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Squints at final ability.
Approved. Let's see where you're going with this.

I see no issues here. Looks neat! I see you too are a cultured appreciator of tower shields!
As I'm the third and final approval needed, go ahead and pop them in the CS tab.
Oh yeah, for sanity's sake, just edit your Alain post and replace him with the new ones.
After much headbanging, I am... still kinda stumped. Is a complete rewrite or different character entirely in order here? Nothing else seems to come to mind.

If that's how far you feel you need to go, then sure. If your current concept just can't be adjusted no matter how much you try, then maybe starting fresh will be the key to making headway.
He dropped a second PC.
Back to the grind, I suppose.
Cracks knuckles.
Alrighty, let's blow through all these real quick, shall we?

Approved. The discussion in the Discord was fruitful. I look forward to seeing your strategies play out, chess master.

Approved on the condition that you buff that shit straight to B+. Resurrection of any kind is A-Rank territory. And that sheer cold and freezing stuff definitely gives her offense that extra kick that makes her especially dangerous as a defensive juggernaut, even if her attack might not be quite B-Rank worthy on its own. So, yeah, overall judgement is that since she can resurrect and can't really be conventionally stopped from coming back to life, that's B+. Make the change, and you have my vote.

Approved. Lol, sorry about that wait. Really had you chomping at the bit. XD

Easy pass.
I double-checked, and I think everyone in the CS tab except Alain is fully good to go. Alain only needs backstory adjustment, however, but that's yet to be edited. Other than that needing fixing, everyone else essentially got approved either here or the interest check... although Aisede did also slip up for a bit there too.

To Everyone:
But yeah, overall, peeps, please do ensure that every last section of your CS has been completed and approved before moving them to the CS tab.
I do believe I'll be along for the ride. :)

Chinami Nadakai

@Dezuel@Letter Bee

Chinami could only assume Reverio was entirely missing the point, but at this stage, she just wasn't in any mood to continue this fruitless conversation. She didn't even need the "Scumsuza Filter" anymore to parse through the blonde's words and actions with her usual mental alacrity. By now, it seemed she had well and truly inoculated herself to the hormonal nonsense that had been gripping her... and she couldn't help feeling a mentally draining disappointment at what she'd found. Here she was, thinking she'd struck gold... but like everything else in her life, it was too good to be true. She wasn't sure if she'd entirely burned that bridge, but at the least, it was on fire... and she wasn't sure if she wanted to put it out.

She understood the implicit dismissal and nodded tersely. She had overstayed her welcome. "It's been washed, but I could do nothing for the holes. I'm no seamstress," she said mildly in parting, striding towards the door in Reverio's wake. Honestly, she was glad this was over. Things had really started to feel awkward, now that she thought about it. The way this had turned into a home visit when it was just supposed to be a quick coat return. The way Ken had been getting unfortunately -almost rudely- sidelined in their conversation. The way Chinami felt like she was imposing as a guest, despite being invited in. It almost felt shameful to argue with genuine heat with the host, but she ultimately didn't regret anything she'd said. Certainly not enough to retract a single word.

Ken's high-pitched cry snapped her gaze back around, and... Chinami found her abrupt alarm quickly bleeding out into annoyance and an open sneer on her face. "Negativity? Hah," she scoffed derisively. "Well, I'm feeling pretty 'negative' right now. You think I'm going to keep tolerating the catalysts? Fat cha-"

Chinami froze, her pallor turning ashen. "Yo-!" She almost seemed say something, before her teeth clicked together and stopped.

The girl's gaze seemed to have glazed over for a moment, before she straightened up with a sound almost like a growl in the back of her throat. Color was rushing back into her demeanor if only to support the flush of restrained frustration. Ruby eyes flicking to the side in unison with the brief appearance of her Spirit's head, she reached up with one finger to stroke its left cheek, one of the places notably unmarred by the angry crimson lines scarring the spiritual guardian.

'That bastard really did hold up his end of the bargain,' she mentally noted begrudgingly. So, he wasn't all talk... and she wasn't sure if to find that comforting or horrifying. Both maybe? It wasn't a quick-fix or even anything close to a complete one, but she could see tangible improvement... and could now trust in the promise of more to come.

"This One is still here."

'Dammit! I know! Fuck!' Chinami squeezed her eyes closed and allowed her Spirit's head to fade away, trying very hard to not consciously consider her new lack of privacy... and the fact that she hadn't truly had any for years. Her eyes flicked to Reverio with an undecipherable light to them. 'So... stay near him, and you'll accelerate my soul's recovery proportionally.'

"A vast simplification, devoid of nuance, but not incorrect."

