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@Lonewolf685 Sorry about the wait. Post up now. I was was gonna finish earlier, but I was tired and needed to sleep. Then I come back and find yet another Bonnie post already out way sooner than I was expecting, which prompted a bit more adjustment.


Weren't we supposed to be on patrol? What the actual fuck is this?

Such was the dominating thought in Camelot's mind, as she squeezed her eyes shut in frustration, listening to Tesni's surprisingly philosophical response. "You're not an idiot, Tesni," Camelot eventually spoke up, opening her eyes. "In fact, you're rather talented, brimming with potential, both realized and otherwise." And that was exactly why she didn't particularly like her. It all seemed like such a waste for someone so aggressive and impulsive to wield such powerful abilities. That said, she could vaguely understand the context behind that attitude. "I think you might be reading a bit too far into a mere story, but then again, it's your Grimoire, not mine. You'd likely know it best. Your approach to life is respectable regardless; yet, you are objectively incorrect in regards to change."

Camelot placed one armored hand on her chin. "While it would seem that change can be forced on someone, ultimately, this is an illusion. At the end of the day, change is perhaps also known as a form of 'natural selection'. Only those that choose to change move forward and prosper; while those that stubbornly cling to obsolete and self-destructive mindsets inevitably perish or languish in stagnation in some manner or another. Thus, change is always a choice. After all, Sun Wukong didn't have to change when he was imprisoned by Buddha. He could have stayed stubborn, stayed true to his pride and perhaps broken free at some point... but most likely withered away. Instead, he chose to grasp the opportunity for self-reflection and became better than he once was, enough so that he was given a chance once more. One could posit that what he had was merely the illusion of choice, but that is not so, just as it is never truly so in real life."

It seemed overall that Tesni had... strangely calmed down... to a frankly unnerving degree. The abrupt philosophical zen that overcame her was something that Camelot could only attribute to potential Grimoire interference. Or perhaps she'd always been that way, and Camelot's distance from her had simply kept her from noticing? Whatever the case, Camelot was just happy that Tesni had managed to seemingly shrug off Tsubasa's verbal bait. Now that things were starting to deescalate, she could finally ge-

Bonnie bafflingly decided now was the best time to actually hit Tesni, smacking her right across the back of the head. Chinami sucked in a quiet breath, as Tesni tilted her head preemptively, blunting the strike somewhat. Yet still, the idea of things getting out of hand again? "Bonnie!" Camelot couldn't help snapping out, genuinely shocked at such behavior from her senior. Gritting her teeth, Camelot clenched her jaw and managed to dial her tone back to a level one, before she drawled out, "All Tesni used were words. Can you honestly tell me it is in any way appropriate to escalate to actual physical force in this situation, in front of both a 'guest' and our new junior? Really?"

Especially against someone you can't beat if she decides to respond in kind, Camelot tactfully refrained from adding. Perhaps her reaction might have sounded overblown, but Camelot wasn't about to allow bad habits like these, which were ultimately toxic to a healthy team relationship, to build up momentum. The last thing any of them should be encouraging is resorting to physical violence -no matter how mild- to settle disagreements with people who were supposed to be close comrades.

As Bonnie led Suzuya away and Tesni abruptly darted out of the alley to inflict herself upon an apparent would-be mugger, Camelot shook her head and rolled her jaw, reconstituting her prior line of thought. All of this... debate was ultimately poorly timed and placed, and it had all primarily gotten out of hand at the behest of this "Moonlight Tsubasa". Speaking of which, what the hell was the rabbit-eared Magical Girl's deal? She'd shown up out of nowhere and started chatting them up with this strangely philosophical series of statements... and Anti-Ministry ones at that. While Camelot was inclined to agree with her to a degree, this was simply not the time or place for this. They were supposed to be on patrol, supposed to be providing the newest Magical Girl among them with a positive introduction to the magical world.

Instead, their team cohesion was under concentrated assault... whether deliberately or not. Frankly, Tsubasa seemed far too well-spoken and composed to not realize what kind of disruptive effect she was having here, so Camelot was not exactly feeling all that positively inclined towards her at present. Frankly, between having her unwanted authority threatened and then the mental derail that Tsubasa seemed to be trying to induce in all of them, Camelot was now in a position to posit that this apparent possible "enemy of my enemy"... was not in fact her friend.

