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Since it's going to be a thing going forward, let's go over Revised Grimoires!

An Altered Grimoire is, as the title says, an alternate take on a story that can result in a stable, functional Magical Girl. Exceptions notwithstanding. Looks at Bell and her tentacle fetish. A Revised Grimoire can be either a standard or an Alter, but it's conclusion has been written over or added upon. The entire meaning of a story and its themes can be changed with just a brief line made from the essence of Pageless merged with the Grimoire, turning a story of accepting the inevitable into one of ceaseless struggle and opposition. The changes are not inherently evil but they are action orientated.

It does produce a change in the temper and behavior of the Magical Girl, pulling them into line with their Revision. They also have a connection with the Pageless that must be developed based on their interactions with Pageless. Further Revisions can made if they develop a strong grasp over the Pageless, allowing edits to be made to the Grimoire consiously at the expense of further impulsiveness and heightened emotions.

Beastial changes may occur with their Magical State, altering their form more animalistic charactertics or militant features.

Inhales lore with the force of a dying star.

Aw yeah, that's the stuff. Just what I need to get those plot bunnies spawning again.
Can't wait to catch up enough to the IC to see what this is all about.
Lmfao, apparently the school got attacked or something?
Guess I need to decide why Camelot was absent. Heheh.
Oh, you're back. It's been at least two whole anime arcs.

It has?!


Well, I'm just poking in to see if I can fully rekindle my interest. Currently reading through the IC to get a grasp upon what the heck has happened while Camelot has presumably been off-screen recovering. I think if I do jump in, I might want to lead off with a flashback collab post (or segment at the start of her post) to her and Ozma's (and I guess Maria too now, lel) conversation if that is feasible. Might not be due to timey-whimey fuckery, but it's a thought. Still catching up, as mentioned.
Checks back in months later.

Chinami Nadakai

"Liliya Montoya"


"Hurry," urged the sibilantly rumbling voice from within.

"Liliya" grimaced, as she tentatively took several steps down the long hallway. She had drawn the lighter again, and flickering orange light illuminated things enough for her Spirit's unreasonably acute vision to pick out the hallway's details in shocking detail. Several holes in the walls stood ou-

"Time is a luxury, one thou art bereft of!" "This One" urged more strongly. "Thine target makes good on his escape, and thine foes shalt soon fall from behind!"

"I know! Fuck!" Liliya spat, grinding her teeth and really wishing she could throttle the voice. It galled her all the more that her every violent and private impulse was on full display to the demon, but she managed to suck down a series of calming breathes, trying to ignore the clamor of the enraged chess pieces in the room she'd just left.

"Thine intellect is a formidable foe, even to thyself," This One chided unwaveringly. "Thou art 'overthinking' it. For thine Spirit's ward shalt be sufficient for thee. Thou hast only to sally forth to overcome a triviality! Go!"

"Motherfu-!" Liliya bit her tongue to stifle the multitude of unkind things her mouth wanted to uselessly say. Why even say anything at all, after all, when those thoughts would be conveyed the moment she so much as conceived the consideration of them. One closed fist briefly hammered into the wall to her left, fissuring brickwork with a ringing crack. Gnashing her teeth, Liliya clawed back control of her temper before she could devolve into further pointless destruction and bolted down the hall. "You better be telling the fucking truth!"

Pressure plates sounded underfoot to her Spirit's acute hearing, subtle wards brushed over her shielded skin with a touch she couldn't even feel, such was their futility. Darts whizzed from the walls here and there, but she swatted the projectiles away, their threat trivialized by accelerated perceptions. Skidding up to a sudden drop, she didn't even bother humoring the stairs, her Spirit's lift aiding her in a guided free-fall of a glide down into the depths. The path forward was getting less straight-forward, now winding and curving in a gentle arc. It made enough sense. The library above was only so big. If they wanted to hide a space down here within property lines, that might need some adjustment.

A second door lay carelessly open. Reverio's doing, no doubt, as Liliya slowed down and extinguished her lighter again. The scent of long-settled dust, ink, paper and parchment hung heavy in the air. If it weren't for how deep she had some grasp of them being, Liliya might have wondered at the height of the ceiling and the subsequently looming rows of bookcases. Crouching low, even with her mission in mind, she found her gaze wandering, as she crept forward silently, her Spirit liberating her of the need to touch the ground by all of an inch.

Liliya couldn't help the bubbling feeling of... anticipation(?), nostalgia(?), trepidation(?) or even glee(?) that welled up within her at the sight of every untouched dusty surface, so many fonts of knowledge and enticingly deceptively mundane objects all too amazingly untouched by the ravages of time. Preservation magecraft? Perhaps. She couldn't help but visualize grand scenes of the empty armored suits lurching to life to loyally defend their trove of information against thieves and plucky adventurers. Her mind's eye could paint images of the gorgeous, looming tapestries lurching to life a cursed facsimiles of magic carpets to smother the unwary. She could see wards and traps and guardians without end, almost expected them even... which made it somehow more unnerving that, even with the delicate materials within, not a one of those eventualities came to pass.

Even so, there was a low buzz in the air that set the crimson-eyed girl's teeth on edge, eyes narrowing at the distant piercing white glow of Reverio's magic. "Thou feels such?" the demon within rumbled in seeming bemusement. "A fortunate turn. Thou must cradle some portent of magical potential within. Hrmm... This One supposes such would be only natural."

Liliya stifled the urge to snap at the demon for silence, but he quieted all the same, perhaps exercising some tact for once to allow her to concentrate. She crept up to the outskirts of a large "plaza" of some sort, furnished seemingly by only stone benches and tables and ringed by more sizable bookcases, one and all stuffed to the brim with more surely forbidden knowledge. On one end of the room, a shimmering barrier thrummed with a sensation she could almost swear was rumbling in her bones, even from this distance. On the other end of the room, casting yet more light upon its darkened expanse... was Reverio.

She'd finally caught up.

"Careful," suddenly came the demon's voice, raising Liliya's hackles. "That book..."

