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<Snipped quote by Spin The Wheel>

lol. I think I will go with what was recommended.

@Lewascan2 Thank you for the suggestions and assistance on this. Is the above what you were thinking? I mean copy paste but still.

Yeah, copy/paste was the intention. And you're welcome. It was clear that things weren't going anywhere fast or good. from player to player, I want you to be able to actually play something you like without have your entire concept nerfed into the ground and ripped to shreds, but it's clear that either we weren't conveying the power-scale well enough or that you just weren't able to grasp it. So, a direct intervention was needed. I would have included a second gravity power in the mix, but you seem to want that "Apex Humanity"-type power extremely badly (given your absolute refusal to eject it from his backstory), so that ended up taking the third slot.

Other than that copy/paste, you still need to add what school he's going to in his basic information.

Also, since he's no longer inflicted with those brutal mental flaws, his backstory now needs some edits to at least the last two paragraphs, particularly the second to last paragraph. The final paragraph of the backstory just needs to be deleted outright. There's probably a couple more spots that might provoke edits too, but I'll leave it up to you how much you want to do on that end.

Also, honestly, I have to ask, because I'm getting a bit curious. But why is his nickname "Greed"? I realize there's no personality section for this RP's CSs, but nothing in his backstory really hints that he's the sort to seek and hoard wealth and such for the sake of it. I mean, he's rich, but that doesn't inherently mean anything when it comes down to it.
I did look at all the current character's abilities. Most have multiple functions from what I could see. So, I'm unsure what I can and cannot do.

Edit done.

Okay, so, how best to put this...? I guess the problem we're running into is expectations of scale? You're doing two things wrong either individually or together.
A: You either make the powers they do have absurdly broad in capability and sheer power, or...
B: You try to spread out his specializations to much. You try to grab too many powers and refuse to commit to a theme.

For example:

"Because of his training his body transcends the normal limitations of his species. A few things he can do due to this is flight, jumping really far quickly, running really fast, and taking hits from things that would kill someone."

This bullshit right here is one of the biggest annoyances. You can't slide extra powers in solely through the background. You need to have them actually take up a power slot. If it allows them to perform superhuman feats, then it's a power and needs to count towards your total, regardless of anything else. You can't just slap it in the background as an offhand mention and pretend like that works. And another thing, I'd mentioned it before, but without a specific Gift/Power for it, Dragon Ball training doesn't work in this setting. He can only get regular human child abilities out of that sort of gravity training, not Dragon Ball power. Humans in this setting only get power from either Gods or magic, and the capacity for magic doesn't provide that sort of passive "anime training" enhancement to humans. Bottom line, humans are stuck with IRL Earth Human limits on their physical abilities without a specific power for it.

So if you want "Dragon Ball Training: the power", literally make it full power. That's the only way this gets allowed. Oh, and it should be noted, but in the past version of this RP, "super-genius" also counted as a power against the total.

That said, this time, I hesitate to say it, but you actually overcompensated in the opposite direction this time with the main powers. When I referred to "flaws" for his powers, I meant actual flaws for the powers themselves, not crippling the character mentally as some sort of "compensation". Honestly, unless you really like the idea, you can just scrap the mental afflictions. So, let's go through what we have left.

Let me try and give you a hand here. So, I'll strip everything down to what you want and show some options, even do a bit of helpful rewording here and there.

Firstly, removed the totally pointless flaws for now, so...:

Big Family:
His family is wealthy. Thus, he has no concerns over needing money. "I'm rich." would be an understatement.

This really isn't a power, just a passive. You should have left this in his background and put the feckin' Dragon Ball training bullshit in his power section.

Core Ability:
Singularity Transcendence, the Divine Entertainment
Val survived within a black hole for thousands if not tens of thousands of years. Due to this The Goddess of Chaos took pity on him and bestowed a blessing and curse upon him. Singularity Transcendence has forked abilities based on the Black Hole and quantum. Manipulation of gravity, portals, time, and space. Telekinesis due to the manipulation of gravity fields. Black hole space is a special space that only he has access to. However, he has yet to unlock most of these abilities. This is probably due to the Goddess of Chaos wanting to see what he can do with one of the abilities. Furthermore, these abilities seem to have several levels. The Deities can “tune in” and watch him every now and again. The Goddess of Chaos set up a voting system in order for him to unlock his abilities. However, there is also a down vote system. This causes the Goddess to send “bad things” his way. Some of the bad things are nightmares of his previous life, chaos creatures that hunt him and don’t let him sleep. Even if he slept he would have nightmares.

There was no real need for the "divine watchers" aspect to be kept separate from this ability, so I combined them. Far less confusion. They're literally directly connected, so I dunno why it wasn't this way before.

Sub-Power 1 - Gravity Control:
Basic (Growth)
He can manipulate gravity within 2 meters of himself. The force that can be applied can go up to 5 times the planet's normal gravity. Alternatively, he can do the reverse and lower gravity in the area around him, inducing a moon-walk zone of effect. This power can be utilized long term as a makeshift training tool, and over time, it is expected that it may grow stronger after sufficiently entertaining the gods.
This ability was unlocked or allowed by the Goddess of Chaos

Okay, this looks okay overall. Just added a little tweak that I think would make this more viable and encourage creative use. After trimming the fat, it's been broadly summarized down to a single actual Core ability and one Sub power. Time to fill up those empty slots.

Sub-Power 2 - Artificer of the Stars:
Raised in his past life by a family known to be foremost in the arts of quantum computing, engineering, physics, mechanics and theory, Val is (at least in this area of study) what can only be described as a super-genius and technological savant. To compare his potential to the likes of Tony Stark might not be far off. However, there's just a couple small issues. Firstly, this new world simply lacks the bleeding-edge high-tech industry to access the advancements rolling through his mind. He'll need to build the tools to make the tools first, but once that's done? Well, the world is his oyster. A second notable caveat is that this knowledge is purely science-based. His world had no magic. As such, he is a rank amateur in the mystic side of tech, and magitech is completely outside his area of expertise or proper comprehension at this time, especially given that he can't even cast magic.

