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Oh, so Kevin’s still kicking after all? Or is the leader someone like Jackal lmao?

What are the politics like between the three factions then? Or two, if Shicksal wasn’t run by Otto and thus wouldn’t trigger the war crimes that lead to Anti-Entropy being made?

Kevin is very much dead. Taking in the power of Finality was destroying him, considering how unstable his chimera of MANTIS genetics already was. No, Kevin was on death row in the Moon arc. Whether Kiana stopped him or not, it’s unlikely he would outlive Project STIGMA.

The politics of the three factions are still under construction. You’re right that Otto isn’t around anymore, and that is cause for changes. But Schicksal was already prone to corruption even without him, given incidents like them crusading against the Immortal Celestial (Fu Hua) and subsequently getting their asses beat.

There is still reason for Anti-Entropy to rise, not just because of stuff like that but because it’s possible some of their members could have survived Finality and laid the groundwork for a revival. Besides which, Anti-Entropy were hardly complete angels either.

World Serpent is a similar deal, but with Kevin gone, the throne is open for another of the 13 to take it. And Jackal definitely wouldn’t win out when it comes to a potential leader over a Griseo that’s got a solid 100,000 years behind her at this point (to be fair, some of that was probably hibernated, but you get the gist). Griseo has learned how to be… independent, let’s say.

Fire Moth, meanwhile, is a much different entity than it originally was several Eras past, but it’s also got some similarities. Mainly, it serves as the way the various big names collaborate relatively peacefully through contributing their own representatives to both its membership and leadership. And the whole shebang is overseen by entities like the United Nations, which increases their global trust and ability to travel and act just about anywhere legally without jumping through hoops.
Can it be presumed that no characters from the Previous Era have survived into the current era then?

It’s feasible that some recognizable faces may show up, but they will most often perhaps be AU ala what certain Honkai 3rd characters are to Honkai Star Rail or -if similar/identical in personality- with no conscious connection to the past Era. That being said, I will confirm that in my current draft, there are, in fact, survivors from the previous two Eras alive, and it’s the influence of such figures -either in the past or present- that have shaped the reexistence of organizations like Anti-Entropy, World Serpent, and Schicksal.

To name one of them that would be someone the PCs may even have briefly heard of by name (since World Serpent is a more public entity here), Griseo is alive, as this AU takes the Ark’s unknown fate and runs with it to have her finally return during the Third Era. She’s part of the reason a lot of old knowledge and tech got revived, along with the reason World Serpent is a more altruistic -if perhaps still shady- existence this go around. In the current World Serpent, she holds a very influential position. Perhaps not the direct head/CEO/Sire, but certainly “royalty” with authority only second to the leader.
Though it's still a bit of a WIP, I've had this idea brewing for a hot second, so I figured I should drop this around hereabouts and see what kind of traction it gets.


50,000 years ago, the world came to an end at the hands of an unstoppable calamity, a hostile existence beyond true comprehension. Yet, from the ashes of its victory, humanity rebuilt from scratch, rendered ignorant of the foe they had once opposed till the very end. It was as it had been for countless ages, the purging of a failure and birth of a new cycle, a fresh start and the latest perpetuation of a twisted Samsara. Empires rose and fell, humans lived and died. Civilization waned and flourished. And all the while, the overseer exerted their pressure. Natural disasters, plagues and hoards of monsters. It sent them all, presented challenges, and as humanity united and adapted, tempered by trial after trial, so too did it increase the pressure time and again. And so it would remain until they finally inevitably stumbled and failed. All was as had been seen... and would surely be seen many times to come.

But this cycle had a bit of a hiccup...

The previous Samsara, the Previous Era, had come close to defeating it, closer than any before them. Tenacious, talented and lucky, failsafes were developed by humanity, and so it would come to be that the aftershocks of their work affected the Era to follow, not only in the form of technology, but in hibernating survivors... and even modifications to the very gene pool of humanity itself. They had not won, but they had laid the groundwork for their successors to perhaps succeed where they did not. The 50,000 year Samsara had not been broken... but it had been cracked.

The year is now 2011, and humanity is at war. Though you'd often hardly know it. Civilization flourishes upon the planet of Earth, and the global national and political scene remains a familiar one to a far less supernatural one, just about all the countries you'd expect where you'd expect to find them. In this day and age of the Current Era, normal people still live normal lives and remain the majority. Yet, underneath the surface, all is not as it seems.

It has been millennia since the first whispers of the term "Honkai" were spread across history by remnants of the Previous Era. Nowadays, it is nearly a household name, something most people don't wish to think about but certainly something that can be researched and discussed online. What was once responsible for mere disasters now assaults settlements of all sizes with heartless monsters from beyond reality, along with a supernatural sickness with a horrific fatality rate. Against this foe, from amongst the sheep and the ignorant, humanity has long since marshaled its forces, creating organizations and supersoldiers to combat this global and ever escalating threat.

