute in combat.

Brief Description: Two of Vietnam's Arms Masters, and ones rising in popularity as they fight in the ASEAN War, the Chau Sisters have been sent to Phnom Penh to punish the Cambodians for their treachery. They are twins and not used to being apart, even in combat...

Disposability: 5
NPC Arms Masters First Batch

ASEAN NPC Arms Masters:


Name: Chai Jakkrit

Antagonist, Friendly, or Neutral: Friendly

Arms Master: Y

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Abilities: A Thai Bladed Staff that can transmute itself and the user's body into a large ball of electricity, allowing them to travel through metal objects, such as copper wire, while inflicting stunning to fatal shocks on living targets they pass through. However, excessive use of this ability can damage Chai's body once it returns to flesh and blood, leading to severe injuries at best, especially if the 'lightning form' comes into contact with large amounts of rubber or non-conductive materials.

Brief Description: Thai Arms Master deployed to Phnom Penh to punish the Cambodians.

Disposability: 5


Name: The Chau Sisters

Antagonist, Friendly, or Neutral:

Arms Master: Y/N

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Abilities:

Twinswap - A unique ability that exploits, then breaks the rules of the Noble Arm System, this allows the Chau Twins to swap their Noble Arms to each other using their bond as Twins.

Crystalization (Red Chau) - Any living flesh cut by Red Chau's sword slowly crystalizes until the person dies, the damage is reversed by another Noble Arm, or Red Chau wills it to reverse on its own (cutting off the cut flesh is also an option). Wood, natural fibers, and bone (including ivory) are immune, as well as hair and animal horns.

Liquification (Blue Chau) - Any inorganic material (stone, metal, plastic, concrete) cut by Blue Chau's sword quickly dissolves into liquid; this includes vehicles and walls. This ability does not affect living flesh and organic materials like wood, but those can still be cut by the blade like normal. Unlike Red Chau, Blue Chau cannot will the damage to reverse.

Unnatural Agility (Blue Chau) - Blue Chau is just fast enough to avoid bullets.

Barrier Skin (Red Chau) - Red Chau emits an energy barrier close to her skin that allows her to withstand most calibers of bullet and even one Anti-Materiel Rifle Round. This, however, saps her Persistence and thus she prefers to swap with Blue Chau every other minute in combat.

Brief Description: Two of Vietnam's Arms Masters, and ones rising in popularity as they fight in the ASEAN War, the Chau Sisters have been sent to Phnom Penh to punish the Cambodians for their treachery. They are twins and not used to being apart, even in combat...

Disposability: 5

Testing: Noble Arms Public NPC System

For players who want to move the plot, but whose current PC is out of commission, I am testing out a Public NPC System where players can take control of pre-made NPCs with GM Permission (or are asked by the GM to 'test out' the NPCs) so they can keep playing. Not only that but players who already have a PC can submit Public NPCs for the GMs to approve, on the condition that once they are, anyone can use them even without them having to personally give their permission - It comes with submitting a Public NPC in the first place.

NPC Template:

(Optional; Picture Preferred.)[/center]


[b]Antagonist, Friendly, or Neutral:[/b]

[b]Arms Master:[/b] Y/N

[b]Noble Arm Rank:[/b]

[hider=Insert NA rank here]
Power: The pure energy the NA can exert (offensively/defensively/healing/etc).
Speed: How fast the power responds to the user and takes effect.
Range: How far-reaching the abilities are (potential fallout included). Along with Power, we will be paying special scrutiny to NAs that are high in this stat and especially in both at once.
Persistence: Stamina toll on the user. Higher rank = more ease of use.
Precision: How surgically (or clumsily/indiscriminate) the NA performs.
Potential: Power's flexibility for creative use and evolution.

[b]Noble Arm Abilities:[/b]

[b]Brief Description:[/b] (Include a brief description of who the NPC is, where he comes from, and his official and unofficial jobs and how they involve the PCs.)

[b]Disposability:[/b] (1 is ‘can be killed easily as though they were a nameless goon’, 10 has plot armor [i]almost[/i] equivalent to a PC and is very hard to end permanently.)

@Letter Bee Cool. If it's not your thing then this game isn't for you. I'm not here to debate editions or be convinced to play something else. Happy hunting and I hope you find a game that fits your interests.

It's fine; sorry if I was rude.

Thanks for the polite response.
@BrobyDDark, welcome back!
@Ol Judgeent, I must apologize, but I genuinely prefer Werewolf: The Forsaken 2e (Chronicles of Darkness/New World of Darkness).

That one has Werewolves be able to breed with other Werewolves and produce only 'Wolf-blooded'.

Or alternatively, Werewolf the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition, but I'd probably prefer to be a Glass Walker or a Weaver-tainted Pro-Human Werewolf that dials down the Ecoterrorism.
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