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Kasumi Nakano


Kasumi made sure to keep her distance from Jotaro, as he followed her snake's lead. As she trailed him, she made sure the officer remained at least a block ahead of her at all times, unsure how close the invisible "Alison" was. Now that she'd overcome the unexpected initial bottleneck, she had a real opportunity to keep her identity a secret, and she had no intention of throwing it away on a lark.

Eventually, after a not insignificant amount of walking, the trail led to what seemed to be an abandoned building. Kasumi picked up her pace to catch up after seeing Jotaro enter. Ducking into an alley, she deployed Gold Experience, who dove into the ground and began shaping a new plant tunnel that Kasumi quickly leaped into and began expanding towards the building, closing up the entrance behind her. Occasionally poking Gold Experience's head aboveground to act as her periscope, Kasumi quickly dug to the building and edged her Stand's vision through the wall, the sight of old machinery meeting its eyes.

A factory?

That... didn't seem encouraging. What would the rest of the victim's corpse be doing in a place like this? Was this the killer's hideout? I seemed more like the sort of place to use as a dumping ground... perhaps anticipating just this sort of situation. A trap? The golden Stand trailed behind Jotaro underground, following the beacon created by the snake in its life sensing.

Placing its hands upon the barrier of soil and wood that composed its User's flora tunnel, Gold Experience loosed a ripple of its life senses into the factory above, and Kasumi's eyes narrowed at the return. Three returns?

It seemed her "allies" weren't alone in there.


Briefly raising a hand up in greeting next to the snake, Gold Experience gave a little wave of warning in plain sight of Jotaro to prevent an incident of startling him into accidentally attacking it. After expressing its presence, Gold Experience peeked out of the floor and reached over to gently grab the snake and stop it from continuing to roam unchecked. "Officer," it spoke quietly, hoping to ensure its voice didn't carry to anyone but them, "be careful. Somewhere in this factory, there's one extra person than there should be. We should... Hmm?" If it had eyebrows to raise, the golden Stand would have at the sight of Jotaro rubbing his leg.

The sound of quiet, metallic creaking made Gold Experience's eyes widen, as its attention snapped to formerly defunct machinery that was moving in ways that definitely weren't normal. "Look alive! The machinery!" It hissed urgently, as the machines around them began to come alive.

"It's the work of an Enemy Stand!"
<Snipped quote>

Are player characters really stuck with only one element each?
How many people do you think will play? I have a lot of time on my hands. Two characters tend to work best for me but I understand. What other people are planning to play? I could talk to them about making characters.

One element, yes. I am theoretically open to the idea of ways a character could acquire additional elements, but they only get one to start.
I have no idea how many players I will get, but I've already got three in the discord server in character creation and at least one other expressing interest in the Casual Interest Check. If you want a discord link, let me know, and I'll DM it so you can chat with them.
And my answer is still the same. Only one character. More than a personal preference or even what's good for players, that's just easier for me as the GM to manage.
<Snipped quote>

I can easily make more than one character. I could make two other girls, fire and ice.
I can also make some soldier and mecha characters as well, that use physical attacks.

I'm only allowing a single character per player, so choose wisely in regard to your character concept.
I find having only a single character increases investment and quality of writing, and it's better to lower temptation for those that might otherwise be stretching themselves thin with other RPs.

TLDR: Don't worry about it and just make what you want.
Is this open?

Yep. Haven't filled up my player slots yet.
Do any of you know what anime the OP's top picture comes from?
This thread looks great, I am assuming it'll use dice rolls.
It almost sounds like your actually making an actual game rather than just a forum roleplay.

The image is I believe fanart from Gun Girls Z, the precursor to Honkai Impact 3rd. Hence why two of the characters in it very clearly look like Bronya and Mei from behind. Not sure who the pink girl is though, since I'm only really familiar with Honkai Impact 3rd and some of Honkai Star Rail.

No, it won't use dice. I prefer not to have randomness. Success of failure depends entirely on players and the strength of their "narrative". That is to say, the stats are guidelines (hard limiters in places even), but they can also be flexible if the weaker stat is more clever than the stronger one. Think of it like players are rewarded for being more detailed in their writing. It's not enough to say "I dodged". I want to know "how you dodged". Same with attacks. What clever maneuver or technique are you pulling off to overcome incredible speed or defenses. That's what this system is built around.

I am having to build this from basically the ground up though (with some inspiration, granted, from systems like Exalted in places). Because I want something that meshes well with this particular setting. The primary reason I'm doing it this way is that I want there to be boundaries that exist for the sake of balance and not just rely entirely on an "honor" system to keep potential power-gaming in check. Not that the latter is necessarily a bad thing in this doomed setting, but I'm trying to ensure things don't fly entirely off the rails. Because one of my biggest issues right out the gate is that as much as I enjoy this setting, the local power system is also broken as fuck and borderline conceptual at the upper tiers. XD


So, a lightning element?
Funny you say that, because both of the other current players are also going lightning. XD
I mean, we joked about it, but it looks like Team Stunlock is getting closer every day.
If you want a link to the discord, let me know. We can definitely do a lot faster character building on there.
My first time advertising an RP on this site, and I finally realized there was a place other than general interest checks for this to go. So, looks like I'm reposting this here.


