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<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

But then, one person would control two characters in one team.

The solution is actually fairly easy, as Bee asked shortly after me if Ren could be under Hikari as well. So, if it works for you, you could just swap them, have Ren on Team 2 and Satoshi as the Jonin of Team 1.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

@anothered, I also want Kasumi to be Ren's sensei, btw.

I think you mean Hikari? Kasumi is a fellow Genin. :V

Oh yeah, on team assignments, I've had chatter elsewhere with Hikari's player that makes me think she'd be a very good fit for Kasumi's Jounin sensei. Randomguy suggested I mention it before anything is set in stone, but that's a pair-up I think has good synergy.
• Everyone needs to edit their sheet and make their Genin less OP.

Ahah, I'm actually happy to see order imposed here. I admit I was getting genuinely concerned about the precedent allowing that Hokage PC as-is would set in a "jump-in" RP and admittedly felt the need to defensively scale a bit against that bullshit (speaking of, glad to see the switch from "jump in" to "apply".) Edits made (which basically consisted of undoing the backstory change that led to ability alterations). So, Kasumi doesn't have an opportunity to get the Shadow Clone (yet, though, I'd certainly say it's "on the list", kek), and she hasn't had a sufficient stress trigger yet to awaken her Sharingan, leaving that also to later power progression. ^v^
Made some tweaks to Kasumi's backstory. I noticed that Ren's backstory kept the theft of the Scroll of Seals canon in an alternate form, so I decided to have her be involved in that partially, enough that she acquired the Shadow Clone and her (one tomoe) Sharingan from that mess. I also did a general cleanup of her abilities section to make it feel neater and more condensed.
Also added Military Ration Pills to her inventory (inventory feels like it's going to see a lot of eventual edits, lol), and I gave her a theme OST on the sheet as well.
Looks interesting. What are the AU lore of the Hyuuga? Is it just the same as canon?

This being a big historical AU apparently, I think if you were the first to make a Hyuga, you could just straight-up be the one to decide any history tweaks the same way our first Uchiha was allowed to with the Uchiha. Although, the Caged Bird seal is already still canon(?) from Ren's sheet. Anyhow, outside that, you could just keep it the same as canon but with different characters or alter it in sizable ways.
So, how is this planned to be kicked off? It seems from the intro to be centered around Konoha Academy students.
Are we starting on graduation day? Or earlier? Maybe even after?
Should we be discussing amongst ourselves who ends up on what Genin teams, or will that be assigned by the GM?
Lmfao, I just noticed that this is marked as "Jump-in" for join status. In a Naruto RP? This is going to be actual chaos unless there's boundaries on what sort of lore or powers players can just slap down... Unless that wild west chaos is deliberately what you're going for? O.O
Ambition, Control and Pink


Name: Kasumi Haruno
Age: 13
Rank: Genin (Team 2)
Title: None... yet.

Kasumi is a study in contradiction. Rational and tactical, yet possessed of an occasionally volcanic temper brewing under the surface. Introverted and armed with a nasty tongue, yet glib and friendly when the mood suits her. As often as she underestimates herself and overestimates her opposition, she remains willing to display outward confidence to lure others into underestimating her in turn. Within the Hidden Leaf Village, she has managed to fly largely under the radar in her generation of shinobi graduates, not making much of an effort to make friends and making a rather inverse effort to avoid making enemies. Beneath the surface, however, Kasumi is incredibly power-hungry, intently seeking security and confidence in the arms of constant growth and accrued knowledge. She is a callous cynic, seeing the Will of Fire as little more than glorified societal brainwashing propaganda. She is ruthlessly intelligent, able to turn even the simplest jutsu into something far more dangerous with exploitation, and nearly everything she does is for the sake of attaining her dream of a secure, peaceful... and eternal life.

Born into the Haruno civilian family that has been long considered fairly unremarkable aside from their genetic predisposition to vibrantly pink hair, Kasumi is a diamond in the rough of unexpected talent. Raised by a single mother, Kasumi has been persistently denied the truth of her unknown father's heritage for fear of what could happen to them both if someone of her father's genetics were discovered outside wedlock. The truth is that Kasumi was the result of a one-night stand with an Uchiha, but her physical traits taking after her mother have safely concealed this part of her heritage, as had the lack of awakening a Sharingan and -in fact- the death of her father in the line of duty, leaving no-one left alive who might be able to speculate on the truth. As far as anyone is concerned, she's just a bastard child, conceived out of wedlock, which has earned her something of a level of sneering scorn and dismissal from the more prejudiced against such things.

Outside that, she has remained startlingly unremarkable in the public eye, having made some effort to conceal the true extent of her skill and hunger for knowledge and power. Though she was ignorant of the truth, Kasumi was rightfully concerned by her mother's adamantly tight lips, and she sought solace from this concern in the accruement of more and more personal power to stand on her own feet in this bloody, dangerous world.

Wind and Fire


Everything in her inventory is often, in turn, further stored inside the storage seals on Kasumi's skin.
  • Weapon Pouches: Loaded with kunai, shuriken and senbon needles.
  • Rolls of ninja wire.
  • Explosive tags (many pre-wrapped around the hilts of kunai).
  • Rations and water.
  • Military Rations Pills (special pills that nourish the body and replenish chakra for up to three days apiece; however, after the pill's effect ends, the user is brought to complete exhaustion; the exhaustion can be mitigated by conserving chakra and not pushing oneself during the pill's use, staying nourished and rested by other means).
  • Medical kit (contains bandages, gauze, flexible splints, disinfectant, needles and thread).
  • Bingo Book (a list of infamous shinobi with basic tactical info and payouts for capture, dead or alive, whether rogue or still loyal to their villages; if they have a bounty, they're in here. Kasumi has studied this list and so can recognize most big-names on sight).
  • Storage scroll (items) and storage scroll (corpses/bounties).
  • Fuinjutsu supplies (basic chakra ink, paper, brush, etc).