"And you," Camelot turned back towards Moonlight Tsubasa, all traces of cordiality absent from her tone and expression, as her steel gauntlets creaked audibly from clenched fists. She took in the statuesque Magical Girl's statements and set her jaw. "First off, the last thing you should be doing is comparing eugenics of all things to the here and now; I refuse to even humor that line of discussion. Secondly, I'll admit agelessness is a daunting concept, and however unwise it may be, I've chosen to simply live in the here and now, helping who I can and not worrying about who I can't. Being obsessed with the future and the long game can be just as destructive as anything else. Thirdly, I already aspire to more than some bland forever life in an academy. Why in the world would anyone want to subject themselves to an eternity of stagnation is beyond me. Such aspirations aren't quite yet practical to the here and now, but I most certainly have them and hold them dear. That said..."

Her azure eyes narrowed. "What exactly were you hoping to accomplish by doing this? Actually, no." She shook her head. "The reality is that I don't care. Objectively, what you have done is disrupt what was supposed to be a brand new Magical Girl's wonderful first day and introduction to the job. All you have done is interrupt my work as her guide and exacerbate the issues with team cohesion that I was in the process of handling," she ground out. "Your timing and approach would have to struggle to be worse, but I can admit to being fool enough to take the bait out of... clearly misguided politeness. As things are, however, I have a job to do, one you are impeding, so... you need to leave, Lady Tsubasa. Now."

Whatever else she may have intended to add was interrupted by a cold chill crawling up her spine, and Camelot stiffened up at the all too familiar sensation in unison with Moonlight Tsubasa. Her head snapped towards the swelling filthy miasma seeping out of the downed would-be mugger beside Tesni, the sight of which sparked the idea that this "mugger" was perhaps guiltless, a victim of Pageless influence. Whatever the case, thankfully, said mugger(?) was the only civilian to remain in the area, the others rapidly clearing out in the face of the subconscious sensation of approaching dread.

Speaking of which.

"Transformations! Quickly," Camelot rattled off to her team, focusing on her mystical senses. The enemy numbered approximately a dozen, give or take; however, between the flares of her comrades' transformations... and a great ominous swelling of fell magics in the distance, the situation was clear. "Another Apex type? So soon?" she grit out in consternation, even as another worrying thought occurred. A mere dozen or so Pageless was basically worth less than nothing in the face of five magical girls; they wouldn't even slow them down... which was odd. Given the increased aggression of the dark creatures of late, Camelot couldn't fathom why so few of them were here. They certainly possessed enough of an animalistic instinct to wait until the odds were ostensibly in their favor before striking.

Camelot didn't know where Pageless came from, but perhaps whatever passed for their daily energy budget (assuming they drew from one) had simply allocated the vast majority of the day's energy into a truly monstrous foe. In which case... the city was in grave danger where her team currently wasn't. They needed to finish up here quickly, and yet, a note of paranoia -or perhaps instinct- niggled at Camelot's mind due to the odd behavior of these Pageless.

It was more this behavior than their low numbers that unnerved her. While one might perhaps be able to assume some vague malice on the part of Tsubasa in possibly drawing them here, Camelot had already encountered mere days ago a Magical Girl, Olivia, who could pacify the dark creatures with her abilities. Such an ability seemed uncommon, but there was no reason to assume Tsubasa couldn't have one as well. This, of course, was assuming the behavior of the Pageless had anything to do with Moonlight Tsubasa to begin with. Instead of hunting the people, they were focused on the Magical Girls, which was already unusual. Even more bizarre was the fact that so many potential victims had been allowed to flee the area instead of having their minds snagged by the Pageless's dark magic. Camelot spoke up in warning, "Wait, don't attack yet! This is unusual, and these Pageless might have some sort of gimmick."

Too late.

Bonnie and Tesni had already transformed, and the former quite literally leapt into action; Camelot was slowly starting to understand why perhaps Lilac Shimmer hadn't been chosen to lead this sub-team, given the shockingly impulsive way she'd been acting. Unfortunately, Camelot wasn't in much of a position to worry about that... when Dynasty Queen extended Ruyi Jingu Bang and swung it down from overhead, the legendary staff ripping the air with its passage right towards the Pageless... and Tsubasa, and Dynasty Queen seemed quite fully and unreservedly committed to the strike. Camelot's blood went cold at the sight. She's couldn't remember the exact weight of the damned thing, but she knew it was in the realm of 17,000 lbs, an amount that received a considerable level of force multiplication from being whipped around at high speeds.