Crouching, still not even physically touching the ground, Liliya ensured she was out of sight and listened carefully. In the emptiness of the vast room, words seemed to bounce off stonework surfaces with ease, and Liliya imagined her own approach was only concealed by the chatter Reverio was currently engaging in. Chatter with... a book? No, the book, the one the demon had felt compelled to mention. Ghastly words echoed off the walls, and Liliya couldn't help a small shiver of tension crawling up her spine at the almost double toned(?) voice. 'What about it?' her returned mental inquired prodded.

"There lay significant magical bindings upon it," This One replied, his tone considering. "They conceal what lies within from This One's gaze, but should a soul be contained as it so claims..."

'Then it's probably something that shouldn't be allowed to go free,' Liliya finished the implied statement. 'Like the Great Evil, for example?' The demon didn't dignify her prodding at his hypocrisy with an answer, which perhaps in and of itself was a victory. Was she supposed to be worried, when this demon seemed interested in freeing one of his kind's most legendary enemies? Assuming there was anything left to truly free. It had been centuries, even millennia ago.

Crimson eyes narrowed, her Spirit's enhanced vision clearing up the distant cover of the book, a velvety-crimson expanse was marked only by a metallic symbol depicting three swords arranged in a triangular arrangement with their points meeting in the center of the book's cover. She reviewed what her Spirit had committed to memory of the conversation she'd caught the tail end of. Three swords. One "Great Door". A seal, which presumably held a portion of the Great Evil. Unfortunately, almost as if by some twisted design of fate, it seemed Reverio already had one of those swords, and given what she had heard from Ken's Nightman session and the events afterwards... Liliya would have bet good money that he had the second blade, that wind sword.

Her intuition agreed. Former archeologist and tomb raider that she was, while her memory was a bit fuzzy on some things, a legend of three swords sounded familiar. Far more confirmable in the modern era, she could definitely say that Izumo possessed a royal sword that could command the winds. As a royal himself, she could easily say Reverio would be informed on the artifacts of his rival nations, especially given his wielding of one himself. Which meant, Reverio... already had two of the three pieces of the puzzle all but in hand. The only mysteries were the Albion "Key" and the Great Door itself.

"He is leaving," warned the demon, jerking Liliya's attention back to reality. Across the room, she could see Reverio being prompted into revealing a secret passage. "This state of being may be impractical long-term. Hunger. Thirst. Rest. Eventually, thou shall fall behind inexorably." It wasn't exactly an incorrect assertion. If she was unable to freely approach Reverio...? Or worse, if he realized he was being followed by her and had time to discern her methods and be on guard for them, she wouldn't be able to hunt him as easily. Besides, she had a life, and could she really afford to put it on hold for an indeterminate amount of time? Ideally, this "Liliya" guise would be free to be as close to Reverio as she liked.

Was the demon suggesting that she... openly collaborate with him? That sounded way too risky, especially with that obviously evil book around. Who knew if it had some way to see through her guise. She'd be revealed! And she wasn't sure if she wanted to find out if Reverio realized she was Chinami. Besides, as far as he knew, she was a complete stranger! And while she knew he was overly trusting, was he really dumb enough to let her just walk up to him and join his quest that she so "conveniently" overheard? How was she supposed to sell that?!

"Easily," the demon prompted. Liliya felt a nudging within, and her gaze followed it to... the Tome of the Trium Throne? "Obtain what he could not for the sake of his so-called grand plan, and the royal simpleton will accept you into his inner circle gladly and without qualms."

She hoped the demon realized that she had not a prayer of doing shit to that barrier, right? Even the first trap's defenses had nullified her! Though, granted, she hadn't wasted time trying to pound through the barriers directly to find out, but the point still stood! The book could still find her out!

"It will not," the demon asserted confidently. "This One detects no attempted intrusions upon thine mind and soul, and This One shalt rebuff them regardless. Thine deceptions shalt hold for so long as thou art wise. Rather, This One hast been warding thee since thou intruded upon these grounds. Thou shalt leave no trace for even divination to follow."

As much as she really didn't want to admit it -and hated that she even needed the aid, that was a comfort to Liliya. She knew, in theory, that her Spirit could have -and had- done such warding itself, but its coverage wasn't complete or direct. If someone had scried in a spiritual manner, she'd have been made... at least partially. She still had her disguise as an extra measure, but that could only go so far if the postcognitive was able to trace her even further back than she'd had it. With the demon's own measures included? She might as well be a ghost to investigators.

That still didn't mean she could break the barrier, unless it was somehow also going to have her Spirit as a hole in its defenses.

"It does not," the demon confirmed, to her relief(?). "However, that shalt matter none. Simply approach the barrier... and This One shall do the rest." Liliya's expression fell, but she grimaced in resignation. The obviously evil book Reverio had found could be anything or anyone. There was no guaranties it would lead Reverio where he wanted to go, that it would tell the truth. In fact, there was no certainly that it even knew where to find what Reverio wanted at all and wasn't just lying out of its nonexistent ass.

They needed the Trium Tome.

And they needed to pray that it wasn't a red herring itself.

Then it was time to reveal herself and hopefully create an "in" to Reverio's ridiculous plan. Question was, just what "flavor" of this persona she was crafting did she want to lead introductions with? First impressions were important... and she already had unfortunately recent first-hand experience in how they could be unusually deceiving.

Still... even if it was transparently blatant, the play she was about to make, she needed to at least make a token effort to not give her demonic leech anything for free. 'So, you want me to join up with Reverio openly... is that a request?' After all, she could still perform the demon's plan once Reverio was out of sight. In fact, it might even be better that way. She knew where two of the swords were, so all she needed to do was get to the third Albion one first, along with the Great Door. With the Trium Tome's presumably illuminating contents as evidence, Ken would be easy to goad into joining forces with her. She could reveal Reverio's plans from the get-go and put an end to this foolishness. In fact, why was she even entertaining this? In the end, the only result that mattered was finding where the Great Evil was sealed. It didn't matter how she did that. And moreover, freeing it wasn't part of the Deal, simply an assumed result of allowing Reverio to do as he pleased...