You are one of those soldiers, a Valkyrie, infused with the Honkai's own power in order to fight against it... with all the benefits -and risks- that entails. Whether by passion of misfortune, you have found yourself one amongst many under the banner of Fire Moth, one of the premier Anti-Honkai organizations and global peacekeepers. Though they are rumored to have had many less than moral dealings in the past, the results of their work cannot be denied, and so you are one of many who -for their own reasons- have thrown their lot in with them. Now, all but freshly graduated from Valkyrie training, your latest test results have deemed you worthy of field work, and you have been placed upon a new squad with other fresh graduates.

While none of you are considered particularly strong -as fresh off the presses as you are, there is something to be said for safety in numbers, and those that survive long enough to prove themselves something other than cannon fodder will come out the other end tempered into fighters more than capable of facing the forces of Honkai alone.

The world before you is wondrous and dangerous in equal measure. The Honkai looms omnipresent, as shadowy interests pursue their own ends behind closed doors. It is a world on the brink; yet very few are aware. It is a world in need of saving, but that naturally begs the question of who can do it. You? Hah. Who knows? Such things are for the future. In the now, perhaps before trying to save anyone else... you should worry about saving yourselves.


For those familiar with the setting, this is not the Current Era you may know. Though, it does have some connection to it. Instead, this AU asks what would have happened if Kiana and the crew failed, Project STIGMA collapsed and the Honkai won yet again and reset the world.

This, players, is the Third Era.

Due to the nature of the Finality Samsara effectively being a time loop, however, some events, organizations and people have at least managed to come into existence again, in name if not actions and personality. Naturally, however, as this is a disturbed time loop with remnants of the previous eras having made it past the end times, the world developed accordingly. So, yeah, there's probably a few canon characters from the Second Era out there in some form or another. In fact, I guarantee it. They aren't intended to be a focus, but the possibility of meeting them is there.

This RP will be run primarily on narrative with a supplement of a custom stat system to provide a framework for PC capabilities and maintain balance amongst the team (at least early on). To simplify things in a post-by-post format, I also intend to have a mandatory header that will contain certain critical information to keep track of during battles and such. Making sure that's tracked and displayed will make things much simpler on me and other players, avoiding the need to constantly comb through character sheets over every little detail. The inclusion of stats is in the pursuit of stakes, as I find hard "numbers" to be a reliable way of keeping things honest. Narrative will perhaps take a stronger lead over stats later on, but starting out, I feel it's appropriate for a bunch of rookies to be more "grounded" compared to the supernatural titans of the series.

In regard to plot structure, you'll start in a team that gets sent of various missions, some of which you may get to choose, which will otherwise generally be sandbox within that framework. And at some point, the "main plot" will creep to the forefront instead. Between missions, expect downtime periods where the plot allows to give PCs more chances for character interaction and provide an opportunity to allow training and other methods of self-improvement to incrementally increase PC's capabilities.

If that all sounds good to you, then welcome aboard.

I plan to take on roughly 8-10 players at most before cutting things off.

For those new to the setting, see the Honkai Impact wiki here for where I am primarily drawing core info for this setting. Of course, as this is an AU, not all of this is useful, but as an overview of the setting lore, it's pretty good if you want to dig in. There will also be a Discord to facilitate better OOC communication and discussion. I do have potential plans to have that available for character building if anyone is interested in working on it on there.


Character Building

Please keep in mind that you are playing Valkyries in a team of roughly equal individual strength (specialties depending). You should be generally new on the block, none of you old or overtly experienced. About the most remarkable achievement to your name is the fact that you actually have Stigmata at all. You are humans and novice psychics. Herrschers and MANTIS/ICHOR soldiers are not allowed (at least starting out).

Regarding lore information your PCs may know, generally speaking, the true nature, goals and functions of Honkai and Herrschers are completely unknown to the public, and those that do know have kept that information classified at the highest levels, as the Honkai has historically retaliated extra hard against information being dissiminated about its biggest secrets. Pretty much all you know as the average person and Valkyrie is that Honkai is bad and has been around for centuries, super monsters kill people, and Honkai radiation is no laughing matter. Herrschers are disasters that have been hushed as an existence, and the average Valkyrie isn't even aware they exist or what they are, since they don't appear very often.

If you have ideas regarding anything that hasn't already been addressed or are looking for a slight exception for the sake of a good idea, don't be afraid to ask questions. I can't promise satisfactory results, but I'll try to consider them. Honkai Impact 3rd has an incredibly high power ceiling and a power system with ridiculous potential for shenanigans. I would like to use every aspect of it and have those aspects available to players in some form down the line, but I'd like to be careful and generally fair how I go about it.

