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Trust me, do not trust Roma. What she want is... immoral.

Aw, but Roma deserves the chance to work her wiles too, doesn't she?
Wouldn't be a very good antagonist if everyone she met kept rejecting her~
Someone has to bite the bait... at least a little.
Rome deserves Ringwraiths. It's just a fact, really.

First off, nothing happened that Maria didn’t want and she can have it if she desires to make it cannon. That girl needs to realize the only one holding her back is herself.

Well, lmfao.
Now you have me curious if this is something in the IC I've yet to get to... or if this is some backstory history between Roma and Maria...
Mmmm. Tasty lore. Is all not as it seems in relative paradise? Heheh.

I’m in California Timezone. I’d prefer to write early in the day but I can go late as well. Really don’t have plans outside maybe writing with others and unwinding.

And you never know. The truncated nature of collabs might make it go quick.

Nice, that is better than I was expecting. I'm in the Yee Fucking Haw (Texas) timezone, if my pfp wasn't enough of a clue. So, I think this could work. I usually get up closer to afternoon than not, a couple hours before work, so I might be able to squeeze in something at what would be your preferred morning time. Friday will likely be the day we get the most done though, depending.

I should probably set about writing the beginning of the collab regardless at some point beforehand to set the stage.

Do you have a preference for how we go about it? I've been partial to g-docs and am also open to a back-and-forth exchange in guild PMs (I've even got a hilarious name for the collab).

Just to confirm, you are rejoining the RP right?

I do believe I am. :>
So we will get a traitor Magical Girl in the end it seem. Eh.

Who knows!
“Traitor” could be quite subjective in this case. :D
And really, it’s not like Camelot would much agree with Roma’s methods, even if she appreciates the “presented” thought behind her ideals.
I’m open Thursday or Friday for collab

Assuming I’m caught up reading (likely) by then, we could start on Thursday. I don’t know if we’ll finish then (since I tend to write… a lot, to say the least), but we should be able to wrap it up by continuing into Friday if necessary.

I do work on Thursday, so I worry our time zones might not line up. So, I want to aim for Thursday, but Friday is still good. I’m completely open then.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

A bookmark function would be pretty useful.

Regardless, you're catching up quickly.

Yee. I’m on the last page now. I read quick when I really get on a roll. I just had to treat the IC like reading a fanfic, which is when I tend to realy get unto the zone of inhaling content.
Roma: “I could fix that burning problem of yours.” Holds a tiny Pageless up as a pen. “Just open your Grimoire, Camelot. It’s less painful if you’re willing and able to use it.”

Jokes aside, if I went with Wendil’s suggestion of Camelot having been sent off on a mission even while she was clearly in bad shape, that would be the perfect time in a flashback post for Roma to approach her alone. There’s effectively a week’s time where both she and Camelot are unaccounted for. We could totally collab this shit.

Which could then see Camelot returning to the home front to find the clusterfuck that occurred in her absense.
>Wake up
>12 new notifications

I see you enjoy Lupin so far.

More like I react to basically every single post as a bookmarking method.
Very effective, especially for Advanced-size RP post chains. XD
A flashback post is fine by me but probably only with Ozma involved to not complicate things.

Still catching up, but given the course of the training session events, I'm starting the think it'd be more impractical than not for the two of them to have that conversation. Plus, Camelot would have wanted to have it 1 on 1, and her own contributions would have likely died off into antisocial silence anyway once the other magical girls started rolling in en masse.

Can just say what we said for Lucette, that she went on an overseas mission.

The other possible explanation is that, with Camelot feeling like she's shoving lava into her body every time she tries to transform, she's on temporary leave of duty to figure that out. Unless the Grand Minister is feeling like a trial of literal fire to see if that will make her push past it no doubt reinforcing her loner tendencies. That said, my, am I getting ideas from Roma's school scheme. Things seem to have gotten busy while I was away.
Temmie intensifies.
A thought occurs:

The Nutcracker certainly doesn't seem like the sort of tale to be classified as a Legend.
Which makes me wonder about Eins...
She seems self-depreciating about being a "mere Legend" according to Stripes's POV, and rereading her own post doesn't make the Tabby's conclusion seem inaccurate. Pair that with Eins's warnings to students about using her Tuning for the pursuit of power...
Dons tin-foil hat.
It makes me speculate that Eins used her own Grimoire on itself to seek greater heights and was punished for her folly.
She became a "Legend", but a false Legend in the end. Thus, she has an inferiority complex over her status.

Roma: It's free real-estate.

And oh man, all the Tesni sections are giving me ideas about to do between her and Camelot.
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