'How much do you want the Tome of the Trium Throne?' she inquired leadingly. 'Or rather... how much more useful to you is the ability to follow Reverio in your suggested manner?' It had better be good, because in the end, she was willing to wait for her soul to heal naturally. If it might cost her everything else she'd built to get just that back, why in the world would she make that trade?

The demon remained silent, before finally... "This One spoke of thine mystical talent, uncultivated but... innate to thine kind..." That was a confusing statement, Liliya could only think. Humans didn't have any innate magic, to her knowledge. The capacity for it was always a divine "Gift". "This One will teach you to awaken that sorcerous potential... and how to use it."

Once more, strange statements continued to pile up. Sure, she had a Gift, but she'd never really felt herself a spellcaster. Even so, if this was true... Magic... It was one of the most flexible Gifts in existence, coming in every shape and size, potentially unlimited in possibilities. She'd always been a little jealous of Cel, whose talent for such things was undeniable. She often wished her own Gift had manifested in an innate grasp of such things. She would have been able to do so much more with her powers in public without turning heads.

So then...

'Is that a Deal?' She felt that familiar power on her tongue.

Might as well make it formal.

"So, shall it be."

This felt like such a bad idea.

'In exchange for joining Reverio's cause directly-'

"-This One shalt provide mystical tutelage."

It seemed almost strange that the demon would be so accomodating.

'And until such a time as the Great Evil is found-'

"-So mote it be."

But given the lenient wording...

"The Pact is struck."

She wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

As the shelf pulled open into a newly-revealed passageway, a metallic 'clink' and the light clap of footsteps began to echo upon the vast room's stonework. The owner, a bespectacled girl of bone-white hair and ruby eyes casually entered the area with a disaffected look of placidity upon her face. In one hand, she held an open book, and in the other, she held a flickering orange lighter as a makeshift candle agaisnt the darkness. But her gaze seemed far more focused on the tapestries and great painting of the chamber. The faintest smile seemed to cross her lips, as her head tracked to the still shimmering barrier around the Tome of the Trium Throne.

She spared Reverio barely half a glance, as if it were utterly unusual for him to be present whatsoever. In fairness, the sweater-clad girl similarly appeared a bit too young to be a trusted member of the library staff, and she had no escort. She glanced at the passageway opened by Reverio, raising a single pale brow, before stepping towards the domed barrier without a word.
@Creative Chaos
Message for you in the discord. Your post unfortunately has a couple problems.
@Creative Chaos
And with that, my approval is had for Nico.
A plot bunny that is no longer functionally a WIP. Ready for potential approval.

Chinami Nadakai

"Liliya Montoya"


The sound of a sharp, brief cry of pain and the scraping of stone echoing off the stonework halls almost made her hurry her pace, but "Liliya" resisted willfully the urge to act recklessly. Honestly, despite the seeming inevitability of it, she hoped to go unnoticed by Reverio as long as possible... for the entirety of this venture ideally. The disguise was just an insurance policy at the end of the day.

To be honest... She wasn't sure how she wanted to go about... "all this", as it were. Reverio's impulsiveness had forced her own hand in turn. The disguise was something she'd thought up more by lucky happenstance than anything else. She barely had a plan -if what she had could be defined as a "plan" at all- beyond keeping the demon inside her close enough to hear what it needed to hear and fulfil her end of their Deal, and that lack of direction -that vague "winging it" bullshit- didn't sit right with her.

As Liliya approached the bottom of the stairs, she quietly closed her lighter, extinguishing its glow as a cautious measure. Still suspended above the ground, she listened to the area beyond... and received only ominous silence. Tucking her snow-white hair behind her ear so it didn't potentially hang out obviously, Liliya chanced a peek around the corner, and her single exposed crimson eye narrowed at the sight of a grand expanse of checkered black and white... and the familiar "pieces" atop it.


Pursing her lips, Liliya glanced at the door on the opposite side of the room, which appeared to be swinging closed, quashing the majority of the white light spilling from within the space beyond the first obstacle. 'Reverio... you moron.' Even mentally, the words simply couldn't help but be very exceptionally done already with this blonde with a martyr complex. Honestly... this trap looked not so simple. How had he crossed it so quickly?

More importantly, while she didn't want him to get too far ahead of her, did she really want to catch up?

Liliya finally moved out of cover, hovering out to the edge of the "playing field", as her brows furrowed minutely. Scrutinizing the field, she could see the pieces lying deceptively still, but she would have bet her left tit that they were golems of some sort. This sort of... flamboyant trap seemed exactly the sort of thing to include such an extra "flair" from whoever had made it. Eccentrics aside, however, what was more important was how this trap functioned...

Did the intruder have to "play the game"? With what? Could they order the pieces around? If so, which ones? Both? Did they have to choose? Was it a fake-out or unwinnable scenario? Was she facing a magical AI? Did the pieces reset between "games"? Hard to say; she hadn't been quick enough to watch Reverio "play". And on that note, if there was a "game" to be played, how had he done it so fast? Was he just an idiot savant at chess? No, that didn't sound quite right. She'd heard Reverio's cry of pain, and the lightest scent of copper tinged the air to her Spirit's superhuman senses. If there was a strategy, Reverio wouldn't have had time to use it. He was on an obvious time crunch. He didn't have the time to indulge obvious delaying tactics. More likely than not, he had just bulled on through and accepted the consequences.

And she might just have to follow his lead.

Not. Ideal.

She had no doubt that doing it such a way would be loud, as her crimson eyes scanned the board, black and white pieces alike, looking for gaps in the formations. The board was arranged as a game already in progress. Assuming the pieces were limited to attacking within their game rules (and she'd have to be cautious of a reverse psychology fake-out letting her guard down), then she could only safely traverse accordingly. The odds that this were the case were... higher than her tenuous confidence in the competency of the government would like to believe. Why? Well, who in their right mind made a trap that could actually be beaten? To guard stuff like she could only assume was hidden below, you'd ideally make a trap with no solution except a secret passphrase or some-such that would temporarily disable the defense.

