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Is the 'contesting ownership' something akin to different factions vying for it, or more on an individual "gimme that thing" scale?

I’d say it’s planned to be primarily two “factions”, the PCs and whatever organization is behind the main BBEG. There might also be other less important factions or independent and rogue elements that attempt to take it for themselves (ala La Squandra from Part 5), and there may also simply be random enemies that either discover and target the Arrow by happenstance or are responsible for trouble completely independent of the “main plot” the way Part 4 tended to do, just having unrelated Stand user troublemakers cause a problem for one or several of the cast.
Don't have a character concept in mind yet, a few half-thought ideas from the past years milling around. Probably depend on the final plot.

Well, like I mentioned in the pitch, about the one surefire thing right now is that one of -if not THE- major conflict will be contesting ownership of a Stand Arrow. I’m trying to be a bit vague for now about many direct plot details than that to avoid spoilers, but I’m totally open to fielding questions about world-building. I fact, I definitely encourage them; it may help me better settle on the final product if I have specific aspects of it that can be indicated to need fleshing out.

On the matter of the starting plot, I can say, however, that there is a large chance of it kicking off with a Stand encounter in a museum, where the Arrow had recently become an exhibit and was recognized by interested parties over social media or other advertisements. For those interested, I’m willing to arrange that the ensuing clusterfuck is what exposes them to the Arrow and first awakens their Stands. Although, they are perfectly welcome to be preexisting Stand users. Whatever they prefer.
I'm already brainstorming what musical reference I want for my character.

Nice! Although, kek… I do already have a bunch of Stands premade and ready to be used by enemies and ally NPCs. I should honestly perhaps consider releasing a list of those so no-one else cross-pollinates.

I guess you could call those ones reserved.
Tossing in my interest, been wanting some Jojoing these days!

Mmm, yeessss, my first victim~
I kid, I kid! ^v^

But to get more to business, what kind of character concept are you tossing around currently (if any)? Or are you still in the “brainstorming an unfinished thought” stage?

Location: Underground complex, Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance.

Veronica could hear Cedar's words echoing off the halls down towards her, as she sprinted back into the barracks. If she actually had blood flowing through her veins, it would have been metaphorically boiling, as her expression darkened further. Those fools... Her teeth clenched tightly, as she metal compass in one of her pouches suddenly came to life, Jazdia's voice ringing into the area.

Veronica's pace slowed, as she was forced to readjust her grip on Widernia back to being one-armed to pull out the communication device with her other hand. "Move," she snapped without prevarication. Biting back a snarl, Veronica didn't even acknowledge Varya's words and didn't have the time to address Solomon's, as she stepped around the blue elf, shouldering him aside none too gently with undead strength if need be.

Jazdia's words of success were a cold comfort, as Veronica swallowed the bitter shame of a mission in tatters, even with all the advantages on their side. To have their success sabotaged by their own team members? She could think of little more humiliating. As she stepped into the hall leading up to the mansion, she activated the device and grit out, "I wish I could say the same. Cedar is free, but he and his sisters have gone rogue. They're aiming to aid the larger bear we spotted before. That bear -it turns out- is no prisoner. He's an utter monster of a fighter and an ally of Stritzel to boot. We could barely do anything but make him angrier, and Cedar is planning to heal away our progress!" That last bit escaped her in nothing less than an openly infuriated hiss.

There was a delay before Jazdia asked with an astonished tone. "A bear fighter? It all makes sense now. But heal away the progress...? Where the hell is that stupid bear now?" But the vampire was too occupied to immediately respond.

Not for the first time, having already lost sight of Cedar again, Veronica considered dropping Widernia to better help her catch up... and leave her unburdened for what she might need to do. Instead, for the moment, she bellowed up the stairs, certain Cedar would hear her no matter how far ahead he was due to the acoustics, "Cedar, get the hell away from that bear! Stritzel is a traitor, and he is her ally! Aiding them is treason against the crown! If you do this, I-!" She paused, struggling to contain her fury and regret at the position she was being put in. "Whatever you think you're doing, it's not worth it!"
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure RP (Name Pending).

I am currently tossing around the concept of starting a Jojo RP. It's something I've had a hankering for for a while. Things are still in the workshopping stage, so nothing plot-related is necessarily set in stone, but I'm looking to gage interest, even if it's unlikely to start anything up during the holidays. But I tend to be a more ponderous mover in RP-ing, so there's no particular rush for anything anyway.

