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Shinya: Are you not of these 'tsunderes'?
Kasumi: No, I just actually don't give a shit
Shinya: Oh.

Real. lmfao

Question of the Day:

What would be your character's cheating method for the Chunin Written Exam?

This is a bit of a difficult question, because it depends on what assets Kasumi has at her disposal by then. There's a lot of jutsu she could acquire between now and the actual exam, and her strategy would definitely wildly evolve if she had access to any form of clone jutsu other than the basic illusion. So many shananigans extra bodies could allow.
As she is, I would say her first instinct would be to actually try and solve the questions outright the way Sakura did.

If she actually needed to cheat, if we assume only her present skillset, the first thing that would stand out to her are the chakra signatures of the plants and the confidence they write answers with. She'd likely target them first for cheating off of. Among the ways she might try, she'd perhaps cast a sealless Clone jutsu to perfectly overlay her body (or at least just her eyes) with an illusion, allowing her to fake her eyes looking at her paper, while her real eyes are actually staring at the sheets of the other test takers and the plants. That would likely be her main way of cheating, since something as borderline obvious as the ceiling mirrors wouldn't appeal to her sensibilities. She might also consider the "bathroom gambit" to briefly go unseen long enough to view the test room from another angle before she properly "returns".

The other thing she'd potentially do is actively try to find ways to disqualify other teams by baiting them into or framing them for cheating, eliminating as much of the competition as she can.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

I was thinking Ramen, then Ice Cream.

Sounds good. Kasumi won’t have any particular complaints if it’s someplace she suggested, especially if things start off with something approximating “actual food”, rather than empty deserts. I think you have the go ahead to finish what I started and just basically bring the students right to wherever you choose in your next post; I decided to merely use Kasumi’s for setup.
@anothered@Letter Bee
I didn’t have Kasumi skip them quite directly to a place to eat but had her bring them to a general market area and present more options. After all, a ‘bite to eat’ sounds different to some people and isn’t just an invitation to junk food treats on a totally-not-date/feeling out.
Kasumi Haruno

Kasumi cringed internally, as a familiar song of self-loathing and intertwined anxiety and shameless eagerness entered things more prominently. It was a familiar cocktail of emotions that the pinkette normally only saw some variation of amongst her fellow kunoichi-to-be for simple biological reasons. As young women, sexual maturity came earlier for them than boys, and it turned many of her classmates into gibbering pits of hormonal madness, trying to deal with the sudden attraction to boys... or really just people in general in "that way". Not that many actually knew what to do about it until kunoichi classes had ruthlessly gone into extreme detail about the sexual troubles a kunoichi might find herself in as much as the ways she could use such assets to her... advantage.

Kasumi shuddered, lips pursing tightly, as Ren fumbled through an invitation that simply felt poisoned by what lay under the surface. The temptation to call him out in that respect, over the barely restrained pining over anyone that would give him the time of day, wasn't small, but then she'd need to explain why she could do that. And Kasumi had no plans to give up the advantage being a secret sensor offered in social intrigue any time soon. Anyhow, it wasn't as if she could really cast too many stones; however poorly executed, Ren's invitation still worked... sort of. The pinkette was prepared to be annoyed at having her impromptu platonic "dinner date" stolen out from under her, but Mu had the cour-

As soon as the glint of the Lin's knife hit open air, Kasumi was already tense enough that her hands snaked out of her pockets and snapped into a half-aborted clapping motion. He's fucking insane, she decided, hearing his chakra ripple with laughter and something... else. She braced herself, as the knife inched closer to Ren's neck, mind flying through targets in the environment. Her chakra coiled in preparation-

Lin, the fucker, pulled the kunai back again, laughing like he'd actually made a hilarious joke. Personally, Kasumi didn't see anything funny at all about threatening the life of your future ally -and potential teammate- so blatantly, if only because it was an incredibly stupid thing to do. Surely, the apathy of the higher-ups only went so far, right? Actually attacking a fellow citizen of Konoha was grounds for a lot of nasty legal repercussions... but maybe Lin already knew that, hence his retreat. Conversely, just fucking standing there and watching a fellow student slit the throat of another without even trying to help could likely be construed in some less than convenient ways, which was ultimately the real reason Kasumi was prepared to intervene physically. She hesitated a bit, of course, not wanted to escalate whatever this was to involving jutsu, but now that Lin had seemingly thought better of his actions...

Kasumi's hands returned to her pockets, but her eyes remained narrowed in Lin's direction, her chakra coiled like a viper from her last molding, prepared to snap off if the sound-manipulator decided to do anything... incredibly stupid. She didn't think he was about to do anything more, judging by the anxiety intermixing with his surface level excitement and adrenaline, but it never hurt to be prepared.

Kasumi’s narrowed eyes watched Lin move off to harrass Shinya instead, the pinkette silently praying for the Aburame's sanity and safety in turns. He was one of the more tolerable classmates she'd had, even if she didn't get the sense that they'd really get along if they actually bothered to engage more often. She'd seen him almost intervene on Mu's behalf before aborting, which was... just such a mood, honestly. She couldn't count the number of times some latest bit of student drama had ended up being clearly more trouble than it was worth to intervene in from afar. Her choice to remain as neutral as possible won her no friends... but it won her no enemies either.