But digression aside, assuming the pieces had to play by the rules... that still didn't do anything about the first major hurdle.

The puppy-guarding white queen.

Sitting in the "bottom-left" corner of the "board", the white queen canvased the entire length of the battlefield in three threatening directions. There was no way to get past her without being imperiled. Even if Liliya were to cross on the opposite corner, that too would be additionally guarded by the presence of the white rook, looming midway up the field. And that wasn't even mentioning that this "bottom" side was the home territory of the black pieces. The more she looked at the board, the more she could vaguely see how the black team was disadvantaged. In fact, their position was so bad that they all seemed to have moved up at least one space, leaving their entire backline open to the white queen's predations.

Was she supposed to play as black to remove the obstacles? Did that even mean black was on her side? Even if they were, how was she supposed to make them move in the first place? Could she move white? Perhaps the scenario was that she was supposed to play out the finishing blow.

"White queen, A8 to A5," Liliya commanded with a whispery confidence. If she estimated correctly, that would not only remove a major direct obstacle, but open the queen up to being immediately captured by the black bishop currently guarding the black king. Even if that potentially left the bishop vulnerable, the trade for an enemy queen, strategically, was surely an irresistible target. Honestly, when it came down to it, she could perfectly well tolerate slaughtering as many pieces as possible on both sides until crossing the board became trivial. A final victory was meaningless and a waste of time. There clearly wasn't an invisible physical barrier, or Reverio wouldn't have been able to cross so easily, so all she needed to do was clear the path... not that it would be so easy.

The white queen remained unmoved... And perhaps it was her imagination in the relative darkness, but Liliya could almost have sworn the pale statue was glaring at her even in its unnerving stillness. She suppressed a shiver and looked away. It looked like she couldn't control white... so how about black? If she could, she would need to be very careful about her next commands. Even if the act would be a test, it would be one with stakes. There would be no backing out in a move made in chess.

One hand made it to her chin in thought, as she tried to think several moves ahead. The black bishop could still be her tool of destruction against the white queen. Could she bait it? Was it too transparent? How advanced was the "AI" of this trap, if one existed at all. Was each piece independent? She needed to keep in mind that victory wasn't the goal here, only getting the enemy out of the way. If Checkmate came, it would be by happenstance. So, keeping in mind that the white queen's mere existence threatened every possible path forward, that thing would have to go before anything else.

Liliya lightly chewed her bottom lip. Moving the black bishop might provoke retaliation from the white rook. Would the rook give up its cover of the white queen's coverage blind spot? Perhaps. If she moved the black bishop onto the back row, it would cut off the majority of the white queen's attack route, and she wouldn't be able to attack it without being captured by the black king, himself. However... the white rook could move to the center of the board to threaten the opening instead. In two turns, the rook could have the black bishop captured... No, rather, the queen could then safely capture the bishop, and the black king would be in checkmate, unable to take the queen without being struck down by the rook.

So, how could she pressure the rook? Did she need to? Perhaps she could go on the attack instead. She had a rook left that could put the enemy king in "check" for a moment, but the predicted chain of actions that would follow was... not particularly advantaged towards herself, unless she missed her guess. Canvasing her other assets did not bring forth particularly promising possibilities either. Nearly every piece at her disposal was being threatened. Thankfully, most of the threatened ones were also guarded in some manner... if somewhat more effectively in some places than others.

Perhaps she should test the waters a bit.

Taking out the book she had palmed back in the library proper, Liliya lowered herself to the floor, casually slipped the book onto the "battlefield"... and waited for a response. She received none. "So, they only respond to the living, presumably? Or, at the least, the trap cannot be cheesed by an object as small or light as a book." Briefly wetting her lips in trepidation, she leaned down and carefully edged her hand across the line towards the book... No movement. She snagged the book and pulled back, standing up again. Was her arm too small, or were the parameters of the likely retaliation more specific than that? Was it actually like chess in that she would have to fully commit to her "move" before the enemy could respond?

Again, she had to revisit the question: should she even attempt to play by the rules or just smash on through? This -just considering a strategy- was already eating up way more time than she was comfortable with... but she had no way to know what the defense system would actually look like without taking the plunge directly. She had no way to tell if her Spirit could protect her without taking a chance. And without the ability to heal herself any longer? She wasn't particularly keen on unnecessary risks.

The longer she stared at the board from an aerial position, hovering once more above and outside the line to the battlefield, the more ideas started to sprout... and the more she began to realize that this position that black was in was nearly guaranteed to lose. The crux of it was her own lone remaining rook. Once the queen took that on the next possible turn, it would be a death spiral. Nodding her head, Liliya was decided. Even if she might not be able to get the white queen, she could hopefully eliminate some of the annoying crossfire.

A muted snort of amusement(?) caused the girl to startle abruptly, whirling around to the stairs to find-


Right, she had almost forgotten that she wasn't alone. The damn demon had been suddenly pretty quiet for the last good while. 'Anything you feel like sharing with the class?' she grumbled, only half-interested. Frustration and unease colored her tone. This fucking trap... She knew Reverio had cleared it both quickly and seemingly easily, but he'd been injured. She could smell it. So, how? What was the catch? Was she overthinking things?

"This One was merely partaking in the adulation of the observer."

Liliya's lip twisted briefly in distaste at the succinct elaboration that followed in regard to the situation upstairs, and then her blood ran cold upon processing the end of "This One's" report. Darla's plan had worked fairly well, but it unfortunately was up against a wellspring of spiteful pettiness and annoying sufficient technology to enable it. The intrusion was detected, and the librarians were coming!

She was out of time! Do or die!

Gritting her teeth and steeling herself, Liliya's Spirit propelled her into the air over the top of the chess board. She was fast, not as fast as her Spirit could move unburdened (mostly for her own safety than anything else) but certainly fast enough that she would clear the obstacle in moments.

