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Wait, what's up with the numbers? If you've already explained this, though, just say so and I'll look for it again.

If I may ask, to lead with, what do you know about the Worm setting?
This is an AU of that, so there's actually a preexisting power system we're running on.
I can link you, so here: this has all the basics.
We ride at midnight.
Approval for Rex given.
Let's see where this goes.
[Approved in Discord]


[Present Day]

Camelot closed the door of the medical ward with an internal sigh. In the wake of what was probably going to be a new daily routine for the near future, she was transformed, of course. All the better to hone her magical senses in the presence of Moonlight Tsubasa's victims and their Revised Grimoires. While her range was decent, the darkness of Pageless always seemed to muddle things to a degree. And while she had gained valuable experience in the field of parsing the flow of that energy against enemy Pageless over the years, especially the Samurai in the more immediate sense, that was no proper substitute for the finesse that could be gained from getting up close and personal.

So, as she already had a reputation for keeping an eye out for Alters, it wasn't that hard to extend that habit towards the Revised. Sure, it was a little annoying for her purposes that Eins seemed ever present, but in a certain sense, it was also reassuring to know that Marrywell had staff willing to work day and night with such dedication.

Admittedly, she wasn't able to do much but observe the flows of light and darkness, but even that on its own was useful in establishing pattern recognition in how Pageless energy interacted when introduced to Magical Girls and their Grimoires. In the meantime, she would chat with those that seemed lucid or otherwise conscious and try to get a sense for how the darkness was potentially influencing them. The answer seemed to be "impulsively", which tracked with what Tsubasa had claimed. Still, the very fact that many of said victims still had yet to become fully lucid -or even conscious in some cases- again from Tsubasa's actions... It more than once made her wonder if she shouldn't have tried to stop Tsubasa herself, gratitude or no. Even if Tsubasa was on to something... this wasn't the way make change happen. Forcing it... would only create spite and resentment.

So, she'd done what she could, provided what little she had at her disposal to offer: a visitor and additional friendly face and the healing of her Scabbard. Admittedly, she wasn't really sure at this early stage if her Scabbard was even doing jack shit, but she'd elected to leave it with Eins whenever feasible these past few days. That is to say, all but 24/7. Camelot hadn't slept all week. The constant use of her Scabbard made sure of that. And this time, without the fire within stifling the magical artifact's effectiveness, exhaustion (at least physically) was a thing of the past. She'd made certain to make up for lost time with the homeless and patrols when she wasn't with the Revised, and with the hellish existence that had been hers not so long ago, its mere absence was enough to leave her constantly refreshed and ready for more.

Which made it all the odder to be planning to engage in a "sleepover", when there was very little chance that sleep would ever find her. She hadn't actually been told where the little pow-wow was supposed to take place other than a "haunted" classroom Olivia had found, but she'd hoped to catch Bonnie as a guide for simplicity's sake.

Passing by the room she shared with Bonnie, Camelot's blue eyes narrowed at the sign taped to the door, one that hadn't been there before. One armor-clad hand twitched with the urge to rip it off, a low rumble thumming in her chest in annoyance. The last thing she wanted was for this little get-together to become a free for all. That certainly wasn't what it had sounded like when it was pitched to her by the redhead, and she had tentatively accepted the invitation on such merits. But now... Who knew how long this sign had been sitting around.

She glanced around. The hall was empty.

"Tch'," Camelot clucked her tongue and snatched the sign off the door without further consideration. Crumpling it into a ball, she allowed the bead of fire within her to briefly bubble up her throat into her palm, reducing the yellow parchment to fine cinders in a flash of orange. Flinging her hand with a flick of displaced air, she scattered the ashes into a rapidly dispersing mist, dusting off her hands with a quick series of claps. Whatever. The "problem", such as it was, was now as solved as it could be. The damage had surely been done. Camelot could only internally lament with resignation, that all that was left was to go see how much things had devolved from the original rails.

It wasn't like she needed the once-listed number anyway, she concluded, as she allowed her armor to disperse without ending her transformation as a whole, leaving behind only the more colorful white and blue of her outfit. She didn't want to recall her Scabbard, but it would have felt odd to go around in full plate to such an event as this. Just knowing that Olivia was involved was enough. The blonde beauty all but blasted her presence 24/7 in remaining transformed, to say nothing of her eldritch hubby. Tracking down the appropriate location would be as easy as paying a little better attention to her senses.

So, after briefly entering her room to grab a bag of sleepover utilities, she stretched out her senses, and...

What the fuck was that?!

"What the hell..." Camelot muttered, as she stepped through the music room doorway. It was less a question so much as an expression of thinly-veiled annoyance. After all, there certainly wasn't the quiet sleepover room she had expected within. Well, expected before, certainly, but the pit in her gut had grown with every step closer to the apparently monolithic construct of magical engineering. Honestly, she knew that her hopes were dashed long before she opened the door.

Glancing about at those already present, Camelot blinked in surprise at the presence of Tesni, much less Silvia for that matter. She certainly wouldn't have seen either to be the sort to attend this sort of thing, but then again, she hardly knew either well on a personal level. That Olivia and Bonnie were here was no surprise, the former the guide and the latter the first she had deigned to point in the right direction. As usual, Olivia was transformed into Ethereal Rose, and Xolys... Okay, despite the oddity of the situation, a small part of Camelot couldn't help feeling a smidge of amusement at the eldritch groom dressing like a campy ghost... for some reason.

Sighing, she crossed her arms lightly and ambled over to Bonnie and Ethereal Rose. "Alright, what gives?" She managed to keep her abject disappointment from leaking into her tone. Honestly, she'd actually managed to warm herself into the idea that a quiet, unexciting social outing was just the ticket to getting her mind off the latest problem for a while, but now? "I was told this was supposed to be a slumber party with a select few, not an open theme park." And boy did she have questions about who was responsible for this nonsense and why. The "taste" of the magic in the air was irritatingly familiar, and the scale of the construction honestly pointed to precious few that could both do such a thing and have permission to make the effort -and such major modifications to the academy- in the first place.

Striding past the chatting girls and up to the Marrywell adjacent end of the drawbridge, Camelot glanced down at the bubbling, brackish moat below with furrowed brows, keeping an ear on the conversation behind her. It honestly beggared disbelief that something of this magnitude could come into being unnoticed, but perhaps it hadn't been a solo job? And why here and now? One set of fingers tapped a meditative rhythm on her opposite elbow, as Camelot favored the castle across the moat with a quiet scoff. Marrywell... always with the grandiose displays. Was it really so much to ask for mundane simplicity for something like this, what was supposed to be relatively private fun between students?
@The Man Emperor
The third of four approvals granted.
You have the required majority to join the character tab.
Though, if you wouldn't mind waiting a bit on Sky to pitch in, that would be appreciated.
And with that, I do seem to be caught up on reading the IC!
And oh, what a glorious clusterfuck we have set before us!
Cracks knuckles
Time to make it even worse better. :D
I shall now be musing upon my post. ;)
Typically I use Edupad for collabs. And we can start writing whenever you’re ready Thursday.

I've never even heard of Edupad, much less used it. lol
(Edit: A quick search, and I do believe I've found what you're referring to. This is pretty nifty, ngl.)
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