With this, you now have an actual verbalization of his technological marvel creation capacity. The reason this "power" works, despite clashing with his "theme" is that it's based entirely on High-Mundane capabilities, something that anyone could learn in theory. I could go on, but suffice it to say: "It just works." And, with this version keeping magitech shut out of Val's grasp (for now), he won't innately infringe on the domains of all the other crafters that do use magic in turn.

Sub-Power 3 - Apex Humanity:
One of the first powers granted to him by the Goddess of Chaos to keep his reckless ass from accidentally murdering himself as a child through ignorance and excessive gravity power usage on an undeveloped, infant body. Anything a regular human can do, he can do better, assuming he's put in the same amount of effort. His constitution is highly robust, making illnesses and some poisons less effective on him and letting him endure harm and keep fighting with the kind of grit an anime protagonist would only thumbs-up at. He can run as fast as a peak human, despite being merely a child. His strength carries the weight of a trained martial artist behind it, despite receiving no formal training. His agility and hand-eye coordination make him a master of parkour and deflecting or using thrown projectiles. His 5 senses are practically bestial in how refined they are. The natural human limiters on his body are released, allowing him to manually utilize 100% percent of his actual strength instead of 60% in an emergency... at the cost of inflicting self-damage on his muscules from the strain. That aside, a further effect of these broken limiters is that he is no longer constrained by the normal human maximum in terms of physical refinement. While his feats aren't quite outright superhuman compared to a peak human yet, given his young age, as he grows and continues to train, he will rapidly come to surpass the best of humanity's natural stock, solidly stepping into a realm only other Gifts can challenge... But such things are for the future...

Just saying this now, but he's not reasonably getting flight out of this last power. He'll need to earn the ability to do that with his gravity powers. And besides, given his weight manipulation, he should be able to just make himself lighter instead of heavier and do super-leaps right out the gate. It's not flight, but it's still pretty good and provides a shitton of mobility till he can actually fly. Also, I've now provided reasonable context behind why the Goddess would actually give him this last power. Quite simply, he was being a dumbass and assuming his new world worked on anime logic... when it didn't. So, she saved his life before he could become a complete waste of her time and attention.

So, yeah, that about covers the major alterations I see that could be implemented. Hope this helps.
I may make a future isekai character if possible. Someone who is in quantum stuff. same looks and name because I'm lazy. Listed in character below.

I would like to point out that he has a Max weight and height listed for when he grows up. Assuming he doesn't die.

Okay, uh... Wow, so... this character is a thing that exists.
Somehow, the blacksmith build from before looks way more reasonable now.

Right out the gate then, the Singularity Transcendence power is broken as shit and just ggez claps pretty much everything in the setting. Like, that power "slot" (for an apparent definition of the word with this... being) alone contains everything that a single character could possibly need. If you took that and spread it out into a couple sub-powers, then we might be cooking with gas here. Stronk as fukk, but not "God on Earth" broken... maybe. It doesn't seem to have a whole lot of limits (which you better believe would be required as well).

Which, of course, is ignoring that fact that your reasoning for having it doesn't really work with the RP setting at all, since it's completely separate from the "Gift" system. And on that note, humans may be "built different", but they don't manifest supernatural abilities under basically any circumstance outside a "Gift/Blessing" scenario. So, this guy will not, in fact, suddenly spontaneously gain powers from that whole black hole thing. He's only going to get powers from Gods. Also, humans in this setting can't really go full "Dragon Ball" in terms of training. As in, if he's going to be training from birth, he better be real dang careful not to murderize himself through overtraining at too young an age. Further, it's been said by Rofls that his "muscle gains" max out with his age. So, he can be a peak physical strength 13 year old, but he'll lose to a well-trained 16 year old in turn. And he's not going to be able to actually train to superhuman levels. Without a Gift that specifically removes such limiters, he's hard-capped at normal human capabilities.

Vortex: "..."
So, basically Uno Reverse Card: The Power. Never mind that he needs "permission" from the other players to actually copy powers after negating them, the fact that this can just eat and no-sell anything that comes his way is uh... something. Oh, and then it also lets him regenerate as an extra screw everything. I'll just put it out there that power copiers have been... problems in this RP series, so there's some general bias against having another around, especially one that can farm permanent powers with seemingly no downsides that actually matter.

Black Hole Space:
Obito Uchiha's Kamui on steroids but minus the teleportation... maybe. Narrows eyes. Free get out of jail card any time anywhere and also instant nigh-inescapable perma-prison for anyone he doesn't like. This is just getting noped by the GMs for sure. It's literally an insta-win against anyone that can't perform outright dimensional travel to escape (which consists of, I think, literally just Chinami presently... and maybe Andras if her power rolls decide to be lucky).

Core of the First Spark:
At this point, it's both unnecessary and not even thematic to the rest of the powerset, despite the apparent attempts to reach for the literal stars. And honestly, it's easy to overlook after getting slapped in the face with everything before it, but yeah, that "hottest flame in existence" thing... Holy shit, that alone is just... there are no words for how much bullshit that could cause. As written, that's just not going to fly... you know, unless you mean he only controls actual fire that can feasibly exist. But I doubt that's what you mean.

AND THEN, of course, let us not forget that this guy is born into a wealthy family and is supposedly a hyper genius when it comes to technology, which effectively gives him another power slot outside the power system. He has a lot of freaking assets just being born. He hardly needs any more in the form of actual powers, because honestly, someone could literally just run a character like this as a no-powers normie that is basically just Iron Man and relies entirely on their own smarts and "Humanity Fuck Yeah" to win the day against all the chaos.