Rolling her eyes, Chinami straightened up, seemingly regaining her composure. 'Fine. A Deal's a Deal. You better not renege on your end, or I'll find some way to... Well, we'll cross that bridge later.'

"Threats are unnecessary. A Pact is absolute, even for one such as I."

'We'll certainly see about that, won't we.' At his silence, Chinami shook her head and furrowed her brows. What had she been addressing before? Oh, right. The utterly banal idea of going to a flower garden of all places and even out to eat after such fostering such poisonous tension between them. Were the circumstances nearly any other, the only thing she'd be doing right now is telling these idiots to get bent, going home and forgetting she'd ever met them. Certainly, Ken's pathetically naive and desperate sentiments were only making the offer even less attractive. Frankly, she couldn't think of anything she currently wanted to do less right now. She despised the idea of spending another second here, specifically with these two.

Unfortunately, she had her end of a Deal to uphold. Rather more fortunately, staying near the boys didn't mean she had to be their friend, no matter that such would be the most expedient way to further her ends. Simply put, she didn't have the patience to play games and truly pretend. This was already going to be annoying without having to fake giving a shit.

Crossing her arms, Chinami's expression displayed a barely restrained lack of patience. "Fine. You know what? Maybe I'm in a forgiving mood today." She really wasn't. "So, I'll humor your little game." Her lips curled in amused disdain. "I'd just about made up my mind, but in all my mercy, I can afford a few second chances now and again. So, make this entertaining for me, and maybe I'll humor you again." Her crimson eyes drifted to Reverio with a foxlike sharpness to them. "Not today, certainly, I don't think. Tensions are rather too high for any of us to enjoy a moment of it, but another time...? What say you, prince?" The "peasant" half of that address barely went unsaid. The soft poison dripping from her light and amused challenge was hard to miss. The special emphasis she placed on that title too was itself a mockery, telling only to those in the know that she was poking not at the title but at the fact that it didn't truly belong to him... but rather the brother that everyone thought he was.

He was too free with his secrets, and now, she would punish him for that. Oh, she wouldn't spread them around without reason certainly. She'd no intention of attracting revolutionaries, and she was hardly enough of a spiteful bitch to rip away some else's quiet life unless they were threatening her own. She'd feel like a hypocrite otherwise. That said, that didn't mean she wouldn't take advantage of that knowledge in private. She didn't like him, but was she not gracious to teach him this lesson? Truly, did her mercy know no bounds that she would grant this pathetic two-faced idealist a lesson in reality?

She wondered with morbid amusement, despite it being objectively actively detrimental to her ends, how far she could go before they would finally dislike her as much as she disliked them. She wondered how far she could go in bad faith before they finally decided to push her away, just like she preferred. She could think of plenty of ways to handle her end of the Deal, even if she were to be outright enemies with these two. Honestly, that almost sounded better, even if it might be a tad more inconvenient. And better still, it didn't risk getting her attached.

Chinami's lips curled into a smile that was all teeth. It wasn't a nice one.

As an aside, I know from experience that if this RP has any one fault, it's that the same free-form freedom that makes character creation, backstory flexibility and worldbuilding so great also has the downside that there's honestly very little established about the world directly other than the primary location of the RP, the city of Rhea.

So, this RP’s world-building can be summarized as Not!semi-modern irl countries + Magic: YES. It’s a very free-form setting that can be hard to wrap your head around when first diving in, mostly because there’s always something new to discover, especially when a new player joins up. It hasn’t really absolutely stabilized into any one thing beyond those parameters, which leaves it incredibly flexible to most exotic backstories. For the most part, Rhea (the independent super-city the RP is based in) is the most technologically and magically advanced society in the lands and has no real IRL country equivalent. Other lands vary in modernity, with the likes of Vauquelin effectively being stuck in the post French Revolution (the equivalent of which occurred 3 years ago).

So, there’s definitely some mixing of eras in this RP.
Part of that is that the only place the GMs really directly fleshed out personally is Rhea and some of the broad world lore. Everything else? The players. We’ve been essentially collaborating on the lore.

GM(s) did -and still continue to expand upon- the independent Supercity, Rhea.
Dezual did Vauquelin (Not!France)
Letter Bee did Izumo (Not!Japan)
Pariel did a bit of Albion (Not!Britain)
Crowvette did Yekaterina (Not!Russia)
Instead of an (Earth) country, I did a lot of the lore for Demons and fleshed out a bit of the Gods and Great Evil history.
Just as some examples.