You can add whatever other bells and whistles you like as long as your headers have everything listed here in this format. For best results, please copy/paste the header code from Raw.

"He what?" Veronica couldn't quite believe what she'd just heard about the samurai. Granted, she'd not known him well in the slightest, but he'd always seemed enthusiastic... over the top even. What could have driven him to do such a thing? "Was there no evidence of foul play?" She grimaced. "Could someone have used magic to make him end himself?" she asked Solomon, glancing around furtively and idly checking that her brown cloak still hung concealingly on her body, before shaking her head. "I suppose it matters little now." Honestly, that would be the worst, to suddenly have to worry about being hunted and picked off by that sort of magic. She wasn't sure if she wanted her spurt of paranoia to be right or not, because the alternative was the ronin had committed suicide for... no reason she could honestly begin to guess at or understand.

She was highly tempted to run back to find and inspect Chonan's corpse herself to see if she could uncover any further clues in the area, but who knew how much precious time that might waste. The priority now was getting the prince safely home. Everything else was secondary.

"No objections from me." The vampire nodded Jazdia's way and did as she bid, slipping into the carriage with the Prince and Matilda. She didn't see any sense in delaying things with arguments over positioning, and let it never be said a vampire would turn down the chance to stay out of the sunlight. While her magic could protect her, there was something to be said for the simple mental security of taking cover enough to not explicitly need to use it.

Kasumi Nakano


"Here." Gold Experience strode closer to Jotaro and held out the adult king snake, which was currently winding around its left arm. "A snake this big won't go ignored easily in the open... and certainly not if everyone but us basically sees it flying down the halls. I can't carry this out, so you take it." Certainly, Kasumi could have pulled the snake into her hidey hole in the walls, but that would have both revealed her presence and more than likely made the other two Stand Users think she was trying to run away on them. Giving the snake to Jotaro would be a show of "trust" or -if not that- then at least the acknowledgement that she was willing to put the crux of the investigation in his hands and not run away. "You look like you've got some big pockets, so that'll have to do."

Idly, Gold Experience retracted the life energy it had stored in the autopsy room's doorway, removing the risk of an... "incident" when the other two left the room. Turning to go, it walked towards the wall next to the door, before pausing and glancing over its shoulder. "Just keep a gentle but firm hold on it and watch where its head wants to go. You can take point; I can sense my life forms anywhere they go." And it naturally went unsaid, but it was a warning that if they tried to run away with her lead, they would fail.

"Oh, and one last thing," it added almost as an afterthought, a note of warning in its tone. "Be very careful not to cause any harm to my life forms. I can't control what happens next, but I guarantee you won't enjoy it." After all, at the end of the day, she did not have any direct power over her creatures. While they might have been loyal to her and never hostile, she couldn't actually control them, couldn't stop them from instinctively lashing out in response to things that tried to hurt them. They were just animals and plants; they just wanted to survive.

Gold Experience phased through the wall, and the second it was out of sight of the other Stand Users, it faded away, remanifesting at Kasumi's side. The pinkette quickly began to scramble down her tunnels back the way she came, sprinting ahead of the other two as best she was able without looking. Behind her, Gold Experience began reverting transformed matter back into what it had once been, erasing the evidence of her passage.

Making it to the elevator passage, Gold Experience punched the floor of the shaft, causing a tree to erupt from it. Hitching a ride, Kasumi shot up to the elevator car resting a floor above. A quick check with life sense that no one was inside, and she was morphing the floor open into vines, scrambling inside and reverting both the floor and the tree beneath the car. A touch on the ceiling, and Gold Experience was hefting her back out the top and then helping her scramble into the tunnel she'd made through the first-floor ceiling of the station. A hasty shuffle down that, a pitstop in the bathroom and down into the floor again, and Kasumi was once more outside the New York State Police Forensic Investigation Center.

Tunneling back through the earth, she finally exited her tunnel in the same place she had initially entered it, well out of sight of the police station, glancing around with narrowed eyes. The rest of the tunnel finished closing behind her, finally erasing her path in totality, as she brushed her shoulders off and smoothed out her coat, straightened her tie and tidied her hair.

A thin smile crept across her mouth.

It had been touch and go a couple times, but she would call this result a nearly flawless success. She had her lead, and her identity was safe, the two most important factors. Sure, the lead wasn't in her hands directly, but she could still follow at a distance. And better still, if the enemy did happen to be a Stand User, she most likely wouldn't be the one taking the brunt of their attention from the get-go. She could continue pretending her Stand was a long-range type and attack from concealment, getting the drop on that bastard. In some ways, this result was even better than her initial plan.

