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Hatake Ikuya

Forgive me, Master, I prefer the GDocs view since it's easier to write, I may also paste the sheet with the format you've given when the time comes.

Works for me.
On a "quick" review of some aspects of your CS:

As far as I'm aware, there's no Trope related to the Hatake having a "situational ability to quickly think & strategize on the fly to reverse the predicament in their favor, no matter how cruel & unfair the action is". That's really not a thing. It also doesn't really capture the feel of a Trope and would (if it were a thing) be better placed in Bloodline. What you're describing isn't really unique to the Hatake either; that's literally just a trait of any skilled ninja, so I'd axe that.

Similarly with this: "Canine Sign Language Some Hatake are trained to tame Wolves, Dogs & all sorts of canine breeds with Canine Sign Language. (soon to have)". Doesn't read like a Trope. This would go under bloodline or skills, if anything.

Overall, what you've described aren't really tropes.

What I would describe as an actual trope is something like:

The Dog-ged Hatake Clan: The embodiment of the misconception that Kakashi largely reflects traits shared by the rest of his clan, Ikuya finds himself born into what he may soon realize is a... "tweaked" Hatake Clan, who display not just distinctly hereditary silver hair but a close connection -or at least comparison- to the Inazuka and dogs, specifically through the possession of the Dog Summoning Contract, through which summons they learn many canine-like techniques.

I would say as far as your overall concept, what the Hatake would be is essentially "knock off Inazuka". If anything, the Inazuka would be almost hostile to them for "stealing their schtick" and having the dog contract where they don't. The Hatake wouldn't have their own equivalent of ninken. What they *have* is dog *summons*, which allow a few of their members to encroach on the Inazuka's "thing" and learn techniques from the summons that let them mimic (for one) the Inazuka's tracking/sensory capabilities.

I'm coming at this partially with the perspective of not wanting to take away from the Inazuka's uniqueness, regardless of viability. The clans would be reasonably extremely stingy over their jutsu being stolen, so ninken of any kind would be a very closely hoarded resource, and the Inazuka most likely have them (for lack of a better word) "trademarked" such that any form of ninken is their Clan's property.

Kaneme Haruno WIP

Love the FC you've chosen here, and the sections you've filled in look fine so far. :)
I don't have much more to say for now, as I know you have stuff keeping you busy. No rush on completion for now.

Yumiya Fuma WIP

Good stuff! I don't see anything wrong with what you've got so far. Only thing I'd poke is the physical description so far, but i'm sure the eventual FC will largely cover for any lacking there.

Yuki Akane WIP

Overall, the sheet looks great so far. I waffled a bit on allowing the Kiri lore you're laying down with your arrival premise, but since this is a fanon corrupted universe, Dark!er and Edgier is very much on the table. So, congrats, bloodline internment camps are now a thing in this universe where they wouldn't have been. I hope you're proud of yourself. XD

Akimichi WIP

Looking pretty good so far!
As an initial minor nitpick though, his "Affiliation" would automatically be Konoha and Akimichi Clan, since it accounts somewhat for how others perceive their allegiances. If any of those are ones he is secretly against (like in the case of a double agent PC), you could specify (True) or (False) additionally.
What would Calorie control fall under? It's not technically a bloodline limit or chakra affinity.

It could theoretically be copied if taught to someone else (or otherwise stolen), but that's largely mitigated by the fact that said justu is only viable if you're willing to go full W I D E like the Akimichi in order to have enough spare calories to actually make it useful and not potentially dangerous to yourself. It's got limited use, and the Akimichi basically have the market cornered on what it's used for. I'd also note on this topic (as I think I see what you're getting it specifically) that I used the word "usually" as far as being unable to be duplicated by outsiders. So, you'd still put Akimichi techniques in Bloodline, which is intended to include "Hiden" jutsu as well.

