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OOC is now up!
We won't be starting the IC too soon, but for those with completed characters, the portal is open!
OOC is now up!
We won't be starting the IC too soon, but for those with completed characters, the portal is open!
Character List: WIP.

50,000 years ago, the world came to an end at the hands of an unstoppable calamity, a hostile existence beyond true comprehension. Yet, from the ashes of its victory, humanity rebuilt from scratch, rendered ignorant of the foe they had once opposed till the very end. It was as it had been for countless ages, the purging of a failure and birth of a new cycle, a fresh start and the latest perpetuation of a twisted Samsara. Empires rose and fell, humans lived and died. Civilization waned and flourished. And all the while, the overseer exerted their pressure. Natural disasters, plagues and hoards of monsters. It sent them all, presented challenges, and as humanity united and adapted, tempered by trial after trial, so too did it increase the pressure time and again. And so it would remain until they finally inevitably stumbled and failed. All was as had been seen... and would surely be seen many times to come.

But this cycle had a bit of a hiccup...

The previous Samsara, the Previous Era, had come close to defeating it, closer than any before them. Tenacious, talented and lucky, failsafes were developed by humanity, and so it would come to be that the aftershocks of their work affected the Era to follow, not only in the form of technology, but in hibernating survivors... and even modifications to the very gene pool of humanity itself. They had not won, but they had laid the groundwork for their successors to perhaps succeed where they did not. The 50,000 year Samsara had not been broken... but it had been cracked.

The year is now 2011, and humanity is at war. Though you'd often hardly know it. Civilization flourishes upon the planet of Earth, and the global national and political scene remains a familiar one to a far less supernatural one, just about all the countries you'd expect where you'd expect to find them. In this day and age of the Current Era, normal people still live normal lives and remain the majority. Yet, underneath the surface, all is not as it seems.

It has been millennia since the first whispers of the term "Honkai" were spread across history by remnants of the Previous Era. Nowadays, it is nearly a household name, something most people don't wish to think about but certainly something that can be researched and discussed online. What was once responsible for mere disasters now assaults settlements of all sizes with heartless monsters from beyond reality, along with a supernatural sickness with a horrific fatality rate. Against this foe, from amongst the sheep and the ignorant, humanity has long since marshaled its forces, creating organizations and supersoldiers to combat this global and ever escalating threat.

You are one of those soldiers, a Valkyrie, infused with the Honkai's own power in order to fight against it... with all the benefits -and risks- that entails. Whether by passion of misfortune, you have found yourself one amongst many under the banner of Fire Moth, one of the premier Anti-Honkai organizations and global peacekeepers. Though they are rumored to have had many less than moral dealings in the past, the results of their work cannot be denied, and so you are one of many who -for their own reasons- have thrown their lot in with them. Now, all but freshly graduated from Valkyrie training, your latest test results have deemed you worthy of field work, and you have been placed upon a new squad with other fresh graduates.

While none of you are considered particularly strong -as fresh off the presses as you are, there is something to be said for safety in numbers, and those that survive long enough to prove themselves something other than cannon fodder will come out the other end tempered into fighters more than capable of facing the forces of Honkai alone.

The world before you is wondrous and dangerous in equal measure. The Honkai looms omnipresent, as shadowy interests pursue their own ends behind closed doors. It is a world on the brink; yet very few are aware. It is a world in need of saving, but that naturally begs the question of who can do it. You? Hah. Who knows? Such things are for the future. In the now, perhaps before trying to save anyone else... you should worry about saving yourselves.


For those familiar with the setting, this is not the Current Era you may know. Though, it does have some connection to it. Instead, this AU asks what would have happened if Kiana and the crew failed, Project STIGMA collapsed and the Honkai won yet again and reset the world.

This, players, is the Third Era.

Due to the nature of the Finality Samsara effectively being a time loop, however, some events, organizations and people have at least managed to come into existence again, in name if not actions and personality. Naturally, however, as this is a disturbed time loop with remnants of the previous eras having made it past the end times, the world developed accordingly. So, yeah, there's probably a few canon characters from the Second Era out there in some form or another. In fact, I guarantee it. They aren't intended to be a focus, but the possibility of meeting them is there.