Kasumi's smile bared teeth, as she strode without hurry to the end of the alley and casually leaned against the wall. In the corner of her vision, she eyed the front of the police station, watching for Jotaro and paying attention to where her snake's life force was emanating from. One hand patted her large right pocket, inside which a small turtle lay quietly retracted into its shell.


Honkai Impact 3rd RP OOCOP


50,000 years ago, the world came to an end at the hands of an unstoppable calamity, a hostile existence beyond true comprehension. Yet, from the ashes of its victory, humanity rebuilt from scratch, rendered ignorant of the foe they had once opposed till the very end. It was as it had been for countless ages, the purging of a failure and birth of a new cycle, a fresh start and the latest perpetuation of a twisted Samsara. Empires rose and fell, humans lived and died. Civilization waned and flourished. And all the while, the overseer exerted their pressure. Natural disasters, plagues and hoards of monsters. It sent them all, presented challenges, and as humanity united and adapted, tempered by trial after trial, so too did it increase the pressure time and again. And so it would remain until they finally inevitably stumbled and failed. All was as had been seen... and would surely be seen many times to come.

But this cycle had a bit of a hiccup...

The previous Samsara, the Previous Era, had come close to defeating it, closer than any before them. Tenacious, talented and lucky, failsafes were developed by humanity, and so it would come to be that the aftershocks of their work affected the Era to follow, not only in the form of technology, but in hibernating survivors... and even modifications to the very gene pool of humanity itself. They had not won, but they had laid the groundwork for their successors to perhaps succeed where they did not. The 50,000 year Samsara had not been broken... but it had been cracked.

The year is now 2011, and humanity is at war. Though you'd often hardly know it. Civilization flourishes upon the planet of Earth, and the global national and political scene remains a familiar one to a far less supernatural one, just about all the countries you'd expect where you'd expect to find them. In this day and age of the Current Era, normal people still live normal lives and remain the majority. Yet, underneath the surface, all is not as it seems.

It has been millennia since the first whispers of the term "Honkai" were spread across history by remnants of the Previous Era. Nowadays, it is nearly a household name, something most people don't wish to think about but certainly something that can be researched and discussed online. What was once responsible for mere disasters now assaults settlements of all sizes with heartless monsters from beyond reality, along with a supernatural sickness with a horrific fatality rate. Against this foe, from amongst the sheep and the ignorant, humanity has long since marshaled its forces, creating organizations and supersoldiers to combat this global and ever escalating threat.

You are one of those soldiers, a Valkyrie, infused with the Honkai's own power in order to fight against it... with all the benefits -and risks- that entails. Whether by passion of misfortune, you have found yourself one amongst many under the banner of Fire Moth, one of the premier Anti-Honkai organizations and global peacekeepers. Though they are rumored to have had many less than moral dealings in the past, the results of their work cannot be denied, and so you are one of many who -for their own reasons- have thrown their lot in with them. Now, all but freshly graduated from Valkyrie training, your latest test results have deemed you worthy of field work, and you have been placed upon a new squad with other fresh graduates.

While none of you are considered particularly strong -as fresh off the presses as you are, there is something to be said for safety in numbers, and those that survive long enough to prove themselves something other than cannon fodder will come out the other end tempered into fighters more than capable of facing the forces of Honkai alone.

The world before you is wondrous and dangerous in equal measure. The Honkai looms omnipresent, as shadowy interests pursue their own ends behind closed doors. It is a world on the brink; yet very few are aware. It is a world in need of saving, but that naturally begs the question of who can do it. You? Hah. Who knows? Such things are for the future. In the now, perhaps before trying to save anyone else... you should worry about saving yourselves.


For those familiar with the setting, this is not the Current Era you may know. Though, it does have some connection to it. Instead, this AU asks what would have happened if Kiana and the crew failed, Project STIGMA collapsed and the Honkai won yet again and reset the world.

This, players, is the Third Era.

Due to the nature of the Finality Samsara effectively being a time loop, however, some events, organizations and people have at least managed to come into existence again, in name if not actions and personality. Naturally, however, as this is a disturbed time loop with remnants of the previous eras having made it past the end times, the world developed accordingly. So, yeah, there's probably a few canon characters from the Second Era out there in some form or another. In fact, I guarantee it. They aren't intended to be a focus, but the possibility of meeting them is there.