For those unfamiliar with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, a decent broad premise is that the series largely follows the generational adventures of the Joestar family, which start out as righteous battles against vampires and Aztec gods using the power of sunlight breathing bullshit... before evolving into using manifestations of one's fighting spirit and soul, called Stands, to fight other people wielding the same soul bullshit. Characters in the series have a reputation for being muscular, eccentrically dressed or both, along with being rather "extra" in behavior and often posing for no good reason but flexing. I could try to explain Stands here, but it's honestly easier to just link the wiki, here for now.

The RP will most likely be set in either a full AU or a post-Part 6 AU, given how that ending made just about anything technically viable; I haven't settled on the primary locale for the plot to either start or be centralized. Right now, the primary direction I'm leaning in (and it's difficult to decide what is or isn't going to be spoilers) is that the central -or perhaps overarching- conflict of the RP will be a battle over possession of one of the Stand Arrows. I haven't entirely ruled out the inclusion of vampires/pillar men or the holy corpse parts, but I don't have any plans for them to be overtly relevant either. Maybe the former end up as side/warm up enemies. Who knows.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure RP (Name Pending).

I am currently tossing around the concept of starting a Jojo RP. It's something I've had a hankering for for a while. Things are still in the workshopping stage, so nothing plot-related is necessarily set in stone, but I'm looking to gage interest, even if it's unlikely to start anything up during the holidays. But I tend to be a more ponderous mover in RP-ing, so there's no particular rush for anything anyway.

For those unfamiliar with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, a decent broad premise is that the series largely follows the generation adventures of the Joestar family, which start out as righteous battles against vampires and aztec gods using the power of sunlight breathing bullshit... before evolving into using manifestations of one's fighting spirit and soul, called Stands, to fight other people wielding the same soul bullshit. Characters in the series have a reputation for being muscular, eccentrically dressed or both, along with being rather "extra" in behavior and often posing for no good reason but flexing. I could try to explain Stands, but it's honestly easier to just link the wiki, here.

The RP will most likely be set in either a full AU or a post-Part 6 AU, given how that ended making just about anything technically viable; I haven't settled on the primary locale for the plot to either start or be centralized. Right now, the primary direction I'm leaning in (and it's difficult to decide what is or isn't going to be spoilers) is that the central -or perhaps overarching- conflict of the RP will be a battle over possession of one of the Stand Arrows. I haven't entirely ruled out the inclusion of vampires/pillar men or the holy corpse parts, but I don't have any plans for them to be overtly relevant either. Maybe the former end up as side/warm up enemies. Who knows.

Basic Character Creation:
The cast will consist of OCs. I'm planning for the focus to be on Stands (obviously enough, since the central conflict is one of the Arrows), but I'm open to allowing Hamon or the Spin as powersets. On the matter of Stands, I only plan to have original Stands. Canon Stands will only be granted to canon characters, and I've no plans to allow canon characters to be played. Since Stands are unique to the soul and individual, that holds true here; so there won't be any canon Stands appearing in the hands of OCs. That goes for PCs and NPCs alike, so expect enemies to have generally unique Stands as well.

Stands: I intend to possibly make some slight RP-specific alterations to how Stands will function in this RP. For one, I want to more solidly define Range, as that is one of the most confusing stats in the entire series. Secondly, I intend for the Stand Stat system to largely entirely represent the Stand's physical capabilities (with understandable exceptions like Developmental Potential). A Stand's Power being E, for example would solely address their physical strength and not (for example) the ability to shoot lava from their hands; unique Stand abilities will largely be entirely self-contained from the rest of the Stand's stats. If necessary, I may institute a "sub-stat" system, where there are extra stats in parenthesis to indicate the Stand's unique ability(ies). As for what powers I'll allow to Stands, I sadly can't say "anything goes", as some abilities are either just inherently broken, narratively difficult to play with or both. I want to be as flexible as I can, but any form of time/fate manipulation or resurrection -just to start- are completely off the table.

On nonhuman PCs: Vampires -for those that consider them- are unfortunately completely out of the question; all evidence in canon suggests that they are inherently maliciously evil due to the way the Stone Mask rewires their brains, and the act of becoming a vampire would be likely considered equivalent to character death, turning them into an NPC. They are villains, not protagonists. Pillar men are also not allowed. Well, I suppose it would be clearer to say "only humans" are allowed as characters, but that's not entirely true. Multiple times in Jojo, animals with enough sentience to develop a Stand have been featured prominently, so I'm willing to consider allowing them.

On canon relevance: I am waffling heavily on the allowance of any relation to notable canon elements, like playing a Joestar or Brando, despite being an OC. I'm leaning towards "no" for the time being, as I'd prefer all the OCs and their backgrounds to be entirely self-contained. So, no star-shaped mark of destiny for anyone, if only so no-one is basically rocking a "main character" indicator.
Got room for maybe one more?
I've got an idea for an anxious telepath with trouble separating his own memories and feelings from the ones he snoops on that might actually be fun with this setting and gang. But I also see that you're starting to get full up, so like, if not, I completely understand.

