Avatar of Lexisheeps


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3 hrs ago
Current I just tested it with an image I'd already used as a pfp. I think it's a site error and not a user error.
1 like
3 hrs ago
File size is probably too big.
1 day ago
Mr. Wormy Squiggles, Esq. fondly approves of all worm related statuses.
8 days ago
1 like
12 days ago
Dino Crisis... Yes, I'm old.


I'm not a /ˈɡōs(t)ˌrīdər/

I'm not a / person whose job it is to write material for someone else /

Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Borderline Hiatus

I may be slow to respond.

Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

Apply: Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Follow Along: Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
What Started It All: The Dark Beyond
Origin Story: The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads.
I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered~

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

Love is worth fighting for.

bye bye bye

Most Recent Posts

@Days As a massive Sailor Moon fan, I'm totally embarrassed that I keep forgetting the cat's name is Luna. '>>

@WhiteAngel25 It's not humid here, it's dry. But we do have a heat advisory of up to heat index value of 100 annnnnd our AC is busted atm. D: Thankfully we've got enough fans and plenty of bottled water. They keep saying it's supposed to rain, then they push back exactly when it's gonna do so. :u

On a side note;
idk, I kinda like Brenda, js :>

D: I forgot to mention that your post was lovely!
Because it is, as always! The parts with Kai vs the cat made me giggle. <3
I saw that, but just wanted to be sure if people were transported or not too. It's hotter than balls here, so my brain isn't just half melted, it's a bowl of soup. :p


My post should be up by tonight or tomorrow. itsawall :B
Wait. D: Who exactly got accidentally transported by Anna? The whole group or just her? Or her x Nova?
(part 2 in a moment :) )

I'd still like to hold onto some optimism tho. Perhaps our dark lord will at least be gentle. '>>

Y'all, so this conversation happened:

I'm assuming a lot here... that the holes leads to lower levels of the ruins. And maybe they're not true holes, but just portals. Because true holes would destroy the temples foundation. And despite them growing, the temple is still steady. Annnnd that one of the holes leads directly to Toren and that they (Vonny daddy) want Toren to be the sacrifice (because Toren was a failed experiment toy anyways). '>>

It's all I've got atm... Once Esty sad the weapons weren't color coded. The colors are prob red = blood (sacrifice room) / black = death (boss fight) but I'm not sure on the others xD

Edit, I haven't looked too deep into the directions on the map, BUT all the bigger sacrifice rooms seem to be located north, if I remember correctly

We're fucked :)

So I've noticed xD

I'd like to take a moment to discuss just how fucked we actually are. '>>

The SOB might be MIA on paperwork, but MIA doesn't mean RIP. xDDD
Yeah... idk if it's gonna work this time or not. Vonny's involved. At this point, Nick's convinced that... nope, no spoilers for you!!! 8D;

Great post as always, my dear! <3

Nova might be putting too much faith in Nick's abilities tho. xD
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