So, as Killa essentially said, literally just scrap everything except the Core power and then split up several of the core power's abilities into being his sub-powers. It's pretty clear now that you don't understand the power scaling level of this RP. So, to clarify:

Think of any anime tournament arc. Then discard basically all the Dragon Ball examples. Think more like Naruto Chunin exams, Hunter x Hunter. The works. We aren't making outright gods on earth here. These are mostly a bunch of teenagers going to super school (while having spicy adventures on the side, as they slowly root out the sus things happening in the setting's plot).

And by the way, since Erisse is the only CS I'm fairly certain you've read, you should realize that she qualifies as a High Tier by this RP's standards. Combat-wise, she may lag behind, so she's easy to underestimate. But her support power long term is relatively unrivaled in potential and flexibility. So, when you make a character that isn't just stronger than her, but so much stronger than her in every conceivable manner that it's egregious, I think you might be able to see why it would get shot down.

Honestly, as a thought exercise, you should probably ask yourself, "How can my character be defeated?" If you can't answer the question easily or definitively, then he's too strong. A badass "protagonist-kun" or whatever is fine, but he's not going to be one of those "world's strongest" korean manga types. Have some limits; include a relatively accessible "kyptonite" and/or workaround to his abilities. Also, maybe read the powersets of the other characters for a better idea of power scaling. You'll likely quickly see that while there are a few that are somewhat "cheaters", they are by no means invincible and tend to have a counter or three amongst the rest of the cast... and they also all pretty much pale in comparison to this guy as things are.

Oh, and again, you need to rework the source of his powers.
They should come from Gods or something local and god-derived. Not a black hole.
3.5 deities and demigods. That book is real good. I would honestly need to see the crafter in order to decide. Lol as for the height I'm 6'4 and my little brother is like 6'7. Younger brother* in terms of dnd I can understand the entity. Something that consumes the divine or godly essence. Without it the gods shrivel and die. Godly boons, blessings, or cruses could be seen as something else to the entity. Or something the same. Assuming it attacks the schools.

Don't forget you can make a character that shoots 20 or so arrows in 3.5. Furthermore, with the correct help each arrow can be VORPAL. Additionally, with the correct feats one can shoot as far as they can see. No negs. See that speck on the mountain? Hit it! With a 13-20 crit range as well. Things were crazy. Unbalanced and could be fun. Anyways. We are like 2 hours from my home.

Pretty sure it's not exactly like that. Given that I'm only a player, not one of the GMs, I don't know a whole lot about the Great Evil quite yet this early on in things, but humans resisting it generally has nothing to do with the nature of their blessings (although some surely have blessings that stack with their natural resistance). Humans are basically "just built different". Even without a blessing, to my knowledge, any regular human will be far less innately harmed by the Great Evil compared to a God or Devil. And on that note, it isn't that the Great Evil seems to be specifically Anti-Divine so much as it's some manner of "Anti-Mystical". Otherwise, Demons/Devils likely wouldn't also be as badly affected as a God.

As stated, humans are basically "just built different". They're the now absent Overgod's magnum opus or something and the one reliable weapon the Gods can point at the Great Evil any time part of it resurfaces.
Mainly I just wanted to play as myself but have specialized abilities. As far as the time line. I was confused because of the schools. They reminded me of guild's and the names also compounded my mind. That and the Coliseum in the picture and Gods. It just all made me think of high power fantasy.

It probably didn't help that I have been tired. Traveling with the family.

My character isn't 6'6 yet. As I have no knowledge of the world's gods and what I can and cannot do limits my creation. But this is why I asked for feedback so thank you both. I would have to revisit my character once I get home. Unfortunately, that isn't going to be for a while.

Well, on the whole coliseum/school thing, it's more like a long-running tradition of combat. This is a world where the Gods are still highly active even in the modern day. They are well known, spoken to and extremely involved in the fate of the world, choosing and empowering champions to fight in their stead. This is largely because of an eldritch entity known only as the Great Evil, which still has remnants here and there even centuries after its destruction. This is relevant because humans naturally have a resistance to the Great Evil's power, while entirely mystical beings like Gods and demons are extremely vulnerable, despite their power. The Great Evil is able to overpower and dissolve/consume them like sugar in water, so the Gods prefer to have human champions combat it in their stead.

Also, Gods in this setting are more like embodiments of fundamental concepts of reality, and even a single one of their deaths could potentially destroy everything even vaguely associated with that concept unless another God can pick up the slack with their own domain, much like what happened with the death of the God of Magic in the D&D 3.5e lore. Which is to say that the Gods really can't take even the slightest risk that one of them might die, especially because (with the disappearance of the Overdiety) they can no longer create humans if the human race should go extinct. They have tried and failed for centuries, and some of their failures have gone on to become demons/devils, for example. And it takes the combined domains of all gods working together to create a human from nothing, something that is currently unviable due to lack of knowledge and sufficient cooperation.

As Killa said, don't worry about the height thing so much. In hindsight, my perspective is skewed due to my family being a bit on the shorter side of average, so the height really isn't a problem.

Anyway, yeah, on Killa's final note, some of the characters in this RP are sort of assholes or a gradient thereof IC (Vera, Suzakura, Chinami and Darla, to name a few), while their players are perfectly chill OOC. So, you know, not going to shoot down the idea if you're set of it, but playing a character without even the thin veneer of it not being an SI could run the risk of things accidentally getting personal. Which is to say, feel free to go that route no problems. Just keep in mind to keep separation between IC and OOC.
Please take a look at what I have so far. If this is something that isn't accepted then I can try for another character. Either that or change this one up. Writing at 2am not so good.