There's a discord link in the OOCOP if you'd like to potentially discuss this concept more efficiently.
Although, fair warning, unvarnished telepathy is actually rather specifically not a thing in Worm. There's evidence that it could technically happen, but there's reasons it simply doesn't. So, you might want to consider a different powerset. On the other hand empaths and memory reading/manipulation (specifically that, not telepathy of active, current thoughts) are definitely a thing multiple times over, so you could possibly build off that angle.

Location: Underground complex, Lab area, Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance.

At the sibilant whisper of Widernia's words in her ears, Veronica had to admit, the suggestions was not one she hadn't considered. She could have moved much faster were she not burdened like this. Even so... was it really so much trouble to save a life if she had the ability? What was a bit of temporary pain in the face of an immortal soul? "His fate will be the same as ours," she bit out equally quietly, resisting the urge to grind her teeth as the persistent smell of still fresh blood wafting around her. Now that they were out of the immediate lab area, the powerful scent of chemicals and smoke wasn't fully concealing it as greatly, and her thirst all but swooned at the temptation. "But please, do continue to tempt me to relinquish my oath. I don't such things lightly, but they are by no means ironclad in the face of necessity." The redheaded mage's words were certainly doing her no favors, but despite the vampire's thinly veiled threat, a deal was a deal. She would keep Widernia alive by hook or crook and ensure she faced the justice of the land for her crimes.

And then Cedar's bellowed words echoed off the tunnel walls and reached her ears, accompanied by the distant comprehension of the words of the rest of the team, causing Veronica to skid to a stop, eyes wide, before her expression swiftly transformed into an ugly thing of fury. After all this effort, again, those motherfucking bears were going to do something completely-! And Varya was helping him-!


Her oath to Widernia warred with her priorities, both personal and that of the mission, as she released the unconscious guard to let him slump bodily to the floor in the middle of the hallway. The impulse to drop Widernia as well was far from small, but her promise stayed her hand. In the absolute worst case, having Widernia on-hand would be better than not.

Turning on her heel, she sprinted back the way she'd come. The dull ache of her legs was less irritating than the slight uptick of her hunger, as even more of her precious blood reserves went into repairing the micro-fractures. The urge to use her strength explosively to cover the return distance was not small either, but again, she resisted, wary of not having the option at a more critical moment, to say nothing of her hunger rising further. Instead, teeth clenched tightly, she ran back as fast as she could while burdened, hoping she wasn't about to be too late to avert something truly catastrophic. Yet, even as the entrance of the barracks swept back into sight, she could already hear the crash of what must have been Bartholmew hitting the floor, hear his warning that Cedar was free to throw his life away.

And we were so close too!

PRT Headquarters, 8:37AM
June 19, 2021

"Thanks. See you later"

Jen didn't hear her father's response, as she suddenly entered freefall, her momentum carrying her almost weightlessly over the surface of the road. She was already invisible long before she phased through the side of the moving car, had been the entire ride over, a caution she felt was warranted by the fact that she'd been asked to arrive in full costume. It would be rather embarrassing to be outed just because someone caught sight of her inside the car and managed to link her to the driver through one means or another.

And she had no intention of walking that far, so she'd asked her father to casually drive her past the building and simply keep going inconspicuously. She would handle the rest.

The world cast in the watery filter of her power, Jen's feet skipped over the surface of the road, as she slowly bounded to a stop outside the PRT Headquarters, one building away from her destination. All around her, the slightly distorted figures of a large crowd of reporters and journalists gathered and clamored, all of them barraging Director Foster with questions about the new Wards team. Vultures, of course, the entire lot of them. Jen had little love for the press, but unfortunately, they were creatures she now had to contend with and humor, as influential as they were in today's day and age with their gossip rags and rumor mongering, always slavering for the newest, juiciest bit of drama.

Humming to herself, Jen enjoyed a private little smirk, as she sauntered through the crowd intangibly, a ghost amongst their ranks, up to where the Director was standing. Idly checking the time on her Wards phone, Jen chuckled and put it away. Of course, she was well-aware this wasn't the place she was told to meet, but it was a rather convincing little illusion the Director was spinning. Surely, she could spare a moment to help sell it all the better? It would be she and the Director's little secret.

She waited until an awkward lull in the conversation was presented, the result of a particularly insensitive question regarding Confessor's rampage. The mood in the area had palpably dipped and grown somber, not quite able to truly recover even when the Director gave her assuaging rebuttal. On what was supposed to be a momentous day, the reestablishment of the decimated Wards team, such a thing was hardly ideal, right? Surely, this was a situation that deserved a little bit of levity?