The incoming questions of the now approaching Mu dragged the pinkette from her vigil, as Kasumi allowed her expression to slip from tense to the usual placid neutrality she preferred to wear, turning her attention to the Hayashi and Uzumaki. "Ice cream?" She cocked a single brow. "I've had it plenty of times, yes." Well, "plenty" in the sense of it being a special treat that she sometimes indulged in outside her training diet… which -to be honest- mostly consisted of scarfing as many calories as needed to recover her chakra better.

Speaking of which, she was a little disappointed. Her dedication to training had honestly quite altered what she considered even a casual chance to eat out. She’d been imagining something with more… substance, filling calories that would actually be both tasty and practical for ninja-in-training.

Snorting, she said as much, rolling her shoulders. “Honestly, when I heard ‘bite to eat’, I pictured something with a bit more substance for shinobi like us. You know, calories, which translate to more chakra to burn. Not like it can’t be a full meal and a treat simultaneously… but sure, I know a couple places.” She jerked her head towards the markets, beginning to walk and lead the boys there.

The familiar bustle of the largely civilian district was a comfort, but it unfortunately didn’t manage to distract Kasumi’s mind from the tense aura that she could still feel lurking in the undercurrent of the village’s chakra. Even so, the pinkette plastered on a demeanor of blithe affability, not allowing the tension gripping her to show outwardly.

Nodding her head towards one larger diner, Kasumi played impromptu tour guide. “That one’s Ryuga’s, does really good spicy food, dabbles in seafood, never had a real problem with customer service. Though, they’re admittedly slightly on the pricier side.” She was especially a fan of their spicy shrimp. It was a bit expensive, but the pinkette definitely thought it worth it, enough that she was almost willing to cover part of the bill for her fellow students just to have it.

She gestured across the road a little further ahead towards a smaller and somewhat cramped looking open-air establishment; it did have a covered seating area, of course, pretty much a single line of stools set up against the front counter, which also doubled as a table, and there were a line of heavy flaps hanging over the back of the seating area and front of the building, which mostly obscured customers from the sight of passerby and also acted right now as a shield against the rain. Kasumi smiled. “That one is Ramen Ichigo, a family owned business… Obviously, they serve ramen… pretty much exclusively that, but still, it’s not bad, a casual, filling meal. It’s got that sort of personal investment air to it, a lot of ‘rustic charm’… if you’re into that sort of thing.

And then she pointed at a last place a bit further distant. She couldn’t quite see the name from here, but she’d been there once… or twice? Not often enough to really say much except. Frozen Flippancies. They do ice-cream, along with a few other frozen treats, I think? I don’t go there often, but I don’t recall disliking the experience when I have. It’s as good a choice as anything else.” She shrugged noncommittally, vaguely fluttering one hand around at the general area of the market. “And if none of those appeal to you, I mean… Shit, we have so many options around here. I won’t be too picky.” Probably.

I find it rather funny that Shinya managed to interpret Kasumi's words as attempting to cheer Mu up, when she really wasn't even pretending that was the case. Just trying to help him disengage by accepting his offer. Then again, Shinya's lacking social skills are as good a reason as any for him to make this misinterpretation. lol
@anothered@Lewascan2, I hope you don't mind Ren's reason for accepting Mu's offer - Aka his crush on the poor guy!

Not like it's my character being targeted here, lol. :V
The only thing I'd really note from an immersion perspective is that boys usually romantically mature much slower than girls, biologically speaking, so Ren being "attracted" to anyone at all is unusual and probably disconcerting to those that know in how strong it is. Even Naruto's own crush on Sakura in canon was incredibly immature in nature, and Sasuke didn't seem to have an attracted bone in his body ever. :V

Anyway, that's all technically subjective. Ren's free to have his crush, but it's still unusual for a 12-13-year-old.

Also, for the sake of narrative smoothness, you really don't need to go out of your way to describe what Kasumi might feel from his chakra. I'm confident I can read between the lines enough to make surface-level estimations without an exposition for every detail. So, don't feel like you need to constantly psychoanalyze his every emotional decision for my own sake. Only do it if that's what you'd have written anyway. It's just going to bog things down otherwise.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

She's like - just got outta school, initiate nihilistic monologue.

Kek, think of this like a sort of culmination (as implied in her reasoning for actually accepting Mu's offer to eat out) of her acknowledging some the brewing tension in the village. She's picking up on it in a broader sense, and it's been wearing at her mood all day. She's not always stuck internally brooding only most of the time. But I suppose you could say my opening posts for characters usually consist of me better fleshing out what drives them the way the CS usually doesn't quite cover in my mind. It's one thing to say a character acts a certain way; it's quite another to really dig into why. So, now, we have the why for Kasumi. Call Lin's nearby (and therefore more notable/grating) pettiness something of a "straw that broke the camel's back" in terms of really tanking her mood and sending her on an inner spiral. XD

Also for this post, I actually needed to really work to find a reason for Kasumi to accept Mu's offer to eat (because OOCly, that feels like a plot hook), because ICly speaking, she absolutely would have blown him off normally. That's why I asked if they were already assigned Genin teams, because then she could have justified to herself intervening with Lin as "team cohesion", which didn't end up being an option.
Figured this opening post would right away convey a big reason why Kasumi is so cynical and paranoid/power hungry.
TLDR: Being a sensor forced her to sense the ugliness of the world from a young age, and it very much shaped her perspective.
Kasumi Haruno

It's hard to describe sometimes what the world feels like to a sensor. In fact, ask any sensor that question, and you're liable to get a different answer from all of them. In many ways, it would be almost unreasonable to assume the ability to feel the breath of the world, the energy of chakra that permeated all things, would be translated the same across every unique mind.

