Jaina DaltonJaina tried to shout, "I was
six when that happened, you bastard! And if your nation refused to trade peacefully, of course we'd raid to open your markets - And it's not as if you and the other nations weren't invading our land and burning down our crops every so often!"
Okay, maybe the concept of the 'Cycle of Hatred', that the various Sages in my nation preach about, does hold water after all, she thought as her cries were drowned out by being absorbed into some sort of demonic stomach pocket dimension.
All hail King Jellal; he at least put a stop to the constant warfare, as far as I know. Yeah... The long peace we had due to him bringing all of us together against the Demons did put an end to a lot of wars and petty raids. Or at least, that's what I remember...She had to admit, she was feeling bad about that Devil Slayer Priest's wife. Not so bad that she'd not defend herself, but bad enough that she had to distract herself from this demonic pocket dimension that was trying to digest her. Was this really her punishment for her father's sins? Was she going to die before doing her part to secure the peace that King Jellal had brought to the continent, including her Kingdom? No, this cannot be the end - Nor does it need to be Shinra and Miss Amaya's!
Looking around the demon stomach portal mini-dimension, Jaina tried to find some way out, racking her archive of memories for answers. She had an Ether Gear guy and Miss Amaya, who was a
Dragon God. Can a Dragon God break out of this literally forsaken place?
Was she being digested through magic, or was her guilt picking at her? Damnit, she always thought of Snaervold's past as raiders as just that, the past, and even worse, thought of the raids as great adventures against worthy opponents, not murdering and thieving and wife-killing!
Yeah, she was being digested by magic
and picked apart by guilt. Both mixed in her and it was not comfortable. Focus! You have to break out of this... What did this portal space look like, anyway?
She focused on trying to conjure up a light; a small glow would do. She needed to find Shinra and Amaya if they weren't close by. But right now, her guilt was picking at her and it was interfering with her spellcasting!
Goddess Alexandria, help me in my time of need, I beg of you - I need wisdom right now!@Aku the Samurai,
@Sho Minazuki