50,000 years ago, the world came to an end at the hands of an unstoppable calamity, a hostile existence beyond true comprehension. Yet, from the ashes of its victory, humanity rebuilt from scratch, rendered ignorant of the foe they had once opposed till the very end. It was as it had been for countless ages, the purging of a failure and birth of a new cycle, a fresh start and the latest perpetuation of a twisted Samsara. Empires rose and fell, humans lived and died. Civilization waned and flourished. And all the while, the overseer exerted their pressure. Natural disasters, plagues and hoards of monsters. It sent them all, presented challenges, and as humanity united and adapted, tempered by trial after trial, so too did it increase the pressure time and again. And so it would remain until they finally inevitably stumbled and failed. All was as had been seen... and would surely be seen many times to come.

But this cycle had a bit of a hiccup...

The previous Samsara, the Previous Era, had come close to defeating it, closer than any before them. Tenacious, talented and lucky, failsafes were developed by humanity, and so it would come to be that the aftershocks of their work affected the Era to follow, not only in the form of technology, but in hibernating survivors... and even modifications to the very gene pool of humanity itself. They had not won, but they had laid the groundwork for their successors to perhaps succeed where they did not. The 50,000 year Samsara had not been broken... but it had been cracked.

The year is now 2011, and humanity is at war. Though you'd often hardly know it. Civilization flourishes upon the planet of Earth, and the global national and political scene remains a familiar one to a far less supernatural one, just about all the countries you'd expect where you'd expect to find them. In this day and age of the Current Era, normal people still live normal lives and remain the majority. Yet, underneath the surface, all is not as it seems.

It has been millennia since the first whispers of the term "Honkai" were spread across history by remnants of the Previous Era. Nowadays, it is nearly a household name, something most people don't wish to think about but certainly something that can be researched and discussed online. What was once responsible for mere disasters now assaults settlements of all sizes with heartless monsters from beyond reality, along with a supernatural sickness with a horrific fatality rate. Against this foe, from amongst the sheep and the ignorant, humanity has long since marshaled its forces, creating organizations and supersoldiers to combat this global and ever escalating threat.

You are one of those soldiers, a Valkyrie, infused with the Honkai's own power in order to fight against it... with all the benefits -and risks- that entails. Whether by passion of misfortune, you have found yourself one amongst many under the banner of Fire Moth, one of the premier Anti-Honkai organizations and global peacekeepers. Though they are rumored to have had many less than moral dealings in the past, the results of their work cannot be denied, and so you are one of many who -for their own reasons- have thrown their lot in with them. Now, all but freshly graduated from Valkyrie training, your latest test results have deemed you worthy of field work, and you have been placed upon a new squad with other fresh graduates.

While none of you are considered particularly strong -as fresh off the presses as you are, there is something to be said for safety in numbers, and those that survive long enough to prove themselves something other than cannon fodder will come out the other end tempered into fighters more than capable of facing the forces of Honkai alone.

The world before you is wondrous and dangerous in equal measure. The Honkai looms omnipresent, as shadowy interests pursue their own ends behind closed doors. It is a world on the brink; yet very few are aware. It is a world in need of saving, but that naturally begs the question of who can do it. You? Hah. Who knows? Such things are for the future. In the now, perhaps before trying to save anyone else... you should worry about saving yourselves.


For those familiar with the setting, this is not the Current Era you may know. Though, it does have some connection to it. Instead, this AU asks what would have happened if Kiana and the crew failed, Project STIGMA collapsed and the Honkai won yet again and reset the world.

This, players, is the Third Era.

Due to the nature of the Finality Samsara effectively being a time loop, however, some events, organizations and people have at least managed to come into existence again, in name if not actions and personality. Naturally, however, as this is a disturbed time loop with remnants of the previous eras having made it past the end times, the world developed accordingly. So, yeah, there's probably a few canon characters from the Second Era out there in some form or another. In fact, I guarantee it. They aren't intended to be a focus, but the possibility of meeting them is there.

This RP will be run primarily on narrative with a supplement of a custom stat system to provide a framework for PC capabilities and maintain balance amongst the team (at least early on). To simplify things in a post-by-post format, I also intend to have a mandatory header that will contain certain critical information to keep track of during battles and such. Making sure that's tracked and displayed will make things much simpler on me and other players, avoiding the need to constantly comb through character sheets over every little detail. The inclusion of stats is in the pursuit of stakes, as I find hard "numbers" to be a reliable way of keeping things honest. Narrative will perhaps take a stronger lead over stats later on, but starting out, I feel it's appropriate for a bunch of rookies to be more "grounded" compared to the supernatural titans of the series.