And in chilling, slow-motion unison to her accelerated vision, the statues on the board all silently turned to look at her in a singular hair-raising moment. But it was okay, surely? There was every indication that they had to play by the "rules" and were bereft of offence outside of mel-

A criss-cross of searing white and pulsating black beams bloomed from the staffs of the bishops and the damned white queen. Liliya veered wildly, unable to chance taking the unknown energy of the attacks head-on, as they cored ominously into the ceiling, carving bubbling paths through the stonework. Immediately after, she balked, as shimmering white and black barriers of hexagons snapped into place. She bashed into the far one, closest to the exit door, and rebounded violently, flailing back unharmed but disoriented by the unexpectedly unyielding nature of the obstacle.

The rooks now!

And also the fucking white queen!

The positioning of the pieces unleashing the barriers meant she was entirely boxed in, even as the bishops and queen unleashed a fresh salvo, their beams seemingly totally unhindered by the barriers. Liliya's Spirit hurriedly yanked her puppeted body into a corkscrew dive, passing under the assault, along with curling uncomfortably over the follow-up in space that was increasingly cramped by the moment, as one of the white rooks started to move closer, bringing its barrier with it.

Gritting her teeth, the girl chanced a glance around and saw that even the black pieces were against her. Was that because they'd never been on her "side" to begin with or because she had "cheated"? Impossible to know and irrelevant to the situation at hand. This was the sort of ruckus that even normal hearing could likely catch from the top of the stairs, should someone open the door. All she was doing was supplying the guards urgency! Only seconds had passed since the engagement's start, but she needed to-

"-Be done with this already," she forcibly hissed out in a colder and calmer tone than she truly felt. Rage, indignity and something else warred within, crawling and bubbled underneath her skin, as crimson eyes narrowed to reptilian slits.

The girl dropped like an anvil, unyielding, and the first of the white bishops stood no chance. There was some resistance, certainly, as her feet crushed the statue into rubble, enchanted resistance even... But these creatures -these things- weren't alive, and so as was so very uncommonly the case... she had no need to hold back.

Two white pawns served as brief excellent "meat" shields against the incoming fire, as Liliya's gaze snapped to the all too close and deliciously vulnerable white king. She wondered if killing it would make short work of those other white pieces? The answer seemed to be emphatically yes, as the white king flicked away a moment before her enhanced blow could land, replaced with one of the white rooks! Liliya blinked in recognition and frustration. She knew that move! Even if she didn't know what it was called, she knew of it... and that it could only be used once. Sure, counting on the pieces to play by the "rules" at this stage seemed foolish, but a girl could hope, right?

Still, the king may have lived, but that just meant her Spirit-clad fist scythed into the white rook instead, blowing the castle-shaped statue to smithereens. The barrier tried to stop her... only for her Spirit's invisible arm to briefly phase off her own limb and straight through, completely unbothered.

The only barrier barring the way to the exit shattered... and the white king had nowhere left to run.


Liliya lunged.

The living pieces almost seemed to howl in helpless fury-

...And the door shut behind her.

Now tensely staring down a long stone hallway with another surge of nostalgia, Liliya smiled grimly. She could have destroyed the king, but instead, she would leave the trap active. Anything to buy herself some extra seconds, whether the guards could disable it or not. The pieces were riled up, and with any luck, they would not be so easily pacified.

Chinami Nadakai

"Liliya Montoya"


As "Liliya" canvassed the entrance to the "Restricted Section" from afar, several problems presented themselves.

Though she obviously hadn't gotten close enough to check, firstly, such a place would surely have some manner of magical security -if not an alarm, silent or otherwise. Secondly, there was more mundane security. After all, the Grand Library was hardly a place that couldn't afford to have a camera system installed, and to not have one pointed at the Restricted Section would be the height of foolishness. There was even plenty chance of such devices being beyond the doorway itself, but for her part, Liliya could only hope that they'd simply considered it more secure to not allow anyone down there at all, no matter the potential benefits.

Thirdly, population. The library was big and rarely not crowded. The odds of going unseen, even with a distraction, were distressingly (or perhaps reassuringly?) low. Even if one got past the library's security and the librarians and guards alike, there was as much a chance as anything that they'd be caught out by -of all things- someone's cell phone. It was easy to forget -in this rather advanced society- that even the average civilian witness could be a grave security threat to any stealth operation.

And worse still, Liliya had every reason to suspect that Reverio had no clue that such threats were to be factored... if he acknowledged their existence at all, entirely focused on the magical half of the equation. He didn't even have a fucking bargain bin burner phone equivalent, for Pete's sake!

Head ducked inconspicuously, as though reading the random book in her hands, Liliya's crimson ears darted through the gaps in the short curtain of her bone-white hair. One camera... two... three... a backup atop the third floor? With the context of that last little bit of cleverness in mind, her more focused searching gaze caught out two more cameras sitting in "deceptive" positions, seemingly placed to look like they were merely guarding a more inconsequential viewpoint.

'Tch'. They aren't pulling as many punches as I'd like.' If it were only one or two, she might could have done this quietly, but this was going to look suspicious as shit from whatever security room this place has. The only silver lining was that she could theoretically at least keep Reverio and her faces out of things.

Her Spirit palmed the handful of pens and pencils she had stealthily swiped when passing through the reception area.

Darla's scream rang out.

Reverio was moving.


Her Spirit's invisible arms whipped away from her body and around the corners of her hiding space, the pens and pencils fanned between its curled fingers flickering into unseeable blurs themselves and becoming projectiles of inhuman precision and range.

Crack. Crrrk. Crick.

The backup cameras met a swift fate, lenses pierced dead center one after another, the sound of their demise concealed quite thoroughly beneath the racket Darla and the nutbar creep were making. Though it would perhaps only misdirect for an all too limited time, she had targeted these first to not make it overtly obvious why they were being brought down.

Shhikk. Chaack. Thhrrnk.