To Kasumi, chakra was a song, and she was a maestro, always forced to listen.

All around her, the discordant tunes of her fellow students clashed in an ugly cacophony, their chakra signatures so often so bright, naive and disgustingly bubbly and world unwary that it made her want to vomit. Similarly too, the chakra signatures of older people were just as unappealing. Older shinobi -those that didn't have the skill or courtesy to conceal their signatures- felt like bared knives breathing down her neck, prickling her jugular, and it made her want to shudder in fear. All around her, she was surrounded by killers, unrepentant mass-murderers, walking down the street, hopping across the rooftops, living and laughing and mingling like they didn't have oceans of blood on their hands, like they didn't kill simply for money or because the Hokage had pointed them in the right direction like the loyal dogs they were.

And she was training to join their ranks... Willingly. Because, after all, the only place to truly be safe in a world filled with monsters... was to become one yourself.

Kasumi had long since identified the truth of this bloody world. For her, a sensor, innocence was something she'd lost long ago, forced to confront the ugliness and darkness seething from every pore of this murderous society she'd been born into. And yet, to deny and oppose this truth as she was would have been foolishness of the utmost degree. Reality was no place for fanciful dreams, delusions of grandeur and denials of the natural order, and if she wanted the power required to control her own future, that meant she had to work within the system, to endure its indignities and injustices for just as long as necessary to achieve her goals. All she had to do was survive, by any means necessary, and eventually... peace and stability would be hers.

A loud splash and unseemly gloating dragged the pinkette's wandering mind back to the present.

Grimacing up at the rain and wishing she'd brought an umbrella today, even as she pulled her hooded rain cloak a bit tighter closed, Kasumi's lip curled up in irritation, as she watched the latest of Lin's boorish "pranks", the "lucky" victim of the day being Mu Hayashi, who was a fairly regular and easy target for the bully. It was all petty, pointless bullshit of course, but the song of Lin's chakra spoke only of the shameless glee he felt for even the smallest amount of genuine discomfort and frustration he might be eliciting in the brunette woodworker. Mu's chakra, by contrast, indeed rippled with exactly the sort of irritation that the bully was probably looking for, but the woodworker rather admirably quickly shrugged it off. Kasumi could appreciate the concept behind that sort of affability, even if she was fairly sure she'd have just broken Lin's nose and been done with it in his place. Screw propriety, around here, strength was king, and a few student fisticuffs (especially once outside actual school grounds) were hardly the concern of the faculty.

Stuffing her hands in her pockets and adjusting the straps of her backpack, Kasumi dismissed the scene and the open offer to any who would listen to go to lunch. Regardless of her disapproval at the lack of professionalism, she hadn't grown to expect much less over the years in the academy. She'd gotten good at keeping to herself, minding her own business... and making anyone that wanted to disturb her peace dearly regret it during sparring. She didn't mess with Lin, and he -usually- didn't seem inclined to mess with her, if only because she didn't give him the reactions he wanted and wasn't afraid to play dirty and shamelessly sic the teachers on his ass for disturbing her learning experience. She didn't buy into pathetic attempts at charm or manipulation either, not when his chakra always screamed his ulterior motives. He was a snake, as liable to stab you in the back as not, and she wanted nothing to do with him.

Kasumi was already several meters down the sidewalk and away from the confrontation, when she felt her hackles rising. More accurately, it felt like almost like the culmination of... something undesirable peaking. To the broader reaches of her chakra senses, the conglomerated "aura" of Konoha felt... tense, on edge, like something was about the happen. She'd felt it building for a while now, she realized, but she hadn't quite actively acknowledged it until now. Yet, now that she was looking...

Kasumi's brow furrowed, as she cast a surreptitious glance around her, unsure what exactly was setting her instincts off. She felt... almost exposed, open, even just standing here on the street inside what should have been the security of her own village. The pinkette cast a glance back over her shoulder at Mu, a frown on her lips. Normally, she would have given a rat's ass. Typically speaking, being held hostage by social obligations was the stuff of her nightmares... but right now, something was telling her it wasn't good to be alone, even if her company was an irritating optimist.

"Oi!" Kasumi shouted at Mu, jerking her head down the street in the direction she was heading. "If you want to eat anywhere anything less than soaked, better fucking hustle!" Not that it mattered too much, when Lin had already splashed Mu the way he had, but it was the thought that counted, right? Kasumi would at least pretend to believe so.
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