This RP will be run primarily on narrative with a supplement of a custom stat system to provide a framework for PC capabilities and maintain balance amongst the team (at least early on). To simplify things in a post-by-post format, I also intend to have a mandatory header that will contain certain critical information to keep track of during battles and such. Making sure that's tracked and displayed will make things much simpler on me and other players, avoiding the need to constantly comb through character sheets over every little detail. The inclusion of stats is in the pursuit of stakes, as I find hard "numbers" to be a reliable way of keeping things honest. Narrative will perhaps take a stronger lead over stats later on, but starting out, I feel it's appropriate for a bunch of rookies to be more "grounded" compared to the supernatural titans of the series.

In regard to plot structure, you'll start in a team that gets sent of various missions, some of which you may get to choose, which will otherwise generally be sandbox within that framework. And at some point, the "main plot" will creep to the forefront instead. Between missions, expect downtime periods where the plot allows to give PCs more chances for character interaction and provide an opportunity to allow training and other methods of self-improvement to incrementally increase PC's capabilities.

If that all sounds good to you, then welcome aboard.

I plan to take on roughly 8-10 players at most before cutting things off.

For those new to the setting, see the Honkai Impact wiki here for where I am primarily drawing core info for this setting. Of course, as this is an AU, not all of this is useful, but as an overview of the setting lore, it's pretty good if you want to dig in. There will also be a Discord to facilitate better OOC communication and discussion. I do have potential plans to have that available for character building if anyone is interested in working on it on there.


Character Building

Please keep in mind that you are playing Valkyries in a team of roughly equal individual strength (specialties depending). You should be generally new on the block, none of you old or overtly experienced. About the most remarkable achievement to your name is the fact that you actually have Stigmata at all. You are humans and novice psychics. Herrschers and MANTIS/ICHOR soldiers are not allowed (at least starting out).

Regarding lore information your PCs may know, generally speaking, the true nature, goals and functions of Honkai and Herrschers are completely unknown to the public, and those that do know have kept that information classified at the highest levels, as the Honkai has historically retaliated extra hard against information being dissiminated about its biggest secrets. Pretty much all you know as the average person and Valkyrie is that Honkai is bad and has been around for centuries, super monsters kill people, and Honkai radiation is no laughing matter. Herrschers are disasters that have been hushed as an existence, and the average Valkyrie isn't even aware they exist or what they are, since they don't appear very often.

If you have ideas regarding anything that hasn't already been addressed or are looking for a slight exception for the sake of a good idea, don't be afraid to ask questions. I can't promise satisfactory results, but I'll try to consider them. Honkai Impact 3rd has an incredibly high power ceiling and a power system with ridiculous potential for shenanigans. I would like to use every aspect of it and have those aspects available to players in some form down the line, but I'd like to be careful and generally fair how I go about it.

You can add whatever other bells and whistles you like as long as your headers have everything listed here in this format. For best results, please copy/paste the header code from Raw.

Alrighty! After finding time to give this a look, I can give my stamp of approval!
The second we got a character tab to throw her in, you have free reign to do so.
Just a tiny minor addition I'd like is for her languages to be added in her skill section, at least English and French, I'd guess.
I insist on English because the main Fire Moth headquarters is in Britain, so everyone sent there is basically required to have at least functional competence in it.


I see no issues at this stage. Approved also.

As soon as we have a proper OOC up, you both have free reign to drop your sheets in the character tab.

On the suggestion of the relevant player, reposted from discord to hopefully be helpful to those here.

Alright, then to run through my sheet review as succinctly as possible:

Appearance/Faceclaim: Love it. Great image. All around very cool.

General info: No issues here.

Stats: Numbers line up. Min-maxing aside, I know you're being deliberate and ready for the downsides.

Weapon: I should clarify that, by default, you are assumed to be able to inflict your elemental blight, regardless of your weapon's specific capabilities (as long as that weapon channels Honkai energy). If you're looking for a special property, I'd not be opposed to an alteration to the weapon to say it has a +1 to Honkai for the purposes of inflicting the Burning condition.

Battlesuit: Looks good.

Burst: Good stuff. Only thing I'd insist on is a clarification of the explosion size, which should be about as large as a bedroom.

Skills: Looks good.

Gear: Perfectly reasonable.

Personality: Hohoh? *Very interesting.* I am looking forward to seeing how this sort of mindset bounces off the the rest fo the party in character interactions.

Biography: This is the part I have the most potential issues/nitpicks with. Most of it is fine. There's just little bits I'd like to pick at for context. If I had to summarize my issues, it's that you seem to make a few too many assumptions about how public certain sensitive information is, and I'm not clear how much of the information an effective "grunt" like Yu-Ri is being implied to have.