If the above seems aggressive I can't use words at night. Sorry.

So, I'm not a GM, but I'm at least semi-familiar with the lore for this setting... ish. I did help throw together the devil/demon part of it, after all. But I digress. So, we do a lot of the lore discussion in the Discord chat, so it's understandable you'd not know. Therefore, I'll lay out a couple things. Feel free to take them with a slight grain of salt and await a chime in from Killa, tinyking or Rofls.

Firstly, I will say that an isekai character should be fine. We have -I'm fairly sure- one confirmed isekai PC, who is literally possibly a variant and/or direct transfer of a character from the original version of this RP before it was rebooted. So, yes, that aspect at least should be fine. Mind you, nothing is directly confirmed yet. That character is being kept mysterious currently (they even have their CS hidden from everyone except the GM), so as I said before: grain of salt. (EDIT: I am told that isekais from Earth are specifically banned while others/original settings are fine, but you'll need to ask about the specifics on how far that goes).

I'd say the first major issue with the backstory is that the world the RP takes place in is actually very scientifically advanced. We're talking full-on cars, computers, internet and cell phones. The works. It's not clear due to the fantasy vibes, but this world is actually quite advanced, despite having many fantasy elements also being highly prevalent, such as magi-tech. Now, granted, it may simply be that it's Rhea that is the most advanced city/nation in the world (which is where the RP currently takes place), so there could be some nations that are still a bit behind the curve. Regardless, it's highly doubtful that this OC is going to be bringing any "inventions" to the table that would see him classified as some hereto before unseen genius... unless he's been born in some very secluded/isolated place from the rest of the nations before finding his way to Rhea at some point.

However, this is not to say that he couldn't be seen as a prodigy in general. Given his adult mind and the biological learning speed of a child body, it is quite possible with the right planning and resources that he could learn far more things than anyone his age should ever be rightly be capable of. So, while he's certainly not going to be bringing any revolutionary inventions to this world that they likely haven't seen before, he can still easily be a shocking child prodigy and be considered a genius for his achievements. Really, on an objective level, it would be hard not to consider him one in any case.

Not sure if I'd call this an issue so much as a random unexplained factoid, but holy shit. This guy is 13 years old and nearly 6 feet tall?! Damn, the Hulk called. He wants his muscles back. Dude be rolling up looking like he's about to be Hercules from Fate/Stay. In all seriousness, it's not an impossible height or anything I don't think, just extremely unlikely/rare. I can't see many people believing he's actually physically 13 years old when told. There doesn't seem to be any explanation for his monstrous growth/development pace, but there doesn't necessarily have to be either. It's just a bit of a head-scratcher.

Okay, now, the power section is where my advice is going to be extra shaky, but I can say a couple things.

For one: To my knowledge, no-one gets blessed by multiple gods. They just get multiple powers from the same god. Not saying it's impossible, just that no other character in the RP has this type of setup going on. I don't know if anyone has asked about it, so I can't say anything for certain. There have been some exceptions where -instead of a power outright- others have magic weapons or a very significant item that resides in and takes up a power slot (as one of Letter Bee's characters, Ken, does). Honestly, you'll need GM confirmation or denial here.

Also, just in general. The way the powers are structured is that you have one main CORE power, the central power that all your abilities are built around. Then you have 3 SUB-powers, all of which branch off of, enhance, or make use of the main power in some way. Again, this leaning more into the concept/assumption that these powers are likely drawn from a single source/God. Now, this isn't a hard and fast rule, but -if not that- the powers tend to be themed around a specific concept or archetype. Again, this is still seemingly reinforcing that idea that all the powers come from the same place/God and fall under that Authority. Essentially, what you did instead was slap down 4 separate Core powers instead of 1 Core and 3 Sub powers. So, I dunno if I can see that flying through unaccosted by the GM.

However, I can also say pretty much for certain that there is little reason for this guy to have directly attracted the attention of such a huge number of gods. If we're talking about gods that might notice without being told by another, the only ones that matter are the God of Spatial Boundaries/Realm Traversal (who might note the interdimensional intrusion), the God of Stories (a known meddler, who has a bit of an infamous and... storied (heh) history with the RP in the version before the reboot, someone that would likely notice a major change to the "narrative"), and lastly, Gods that deal with souls/reincarnation cycle. Other than that, this guy's entrance really doesn't have any innate ramifications to it that would attract divine attention in mass, and regardless of his status, he's just one guy and not that important in the grand scheme of the universe. The Gods don't require prayer or anything to bestow blessings (although some may require it on an individual basis); they're just looking for Heroes/Champions to serve their interests and/or snuff out the remaining dark embers of the Great Evil that lay scattered throughout the world.

Overall, I think you might be overcomplicating it with the powers. It looks like you really want this guy to be a legendary-smith-type dude down the line, so honestly, I'm pretty sure all but the "Field of Space" power could easily fall under the God of Smithing's domain. Just have that be the singular God that blessed this guy, and you should be good.

That said, if you're really attached to the "multiple gods" thing, feel free to bring it up with supertinyking. Ultimately, he's the final word on the matter of how viable it is.

As a final note:
Since you likely haven't read through the other CSs yet, you should know that we already have a good few "legendary crafter" type characters in the mix (though some of their sheets aren't public yet). So, if you go for the crafter route, you're more likely than not to just end up in an arms race and/or clash with those characters in terms of role in the story. If your heart is set on crafter, then go for it, obviously, but I just wanted to point that out. You said you had some other character ideas and/or changes you could make to this one, so it might be a good idea to start considering them.

Chinami Nadakai

@KillamriX88 @Letter Bee @Dezuel

For a moment, it seemed like Blondie's gambit had worked...