This RP will be run primarily on narrative with a supplement of a custom stat system to provide a framework for PC capabilities and maintain balance amongst the team (at least early on). To simplify things in a post-by-post format, I also intend to have a mandatory header that will contain certain critical information to keep track of during battles and such. Making sure that's tracked and displayed will make things much simpler on me and other players, avoiding the need to constantly comb through character sheets over every little detail. The inclusion of stats is in the pursuit of stakes, as I find hard "numbers" to be a reliable way of keeping things honest. Narrative will perhaps take a stronger lead over stats later on, but starting out, I feel it's appropriate for a bunch of rookies to be more "grounded" compared to the supernatural titans of the series.

In regard to plot structure, you'll start in a team that gets sent of various missions, some of which you may get to choose, which will otherwise generally be sandbox within that framework. And at some point, the "main plot" will creep to the forefront instead. Between missions, expect downtime periods where the plot allows to give PCs more chances for character interaction and provide an opportunity to allow training and other methods of self-improvement to incrementally increase PC's capabilities.

If that all sounds good to you, then welcome aboard.

I plan to take on roughly 8-10 players at most before cutting things off.

For those new to the setting, see the Honkai Impact wiki here for where I am primarily drawing core info for this setting. Of course, as this is an AU, not all of this is useful, but as an overview of the setting lore, it's pretty good if you want to dig in. There will also be a Discord to facilitate better OOC communication and discussion. I do have potential plans to have that available for character building if anyone is interested in working on it on there.


Character Building

Please keep in mind that you are playing Valkyries in a team of roughly equal individual strength (specialties depending). You should be generally new on the block, none of you old or overtly experienced. About the most remarkable achievement to your name is the fact that you actually have Stigmata at all. You are humans and novice psychics. Herrschers and MANTIS/ICHOR soldiers are not allowed (at least starting out).

Regarding lore information your PCs may know, generally speaking, the true nature, goals and functions of Honkai and Herrschers are completely unknown to the public, and those that do know have kept that information classified at the highest levels, as the Honkai has historically retaliated extra hard against information being dissiminated about its biggest secrets. Pretty much all you know as the average person and Valkyrie is that Honkai is bad and has been around for centuries, super monsters kill people, and Honkai radiation is no laughing matter. Herrschers are disasters that have been hushed as an existence, and the average Valkyrie isn't even aware they exist or what they are, since they don't appear very often.

If you have ideas regarding anything that hasn't already been addressed or are looking for a slight exception for the sake of a good idea, don't be afraid to ask questions. I can't promise satisfactory results, but I'll try to consider them. Honkai Impact 3rd has an incredibly high power ceiling and a power system with ridiculous potential for shenanigans. I would like to use every aspect of it and have those aspects available to players in some form down the line, but I'd like to be careful and generally fair how I go about it.

You can add whatever other bells and whistles you like as long as your headers have everything listed here in this format. For best results, please copy/paste the header code from Raw.

War at Sea, Blockade Runners, HMAS Stalwart - 10/11/2022, 19:00 UTC+8

As the radar returns from above changed to something... interesting, Qingshe's brow rose in amusement.

"Oh, you're approaching me?" she murmured. "Even after witnessing my deterrence measures, you wish to continue?" Snorting, her shadow writhed across the deck of the Stalwart, the naval guns retracting back into its depths.

Broadcasting to the supply ships and distraction fleet, she said, "The enemy Arms Master is currently attempting to ram the supply ships. Requesting distraction." Honestly, she hadn't thought it would be necessary, because what sort of moron just charges someone unloading that much firepower into them? They should have retreated. But clearly, this "Mei" figure was both nihilistic and stupid, judging by Myron's description of her. Not that the latter wasn't inherent in the former. Whatever, Qingshe could handle this, even if that Noble Arm in the shape of a ship was more resilient than expected.

Broadcasting to the supply ships, she issued her best advice. "Ram is rapidly imminent. All supply ships, hard turn to port. Kill the lights and go dark. The flying ship most likely doesn't have radar, so we can duck them in the night." In the meanwhile, her shadow began to spill forth from the deck and down onto the water's surface, shakily managing to manifest atop the surface tension of the waves.

From her shadow, Qingshe began to deploy unmanned vessels, a dozen copies of the supply ships with their engines on full blast and their rudders locked and fully turned to port. Each of the ships was armed with remotely detonatable explosives, so if Mei mistakenly rammed one of the decoys, Qingshe was prepared to light it up in a fireball. Qingshe wasn't certain how Mei was actually targeting them in this lighting, but with these red herrings, if it was receiving directions from its allies or someone aboard, this should scramble both radar and eyesight of the actual supply ships.

Qingshe launched another broadcast to the distraction fleet. "Yuanyuan's opening barrage targeted the supply ships as much as the distraction fleet. Somehow, despite her ship being too archaic to carry radar, they can see us, could see us from the start. They must be receiving communications from spotters. We need to target the enemy radar." And unspoken was that if that didn't work, then it meant Mei's ship must have an Arms Master aboard that could parse the darkness.