In regard to plot structure, you'll start in a team that gets sent of various missions, some of which you may get to choose, which will otherwise generally be sandbox within that framework. And at some point, the "main plot" will creep to the forefront instead. Between missions, expect downtime periods where the plot allows to give PCs more chances for character interaction and provide an opportunity to allow training and other methods of self-improvement to incrementally increase PC's capabilities.

If that all sounds good to you, then welcome aboard.

I plan to take on roughly 8-10 players at most before cutting things off.

For those new to the setting, see the Honkai Impact wiki here for where I am primarily drawing core info for this setting. Of course, as this is an AU, not all of this is useful, but as an overview of the setting lore, it's pretty good if you want to dig in. There will also be a Discord to facilitate better OOC communication and discussion. I do have potential plans to have that available for character building if anyone is interested in working on it on there.


Character Building

Please keep in mind that you are playing Valkyries in a team of roughly equal individual strength (specialties depending). You should be generally new on the block, none of you old or overtly experienced. About the most remarkable achievement to your name is the fact that you actually have Stigmata at all. You are humans and novice psychics. Herrschers and MANTIS/ICHOR soldiers are not allowed (at least starting out).

Regarding lore information your PCs may know, generally speaking, the true nature, goals and functions of Honkai and Herrschers are completely unknown to the public, and those that do know have kept that information classified at the highest levels, as the Honkai has historically retaliated extra hard against information being dissiminated about its biggest secrets. Pretty much all you know as the average person and Valkyrie is that Honkai is bad and has been around for centuries, super monsters kill people, and Honkai radiation is no laughing matter. Herrschers are disasters that have been hushed as an existence, and the average Valkyrie isn't even aware they exist or what they are, since they don't appear very often.

If you have ideas regarding anything that hasn't already been addressed or are looking for a slight exception for the sake of a good idea, don't be afraid to ask questions. I can't promise satisfactory results, but I'll try to consider them. Honkai Impact 3rd has an incredibly high power ceiling and a power system with ridiculous potential for shenanigans. I would like to use every aspect of it and have those aspects available to players in some form down the line, but I'd like to be careful and generally fair how I go about it.

You can add whatever other bells and whistles you like as long as your headers have everything listed here in this format. For best results, please copy/paste the header code from Raw.

How many people do ya need before you plan to move on into the OOC phase?

I'm currently making the discord and already have one potential player there character building, so technically, the OOC is already sorta started. As for the Guild OOC, I will probably drop that once I finished hashing out the kinks/overtly uncompleted sections of the OOCOP. Most of that it done, but I'm still giving it some touch ups. As for how many people before I actually start the IC? Depends. But, if I can scrounge up around 4-6 people, I think that'll be good to start. If you are interested in a link to the discord, I can DM that.
Several updates made to OP, including:

An expansion of what players should expect, along with a link to the wiki.
Further lore expansion. Though that is, of course, still a WIP.
A post header template, which will be mandatory to keep things organized.
Tweaks to the CS template, addressing incomplete or overlooked areas, like a section for Psychic powers.

As the hours passed the group by, Veronica relaxed a bit more with the sun dropping below the horizon, now feeling free to release her warding magic and begin periodically peering around for danger. Even from inside the carriage, she was more than capable of keeping watch. After all, what kind of Seer would she be if she couldn't do this much when visibility was at its lowest for her companions?

So it was that the vampire made a periodic habit of casting her scrying gaze out the window of the carriage and into the night. When the carriage began to slow down, her brow pinched in concern. And when the convoy came to a full stop, she frowned. "I'll see what's happening." Shooting Matilda a single raised brow, she closed her eyes and cast her Sight forth.

In her mind's eye, she could see the cart from the outside, as she glanced around. If "her" eyes could have narrowed, they would have at the sight of someone approaching the procession from the direction they were heading. Her Sight moved forward, following along behind the elf, Jazdia, who had briefly been fiddling with an arrow that glowed dimly with purple light. The one approaching them was a maid, and Jazdia rode to meet her. Veronica's Sight fuzzed a bit, accompanied by sound, as she paid attention to the exchange.

Back in the carriage, Veronica's expression twisted from a frown, to neutral, then a frown again at the reminder of Chonan's strange demise. As these events occurred in real-time, her mouth was moving, conveying to Matilda, "A lone rider approaches, and Jazdia rides to speak with her. It's a maid that claims to be a guide sent from the Admiral. She inquired after our dip in numbers and was rebuffed. Jazdia questioned her intentions, and the maid apologized for sounding intrusive. Jazdia is... explaining Chonan's demise. The maid seems exasperated." As the conversation seemingly drew to a close as amicably as could be hoped for, Veronica sighed and shook her head, releasing her spell. "Jazdia seems to have found no overt reason for suspicion, so we shall be following the maid."
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