For an all too painfully hopeful moment.

The Man in the Suit rose with a new fury, and Chinami's Spirit battered away the fresh barrage of debris this time, still maintaining her vigil over the brunette boy behind her. Even so, despite their foe's survival, he was obviously on his last legs... If there was any time to reveal her range and help Blondie to finish this it was no-

A voice being cleared in the doorway drove a frigid spike of dread into her heart. As Nightman spoke, she knew she should be reacting, should be acting... And yet... And yet, she could only watch in a certain level of fascinated horror, as Nightman seemingly turned his own subordinate's powers against him, swallowing the Man in the Suit with his own darkness... reduced to nothing. Somehow... Somehow, she found that, the sudden ruthless betrayal and total annihilation of a man she'd been gearing up to kill moments before... suddenly sparked something like... sympathy(?) within her. Which was... perhaps not so odd. He hadn't violated her the way Nightman had. In the end, he was only a pawn. Her enemy for certain, but merely a tool to be disposed of at Nightman's leisure... probably living in terror equal to hers that this very day would come about...

She barely acknowledged the stomach-turning gruesome manner in which Nightman duplicated himself... but she did manage to bring herself back to the moment upon being directly addressed by the abomination of a man, when his two selves pointed at -no, past- her... at the brunette! Flickering beams of light crossed the distance at a speed even she struggled to manage. Between one blink and the next, they'd crossed past both sides of her, streaking toward-

Chinami's back impacted the brunette's body in a rapid teleport between him and the attacks, as she found herself transported nearly faster than she could consider the course of action. The boy couldn't dodge, so as the beams lanced into her left shoulder and right rib area, she'd braced to-!

Be... entirely unharmed?

Opening her eyes, Chinami shivered away a set of shakes that threatened to rattle her body. That... energy. Blondie's powers... Something about them had her so on edge that... even after analyzing them directly, she'd somehow been under the impression that she should be particularly worried about them... And in the case of the sword, she was still absolutely certain that conclusion was correct. But the light beams had just... splashed against the surface of her Spirit-shielded skin and petered out without so much as a scuff. Honestly, she couldn't say whether that was a result of Nightman's stolen portion simply being weaker or if even Blondie's full power wouldn't have punched through her defenses regardless, but even so...

Chinami felt a hesitant grin begin to form on her face again.

This is more like it. Finally, something in this damned Clinic that can't hurt me.

She still couldn't well afford to leave the brunette's side. While those beams couldn't touch her, he was a completely different story. Chinami had seen what Blondie's version had done to the area, and she had no doubt that even a lesser version would punch through the human body like warm butter.

She was pulled from her musings by Blondie's words, which... came off a might bit dramatic... Or, at least, they would if not for the potential stakes of the situation. Then again, maybe she was just too jaded to humor such... "heroic" talk, but perhaps it was appropriate in this instance. Only-

Blondie abandoned ranged attacks and rapidly encroached towards the Nightman pair, arcing his blade low for an attempted quadruple delimbing.

Shit! He's inside my range!

And if Blondie was in her range, then he was without question within the range of the copy of her powers Nightman had. She'd been hiding her capabilities from her allies as surely as her enemies, and he didn't know-! And worse-! Her eyes darted between the twin Nightmans. There was no way to tell how that power worked yet. Did it make a perfect clone with all his current abilities? Did it split his power in half, or were the powers still at full throttle? It was clear that both clones had Blondie's power... but hers was different. Chinami's power required a soul to use, so unless that clone power split or shared his soul, only one of those bodies should have her ability... the real Nightman.

Scattering paperweights and paper alike across the floor, Chinami's Spirit's hands latched onto the underside of the large desk in front of her and hurled it in a twisting table-flip at the upper bodies of the Nightmans, adding an upper assault to match Blondie's lower attack, a pincer move. And as the desk hurtled forward, she paid careful attention to what happened next, shouting to the boy with the sword, "Watch out when closing in! Don't let his copy of my power so much as touch you!"
Whelp, it's been far too long in coming (nearly a month, in fact), but the latest Camelot post is up and should have her fully caught up to the present without provoking any timey-whimey nonsense in the in-between.


Luckily, the patrol proceeded without incident. For their part, Camelot, Burning Heart and Lilac Shimmer saw no further action past the initial confrontation with Midnight Tsubasa. In large part, this had everything to do with Camelot merely using her senses to give Dynasty Queen a heading, upon which the martial Magical Girl would proceed to speed off and slaughter anything evil that looked at her funny in that general area. While this didn't do much for the group's team cohesion as a whole, it did allow Camelot to show them her basic patrol routes.

For her part, Camelot, for once, was gladdened to be free of conflict to directly partake in. The searing heat within her was nigh overwhelming, and though it ebbed and flowed at times, she had found that her headache was only getting worse as time went on, even the slightest of jolting movements enough to send spikes of agony through her skull. She could barely manage a light jog, much less a fight.


At this point, that was her best guess as to the major issue. Above and beyond the flames eating her from within, the steam she was expelling with every breath was clearly loosing her far more water than she could feasibly regain at this time. The only thing keeping her on her feet was her Scabbard's healing. Otherwise, she quite suspected she'd have collapsed... for more than one reason. The rain was absolutely no help. Despite any desire to intake even a single droplet to offset some of her losses, the water around continued to evaporate faster than she could ever hope to imbibe it. Her mouth felt as dry as a desert, and she had resorted to not talking, lest her rasp be apparent. The only solace to be found was that what rain managed to soak into the cloth of her armor took a small -if almost insignificant- bite out of the intensity of the heat.