"Now then..." she turned her attention back to Mei's ship. "If you're going to make yourself such an easy target... why not try this on for size." Her shadow sprouted naval guns again, only six this time. She altered her ammunition a third time, loading it with a chemical compound.

Thioacetone, considered to perhaps be the worst smelling substance on the planet. With a stench serious enough to cause nausea, vomiting and outright unconsciousness. An unstable red oil that stunk relentlessly and unbearably, a smell offensive enough to send people fleeing in terror and panic evacuate an entire town. A reek of such putrid indescribability that it could make someone suspect evil supernatural forces were at work.

For a moment, Qingshe hesitated to deploy such a measure, as the stench would be... truly something unpleasant to behold, to put it lightly. If even this didn't dissuade Mei, then that mad dog would carry the colossal stink with her right up to the supply ships. This, of course, would be a bad thing, such was the sheer strength of the chemical, the nausea it would induce from even the proximity of a missed ram would be potentially disabling. In short, if she used this and it didn't take Mei down, it would probably backfire on her own allies. Not a great look.

Pouting, Qingshe altered the ammunition again. "Fine then. We'll do this the boring way."

Her naval guns barked again, their muzzles giving off no flash to indicate her position, as she hurled exploding shells filled with napalm at Mei's ship, one final parting shot before she went dark as well. Since the ship was diving at her, Mei was now presenting her new targets to fire at, so she angled her shots over the hull to impact the main deck of the ship outright. While the ship was a Noble Arm and therefore wouldn't catch fire conventionally, napalm could still set everything ablaze just by sticking and burning.

And as a bonus, with the ship on fire, they should be plainly visible and targetable to all allied firepower.

"Let's see them crave fighting after that."

Sison Auditorium, Municipality of Lingayen - 10/11/2022, 9:26 UTC+8

Audience Hall, Sison Auditorium, Municipality of Lingayen - 10/11/2022, 18:26 UTC+8

The pre-mission briefing was proceeding apace, and Qingshe sat amongst the small audience of Arms Masters with an expression like the cat that caught the canary written all over her demeanor. She had to make an effort -well deserved, she felt- not to send Myron and the Rear Admiral both looks filled with her most smug satisfaction, as she fiddled with one of her tablets, making notes of critical mission details.

The briefing quickly began to wrap up, as the operation began properly. Titling her head and spying on the breadth of allied communication, Qingshe could see that Chinese resistance was already making things... troublesome. As much as she'd have preferred to stay on the backline, this was no time to play coy. This was for all the marbles, and it was time to earn her pay as a member of the QRS and demonstrate exactly how much their faith in her was worth.

Shooting a smile in the direction of Privates Kaitlyn and Hannie, she wriggled her fingers in a parting wave and stood, eying the sight of the disappearing First Lieutenant Noel, rolling her eyes lightly at his own parting words. Striding up to Myron and the Rear Admiral, she said firmly, "Send me to the Australian supply ships. Either will do, but whichever is closest to the enemy would perhaps be prudent." She smiled glibly. "I will conduct a concrete and extensive defense of our mission's critical center. Also..." Her shadow bubbled up underfoot and to an area slightly to the side of the sitting area. "I'll be leaving that here. I had a bit of a.... Eureka moment with my abilities over the last couple hours, and I can now provide a slight solution -in case it was overlooked- to the fact that Myron's shield can only transport those it can touch. Notably, he cannot retrieve anyone he sends." She grinned, as a second Qingshe poked up from the surface of the shadow, lounging halfway submerged with a coy look her eye, like a mermaid resting their arms upon a rock... if the "rock" was the surface of her shadow. "My shadow can, albeit only from wherever I presently am, and I can only maintain a single gateway in this manner. Deployment and exfiltration will be possible with ease from the supply ships as long as I remain deployed."

She touched Myron's shield and grinned predatorially. "Beam me up, Scottie~."

War at Sea, Blockade Runners HMAS Supply and HMAS Stalwart - 10/11/2022, 18:37 UTC+8

Qingshe's clone manifested aboard the Stalwart with a glint of anticipation in her eye. Through her gaze, her real self, lounging back at the Lingayen base, explored the puppet's senses, making note of any delays in performance or overall strain... not that there was any, as she opened her shadow at the clone's location, now providing her a direct line to its position. As far as any should be concerned, there might as well have been no space between her puppet and her other body in Lingayen at all.

As the thunder and flash of gunfire echoed through the night, Qingshe immediately got to work.