Not that Jen particularly cared, but it was Wattson's job now to reassure the public.

It cost her nothing but time, so why not?

The blue-clad Ward, Wattson, slowly faded into existence, a deliberate affection for show, as Jen allowed herself to reappear ever so slightly behind the PRT Director but well within sight of most of the cameras, one finger on her right forearm, pressed against one of the false buttons on her suit, a design choice meant to mislead -at least for now- that her power was Tinker-derived. Grinning unseen behind her full-face mask, Wattson's left hand rose in a silent shushing motion, one finger pressed against the lower half of the smooth expanse of her mask. Her armored bodysuit gleamed, glowing accents further accentuating her chosen cyberpunk aesthetic.

Her left hand lowered to her right wrist again, making a show of pressing the false button again, as she made a half-turn on her heel. She deliberately made her power fade her from sight slightly less quickly than she could have, leaving her time to take a single step towards the deeper reaches of the PRT HQ and shoot the journalists a cheeky, jaunty two-fingered salute, before she faded from detection mid-motion. If all went well, the implication of her heading deeper into the building would further sell the Director's narrative, and the carefree body language of a youth -unworried enough to "prank" their superior- would help further smooth over those proposed "child soldier" concerns. As far as the public was concerned, in this moment at least, Wattson was just another kid having a good time, her fate and happiness safe in the PRT's arms as one of the Wards.

Jen was already gone long before she could observe the results of her actions, bounding away in swift moon hops to her true destination. She was already cutting her timing rather close, and if she wanted to see the results of her little bit of PR wrangling, all she'd need to do is browse the internet later to gauge public perception. For now though, she had a schedule to keep.

Protectorate Headquarters, 8:40AM

The temptation to ignore the security checkpoints with her power, just to make a point and be a little bit petty, was not insignificant, but Jen felt she made the overwhelmingly mature decision by weathering them. As much as she was hardly enthused to be here, there was no sense starting things off on the wrong foot and making her life harder in the future. It cost her nothing but time to do things the right way, and it was just one more way she could better her reputation with her new coworkers in order to grease the wheels of leniency in areas she was far less willing to compromise on.

Besides, protocol existed for a reason. Forgoing it was liable to lower trust between both parties, and it would further compromise the PRT's ability to counter a Stranger in the infinitesimal circumstance that someone wanted to, say, impersonate her. The better she established a pattern that was risky to replicate, the less likely even that small eventuality came to pass. And really, that was just the first of the reasonings Jen was able to throw together for why protocol wasn't an ugly concept in this situation. And the better she justified it to herself, the less it would remain an ongoing source of otherwise unnecessary irritation.

Yes, all was right with the world, and first impressions were important at any new job.

In the end, the whole process didn't even take that much time. First was a highly guarded security gate, nothing a bit of identification with her special access credentials couldn't fix. Past that, she wasn't at too much liberty to admire the expansive architecture of the heavily fortified complex, keeping her pace to a politely swift stride down a long hallway to take an elevator up to a central area on the second floor. A final security check beyond that awaited her, and Wattson dutifully jumped through the required metaphorical hoops, checking the time once more and tucking her phone back away to enter the PRTHQ's central meeting room.

Protectorate Headquarters, 8:44AM

It seemed she was the first to arrive. And fashionably right on time to boot.

"Seems I'm the first," Wattson said as much with a note of humor in her voice, as she raised an unseen brow at the welcome crew: Nightstalker, Axiom and the Protectorate's leader himself, Grandmaster.

She supposed nothing but the best would do for such an occasion, right?

Eyeing the accommodations of the spacious room, Jen briefly considered taking a seat for the wait on the rest of the team, but she decided it would be in somewhat poor taste to leave her hosts standing there looking all official and shit. It would be so stiff and awkward. Stowing her annoyance at the inconvenience of social niceties, Wattson strode up to the lined-up heroes and reached out her right hand with the courteous offer to shake each of theirs in turn.

"Wattson," she introduced herself succinctly and -she gathered- ultimately unnecessarily. "But I'm sure you all knew that, of course. It seems we'll be working together from now on. I'll be in your care." She almost uttered "pleased to meet you", but she preferred not to lie outright. The last thing she was interested in was being here right now, surrounded by other parahumans in stupid costumes, but she'd tolerate it for the time being. Still, again, she reminded herself that it cost her nothing but a bit of irritation to swallow her displeasure and be courteous and professional.

First impressions, Jen, first impressions. You can relax later.
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