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@Dark Cloud Out of curiosity, what would Alna's soul feel like?
@Dark Cloud Just thinking about what exactly to do for my first post. Obviously, it won't be very long, given the style of this RP, but I think I know what I'll do. Just chilling in the meantime and checking in on some of the other RPs I'm in while I work out the wording.

This is my first time doing this style of post, so it's a bit awkward to structure.
Ponn and I are working on our own collab currently, but we should hopefully be able to wrap things up in a reasonable time. Progress has been quite quick honestly with us sharing a Google Doc.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>
Beg your pardon I'm not flipping but I am capable of a good rib tickler or two. A gentleman needs his funny bone?

Quite the bone-afide gentleman, isn't he, if I might be so bold.
@Dark Cloud Excellent~

So, where exactly are Alna and Misty right now as far as a specific location and what it looks like (if there is a description to be had).
@Dark Cloud Sorry, I clarified in an edit, but I meant less age (though that is useful to know) and more how rich with nature/life it is.
@Dark Cloud
You absolute madlad. This flipping skeleton.

Right on. I probably won't use my pfp for character image, since I don't really have one for this guy, and I'm probably gonna run multiple characters at some point from the same account anyway, but I will edit my title to incorporate any character names.

So, what am I looking at as far as location?
And also, this is a bit of a specific question related to Collin's sensory abilities, but how I guess "green/nature rich" is this planet/location?
@Fractured@Dark Cloud
So, what do Alna and Misty actually look like, and what is the general scene/location?

Also, I think Fractured already kinda helped me out with that, Dark Cloud.

Yeah, that's the idea. And I'm personally fine with anime style powerups, since I eat that kind of thing up. Now it's just a matter of figuring out how to get him involved.

Well, the great thing about Worm (the setting he's popping in from), is that Parahuman powers are, at their core, dimensionally-based.
In particular, the Threat Report/CS specifically names "Doormaker" as a counter to get rid of him. Doormaker can open portals from basically anywhere to pretty much anywhere else, even across dimensions, and he's paired up with another person called the "Clairvoyant" whose power is basically multiversal omniscience and the ability to share it with people she touches. The power-synergy is fairly blatant.

So, let's assume they have finally killed Scion (the genocidal big bad of the series), and the dimensional barriers that he created around their local multiverse are gone. What remains of Cauldron (basically morally dubious super-powered Illuminati) can now sic Doormaker on Collin and send him far away so that he's no longer their problem, having no further use for him. They don't really care about where they send him exactly other than "as far away as possible".

Collin could be literally dumped into the narrative at any time and any location that isn't shielded from dimensional travel.
Oh cool, I'll drop the Darkwolf @ then from my CS post.

As far as source material, it's really only the world he was last in that has available source material (Worm), which is providing the structure for the threat report/character sheet. Collin's powerset and origins otherwise are completely original.

Glad you liked the powerset. It's certainly not the strongest in the RP that I can see, but that was never the intention. Between his personality and the actual mechanics of how it works, he should be just fine for the most part without using the highest level of it. And then, of course, there's the fabled Sixth Stage that will only get broken out as a result of his power evolving in the face of an utterly ridiculously OP mortal threat. So, you know, basically an anime protagonist last-minute powerup type deal. And it will only really work once, since the exponential ramp-up timer will apply after the first time he activates it, meaning he would literally need hours (even days, but I'll need to recalculate it) of constant power use to ever enter Overclock V6 again.

Which, to be fair, is probably a good thing, since exponential ramp up means he will instantly surpass lightspeed by a fair margin if I'm estimating correctly. (Edit: went back and actually did some recalculations which were added to the CS)

Otherwise, I've gone over the rules, and I do believe I understand the posting style for the most part. It's the first time I'd ever be doing it in and RP, but broadly summarized, it looks like telling a story through a script... sorta. It seems like it's supposed to be first person, but most people are writing in more of a script style.
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