I lead with this context to preface that this RP's setting is most definitely not Earth.
So, in regards to your character's setup, for all intents and purposes, neither Greece or the Greek Gods/Pantheon/Myth exist. Certainly, for your backstory, you can absolutely conjure up and flesh out a bit of what would then effectively be the Not!Greece of the RP, but we aren't dealing with an Earth setting. Also, in regards to Lambda's godly patron, as the Greek Gods don't exist, neither do the Titans.

Gods in this setting are one and all living fundamental aspects of reality. The death of even a single one would devastate their entire domain of reality. As such, any and all potential lore reliant on or involving the deaths of gods is kinda nonviable. And the Greek lore is definitely such. Also, most gods are a little more specific/narrow in their domains. A singular god that has domains over stars, planets and astrology is a bit of a stretch, and you really lose basically nothing by merely having him be the God of Astrology or God of Stars alone.

Anyway, let's get to the powers.

Character approval generally goes through a bit of a "trial by fire" 'round these here parts, as the Discord server sits in a circle, looming ominously over potential incomers. Which is to say, GMs and fellow players alike usually have a bit of voice in what looks reasonable. That said, let's get to it. We'll handle the easy stuff first.

Sub-2: Stardust flight
The only real gripes seem to be that it might be a little out of place with his theme, but overall, mechanically, this ability almost trivially got a pass, enough that it didn't even provoke mentioning except as an afterthought.

Sub-3: Starlight Healing
The description and listed feats are incongruent. If you could clarify what this ability can actually do in a bit more detail, it would likely go by without issue. We have some pretty strong healers, but you were indeed correct to assume that actual resurrection would likely not be viable. In short, if you could list out a couple of the most severe things he could treat (physically and spiritually), instead of the minor stuff, that should get this a pass.

Magic Item: Astral Bearer
There were a number of concerns with this, namely because the flowery description implied some potentially crazy capabilities. However, a closer look seems to say this is merely intended to allow Lambda to cast his magic during the day, when it normally could only work at night. If that's the case, then this is an easy pass. Although, for clarification's sake, some pertinent questions would be: What would happen if this thing were broken? And does it provide any other benefits other than allowing casting/star communication during daytime?

Now, we get to the actually troublesome bits.

So, you want to play a demigod? Sure. Great even! Given the flexibility of the setting, your method of his semi-ascension is viable. You're actually the first one to take this route. However, it should be noted, unless you specifically dedicate a power slot to it, being a demigod will not provide him any tangible benefits beyond flavor. He should still operate within generally human limitations physically and such otherwise. We weren't sure what you were intending for this, but this is just to clarify.

Sub-1: Wish Granting
So, to say the least, this was not received all that well. The general consensus was not just "hell no", but (to quote the main GM, STK) "Hell to the no, to the no no noooo". As written, this power has way too much room for abuse and misuse, no matter the character's personality or intentions. We've tossed around potential limits to add, but in the end, it was really only decided that this either needed to go entirely or be narrowed down into a far more specific and/or crippled wish power. It's hard to say what the final result could be, however, without asking you directly. So, before we go any further, what are you hoping for the character to do with this kind of power?

Core: Wishes of the Stars
We've already established that Gods from Earth mythology aren't possible, which means this needs rewording. This also says he can "Generate Stars"...? Did I read that right? If that's as literal as it sounds, it's probably getting noped. Aside from those bits, this power is fine. However, it was noted that this doesn't really feel like an actual "Core" power that all the sub-powers branch off of. Granted, his "star child" theme is pretty clear across the board, but this power doesn't really mesh with the flight or healing. If I were to suggest anything, I'd actually say to make this Core power to be his Demigodhood outright and have everything else branch off of that. Something like: Core Power - Demigod of the Stars would be far more flexible and not leave the overall powerset feeling so janky.

Anyway, that's pretty much it on the powers end. I'm sure I've missed a thing or two, but this was the major stuff that bore mentioning first. His backstory may potentially need some adjustment (there were questions about that whole "abandoned infant" thing and the fact that a full-on GOD is just walking around in the mortal realm). In the case of the latter, given what I've just told you about the nature of gods in this setting, you might be able to see where that could be a problem, and the need for an Avatar or something might be pertinent, depending. Just a thought. Overall, however, besides being a bit on the "pushing it" side of exotic, his backstory is generally fine.
I can definitely say we're still open. There's not really a "maximum cast size" that I know of.
So, as long as you can throw together a character that will pass muster, you should easily be able to hop on the chaos train.

Currently, we're in the waning stages of wrapping up the trio of "intro Arcs" (some being rather further along than others *cough*Ot Herap Yo*cough*), so you'll likely be sliding in either during the last bits of the "Midnight Tounament" arc that's about to go batshit or during the start of the next arc. Admittedly, Midnight is also extremely crowded in terms of PCs already though, so it may not be the best fit.
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