At some point, Lumiere's team joined them, and listening to casual conversations on the return trip informed Camelot for certain that they had indeed been the ones to handle the Apex Pageless in the clouds. Despite the presence of both Captain Goodhope and Ethereal Rose, Camelot found herself in the awkward position of having to avoid them. The heat inside her was truly oppressive by this point, bathing her surroundings in a swelter akin to a noonday desert. Even were that not the case, her dry throat put a kibosh on any desire to communicate... assuming she could even speak without seething the words out in obvious pain.

The return to Marrywell brought feelings of mixed relief and apprehension. While the heat within her was bad, she could make a moderately confident assumption that it was an issue with her magic and transformation. So, surely, reverting to normal would undo it, right? If not, she still had Wilhelmina nearby, whose healing magic could save her if her Scabbard wasn't around to do the job, give her enough time to transform again. On the more distant horizon, her need to do something about her team composition was an issue she wasn't looking forward to visiting, especially while effectively disabled.

The group was beginning to split off to handle various matters of personal business, and Camelot couldn't help a small spurt of bitterness brewing inside her at the fact that not a single one of them had seriously inquired after her well being... not even Wilhelmina. From her own team, it was understandable at least. She'd thoroughly burned those bridges as surely as she was being burned from within, but... maybe she was just doing too good a job of internalizing things? Was her discomfort not obvious? Geez, she really was hopeless, trying to stubbornly stay strong while Goodhope and Lumiere were around to heal her?

Shaking her head of those poisonous thoughts, Camelot decided she'd just have to do as she usually had before, and figure this out alone. She barely concealed a stagger, as she moved away from the splintering group and towards the fountain in the Academy's courtyard. Immediately, to her trepidation, the water began to steam and warble, but the girl steeled herself. If the heat persisted, even this would be better than scorching up from the inside. It would be like her body was a blade being quenched, cooled down enough to not melt outright. And if nothing else, the explosion of steam from her little dip would hopefully make sure her state of distress didn't go unnoticed.

Grimacing, Camelot hesitated, biting her lip, before squeezing her eyes shut and reverting her transformation.

Immediately, the sense of relief was just... indescribable. Chinami shuddered with joy at the feeling of finally being pelted by rain properly, the sweltering, scorching air around her quickly being drowned out in the absence of the source of heat. The fountain was still steaming somewhat, but the injection of rainwater was rapidly doing the job of simmering it down, as Chinami leaned over the fountain, awaiting the moment it was cool enough to scoop a handful out of.

For her sheer relief, even now, was being tempered. The heat inside her... was far from gone. Rather, it instead seemed to have been reduced to something approaching tolerable, more akin to being baked by the summer sun instead of being boiled alive. Uncomfortable by far, especially in combination with her throbbing headache, but it was nothing she couldn't handle... for now. Another note of worry was her Grimoire. The second she'd reverted, a sharp feeling had stabbed into her left breast like being poked with a branding iron... a heat that emanated directly from the magical book currently stored within her jacket's inner pocket.

By this point, Chinami had stripped off her jacket in a hurry, the zipper of the pocket far too hot to even think about trying to get the Grimoire out now. By this point, Chinami could be certain that her torment was none of Burning Heart's vengeful doing on behalf of Lilac Shimmer. No, this was her own damned Grimoire! Glaring at the discarded jacket currently sitting on the wide lip of the fountain, Chinami found one hand drifting to her chest to massage the point where the searing book had briefly contacted her, even through multiple layers.

She could still feel the heat thrumming through and breaking down her body, muted and suppressed to some degree... but omnipresent all the same. Her Grimoire was flooding power into her body completely uncontrolled and ignoring all her attempts to stem it. Even now, her breaths still misted, releasing short-lived puffs of steam in the chilled London air. It was like a valve of a highly pressurized pipe of magical power had been broken between her Grimoire and body, and there was no stopping it until it accomplished its purpose. She wasn't even sure what it was trying to do or even if it was safe to stop whatever was happening from properly resolving.

There were... some silver linings to found in all this, however. While her jacket was effectively unwearable for the time being with her searing book trapped within it, Chinami could now fully indulge in the coolness of the rain and leaned back, sitting down on the wide lip of the fountain and facing the sky to allow the chill to permeate her aching head, even lapping up a couple droplets that fell into her half-open mouth. It was the closest she'd felt to relaxed all day, even with the lingering throb in her everything.

The second note of good news was that with the heat brought down to a more manageable level, she finally had the presence of mind to feel at the sensation and try to get some clue as to what was going on, which was when she noticed it. Similarly muted through it was, the cool restorative sensation of her Scabbard was unmistakable. Whatever the hell was going on with her Grimoire, that shattered open pathway to her body so too allowed her Scabbard to attempt to counter the problem, to protect her even whilst outside her transformation.

After thinking about it, honestly, Chinami wasn't even surprised that this was possible. Magical Girls didn't typically age, and they most certainly didn't grow to any state that could visually be defined as "old", even outside their transformed state, which meant that they either maintained some sort of fed connection of power from their Grimoire at all times... or that they were physically transformed upon first obtaining it in such a manner as to never age even without its direct influence. Given the current situation, and her lack of ability to mitigate the inner burn even by experimentally putting distance between herself and her Grimoire, Chinami was inclined to bet on the former.

An explosion rumbling through the school grounds put an end to her relaxation, and with teeth grit, Chinami stumbled to her feet and made her way towards the disturbance. Her gut burning and throat dry, she was in absolutely no shape to fight, but since when had any real hero ever let that stop them? If there was trouble, she was capable of doing something, and that would have to be better than nothing...

Even so, the very thought of transforming again, of the all-encompassing heat put a stop to any plans of immediately doing so. In all reality, the most she could manage was snagging the neck of her discarded jacket and bringing it with her, trying greatly to ignore the uncomfortable heat emanating from it.