TLDR: Everything but the backstory has pretty much got my full approval, so after we handle that last bit (and the other minor things I've mentioned here), you'll be ready to roll the second we have a character section to drop these sheets. Oh, and also, I prefer the whole sheet be contained in a hider for space saving purposes.

And though it was a tough sell for all parties involved, in the end, human compassion won out. Without Anti-Entropy's help, she would never move of her own accord again, and wasn't that too great of a shame, to let this spark within a child die out? This child, who faced the heavenly tyrant once, who nearly lost her life in that incident, and who, having survived, wished to try again? The leader of Anti-Entropy hadn't even been an adult when she faced Finality at its worst and greatest. What ground did they have to stand upon, refusing a child who wished to fight for all that was beautiful in this fracturing world?

Alright, so onto my backstory nitpicks:

Firstly, Anti-Entropy wouldn't have accepted her on the grounds of comparisons to Bronya/"having no ground to stand on". She could have received admittance without receiving attention from anyone actually high up enough to have been told anything about Bronya being from a Past Era, much less about Finality.

That Bronya is rumored to be immortal (because she doesn't age now) is a public enough rumor, but any oddities beyond that? Not things the lower rungs of the organization make decisions based on. On that note, immortal beings are in this Era established to be a *thing*, with people like Fu Hua being much more in the public eye this go around. The methods of achieving it -or something close to it- are of course rare and successes rarer still, but I digress. Given Otto did publicly rule Schicksal for centuries in canon says something, I think...

Her teeth snagged upon the sleeves of her Master as she turned to leave, and Yu-Ri made one last bid. If she could no longer become a Disciple of Taixuan, then at the very fucking least, her Master could introduce her to Anti-Entropy, to the crystallization of three eras worth of human technology, where within forged steel and electric code, Yu-Ri could continue to live a life on her own terms, no matter how much shorter it'd be.

That Anti-Entropy is the "crystallization of three Eras of tech" just isn't true. At best, they have two (via Bronya), and it's certainly not public knowledge. And they are further still unable to exert their best on a grand stage without inviting extra retaliation from the Honkai. Again, an issue of this being mentioned in what feels like the context of your character's inner thoughts, when she definitely shouldn't know this.

AE is fairly young compared to the other major Anti-Honkai organizations with barely more than half a century under their belts, considered an upstart that shot onto the scene with explosive growth (secretly propelled by Bronya taking the helm/exerting more influence). That they are considered perhaps the "crystallization of human ingenuity" is a more accurate way to put it from a common perspective.

What you needed, before all else, was courage. Courage to never yield. Courage to become Humanity's shield. From there, from that origin, one would gain might enough to reach the heavens and strike down that false god, the vile Honkai!

The perception of there being a "Honkai God" generally originates from Herrschers on an insane rant, and since anything to do with Herrschers are basically totally classified from the public eye, that's not information that gets around.

That's not to say it's unfeasible that some people would come up with the idea that the Honkai are the judgement of some "god" independently of that, which would certainly be a thing Schicksal would be interested in campaigning fighting against in the name of the "real god".

Schicksal's official "religious" position is that the Honkai are demons, not anything divine. That's not the sort of terminology they'd promote being used. They wouldn't even associate the idea of a "false" god with it. After all, there's not really any evidence of a guiding , unifying force behind the Honkai that the public can point to anyway, so using that kind of terminology would just seem like it came out of left field.

I'd say it's fair to say the Kaslana certainly spread their own version internally, but externally, they have a responsibility to represent Schicksal's greater interests. So, any talk of "honkai gods" is drowned out by the greater narrative presented by the rest of Schicksal (and other Anti-Honkai factions for that matter). Anyway, compared to the other two nitpicks, this one is more tolerable and can honestly be blamed on an overly chatty/bold Kaslana managing to strike a chord with just the right person (Yu-Ri), so this is fine left as is. But the other two bits I pointed out should be changed.

Once that's done (along with the other minor things I pointed out earlier, this sheet is pretty much good to go.
I'm the other interested guy Rodey mentioned, so I might as well make the interest official. Will probably go phys if we have a decent chunk of other elements already.

Nice. Glad to have you. If you need a discord link, just let me know.

As an aside, till then, I'd like to move activity to the new General Interest check, https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5461270. This one is outdated, as I work out more of the kinks in the system.
I would be down for this! I played Honkai a while ago and have been playing star rail a bit, not as much recently though. But I do like the concept. I might be busy these next few days because of work, but I should have plenty of time after that.

No real rush. Still gathering players and hashing out character concepts!
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