Unrelated cameras were targeted next, hopefully further muddying the waters.

KKrrrkk. Shhuurnk. Shlunk.

Finally, the true goal, the cameras most directly standing watch over the Restricted Section, were extinguished.

All of this occurred before Darla's initial accusations could even complete, thoroughly covering (at least in that area) for Reverio's infiltration.

Meanwhile, as the confrontation between far too loud people progressed- And oh, hello there, it was that Pinkie with the ghastly hair. It looked like he really was responsible for the musical zone, the sound of which oh-so-conveniently further muddied the waters of ambient noise pollution. Even despite Reverio's brief slip-up in drawing his sword (it seemed his ally had not seen fit to inform him of her impulsive plan), the sheer spectacle the other idiots were making of themselves, seemed to cover for Reverio shockingly well.

Liliya, for her part, waited until she was certain all eyes were on the confrontation, for the time when the so-called "Maverick" was thoroughly indulging in his transparently obvious lie (Because, really, even if Darla was full of shit, was she supposed to side with the guy accosting random women?), to act. Her Spirit enveloping and enhancing her body to inhuman heights, Liliya moved. With a blurred lunge low to the ground, she hurtled pell-mell over to the restricted entrance in an extended dive roll, the sound of her tumble covered by the clamor.

Such was her hurry, she barely spared the ruined lock more than half a glance, nor the thought of how Reverio had almost trivially broken whatever enchantments must surely have been upon it. Crouched low and out of casual sight, she paused only ever so slightly to listen carefully to the doorway and ensure the footsteps of the intruder within were sufficiently far, before swinging it open as quietly as she could manage and slithering inside beneath doorknob level. Her backpack caught slightly on the doorway, but after a hurried readjustment and shimmy, the door was closed behind her with a sound that seemed very final to her Spirit's enhanced hearing.

This was it. The first step to committing to this absurdity.

Even though she was alone, for integrity's sake, Liliya restrained the scowl that wanted to grow on her impassive face. Just how had her week turned into this?!

A quiet clink echoed off of what she now -and had perhaps already subconsciously- noticed were stone steps, hewn smoothly, like- A smell hit her then, the blast of nostalgia almost rocking her off her feet, as she gazed down the darkened stairwell, lit only by the orange flicker of the pocket lighter now held open in her left hand... and the distant glow of Reverio's power, reflecting off the walls.

Drifting up from below, carried by a breeze only a sense of smell as powerful as her Spirit's could pick up at this distance. Aged stone and wood. Musty parchment and leather.

Almost subconsciously, her right hand traced along the wall. How... long had it been? Five years? Six...? How long since she had last gazed down into the abyss of... of a dungeon, a tomb, a lost repository of relics and knowledge? All of a sudden, she felt... parched, not in a physical sense but in... perhaps a spiritual one. For all the danger. For all the risk. For all that it had ended in tragedy... She missed this, craved this. This had been her entire world for a decade and more. This was...

'You can take the girl out of the adventure... but I guess you can't take the adventure out of the girl. Shame' It was a disquieting thought, to know that she still had some bit of thrill-seeking within her. Such a thing... should not be nurtured. It was surely a threat to her sticking to her noble goal of a peaceful existence.

Shaking her head free of such thoughts, Liliya waited till Reverio's light was out of sight before taking a single step in pursuit, immediately wincing at the sound of her low-heeled pump clacking on the stairwell. She knew it was mostly her brain playing tricks on her, but the sound felt almost impossibly loud to her Spirit's senses, as though she were a naughty child trying to sneak a late-night snack past their sleeping parents.

Wracking her brains, she tried to come up with a solution. She could tip-toe, but that would definitely be unacceptably slower, especially if she wanted to move truly silently. She could forgo her shoes entirely... but that would surely ruin her new socks. And besides, she definitely didn't want to go into whatever she might find below all but barefoot. Her lips downturned with restrained severity. If only there were a way for her to avoid touching the ground entirely. Without her Spirit's greatest power, flight or -better yet- true silence was out of reach...

...Or was it?

What were her assets? Well, nominally: her Spirit. And disregarding its now restricted capacity to alter the world around her, what did her Spirit have for assets?

Great strength and speed: crude but useful, far more often than she'd prefer, but now -where subtlety was needed- was not one of those times. Her limited range of application didn't much mitigate things either.

Enhanced senses: once more, a truly remarkably invaluable tool, but they didn't aid her here in more than choosing her moments carefully.

Which brought her to... the selective tangibility. Honestly, dead useful and hilariously underrated. Admittedly, even she was prone to forgetting to utilize it. It just had so much breadth to its possibilities, but nearly every time she might have thought to put it to work, her ability to alter things with a touch would end up presenting an easier solution... like a crutch, admittedly. It was honestly probably only her dedication to keeping the true nature of her power concealed that had forced her to be as innovative as she had till now. It would have been all too easy to rely on that power for everything if she had any looser scruples.

So... her Spirit could fly. It could carry things while flying with no concern for gravity. As long as the target was not spiritual in nature, it could -in theory- even act as an effectively immovable object against something that would otherwise be far too heavy for it to conventionally lift or otherwise manipulate. That said... Liliya's body was most certainly not such an overtly spiritual object, and even if it were, her weight was trivially within her Spirit's capacity.

Her invisible Spirit, snugly enveloping her body, began to rise several inches off the stairwell.

Liliya's feet left the ground... and stayed.

A thrill of triumph rolled down her spine, a glee rippling through her bones that she couldn't recall feeling in all too long. This feeling... of accomplishment, particularly through innovation, it satisfied her in a deep, abiding way she couldn't quite describe.

'I-! I can fly!' she definitely didn't internally squeak, starry-eyed. Absolutely not.

Right. Left. Up. Down. Her Spirit and body moved in concert with a buttery smooth ease. Strafing came naturally. It was nothing new. All of this... It was just the culmination, the application of a variety of principles that she had oh so casually taken at face value. Everything suddenly had a new dimension. How was it that she'd never thought of this before? In the somewhat cramped space, such was her jubilation that she almost bashed her -admittedly mostly inviolable- head against the ceiling. She clawed at the surge of glee and jubilation, all too reluctantly tempering it down for later.