Luckily, the disturbance turned out to not be some manner of terrorist attack, Pageless strike, or -in the most absurd possibilities- a Magical Girl "school shooter" of sorts. Instead, from what she could gather, it was merely a student's spell gone wrong in a training incident. The incident in question had reduced the entire room to rubble, including collapsing the ceiling.

Must have been a hell of a spell, Chinami mused with her eyes half-closed. Without the rain to take the bite out of the heat and the school's artificial lights overhead, her headache was back in business, especially given she'd yet to find an opportunity to intake a significant quantity of water and rehydrate again.

Valeria Weizenbaum... one of the newer teachers on the block (by comparison to some others at Marrywell) but far from a "new" Magical Girl on the whole. Like Lumiere and Ozma, she was an old Magical Girl, one that had roots as far back as the second World War. She was certainly a distinctive figure, what with her cybernetic magical limbs, the sort of things that Chinami could guess would well and truly have kept her from living a normal life in proper society. Something like that was simply too blatant to hide without going to great lengths to conceal. The technology to provide what she had simply didn't exist, so to flaunt it was to attract far more attention than Chinami was sure the Grand Ministry would generally approve of.

She also already had quite the reputation as a fine purveyor of the glorious religion of "MOR DAKKA"... a tendency that most certainly wasn't helped by her ability to actually fix most things. As a result, the concept of "property damage" seemed to be much less of a concern than one might typically expect from a Magical Girl so senior.

On a personal level, Chinami was also far from enthused with Valeria's militaristic teaching methods. She flinched from her position leaning against a wall some distance away from the heart of the incident, when the older girl's arms morphed into canons pointed at the crowd... only to settle down when only harmless fireworks popped out. Listening with half an ear as Valeria made a brief "inspection of the troops" and seemingly found Nessie in particular wanting (which was hardly fair in the face of the girl's complete novice state), Chinami struggled to stem the brief painful burst of increased power from her Grimoire, shaking as she halted the initial stage of her transformation and wound back down, outwardly displaying only a deeper lingering breath of smoke.

Coughing lightly, Chinami grimaced at the ashy taste on her dry tongue, and she had to suppress another surge of coughs from wracking her body reflexively. Mere steam seemed to be not enough for whatever the hell was going on with her any longer. Now that she revisited her internal stirrings, the burning pulse in her stomach was somehow... thicker, as though congealed now. She really did need to get some water in her as soon as possible.

Shaking herself from those considerations, she forced herself to focus on the situation at hand, on the slips of paper that were being handed out to all the members of she and Lumiere's teams, barring the leaders themselves notably. An abrupt summons for a combat training session in Training Ground B with leaders invited to observe from the sidelines. Chinami decided, ultimately, that it would be worth going to said session later that evening... after she'd had a damn nap and about a gallon of water, of course.

Looking around, Chinami could see that, despite the destruction, there had only been a single "casualty" in the whole affair, and they'd been unharmed on the whole, aside from getting pinned down by some rubble. With Charlotte having handled that issue quite handily and Valeria in the process of clearing out the remaining smoke and fires, there was nothing left that she could do here, not as she was.

Chinami wordlessly returned to her dorm.

A quick trip to the Academy cafeteria on the way back to her room netted her a plethora of water bottles, numbering over a dozen, which she promptly chugged in sequence upon her return, billows of steam and smoke leaving her lips in the aftermath of each, as though molten steel were being quenched within her own stomach. It was more than clear by the state of her strangely dry clothes and jacket that her body was still emitting excessive heat even now, something that gave her the distinct impression sleeping in her bed would quickly become a sweltering sweaty affair, even if she didn't use the covers.

Instead, Chinami settled for a long, bone-deep soak in cold water, occasionally changing out the bathwater when her overheated body inevitably leeched the comfort from it and rendered it a makeshift sauna. With her eyes closed and finally hydrated, she was starting to feel moderately better. It was a half-doze really, since she wasn't quite so tired as to allow herself to fall asleep in such a precarious position and drown. That would be rather embarrassing.

Keeping an occasional half-eye on the digital clock on the sink counter, she stayed that way till the evening bell was nigh to toll, and then, with a sigh of reluctance, she rose to the call of duty once more. If team placement changes actually went through, then it behooved her to get a visual measure of their abilities and potentially demeanors beforehand. She was quite decidedly opposed to being caught off guard so badly again.

Training Ground B, otherwise known as Valeria's personal stomping grounds, Chinami mused wryly, currently chugging yet another water bottle, before slipping the crumpled plastic junk into a trashcan along with several of its brethren. A fresh cloud of steam and smoke escaped her mouth, but with a sip from a new water bottle, the irritation and urge to cough was washed down. Rather, after her nap, the gusts of steam escaping her throat had been strangely less irritating than before. She wanted to put it down to the water and even just subconsciously tuning the sensation out... but that didn't feel quite right.

It felt like her body was finally on the path to... acclimating.

To what, exactly, she still really couldn't say.

Glancing around the area, strewn with broken glass, dismembered machinery and mechanical fluids, Chinami eventually spied a flash of red up on one of the railed balconies and began to make her way over. Quite uneager to revisit... that feeling in its full intensity any time soon, the Goth was rather disinclined to make a frivolous use of her transformation to leap up and save time. Instead, she stepped off the main battleground and took the flight of stairs like a normal person, lugging a large pack of water bottles with her in one hand. Her other was still occupied with her doffed black jacket, her Grimoire still burning uncomfortably within, leaving the girl in jeans and a dark blue t-shirt.

Reaching the appropriate floor, Chinami briefly hesitated at the sight of Charlotte. Her display from the patrol mere hours ago had been... a complete embarrassment, a horrible showing for someone that was supposed to be acting as an appointed leader. Which wouldn't be a problem if the so-called "All-Seeing Grand Minister" had just avoided saddling me with a team to begin with. I'm clearly not fit for the role, her brain sourly supplied, but Chinami shook it off, wincing at the brief flare-up that abrupt movement provoked from her still dying headache.