From beneath her clone's feet, her shadow rolled over the deck of the Stalwart in a rippling, inch-thick wave of harmlessly crackling ooze, the buzz of static beginning to fill the air around her. Spilling from the ooze, several devices quickly began to interconnect wirelessly to the allied fleet, tuning her into communications, radar and sonar alike, quickly forming for her an image of the allied and enemy situation.

Cannon fire rained down from above with a peal of thunder, but Qingshe was ready for it. Her shadow flashed up the outside of the Stalwart, angling itself against the attack, and any missiles or projectiles that actually would have hit would instead be swallowed into her shadow's depths, nullified and deconstructed into nothingness in moments. She clicked her tongue in annoyance at only being able to protect a single ship at a time in this way, hoping the Supply had gotten off lightly in the exchange without her cover.

Feline, golden slits illuminated the darkness in her vision sharply, as she gazed upward into the distant night sky. Her shadow began to spill forth further devices, including high-quality range-finders and cameras, both technological... and biological in nature. She avoided anything that might immediately give away her position; though she felt that might already be a lost cause, depending on if Mei had fired at the supply ships for any particular reason.

Consulting both what her own sensors could acquire for her and the readings coming from the allied ships, Qingshe quickly put her creations to work building a movement profile of the obvious Arms Master-based ship currently soaring through the sky. As she did, her shadow began to bulge and crackle more intensely, as long, thick gun barrels began to boil forth from the abyss.

Gleaming ebony metal thrummed with inner, eldritch power, as crackling green sigils and lines accentuated their forms with The Snake's aggressively cyberpunk aesthetic. A deep thrum briefly could be felt vibrating in the chests of those aboard the Stalwart, as the battleship-worthy main guns finished forming and angled towards the sky, guided by the data Qingshe was still collecting and calculating even at this very moment. And soon enough...

"Target locked," Qingshe spoke with a thrumming echo to her voice over the ship's comms. "Distance judged. Vectors of evasion calculated. Durability: under assessment. Confirming intent to engage with enemy Arms Master." The clone eyed the flying ship for a moment longer, confirming that it was staying its calculated course, and then... "Returning fire."

All along the starboard side deck of the Stalwart, protruding high into the air -somehow without adding any weight to the side of the ship, twenty separate 20-inch main guns opened fire in a cataclysmic roar of full broadside, sending a hail of massive shells hurtling on course with Mei Yuanyuan's Sloop-of-war. Somehow, in the doing, the barrels did not give off any flash of light to accentuate their position, the shadow having already swallowed the blasts of gunpowder to only allow the shells to fly free. Nor did the shockwave of the blasts harm the crew of the Stalwart, the propelling explosions again swallowed before they could ever escape the barrels alongside the shells. All that was left was the thundering, bone-deep roar of noise that shook the air with Qingshe's counterattack.

Even after the first salvo had been fired, Qingshe didn't stop, the guns being loaded with a different kind of ammunition. The first round of shots had been armor-piercing, but as the guns roared again, this time, they were loaded with high-explosive. Another full broadside of twenty guns bellowed into the night air, sending explosive projectiles shrieking towards the flying ship.

Qingshe still didn't let up, determined to unload so much unpleasantness into the enemy Arms Master that they wouldn't even be able to consider firing back. With any luck, they might even wither so much under her assault that they retreated far enough from the supply ships to be useless as a threat to them.

The guns were loaded again, and this time, Qingshe decided to get a bit nasty. The ammunition was changed again, and this time, the shells she unleashed were not designed to do damage to the ship directly... but rather the crew. These shells were targeted towards the front of the ship, aiming for maximum misery, as any impacts would see the shells violently explode into massive chemical clouds of blinding, burning and blistering capsaicin. The clouds would flood through the ship, as it flew right through them. And just to be doubly sure, Qingshe made these shells into timed explosives. If they didn't detonate from an impact at the moment they were calculated to hit, they would explode anyway in the ship's general area, like a flack curtain of chemical irritation.

Staring at the dark sky, Qingshe finally let her assault halt, eyes narrowing, as she waited to see what fruit her labors might harvest.

Kasumi Nakano


Gold Experience scoffed openly at Alison, both at her demands and her foolishness in actually revealing her name. "You don't get to make demands of me. This isn't a negotiation, and my identity isn't for sale. If you want my name, you can earn it. For now, just call me Sakura," it said without a smidge of compromise. Kasumi could already understand thoroughly that for this woman, information was power, and she had no intention of handing any regarding herself over if and until absolutely necessary. Besides, it wasn't like this so-called "Alison" couldn't also be lying about her own name. So, an alias is what she'd be getting, and she'd just have to be happy with it. "I'll work with you, but I don't need your resources or your skills, just your pact of non-hostility." It glanced at the corpse on the table.