I'll edit the Bloodline section to be a little clearer on this front, I think. Thanks for asking that.
@Eobard Thawne@Gerlando@Duthguy@Letter Bee
Glad to have you (or at least have your interest)! XD
Feel free to shoot me some character concepts and any other questions you might have if you have something brewing already.
An Isekai Upon This Land of Accursed Tropes- Naruto Mass-Isekai CS

An Isekai Upon This Land of Accursed Tropes

It started, as many such tales tend to, with a crash. More specifically, the sort of crash that results when one decides to introduce a fleshy unsuspecting human and a high-speed construct of metal into the same general area. The sort of crash that results when a roller coaster doesn’t get as much maintenance as it should. Or when Truck-kun or Ambulance-kun decided today was your lucky day! This was, needless to say, neither pleasant or painless as far as ways to go for you.

Not for any of you.

Yet, without warning, you soon find your drifting, disembodied soul pulled into a space between spaces, a mysterious goddess -introducing herself only as “Kami”- beseeching your group of misfortunate souls, taken before your time, for aid in saving her world. Unfortunately, she has little to offer you, she claims, in terms of rewards other than the chance to live again (which some might say is a pretty good deal all on its own).

Kami tells your disembodied souls a tale of woe, of a terrible future gone mad, as the natural course of Fate and Destiny was suddenly and mysteriously twisted into an warped mess. She is unable to perceive the cause, nor oppose it directly. According to her, divine treaties presently prohibit the gods from interfering overtly in the mortal plane; yet, what is occurring now, she suspects, can only be the work of another of her kind breaking the covenant. Because of that, she now has a bit of room to work with.

Which is where you come in.

Kami presents herself as the Lifegiver, the master of the Wheel of Reincarnation and the flow of souls. Through this, though she cannot strike living beings in the world dead directly, she has the capacity to incarnate souls into new bodies. Even under the divine treaty, she has retained this much authority to interfere with the world, according to her natural role. Once a soul enters her realm, she has free reign, and she's prepared to reincarnate all of you into her world with your past life memories intact, hoping your presence can disrupt whatever terrible plans may be afoot for her realm.

Naturally, questions are asked by several, and thankfully, Kami had some answers to give. She is able to describe her world and some of the recent events that have occurred on its surface, and upon her doing so, several of you certainly don't fail to notice how familiar it sounds. Kami cheerfully explains that such knowledge is exactly why she has chosen you, knowing that most of you have a rough idea of how things should have been destined to go in the future... and subsequently will be some of the best to identify what is wrong where Kami's clouded sight cannot.

For those that think to ask, Kami provides that she can at least catalyze a reincarnation into a specific family or bloodline; though, she can only do so within a certain reason and only after a certain point in time, unable to precede the Nine Tails attack on Konoha. For those that care less, Kami promises to reincarnate them as close together as she can arrange, so that her champions can most easily unite. Any questions about incarnation into new bodies are rebuffed gently but firmly. Your old bodies are dead, and -more importantly- lack the local chakra systems. The best way to acquire the local tools to survive is to start from the ground up.

And so it would be that for those that heard Kami's plea and chose to accept, you awaken soon after in the body of a wailing infant, a bright and dangerous new world laid out before you to flourish in... should you be up to surviving it.


In summary, potential players, what you are looking at is a Naruto Mass-Isekai, as a group of unwitting reincarnates soon come to find that the world they might have first assumed was canon... has been warped into something one might define as a "Bad Fanfic abomination", rife with exploitable tropes and fanon. The world's Fate and Narrative sport grave wounds, as the future twists under the machinations of an unknown overarching threat.

Tonally speaking, this RP is potentially to have a few dark or possibly disturbing and/or mature themes, especially several themes that are rather unnerving if you remove them from the vacuum of an eye-rolling "bad fanfic" and actually had to deal with them in reality (if you've had any experience with Naruto fanfiction, you can probably guess what I mean). That's not to say there's isn't room for humor, of course, but the tone of the world definitely leans more to the serious than comedy. Essentially, we aren't writing crack here, and the world won't generally respond amiably if it isn't taken seriously. In fact, in a sense, you could say the world takes itself too seriously in general, deliberately evoking cringe edginess in accordance with the corruption caused by Bad Fanfic Tropes.

This is functionally an open-world sandbox, where the endgame is shaped by the actions of the PCs. To help facilitate the feel of a "collaborative story", players are given a lot more control over the world than you might normally expect, able to create or manipulate NPCs and be the direct cause of major events (within a certain reason). This structure is largely to take much of the burden of micromanaging such an expansive world off myself and allow things to flow more smoothly, without a single poster (myself) being the crux of interactions with the world. Of course, there's limits, and important NPCs, like the Third Hokage, notable villains and most named characters, are generally the domain of only GMs to portray unless permitted otherwise.