Swallowing her apprehension, Chinami strode over, set her water bottles down nearby and plopping her jacket a few meters further from that position. She was in no hurry to have all her water boiled by proximity to her out of control Grimoire. It had already effectively taken her jacket from her for the time being; it would not have her refreshments ruined as well if she had anything to say about it. On that note...

Chinami took a swig from her current opened bottle, exhaling a thick -if short lived- mist of steam and smoke after a moment and stepped up beside Charlotte, leaning against the railing and propping her forearms atop it, the now closed water bottle dangling deceptively lightly by the cap from her fingertips. She just didn't want to hold it directly with her far warmer palms for extended periods and risk melting the plastic or warming up the beverage.

As the students began to filter in down below, she mused aloud, too quietly to be heard from below without particularly enhanced hearing, "Well, that patrol was a complete disaster." And she used the word "patrol" lightly to be honest.

She wanted to ask some stupid question, like "why pick me as a leader?" but didn't, because she felt she already knew the answer. She'd dwelled on it long enough by now to come to the simple conclusion that she was the best of lackluster options. Amongst the eight of them, Lumiere was the only tried and true leader, endowed with a commanding presence, experience and the confidence to demand obedience through sheer charisma. Olivia was too new and naive by half. Nessie was just painfully green, despite her impressive power. Suzuya was too impulsive, too prone to emotional actions... and seemingly at the mercy of her Grimoire's whims. Bonnie was... not okay, not alright in a way that Chinami had never managed to grok to before today... not consciously.

The thought provoked a flare up from the fire inside her and a frustrated smoky spurt of coughs that she quickly washed down with another gulp of water.

Tesni was... fucking Tesni. Chinami just couldn't understand her, the impulsive bipolarness of it all... The sheer unpredictability and violence combined with raw power scared her, and it was likely that amongst other things that robbed Dynasty Queen of the spot, despite having sufficient strength to hold the position. Wilhelmina was... kind, too kind in some ways, naive in some others, too quick to be a follower. She just wasn't someone bred for leadership, despite her socialite talents. She could easily be the "heart of the team", but she didn't have the will to push people around, even when necessary.

Which just left Chinami, the lone wolf who went out of her way to take care of the people under her aegis, who concerned herself with the issues of the Alters and homeless, someone with the raw power, talent and combat experience to be able to actually pass something down to those under her command. She had the strength needed to make sure everyone came home alive and demonstrable altruistic intentions. Just... she had no idea how to actually lead. Her habit of distancing herself from unfavorable situations had crippled her in this respect. She was so used to treating everyone around her as equals, that being granted authority in such a sudden way had left her out of sorts. She had no experience whatsoever with balancing when to be hard and when to be soft, with how to treat others as subordinates, equals and students in equal measure, and with Tesni on her team, any hope she had of managing that was set on fire and thrown in a dumpster. And yet, despite all this, she was forced to suck it up and walk the party line, or rather, hadn't even had much of an opportunity to voice her concerns to begin with... a strangely militaristic position.

She knew more than well enough that if she decided to allow her Grimoire-induced instincts to take charge, leadership would be a breeze. If she allowed herself to lean into the militaristic drives that told her to strike down dissent firmly and even physically if need be, that told her how to bowl over arguments and demand her way or the highway, then she could be just like Lumiere... But no, Chinami rejected that style of leadership. There was plenty good reason why, despite her liking for martial pursuits, the military had never appealed to her in any capacity, even as a joke. She believed in personal freedom, and even if it was unfair, she inherently viewed military structures as tyrannical. She had no desire whatsoever to visit that structure upon others in any form. It made her feel dirty, like an utter hypocrite.

And in a direct display of this disturbingly militaristic structure that she loathed, she'd had no say in her teammates.

Tesni she'd have initially rejected out of hand if given the option. Bonnie she'd have hesitated on, because ultimately she liked a certain "work/life" balance, and her room was her safe quiet space. Having a teammate who she also roomed with... would feel like she was always on the job in some capacity. She'd feel like she always had to be an example, and it would be exhausting. To be honest, the only one she'd have been inclined to possibly choose herself was Suzuya... but those bridges seemed fairly well burned by this point.

But that was rather digressing from her original line of thought, which concluded quite firmly that she was only made a leader for being the least bad option behind Lumiere, a trial by fire, sink or swim... It sounded far too much like Lumiere's preferred teaching methods for Chinami's tastes.

All she wanted was to be part of a team of equals. No leaders. No absolutes. Just good people doing the best thing for each-other, the people and the situation at hand. Was that really too much to ask for? To have that instead of being pointed at by some all-seeing entity from on high and proclaimed as some innate leader despite any evidence to the contrary? Was it so much to ask to not be shackled by her very own "Sword in the Stone" moment? She didn't want to be delegated the damn position. If she was going to lead, she wanted to be chosen by the people she was to lead to begin with.

Glancing at Charlotte, Chinami's expression grew somewhat sullen. "So, if I recall your words correctly..." You completely rejected my entirely reasonable request to have input on team changes, despite that being the entire reason this clusterfuck occurred to begin with? "-already spoke to the Grand Minister I take it?" She took another sip of water to quell the brief flare in her gut and kill the fresh series of coughs before they could be born.
Just as a heads up for everyone, Izurich will be departing the RP due to IRL reasons.

Oh damn, finally get the time to come check in and hear that unfortunate news.

Sorry about the radio silence, everyone. Still alive, lol. Working on getting myself caught up with the IC now. I'll see about getting a Camelot post in as soon as possible.
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