Moonlight Tsubasa had "projections". She also seemed to have an ability that potentially pacified Pageless. Between the two, it was easy to assume that she was a fragile support type like Wilhelmina, one that was not overtly strong or durable. A strike like this... could easily kill her without question. Hell, even Camelot wouldn't be able to take such a hit head on without suffering for it.

Her perceptions of the world slowing as far as she could push them, Camelot's body was already instinctively turning, as she accelerated towards Tsubasa, the pavement fissuring around the divots left by her feet. She didn't draw Excalibur; that would waste precious moments, and she had no real hope of deflecting Tesni's strike to begin with, even with her own strength. As galling as it was to admit, the gulf between their physical strength was more substantial than she'd like, even without accounting for the staff's weight. Besides which, she wanted to save Excalibur's blinding effect for when it was more necessary if at all possible, and these Pageless had yet to present themselves as valid enough threats to warrant her guzzling mana. They'd been relatively passive, and the potential hostages had already fled the area.

Sprinting low to the ground, as Ruyi Jingu Bang inched ever so ominously and inexorably closer to its would-be victim, Camelot grit her teeth and lunged, looking to wrap her arms around the waist of Moonlight Tsubasa and bear them both safely from the strike zone. She had no need to hold back much with her speed in this case, as she was thankfully dealing with moving a fellow Magical Girl, someone innately far less fragile than a normal human. As such, her speed was enough that, to most, she was little more than a flickering blur, her boots skidding with a par of twin screeches of metal against pavement to bleed momentum after her sudden movement.

This time, in the face of such an egregiously irresponsible and possibly malicious action, she couldn't hold back, as she bellowed, "DYNASTY QUEEN, what the hell?!"
Alrighty, a last couple questions, and I should be good to finish my post.

Firstly, Tesni just tossed the would-be mugger towards the fleeing crowd of civvies. Is he still giving off that negative cloud, the cloud that's possibly still increasing in intensity?

Secondly, due to the image being the same the first few times, I've been operating under the assumption that most "foot-soldier" Pageless look the same, kinda like generic Magical Girl enemy mooks. Is this not the case? If it is the case, does that make the divergent appearance of the Pageless currently surrounding Camelot's group notable, defining them as a different, potentially unknown type of "foot-soldier"?
She was going to either sidestep and let it drop or she was going to redirect it to the side.

Yeah, sidestep sounds more reasonable. This is the Monkey King's weapon after all. The weight behind it is monstrous (nevermind the extra force from actually being swung), which makes blocking it... troublesome under most circumstances. Camelot doesn't actually know whether or not Tsubasa can avoid or weather that kind of hit. The fact that Tsubasa has "minions" makes her seem like an indirect and fragile sort like Wilhelmina, so Camelot's first assumption is that she shouldn't be taking chances. She's going to try to blunt some of the staff's momentum/force with a strike of her own (not really a proper parry, since she doesn't have the time for that) while trying to shove Tsubasa down beneath the swing's arc (since side-stepping/getting out of range is pointless with a weapon that can change sizes mid-swing; you have to avoid the entire space behind the swing's arc).
Tesni: thinks she has a great plan, but fails to account for the fact that others can't read her mind therefore don't even know she has a plan. She will absolutely make a surprise pikachu face when people don't immediately understand her intentions.
Also doesn't account for the fact it might be a stupid plan that only she could possibly pull off. This will also result in surprise pikachu face.

The irony that the only one who understands her sudden plan is the one she’s swinging at.


Speaking of, there's basically no way Camelot doesn't reflexively attempt to block that attack or otherwise remove Tsubasa from the strike zone. My read here is that in a general vacuum of reactions, Camelot is fast enough to try and push Tsubasa out of the way and/or block... but even her physical strength isn't enough to contest Tesni's monstrous power head on without any warning (as is the case here).