Speaking of GMs, knowing myself as I do, I know my muse is a fickle creature, and it's not guaranteed that my inspiration will hold completely steady at all times, which could lead to unfortunate and undesirable delays. To mitigate this, I'm in the market for some co-GMs to help run important NPCs and plan world events. If my muse takes me elsewhere or IRL otherwise drains me too much to write, I'd like to have backups that can keep things ticking in the meanwhile.

If you are totally new or otherwise inexperienced with the Naruto fandom, don't feel afraid to join anyway. Playing a reincarnate without metaknowledge or localized savvy is perfectly viable too and adds some extra flavor to the cast. This RP concept welcomes all comers, so don't be afraid to ask questions if you need any quick or dirty lore drops to help participate.

If all that sounds like a good deal to you, here's some more details on how I hope for this to work.

As far as character sheets go, these may start off fairly basic, but they should be expected to be updated many times as things progress, accounting for any developments to the characters brought about by the IC. I've done my best to cover what should be necessary without bogging things down, but if there's anything in this template you think I've missed that would be particularly important, let me know. I'm absolutely open to potential improvements.

(This next section may be subject to change, as I'm still trying to strike a particular balance of progression that hopefully avoids any real focus on "stats" or anything really "gamer-adjacent". So, I might not be fully happy with this yet.)


Naruto Mass Isekai 3rd RP OOCOP

An Isekai Upon This Land of Accursed Tropes

It started, as many such tales tend to, with a crash. More specifically, the sort of crash that results when one decides to introduce a fleshy unsuspecting human and a high-speed construct of metal into the same general area. The sort of crash that results when a roller coaster doesn’t get as much maintenance as it should. Or when Truck-kun or Ambulance-kun decided today was your lucky day! This was, needless to say, neither pleasant or painless as far as ways to go for you.

Not for any of you.

Yet, without warning, you soon find your drifting, disembodied soul pulled into a space between spaces, a mysterious goddess -introducing herself only as “Kami”- beseeching your group of misfortunate souls, taken before your time, for aid in saving her world. Unfortunately, she has little to offer you, she claims, in terms of rewards other than the chance to live again (which some might say is a pretty good deal all on its own).

Kami tells your disembodied souls a tale of woe, of a terrible future gone mad, as the natural course of Fate and Destiny was suddenly and mysteriously twisted into an warped mess. She is unable to perceive the cause, nor oppose it directly. According to her, divine treaties presently prohibit the gods from interfering overtly in the mortal plane; yet, what is occurring now, she suspects, can only be the work of another of her kind breaking the covenant. Because of that, she now has a bit of room to work with.

Which is where you come in.

Kami presents herself as the Lifegiver, the master of the Wheel of Reincarnation and the flow of souls. Through this, though she cannot strike living beings in the world dead directly, she has the capacity to incarnate souls into new bodies. Even under the divine treaty, she has retained this much authority to interfere with the world, according to her natural role. Once a soul enters her realm, she has free reign, and she's prepared to reincarnate all of you into her world with your past life memories intact, hoping your presence can disrupt whatever terrible plans may be afoot for her realm.

Naturally, questions are asked by several, and thankfully, Kami had some answers to give. She is able to describe her world and some of the recent events that have occurred on its surface, and upon her doing so, several of you certainly don't fail to notice how familiar it sounds. Kami cheerfully explains that such knowledge is exactly why she has chosen you, knowing that most of you have a rough idea of how things should have been destined to go in the future... and subsequently will be some of the best to identify what is wrong where Kami's clouded sight cannot.

For those that think to ask, Kami provides that she can at least catalyze a reincarnation into a specific family or bloodline; though, she can only do so within a certain reason and only after a certain point in time, unable to precede the Nine Tails attack on Konoha. For those that care less, Kami promises to reincarnate them as close together as she can arrange, so that her champions can most easily unite. Any questions about incarnation into new bodies are rebuffed gently but firmly. Your old bodies are dead, and -more importantly- lack the local chakra systems. The best way to acquire the local tools to survive is to start from the ground up.