Gold Experience clicked its tongue at Jotaro's words but nodded. "You're not wrong. I'd say my actions speak for themselves, but skepticism is justified." Folding its arms behind its back, it stepped over to the table, not making any sudden movements and keeping an eye on Jotaro's reactions. "As much as police oversight would be a pain in the ass, I'll allow it if that's really the price to get what I need." Glancing down at the corpse that it now stood beside, its expression wrinkled at the smell. "As for what I need from the corpse... Nothing. I do not need something from the corpse. I need the entire corpse, period. Don't worry," it assured Jotaro. "My ability will not tamper with the corpse's integrity. The 'evidence' will remain exactly the same when returned as it was when I removed it."

Unfolding a hand from behind its back, Gold Experience reached out, ripples of golden light beginning to spill from its fingertips. "The ability of Gold Experience is simple in concept, yet broad in application," it explained for the benefit of its audience. "My Stand has the ability to imbue life energy into anything it touches. Upon doing so, for a non-living target, that life energy gives it life." It touched the corpse, and ripples of gold pulsated into its form. This was all quite a bit more showy than Kasumi preferred to be with her ability, but she figured it was for the best in this case. The corpse of the murder victim began to physically bulge and morph, suddenly shrinking down several feet in moments... before wriggling to life as a harmless king snake.

Gold Experience reached down and gently scooped up the reptile, which rather docilely took the treatment, its head darting around, as it slithered in Gold Experience's grasp. The Stand let it be, letting it coil around and travel up each limb in turn, before providing the other for it to climb back on, and as it did, the snake would occasionally pause and dart its head up, consistently gazing in approximately the same direction each time. "All life retains connections... bonds," Gold Experience continued. "When I create a living creature, that creature instinctively understands when it is not... 'whole' and seeks out what it's missing... the remainder of what it once was." The golden Stand smiled. "And that is where we get to the meat of my plan, because this mass murderer, fool that they are, has been taking physical trophies." It chuckled darkly. "The Cobbler's foot fetish will be their undoing, because now that I have the part of the corpse they left behind... I can use this snake to track the feet they kept."

Its grin was filled with eager teeth, as it chuckled. "And if this corpse doesn't work out? Well, all I need to do is try again with the next newest victim and so on. The fresher, the better. Eventually, that rat bastard will have nowhere to hide."

Kasumi Nakano


"Tch," Golden Experience clicked its tongue in annoyance at the voice that range out behind it. "Don't be ridiculous. Those are my lines." With the transformation on the door prepared, this room was already one step short of a death-trap if things went sour, after all, not that she was going to boldly declare as much. Perhaps it was a preemptive assumption but... "I wasn't sure before, but I think I am now." Gold Experience grinned. The invisible Stand user might have had some inhuman strength, but the fact that they resorted to ranged attacks implied they were much less threatening than she'd first feared. Even if they had the element of surprise, their range was clearly short, and they could seemingly only attack with mundane projectiles, useless against a Stand. They would have to use that strength directly in melee, and unless they could ensure their first blow was a total KO, all they would do is reveal their truest position and open themselves up for her superior speed to retaliate. Even if she had to attack blindly, she was sure she could at least make sure the score was even. And only one of them could presumably heal from the results of such gambles.

"Even if you both allied against me, I doubt you'd prevail. That I even bothered to so much as show my Stand's face is proof enough of my own... preferably amiable intentions." Its expression turned fairly dry, as it repositioned to keep in sight both the area containing Jotaro and the place the invisible Stand user's voice had rung out from. "And that I'm the only one here that hasn't attacked first -or at all- for that matter." Because like hell she was going to let that go so quickly. The kind of shitshow they had almost devolved into because of this other woman's actions...

Subtly planting dormant life energy into the floor-tiles as it walked, Gold Experience backed up until it was lounging against the door again, crossing its arms and favoring Jotaro with a huff of amusement. "Destroy the evidence? Don't be absurd. If I wanted to obstruct the investigation, I wouldn't have revealed myself. I'm no fool." It tilted its head, favoring him with a condescending sneer. "What a useless threat. Jail me? In your dreams. No mundane containment can hold me, and unless you've got other Stand users in the force, you've got to sleep sometime..." Gold Experience chuckled. "This, of course, assuming you could even get my actual body in a cell to begin with, but I digress. I will get what I want today." That this would be so whether she had approval or not was left without saying.

Shaking its head, Gold Experience rapped its fingers on its elbows. "As for what I want? A lead on the serial killer, this 'Cobbler' or whatever moniker you prefer. My ability will allow me to create a fairly reliable one, and all I need..." It pointed a finger at the slab of a table. "Is that corpse to make it."
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