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<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

You could say at the beginning, the book has mostly blank pages and then the invisible ink gradually reveals itself as he levels up. Or maybe the book just magically grows new pages as he unlocks new spells from the grimoire or learns them from out in the world and copies the script. Also, feel free to spread your wings a little with magical abilities, since we're ending up with a little more freeform approach, I'm not gonna force anyone into the confines of any one class. For my evil wizard guy I was considering, I may fuse elements of Warlock into him as well and give his grimoire a living eye on the cover or something. We'll see.

One way I also imagined it manifesting is that he's got all this blank space to fill up and does so himself. Like, consider that the first (highly expansive) part of the book is dedicated to education and walks you through everything you need to know one chapter at a time, and then when he learns stuff, it's up to him to actually successfully craft the spells and add them to his capabilities in the ever-growing spells section that takes up the rest of the book (and probably just grows new pages when needed). Depending on how intuitive this is, I assume the PCs all get a "starter boost", so he probably has a few spells he already knows right out the gate maybe, but going forward, most of the work is on his shoulders to actually be dedicated to the path of the Wizard. And yeah, with that go ahead, I think I'm definitely going to spread out his abilities to have him use necromancy for healing whenever he isn't poking the secrets to conventional healing magic. :)
So long as you're prepared for the complications that'll bring storywise I'm all for it

Sweet, lol. But yeah, I’m expecting the Malevolence’s appearance in Republic Space to be something of a brown pants moment for both sides of equation. Depending on where in the timeline this universe is (pre or post Malevolence), things could be more or less simple. Probably the biggest thing that can help quell potential hostilities is the fact that letting the Replicators go free os hardly in the Separatists’ favor either, and if this is post-Malevolence, people will know that ship shouldn’t exist still, so that will be a good way to sell that, yeah, this isn’t business as usual.

But overall, yes, I expect complications will be inherent and probably funny. I especially look forward to the Jedi reaction to a Sith that isn't pathologically obsessed with killing them... not that the Sith will probably receive the same courtesy without some level heads acting as first contact. To say nothing of Grevious's presence and his entire cargo bay of issues. XD
I haven't had a chance yet to work out the specifics, but I was thinking of the Conduits having memories stored in them kind of like Jedi Holocrons. Instead of detailing that out for every single class, I'm just going to do it for the classes we end up playing at the start of the RP and I'll probably simplify Abilities, Spells, and Proficiencies into a range of similar effects or something. We'll see.

At least for the Wizard's part, I was basically planning on him treating his Conduit (which is probably a Grimoire) like when a Wizard acquires another's spellbook. Except it's also his simultaneously. So, he's learning how to Wizard from it like an accelerated course. Like a normal Wizard, he's got to study it actively and be academic about how he increases in capability, learning about the Weave in a more personal sense and how to tweak it by mathing at the universe so hard it bends over. As Wizards do. XD
I would prefer our group be friends before Isekai. Or at least know each other. I love preestablished relationships.

Lol, tbh, that's probably for the best with a necromancer in the party. It's easier to look less sketchy as fuck if you've got a preexisting good rapport with some of the party.

On a side somewhat related note, I have plans for Malcer (said necromancer) to have some of those rare Wizard healing spells in his repertoire, so he can pull some healer shenanigans later on if we don't have any other reliable methods like Healing Potions for days. Might consider a Healer's Kit specialty. XD
Alright, so a thought occurs: do we want any of our PCs to already know each-other pre-Isekai, or is this a full gathering of strangers? It occurs to me partially because I feel like most people don’t go to an amusement park alone. Being that such a place is where we all quite tragically died (lel, technically perished in the hospital, but tomaytoe tomahtoe), I figure there’s good odds we might have some existing PC relationships. The potential is certainly there for the interested anyway. XD
Alright, got a bit of an interesting idea to propose.
But is it possible for one of the vessels brought in to be from an alternate Star Wars universe?

I'm considering a Sith from another Star Wars, who is currently in charge of the Malevolence, commanded by a General Grievous who is more accurate to Legend/2003 Star Wars than the Baddie of the Week treatment he got in The Clone Wars. The idea of another universes’ Sith/Separatists helping the Republic like this simply tickles me pink.
Alright, so as we aren't using stats, I have a question. We are using levels to determine Abilities, Spells and Proficiencies, but I know some abilities are determined by stats. Like, Wizards. A fair chunk of their spell list is determined by their INT modifier; that is, how many spells they can have prepared (their level + INT modifier). And there's some other abilities of other classes that depend on a modifier to determine uses, like a Paladin's Divine Sense. So, how should we handle that?
Hrmm, I might actually rock up a paladin. I have an unusued CS for one that I could probably pretty easily convert into whatever CS structure this RP ends up using. I think that and my Wizard are my two most prepped characters.

So, Half-Elf Paladin, Reborn Wizard, or ??? Cleric is the way I'm thinking. I've already got several faceclaims I'm waffling between for the Paladin (or Cleric for one tbh, because both are armored), and I could hunt down something for the Wizard or actually try and use a hand drawn image I've got lying around for the concept somewhere.

So, along with that, we probably got so far a Human or Elf Djinni Warlock, a Fairy Sorcerer, and an unknown race Artificer, a Human or Elf of unknown class, and one more unknown. Hype. :)
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

No worries! I think I've come up with a good compromise - the dice rolls won't be mandatory and you can do as many as you want for your post. One dice roll, many dice rolls, or zero dice rolls. I'll throw opponents out at the start of each Battle Scenario and then I'll leave it up to each of you to decide how you want to write out that scene. I'll use the same method for my own characters as well.

Woah, nice! That is a simple but effective change. I definitely am all in on this. I suppose I'll take it on a case by case basis, but the ability to plot out a battle through multiple dice rolls is definitely the sort of flexibility that completely erases my misgivings.

As for what I'm thinking of going with? Well, I already mentioned, but either a Necromancer Wizard or a Life/Death Cleric. Not 100% sure which yet, but either could be fun. I certainly lean towards the Wizard though, bringing this party another step closer to being Team Glass Cannon. lol
Far be it from me to tell you how to run your own game. Again, I apologize for any negativity I've inadvertedly brought. I love the premise, but the present system is just a huge deal-breaker for me in many ways. If you decide going full narrative is for you, more power to you! I'd be genuinely elated, but if you have a vision for this present system, don't feel pressured to drop it just like that. I do think it would be worth keeping the levels around in either case as a way to ground progression.
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