And so it would be that for those that heard Kami's plea and chose to accept, you awaken soon after in the body of a wailing infant, a bright and dangerous new world laid out before you to flourish in... should you be up to surviving it.


In summary, potential players, what you are looking at is a Naruto Mass-Isekai, as a group of unwitting reincarnates soon come to find that the world they might have first assumed was canon... has been warped into something one might define as a "Bad Fanfic abomination", rife with exploitable tropes and fanon. The world's Fate and Narrative sport grave wounds, as the future twists under the machinations of an unknown overarching threat.

Tonally speaking, this RP is potentially to have a few dark or possibly disturbing and/or mature themes, especially several themes that are rather unnerving if you remove them from the vacuum of an eye-rolling "bad fanfic" and actually had to deal with them in reality (if you've had any experience with Naruto fanfiction, you can probably guess what I mean). That's not to say there's isn't room for humor, of course, but the tone of the world definitely leans more to the serious than comedy. Essentially, we aren't writing crack here, and the world won't generally respond amiably if it isn't taken seriously. In fact, in a sense, you could say the world takes itself too seriously in general, deliberately evoking cringe edginess in accordance with the corruption caused by Bad Fanfic Tropes.

This is functionally an open-world sandbox, where the endgame is shaped by the actions of the PCs. To help facilitate the feel of a "collaborative story", players are given a lot more control over the world than you might normally expect, able to create or manipulate NPCs and be the direct cause of major events (within a certain reason). This structure is largely to take much of the burden of micromanaging such an expansive world off myself and allow things to flow more smoothly, without a single poster (myself) being the crux of interactions with the world. Of course, there's limits, and important NPCs, like the Third Hokage, notable villains and most named characters, are generally the domain of only GMs to portray unless permitted otherwise.

Speaking of GMs, knowing myself as I do, I know my muse is a fickle creature, and it's not guaranteed that my inspiration will hold completely steady at all times, which could lead to unfortunate and undesirable delays. To mitigate this, I'm in the market for some co-GMs to help run important NPCs and plan world events. If my muse takes me elsewhere or IRL otherwise drains me too much to write, I'd like to have backups that can keep things ticking in the meanwhile.

If you are totally new or otherwise inexperienced with the Naruto fandom, don't feel afraid to join anyway. Playing a reincarnate without metaknowledge or localized savvy is perfectly viable too and adds some extra flavor to the cast. This RP concept welcomes all comers, so don't be afraid to ask questions if you need any quick or dirty lore drops to help participate.

If all that sounds like a good deal to you, here's some more details on how I hope for this to work.

As far as character sheets go, these may start off fairly basic, but they should be expected to be updated many times as things progress, accounting for any developments to the characters brought about by the IC. I've done my best to cover what should be necessary without bogging things down, but if there's anything in this template you think I've missed that would be particularly important, let me know. I'm absolutely open to potential improvements.

(This next section may be subject to change, as I'm still trying to strike a particular balance of progression that hopefully avoids any real focus on "stats" or anything really "gamer-adjacent". So, I might not be fully happy with this yet.)

I'm going to be honest with Lewis gone and how an OC is such an important part of that ship I'm really struggling to move things on.

I'm not dropping this... I just need to find time to think things through so if anyone wishes to declare their loss of interest feel free.

First of all, I'd like to sincerely apologize for falling off the face of the planet. Had some things taking my attention away for a decent while. Combined with my muse being a fickle little shit, and I ended up dipping without saying a word. And worse, seems I held a lot of other people up in a critical way, which... Damn, again, sorry about that; I feel like a heel.

So, I don't know if this is still going in any capacity, but I can hopefully at least move some things. I dunno if my muse is still with this RP unfortunately, but I'll see if I can get us out of this apparent deadlock above Coruscant.

The Covenant delegation's arrival aboard the Malevolence II was observed with interest and anticipation by its commander. As the alien vessel of rather unique form entered the docking bay, Sinnali's senses in the Force caressed its structure inside and out. It wasn't an act of a tangible sort, of course, but even so, through her blindsight technique, she gradually got a feel for the shape of the ship and found herself appreciating the uniquely sleek contours it displayed.