My own kunai on this dart board.


Kasumi Haruno

Kasumi is a study in contradiction. Rational and tactical, yet possessed of an occasionally volcanic temper brewing under the surface. Closed off and introverted, yet silver tongued and friendly when the mood suits her. As often as she underestimates herself and overestimates her opposition, she remains willing to display outward confidence to lure others into underestimating her in turn. Within the Hidden Leaf Village, she has managed to fly largely under the radar in her generation of shinobi graduates, not making much of an effort to make friends and making a rather inverse effort to avoid making enemies. Beneath the surface, however, Kasumi is incredibly power-hungry, intently seeking security and confidence in the arms of constant growth and accrued knowledge. She is ruthlessly intelligent, able to turn even the simplest jutsu into something far more dangerous with exploitation. In essence, she prefers to show others the face that is most useful to her, and nearly everything she does is for the sake of attaining her dream of a secure, peaceful... and eternal life.

Born into the Haruno civilian family that has been long considered fairly unremarkable aside from their genetic predisposition to vibrantly pink hair, Kasumi is a diamond in the rough of unexpected talent. Raised by a single mother, Kasumi has been persistently denied the truth of her unknown father's heritage for fear of what could happen to them both if someone of her father's genetics were discovered outside wedlock. The truth is that Kasumi is the result of a one-night stand with an Uchiha, but her physical traits taking after her mother have safely concealed this part of her heritage, as has the lack of awakening a Sharingan and -in fact- the death of her father in the line of duty, leaving no-one left alive who might be able to speculate on the truth. As far as anyone is concerned, she's just a bastard child, conceived out of wedlock, which has earned her something of a level of scorn and dismissal from the more prejudiced against such things. Outside that, she has remained startlingly unremarkable in the public eye, having made some effort to conceal the true extent of her skill and hunger for knowledge and power. Though ignorant of the truth, Kasumi is rightfully concerned by her mother's adamantly tight lips, and she seeks solace from this concern in the accruement of more and more personal power to stand on her own feet in this bloody, dangerous world.

Wind and Fire

  • Foundation:
    Kasumi has truly prodigal awareness and control of her chakra, enough to even give her some capacity as a sensor. While that is because she once had rather weak reserves and thus had better awareness of what little she did have, it is something she has been working to remedy through rigorously physically honing her body, even as she continues to refine her chakra control. Kasumi did not stop at the techniques taught by the academy and made an effort to go above and beyond in her training. Because of this, she is quite capable in the surface-walking technique, to the degree of even being able to walk on water, and she has even used it to develop a twisted mirror of the Hyuga's Gentle Fist. She has a basic capacity in nature transformation, but she has yet to find the time to actually learn any elemental jutsu, when mastering and twisting her basics is much more critical for her present style. Her fine awareness and control of her chakra also allows her to suppress her chakra signature, even from sensors, making her extra stealthy when needs must.
  • Rupture Fist:
    Kasumi's unique fighting style. Using the Gentle Fist as inspiration and the Surface Walking technique as a base, Kasumi deliberately injects too much chakra into a target after making physical contact. The result is a "rupture" around the impact site, causing the target to violently explode, just as what happens to any surface one uses too much chakra trying to walk on with Surface Walking. By coating her limbs in "sheathes" of chakra, she can also rather specifically counter the Gentle Fist by constantly maintaining an effective shield of chakra that prevents her tenketsu from being sealed. Both offensively and defensively, this fighting style built around using the Surface Walking technique to stick to and detonate targets is extremely effective in its brutal simplicity.
  • E-Rank Mastery:
    Kasumi displays an aggressively fine finesse with the basic academy techniques, able to use them all without hand-seals. Where others see weak, everyday jutsu that quickly go overlooked for flashier and more destructive techniques, Kasumi appreciates and exploits these techniques, seeing potential for more. In particular, Kasumi has devoted much time to mastering the Replacement technique, allowing her to use it practically at-will to swap herself with nearly anything or anyone she is aware of the location of. Of course, the chakra cost tends to increase based on the size difference and range between herself and the target, but it has nonetheless become the central staple of her intended fighting style. Alongside that, she sees the potential of the Transformation technique for a truly underrated amount of situations. Of the Academy Three, the Clone technique is the one she sees as the genuine weakest, but even that she uses in melee to obfuscate her own actions with the illusions.
  • Medic:
    Kasumi has been studying medical knowledge in preparation to hopefully become a medical ninja, and while she has yet to find the time to properly learn any medical jutsu, she largely has her foundational knowledge completed. This makes her a fair hand at mundane surgery or -at the least- field surgery, certainly more than the average practitioner of first aid.
  • Fuinjutsu:
    Kasumi has some mediocre capacity in the art of seals. She can recognize a few, but mostly, she uses it in the pursuit of storage, explosive and medical seals. Her use of fuinjutsu largely tends towards copy/pasting preexisting works of others, but she has had the independent idea to draw seals on her skin to turn different parts of her own body into a form of "storage scroll", allowing her to easily hide things on her person.

-Weapon Pouches: Loaded with kunai, shuriken and senbon needles.
-Rolls of ninja wire.
-Explosive tags (many pre-wrapped around the hilts of kunai).
-Rations and water.
-Medical kit (contains bandages, gauze, flexible splints, disinfectant, needles and thread).
-Bingo Book.
-Storage scroll (items) and storage scroll (bounties).
-Fuinjutsu supplies (basic chakra ink, paper, brush, etc).
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