What is Tsubasa going to be doing in response to this, if anything?
What about Tesni? Camelot will likely first assume the strike is aimed at the Pageless but only have a split moment to react when she realizes otherwise, so when she interposes herself, I dunno if Tesni will be able to pull the strike.
Ah, sorry, I've been working on IRL stuff and also trying to fight through writer's block and get some progress in on a chapter for a fanfic I've been procrastinating on updating, so that's been eating up a fair amount of my authoring juices. Also been doing a spot of gaming.

How many Pageless are at the alley location approximately, and is the weather change described at the park section present over there too?

Hugh Caphazath
Half-Elf, Monk (Way of Shadow), Level 3
HP: 24/24 Armor Class: 17 Conditions: N/A
Location: Avonshire Township, Wine Delivery
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Hugh hummed thoughtfully at the mostly anecdotal answer his inquiry received. The fact that it was ostensibly nearly labeled a “local legend” implied that it had happened rather too long ago to be relevant to the mission in the here and now… beyond how it might have shaped the Constable’s sensibilities. It was… somewhat reassuring to hear that the Constable’s attitude was likely more from stress than anything else, but it didn’t dispel the weird sense of possessive arrogance that hung around the man. That might need some further looking into.

Another thing she said almost offhandedly sharply caught his attention, however. It was a golden opportunity to naturally get involved with something related to their true goal! “This ‘Audrey’ went missing, you say? Whenabouts did this occur?” Placing one hand on his chin, Hugh’s brows furrowed in apparent thought. “I’m something of a bounty hunter you see. That’s my specific occupation, and going on these sort of group missions is a bit of an unusual thing for me. That said… a steady and measured investigation and search is more my speed than pitched combat. The Sheriff may have hired us to handle stuff like the goblins, but I’m willing to look into the Audrey matter when it wouldn’t take time away from our tasks. And, altruism aside, on a personal level?” He grinned wryly. “It might be something. It might be nothing. But I do enjoy indulging in a good mystery every now and again.”

At Cicily’s prompting, Hugh nodded and went about moving the depressingly sparse remains into the party’s loaned wagon. The smell was… Well, it wasn’t much better than when they’d first found them, but it was at least something the ki cultivator was long since desensitized to by this point.

Sicily elaborated upon the circumstances of the wine delivery they’d managed to get themselves wrapped up in, and Hugh nodded and frowned along where appropriate. It seemed they would be forced to slight someone at the end of things. While Cicily said the customers had already been made aware of the dely in the delivery’s arrival, they surely would not be aware that one amongst them was going to be shortchanged.

Cupping his chin with one hand, Hugh hummed aloud, before saying his piece. “The municipality building is a hub of government activity,” he emphasized for the Tielfing’s benefit, before addressing the majority. “Given that we’re already on the law’s bad side without even doing anything yet, I’d say it’s most reasonable to avoid slighting the government the most. For various other reasons, I’d say the two best parties to receive less wine would be either the farmer’s market or this… Honey Barn.” If that was what it sounded like (and the current temporary client and Tielfing’s reactions were telling), he wouldn’t shed any tears over a loss of information efficiency. There were plenty of other places to investigate. “That said, I feel we should consult our temp client on the matter.”

Turning his words towards Cicily specifically, he continued, “You said you were already prepared to work something out with whomever gets slighted? Correct me if I’m wrong, but the places that would be the least issue for you to make a deal with would, in fact, be either the farmer’s market or the Honey Barn? I’m no local, but the fact that you deal in wine and operate a vineyard leads me to these conclusions, and those sound like the places that would be the most flexible and understanding on a surface level, the places least likely to inconvenience you until you can compensate them. The only reason I don’t include the Inn on that list is, well…” He shrugged. “Admittedly, it’s simply that we’re likely to be spending our nights there for the foreseeable future, and I’d rather not slight the place I intend to rest -if you’ll excuse my self-interest.”

The little side task then proceeded apace and went surprisingly well, even with the inexperienced Tiefling at the helm of the mule, which briefly sought to ruin some poor cabbage farmer’s day. Luckily, the Tiefling managed to regain control, and aside from that incident, they traversed the city streets without trouble.
Coolio. I'm still around and good to go whenever.
Hopefully, we can see some more sheets finished before things kick off properly.