Excitement and experiments could come after. Right now? She had a job to do.

Suspended half a foot above the stairwell steps, Liliya quietly descended into the darkness, her only company the orange glow of the lighter.

Chinami Nadakai


"-perhaps there's someone else who could become the symbol of evil and-"

"Alright, that is enough of that!" Chinami hissed, cutting off the demon's narration of Reverio's internal thoughts. "I don't need the play by play. The actually important cliff notes will do!" No matter how... interesting it was to have such deep access, she couldn't help feeling filthy even despite it being granted to her unsolicited. Even knowing the... rather disturbing direction of the former king's delusions, even knowing the tactical value they'd provide, she couldn't bring herself to keep invading his privacy in such a manner. It was bad enough that she was already stalking him.

And besides, even despite making a Deal, she didn't trust the demon within her to actually be narrating what it found word-for-word accurately and not... "tweaking" things to manipulate her perception to its own ends. She knew it. He knew it. But their agreement didn't require she keep herself abreast of the small details, only that she make sure the demon could be. Even if she could stop him from casually invading the privacy of everyone around her, she wouldn't have asked. Even she had enough sense to acknowledge that if she wasn't being spun the biggest yarn of the decade, the stakes here would be... very high if Reverio's stupidity managed to bear fruit.

"Damn, he's quick!" Chinami hissed, hopping down from the fire escape and landing with the protection of her Spirit, as Reverio took flight. By the time she sprinted around the corner of the apartment complex, he was already far too uncomfortably high and gaining distance. She quickly considered her options for catching up. She could take the rooftops, but that ran the risk of him seeing her giving chase... and the possibility of someone videotaping her, thinking she was a parkour enthusiast or something. She could just sprint after him, use the sidewalks. With her Spirit's enhancement, her speed wouldn't lag her behind too much, even if she'd still lose out from not being able to go in a straight line like him. Still, sprinting pell-mell across the city would also presumably get attention. Maybe-

"I'm overthinking this," snapped Chinami, beginning to jog quickly at a speed half-way to a run. She was just one face in the crowd at the end of the day, and she knew from experience that most people didn't give an actual rat's ass about the "background characters" in their life, not the randos they passed on the street. She could likely get away with doing the bare minimum and suffer no gain or loss.

She didn't need to worry about speed, not really. She knew where Reverio was going already, so it was just a matter of getting there before he left. Speed was almost inconsequential here. After all, the demon could presumably gain access to whatever Reverio learned within moments of her getting close. No rush.

"This One's scrying is not quite so in-depth as such, misfortunate though it is." The demon's voice killed her cheer. "For thine person, a more intensive perusal is trivial. For those This One has not physical contact with, however, what This One may glean is 'surface level', as they say." Chinami groused internally, but that certainly explained why the Deal had such a focus on staying close, staying within the demon's detection range.

So, a little rush then.

Chinami picked her pace up a few notches, but still did her best to maintain a sense of casualness to those she passed. No urgency. No panic. Nothing to see here. Just a girl out for a healthy run on a gorgeous day. A smile here. A nod there. Stopping for the red lights and jogging in place or doing some light stretches for the interval. Sure, this wasn't what she'd been planning to do with her day, but she could multitask and get something out of this bullshit.

'Ganbattene~! Find those silver linings~!' she snorted internally.

At one point, she passed through an area that seemed to have ambient... music? It didn't seem to be coming from anywhere in particular. It was just... there, filling the space lightly, not loudly enough to drown out other noises, but certainly pulsing beneath them. Call it a cliche, but she couldn't help but wonder if the tanned guy with the ugly, highlighter-pink hair was responsible. She had the vague sensation that she should recognize him, but he was probably just part of some scene she had no interest in.

Once some measure of her attention was directed that way, however, her Spirit (partially invisibly manifested to try and keep an eye on the increasingly distant Reverio) couldn't help picking up on the... phone call that was occurring between Pinkie and some foppish shitstain. The conversation sounded eerily reminiscent of... Well, honestly, she could only compare it to a fresh-faced talent being taken advantage of by their controlling, greedy staff. And a child at that. Pinkie looked young.

Chinami found, despite the urgency of her current task, that her pace had slowed, and she finally decided that stopping to lightly stretch her legs instead of half-heartedly jogging in place looked more natural. She would admit, despite that it had exactly fuck-all to do with her and that she already had too much shit on her plate, her curiosity was piqued.

Pinkie was moving again, rather conveniently in the direction she had also been originally. Good fortune? Who knew, but she'd take advantage of it. Flicking her ebony hair over her shoulder, Chinami wiped a bit of sweat from the back of her neck and rubbed it into the corner of her sweater, as she restarted her pace, now slower. Honestly, these hot, concealing things weren't the most ideal to jog in, and she found her eyes drifting to what looked like a nearby clothing store. Pinkie stopped. There was a nearby television broadcasting some sort of military parade... from Vauquelin.

Chinami ignored it. She didn't have the pity to spare for a faraway nation and people that had nothing to do with her. If she let herself get obsessed with every little worldly indignity, it would... Hah, it would make her like Reverio, right? He was perfect proof of the foolishness of unsolicited sympathy. In which case... Why did she care what Pinkie had going on in his life? She was just some rando on the street, and she knew that if she were in his place, she'd have despised the idea of being offered advice out of the blue.

The yet unspoken words Chinami had been mulling upon dissolved into nothingness, as her pace increased once more, taking her away from Pinkie and into the nearby clothing store. Now with her mind back on an actually relevant track and the library practically around the corner, the thoughts on clothes had sparked an idea, and Chinami's lips curled up in satisfaction.

