Avatar of Lexisheeps


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.
4 mos ago
Just to be clear, I'm not actually sorry. 💅
4 mos ago
Wtf have I done? @Poohead: In a parallel universe, I'm terribly sorry for imploding the status bar. But in this universe... well... I'm just terrible.
4 mos ago
PSA: If anybody says, "Your body, my choice." to me, I will be utilizing that logic by dropkicking them in the nuts.
4 mos ago
Trans rights will never stop being human rights.


I'm not a /ˈɡōs(t)ˌrīdər/

I'm not a / person whose job it is to write material for someone else /

Beep beep imma sheep
said beep beep imma
pink sheep.
Baa mufuker baaa~



Back From Hiatus?

Not starting anything new.

Forgive me for my wrongs; I have just begun!

This Happened: Backrooms: The Thing that Breathes

Follow Along: Dark Beyond: Voices of the Past
What Started It All: The Dark Beyond
Origin Story: The Dark Beyond: Adventures in Candyland (Prequel)

With the script firmly in his hands, he stared blankly at the cover art he'd doodled. Wondering about the potential grammar mistakes he'd made. But instead of flipping through the pages curiously, he pulled the tablet to his chest and held it as if it was a stuffed animal. He'd finally realized that the majority of the people on stage weren't just a figment of his imagination and had become entirely embarrassed by his current state of existence. His drab unkempt sense of physical self.

I will rp here via pm or threads. I am not a fan of large groups. Small groups and 1x1s are prefered. I do not write smut/kink/ERP.

annnnnnnnd insert long wall o' text bio in 5, 4, 3... *coughs*

The. Sheep.

Love is worth fighting for.

bye bye bye

Most Recent Posts

The Dark Beyond: Voices of the....

The Dark Beyond: Voices of the Damned

The Dark Beyond: Voices of the Doomed

The Dark Beyond: Voices of the Dead

The Dark Beyond: Voices of the Cursed


@Estylwen As long as it doesn't lead to where we talked about in PM, I'm absolutely down for the challenge!
@Estylwen Thanks muchly for that!

Looking at the map closer, Nick's over in a corner single patient room. That's to the right, coming out of their room. It's two doors side by side.

@Days Shhh!! You know to much!!!

And thanks! I'm glad to be writing again!! Even if still stuck on my phone.

@SporkoBug Welcome to an Estydoom rp! You must be new here...

Pain and death can be found in isle 12. There's always a shortage of character survival, but what we do have left, is over in isle 5. There's a discount today! 20 easy character deaths for the insanely low low price of 1 major plot twist. Sleep deprivation caused by plot twists are sold as is, and are non refundable. Consult your therapist before consuming.

Thank you for shopping at The Backrooms.

The Dark Beyond: Voices of the Fucked.

Just to clarify:

"Slip into a patient room if you have to hide. I bet they're unlocked. I have a feeling that other rooms are locked."

Nick thinks that patient rooms are unlocked, but everything else is locked. I didn't specify exactly which room he went into, but it's definitely a patient room at least two doors from their original room.

I know we have an actual map, but could you please put it in the zeroth post ic?? Idk where I saved it at and searching on my phone is a pain. I want my next post to be a little less vague.

Thanks in advance!
@WhiteAngel25 It was an interesting post! I'm curious to find out more about Anna's past! She's so mysterious!!

I'm actually wondering if she's even really a human and not living CDE...
Secret HiveMind Facility

Text would have popped into Nova's augmentated view...

But a second thought kept Nick from sending the message. Nova's goal was vastly different from his own. Telling her that now, howerver, might be a mistake later. Playing with others, admittedly was still hard sometimes. This time around though, shoving the others aside wasn't the best plan of action. Or so it seemed. He considered this current train of thought... as learning from his Husband's mistakes.


"Right, well..." Raised a loose fist to his mouth and cleared his throat with a small cough,  "We split up in the simulation, so let's stick together now. Might be food in the employees room. Maybe even smaller medical supplies. Bandaids, pain pills. Simple stuff. It's closer to us than the armory, so we should check there first."

Knowing that Nova's vision could copy the map, was a piece of mind at least. Once shit got too out of hand, she'd be able to lead the others to safety. His blue eyes lingered on Anna as he handed the map back to Cosy. Truth be told, the girl looked sickly.


It was a bit of a reality check to the severity of the situation. He'd been ignoring his own physical sensations up to this point. Including the blatant, seek medical attention immediately that flashed ominously in his lower right vision. Sure, he'd get right on that...

Turned to look out the door's window again, "Did anybody notice the time it takes that robotic guard to pass us by? Was it 5 minutes? It doesn't seem to be checking the rooms." A gasp of hesitation escaped him, "Well, I hadn't noticed if it checked. I wonder how big this facility really is."

Without asking if the girls were ready, he snuck between the slightly open door once the guard turned the corner. Ahh fuck. An escort mission. It didn't sit well with him to leave Nova figure this shit out. It wasn't fair. She was a scientist, not a mercenary holding onto old grudges and a slight death wish.

Before completely heading down the hall, he quietly snuck back into their room. His timing had been slightly off, but it seemed the guard dog hadn't noticed him. A dash down the hall wasn't an option. Though, it had crossed his eager mind. Instead, he opted to speed walk quietly. But before giving it another go, pulled his still lightly damp jacket from him. Nova's torn dress and shivering had caught his attention, "It's not much, but it should fit."

Shit. The gowns the girls had been wearing really were in bad condition. They'd all been so pretty too. Thankfully, Cosy didn't seem as cold, nor did Anna, or Jay. And the strange man seemed more obsessed with food... Used the opportunity to pull the tie from around his neck and pocketed it, "With any luck, the employee room will also have dry clothes." Then muttered to himself, "And the armory better have some toys."

Once the bot past them by again, he looked around at the oddball group and asked, "You guys ready for this?" Obviously, the answer was absolutely fucking not, but he continued, "Slip into a patient room if you have to hide. I bet they're unlocked. I have a feeling that other rooms are locked." And a slight pause as the guard came by, "And try to be quiet."

And with one last look to the group, snuck out. His speeding walk halted once damp shoes started to squeak. Dammit. If it wasn't one thing, it was another. The artifact or the girls' safety? It was a no-brainer, but fucking dammit. A lot of hard work getting into this damn facility was going to waste, if he didn't at least look for the damn thing. A lot of hard work and at least the death of one insanely nice car... should have taken the Honda instead.

The Heart of Hearts couldn't possibly be alone with it's vast powers. There are potentially others. And this small little trinket, may have been apart of an Amulet of Anubis...

Some text about the object scrolled through Nick's right vision. A sigh escaped him, "Priorities, Thierry." Before closing his Husband's notes out. If he found it, he found it. But getting the girls to safety was obviously more important.

A hushed walk had only gotten him two doors down, before needing to slip into another patient room. Seemed like the occupants weren't waking up. "Huh." He scratched his head at the oddity that crossed his mind. Von obviously liked playing games, but why not wake the whole facility up? Cause mass confusion.

Continued internally questioning Von's motives, as he eyed the blissfully unaware girl in her pile of goo. What was the point of all this? Had Von really taken complete cont... no.

The Louvre was a disaster right now, for sure. But the French were an incredibly resilient, strong, and hardy bunch. And so were many others.

Vive la France.
@Days Fantastic post!!

Nova's so different with her train of thought, compared to Nick- and I love reading about it! She's so much more attentive to the smaller details, than he his~

Ugh... there's no kitchen on the map. How are we gonna feed Maw?? 😟
@Estylwen Love it! I immediately checked for the armory and... shit... that's a long, "this is how I died" walk. xD
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