Hugh Caphazath
Half-Elf, Monk (Way of Shadow), Level 3
HP: 24/24 Armor Class: 17 Conditions: N/A
Location: Avonshire Township, Front Gates
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The Constable obviously had some less than positive feelings towards the party. This was fairly obvious to anyone with ears and two brain cells to rub together. Hugh’s poker face remained placid in the face of several less than subtly and mockingly emphasized words, but he made the executive decision to keep his mouth shut. After all, it was impossible to say if the disdain leveled against them was legitimate or mere prejudice. “Adventurers” could often bring as much harm as good where they went, so Hugh could hardly blame the man for caution.

On the other hand, the man’s instructions regarding “noninterference” were the sort to be actively detrimental to the team’s mission. Whether such suggestions -or rather, orders- were made in good faith with a touch of incompetence… or out of malice, Hugh could not say at this stage, and he rather hoped to not find himself to be proven correct in the latter case. The investigation was already hard enough without active malicious interference from a corrupt official involved.

What was clear, however, at the end of the day, was that they would all have to act with much more discretion than initially thought. For the time being, the best course of action was to silently feign acceptance, allowing the oaf to believe they accepted his so-called terms. Marita seemed to be of a similar mind, given her own holding of her tongue.

Hugh leaned against the cart, listening silently, as Kathryn said her piece and Victoria stroked the Constable’s ego sufficiently to apparently divert some portion of his attention and ire from the group. It seemed the latter’s social manipulation skills were continuing to show their chops, and Hugh could only begrudgingly nod in approval. It seemed, for better or worse, that the Bard was quite capable in the valuable realm of subtly, despite her loud exterior. Only time would tell if she’d continue to utilize such skill when and where it was appropriate.

As the Constable made his leave, and one of the civilians approached, Hugh hummed amiably at the offer of -possibly less than exceptional- lodgings and Marita’s acceptance of them. Having inroads to whoever this L’Rose family was could likely only pay off well. After all, according to this lady, they owned a vineyard, and there was typically very good money in wine and the associated businesses. And money typically came with connections and surprisingly high and low places, which would be greatly to their advantage. “I see no reason why not,” Hugh responded amiably. “And don’t worry overmuch about the quality of the lodgings, so long as they aren’t overpriced or particularly detestable, they should be agreeable.” And as a bonus, if the lodgings weren't particularly popular, that might help the group stay beneath the possibly corrupt law’s notice.

However… there was one thing bothering Hugh, and given they seemed to be in a good position to ask bluntly, given the Constable and his subordinates were no longer within earshot.

“Have Adventurers or otherwise armed hires caused some notable trouble here in the past?” Hugh asked Cicily. “The Constable seems to have taken personal umbrage with our existence, despite our having committed no crime, and I’d rather hope he’s not the sort of fool to shoot himself in the foot for something as pathetic as pride or prejudice.” Folding his arms around the upper length of his still planted staff, he frowned. “The law has limits, and as much as I’m willing to cooperate with it, we can hardly work with someone who can’t be objective or flexible when the time warrants.” Snorting, he added, “And our work aside, I would like to hope that we’d receive the same fair treatment as any other law-abiding citizen on the daily.”

Shaking his head, he clarified, “I suppose what I’m really asking is what kind of person he is. I’m new to the area, and that was one of the least friendly -and vaguely threatening- greetings to a locale I’ve yet experienced.” Granted, that was because he was on his own most of the time and, thus, rather too inconspicuous to be pegged for the likes of an Adventurer, but the point stood.

As long as she's not outright saying to normal people she's a Magical Girl and it's not a random army of homeless she's revealing, then it's fine. Jonathan's phone call, when he's never been mentioned prior to the post, made it seem like she just had a secret network of homeless and London's downtrodden hidden from the very start. That said for the future, I would like this to be focused more so on the Magical Girls so time will tell how much impact this network has on things going forward.

Jonathan and the indication of the existence of her having people to help manage her feasts was actually mentioned in the very first Camelot post, right before she leaves the feast. Rest assured, however, the network was utilized in this scenario solely for the purpose of finding a new location. I actually slipped a bit into Camelot's own thought processes here, because it didn't even occur to me to use it for more (at least involving the magical side of things); it was purely a means to a specific end. For the time being, the feasts/homeless aspect will likely be relegated to background stuff and only mentioned at most as you were desiring.
After all, she's got to wait a while for them to bring back results before anything significant can occur on that end, and it is my intention to discuss with the GM(s) when appoximately such results will come to fruition.
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