Mere minutes later, the bell rang, as a pale beauty left the establishment. A bone-white bob of hair swayed about her chin. The lightest accent of blush, mascara and concealer redefined the contours of her face and routed attention to the inquisitive ruby eyes set behind the reading glasses perched on her nose. A collared white undershirt was accompanied by a grey sweater for a top layer... one that brought into much sharper definition shapely features that were normally concealed by baggy clothing. A navy backpack rested comfortably on her shoulders. Hers was a quiet, bookish ambiance, as each low-heeled black pump clacked on the sidewalk.

"Li-li-ya..." her low voice intoned in a hush, before what have might been classified as a frown downturned her lips on an otherwise stoically passive face. Honestly, she was satisfied with the overall result of her little side-trip, but her voice still sounded far too distinctive. That wasn't to say that she couldn't pull off a different inflection, intonation and tone. She had the talent... but not the practice to uphold this stunt consistently, especially if she had to raise her voice or speak often. The more times she pushed her luck, the bigger the risk she'd slip... which was where the persona she'd chosen came in. A quiet bookworm, a quietly nosey and inquisitive observer, the quintessential kuudere... and exactly the sort of person to blend into a library with ease.

On the purely physical level, however, she was more than satisfied. With her Spirit's absurd speed, it wasn't the work of more than 5 minutes from beginning to end to rapidly browse for what she needed, clothes, makeup, a wig and a backpack to conceal her prior change of clothes. A quick trip to the bathroom to throw the ensemble together had only added another minute or two. For all that she didn't use them often due to her physical lifestyle making maintenance a bigger pain in the ass than she felt like upkeeping, she was still a goth, and she knew her way around makeup. Her Spirit had made getting the wig flawlessly secured and applying the makeup a breeze, able to apply them with speed and precision that any morning person would envy. And on top of all that, she currently wore her invisible Spirit over the top of it all, taking advantage of its selective tangibility to ensure that nothing could disturb the physical integrity of the facade.

While she'd perhaps hesitate to use such an extreme word as "perfect", she felt her disguise came pretty damn close.

Resisting the urge to steel her shoulders and maintaining a relaxed facade, "Liliya Montoya" rounded the corner and finally laid eyes on Rhea's Grand Library. While she'd been here plenty of times before and long since gotten over the novelty of its grandeur, somehow, the occasion and purpose of her arrival managed to make the structure loom larger in her mind's eye, a shiver of anticipatory nerves shooting down her spine.

She wasn't exactly expecting a fight, not really, not in a place this public and surely secured... assuming what Reverio hoped to find was indeed here. But even so, she had planned for it. Her Spirit presently overlapping her body -with no plans to release it any time soon- was not just to protect her disguise but also to shield and enhance her physically. If it came down to a fight while she was in this state, she'd just have to make do with pretending to be a mere speedy brute with a clever head on her shoulders.

As she neared the Grand Library's steps, a rather swanky-looking vehicle was pulling up, and the impression of wealth was reinforced by the backdoor opening to admit a rather... oddly discordant figure. He was tall, nearly as much as her even, but there was a strange youthfulness to him, a wiry bent to his musculature that just seemed to strike an odd chord. The youthful impression wasn't helped by the way his eyes seemed to only focus on the technological apparatus on his head, darting around and observing the world almost unseeingly otherwise.

...Aaaaand, suddenly, he was just approaching randos on the street, making a beeline for the library. 'What the hell? Troublesome.' Her Spirit's acute hearing couldn't help but pick up on the repetitive inquiry being posed to anything with tits. Initially, Chi- "Liliya" almost chose to blatantly ignore him as several other women had, but when the hulk of a boy approached her just as she was reaching the front door of the Grand Library, she couldn't help shooting him a dead-eyed expression and toneless, "...Creepy," before going on her way. She had to side-step briefly to avoid the new annoyance all but barreling though the doorway and her prior space in search of continuing his freaky quest.

Upon entering the establishment, "Liliya" -as she was now doing her best to mentally refer to herself- did not waste time gawking, as she passed through the reception area wordlessly, doing her best to ignore the sound of the nutbar still approaching random women. For a second, she could have sworn he even asked the receptionist, who looked about half a second away from calling security on him. Liliya tried to put that out of mind, as she entered a general walking area, and panned her crimson eyes ov- A familiar blond head stood out in the distance... accompanied by a new -if similar- one.

'There you are...'

Face impassive, Liliya ambled closer, taking a moment to draw a random book from the nearest shelf and open to the table of contents. Feigning reading, she listened from a respectable distance with her Spirit's "ears", as Reverio propositioned for aid someone that was apparently... his cousin?! What? How? Wasn't his family wiped out? Did he forget to mention her... or was he lying before? Tch'. Either way, it hardly changed that his foolish goal was still intact. Whatever he hoped to find was indeed under guard, and now he was hoping to access it so easily as making a scene?

Whatever. Maybe it would work out. There hadn't been any major incidents regarding the library that she'd heard of in recent times, so security was probably pretty lax, all things considered. If Blondie got himself arrested or killed? Well, that would be as much to her benefit as his success. The escape clause of her Deal would be applicable, and while that meant her soul would still take much longer to naturally heal, without the threat of the Ancient Evil being brought back by some pessimistic moron, that was time she had in spades.

'Ah... Oh dear. That girl's name was Darla...'

The nutbar named Maverick had approached Reverio and his cousin, and oh... The menacingly gleeful look that sprouted on the latter's face raised Liliya's hackles. The following shrill scream of faux terror made Liliya once more thankful for her Spirit's enhanced senses being protected from sensory overload, but she still cringed at the act. Honestly, what the hell?! Were all of Reverio's relatives idiots?! Well, at least if there was some sort of silver lining to all this, it was that Maverick's expression in response to Darla's unexpected bitchery was just... glorious to behold, truly a gem of schadenfreude.

Doing her best not to be caught up visually in the surely developing scene, Liliya made a little healthier distance and stepped behind a shelf near to the guarded doorway Reverio seemed eager to invade. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to blow this disguise on this one incident by getting dragged into the madness in some public capacity. It hadn't been all that cheap, considering the rushed nature of her purchase.
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