Despite being rather less "sleek" than their vessel, the aliens that departed it were no less interesting, tall creatures with lanky, deceptively muscular limbs, fleshy mandible-laden heads, filled with teeth, sitting upon long necks. It was interesting to consider them from an evolutionary perspective, as -if she didn't mis-recall- long necks typically were a trait of prey creatures, allowing them to more easily watch their surroundings, like a periscope. Though, the hunched postures these creatures had didn't seem like it might facilitate that movement. Not to mention the glimmering armor... and weapons.

No, Sinnali had seen all manner of biology paired with all manners of culture and capacities. And whatever else these beings were, they were clearly warriors of at least some note; it would behoove her to respect them as such. Not that she'd had any intent of doing otherwise.

Smiling pleasantly, Sinnali returned the bow of one who took the lead, introducing himself as Remas "Be welcome as honored guests and allies in this critical time, Shipmaster Remas and Blademaster Vikti. I am General Sinnali, co-Commander of this vessel. My second, General Grievous, has delegated the arrangements of alliances to me and so shall remain absent for the time being." Nodding to the Covenant leaders and the Jedi, she folded her arms. "There is indeed much to be discussed, and with any fortune, our conveyances will be fruitful."

Finally finished with the pleasantries, Sinnali listened to the Jedi Master Qui-Gon speak, as he provided them an overview of the crisis at hand. Sinnali's pleasant smile faded a bit at the tale of slaughter in the Jedi Temple, replaced with a more somber neutrality. She allowed a small echo of her sympathies to escape her mental barriers in Qui-Gon's direction, as she nodded, one gloved hand rising to pinch her chin.

"My condolences," she finally said, meaning it.

While she had obviously had her issues with the Jedi as an institution and their rigid ideology, the malice she had once harbored for them had long-since faded in its majority. Her grudge was with those who had wronged her specifically, not the Jedi Order as a whole, and despite her Master's schemes, she'd never quite shared his enthusiasm for ending the Jedi... Not that she was planning to stop him, of course, but then again, it wasn't like she'd ever claimed to be a good person. She simply found it to be a shame and a waste to exterminate something so wholly, especially to the degree of discarding their knowledge as inferior simply because it wasn't the Dark Side.

Which was why she couldn't help but be disappointed in the devastation the Replicators had caused. The potential loss of so much knowledge... of so much potential in so many budding Force users... It was a tragedy. Truly.

She raised a brow behind her blindfold, as Teal'c stepped in before any further elaboration on the situation could commence. Bemused, Sinnali received the handheld computer, her other brow rising to join the first, as she felt out the contents. While seeing screens had been something that had taken her a while to figure out as an expansion of her blindsight, once she'd learned to discern colors and even sensations like heat, things got a lot simpler.

Which is why she had little trouble now perceiving the lines of code trailing down the small screen. She blinked in astonishment at the proposal to alter the Ion Cannon's frequency, turning the idea over in her head, as one hand rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She focused on the numbers running across the screen, mulling them over in her head and making a few broad estimations, before slowly nodding.

Turning to Teal'c, she said, "We might be able to. Admittedly, the idea has never been seriously considered before, given that the weapon was already quite sufficient as-is, but recalibrating the Ion Cannon to fire at a different frequency should be possible. In theory." She waggled the handheld computer in her hand. "I presume this has the capacity to digitally transfer those calculations of yours? If so, then best we get them transferred to appropriate personnel sooner than later."

Pausing, she tilted her head and chuckled. "Of course, we'd welcome any further expertise of yours in this matter when it comes to adapting these calculations to our weapon. I would perhaps send you the schematics of the Ion Canon to get a second opinion on compatibility, but I suspect General Grievous would strenuously object to having that data in outsider hands. Security reasons, you know." Shrugging her shoulders with a wry smile on her lips, she added. "Of course, as long as the data doesn't change hands from our systems to another, I don't see any issues with having an expert simply observe it on our own equipment." She shot a glance at the Covenant delegation's landing ship. "We are among technological peers, after all; judging by these calculations, I doubt our Ion Canon is much of anything your universe hasn't seen before, but I'd prefer not to toss protocol aside on a whim."
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