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RANGERS Interest Check posted 👀
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Might be interested!
Reminder that posts are due this Friday! @Akayaofthemoon @rocketrobie2 @Crimson Flame @BenG85

Location: Angel Grove Community Event -> Angel Grove Foothills
Interacting w/: Everyone @Akayaofthemoon @Crimson Flame @rocketrobie2 @BenG85

The Muddies were gaining ground on the two women, with Charlie's breathing suddenly becoming a bit heavier at the sudden need to protect herself as well as Jordan and the people around her. Just as she was about to make her move though, a motorcycle zoomed towards one of the Muddies, sending it flying into a nearby pole, the creature exploding into a pile of dust upon impact.

"Ho-ly shit!" Charlie exclaimed as the Muddies were just as shocked at he humans were.

Maskaraid was content to sit back and allow the Muddies to do his work, but when the motorcyclist arrived on the scene, he took it upon himself to make a dastardly statement. There was a group of five notable people that stood out more than the rest who were actively trying to fight against his brigade, so Maskaraid's anger got the best of him as he lifted his scepter and swiped it forward. A piercing blast of energy fired towards Aiden and his bike, but energy got the better of the vehicle, slicing it in half, and sending the rider flying off of the bike.

"Foolish humans! You dare to defy the wishes of the Dark Empire!?" Maskaraid proclaimed.

With everyone else distracted with survival (or destruction, depending on your point of view), there was another figure donning a cloak that crept behind the now obliterated GENESIS table. The titanium suitcase was covered by the somewhat scorched tablecloth, but the person quickly pulled it aside to grab at the handle of the suitcase before running in the opposite direction of the carnage.

As he stood over the scene, Maskaraid's scepter began to glow before forcefully pointing itself in the direction of the cloaked figure with the titanium suitcase. "There! After them, Muddie Patrollers!"

Immediately, the Muddies shifted their focus from the event to the fleeing cloaked figure. The attacks against the group that was fighting to survive against them ceased. Narrowing her eyes, and feeling a sense of safety for the time being, Charlie soon realized that the cloaked figure stole the titanium suitcase. The same suitcase that Dr. Ogden asked her to protect.

"Too much crazy shit is going on today..." she said to herself, huffing slightly as she began to jog after the Muddies. It felt crazy, but Charlie needed to retrieve that suitcase, whatever it was that was inside of it. Dr. Ogden's work was considered top secret and classified; his work getting into the wrong hands could be detrimental to the world and, more importantly, Charlie's employment with GENESIS. "They stole GENESIS's suitcase!" she shouted to anyone who could hear. "Please! Help me get it back!"

By now, Charlie was in a full blown sprint away from the event, chasing behind the Muddies and the cloaked figure who was losing ground on Maskaraid's army. It wouldn't be long before they were caught and apprehended... which meant that Muddies would have possession of the suitcase then.
I'm interested!
Made an update to some of the Lore on the Zeroth post of the OOC section. Additionally, updated the Character's section.

Location: Angel Grove Community Event
Interacting w/: @Akayaofthemoon but acknowledging everyone @Crimson Flame @rocketrobie2 @BenG85

As Jordan made herself comfortable on the covered table, Charlie's eyes widened ever so slightly as she reached for the titanium briefcase before it accidentally tipped over. It had no chance of doing so, but Charlie was just paranoid.

"Heh... I wish. Everyone is all distracted by the carnival games and the performances," she mentioned, spotting the Fairy Woman from before greeting some guy. Not too far in the distance, she spotted another person seemingly isolated from everyone else. "My day has been kinda... blah," she added, sticking her tongue out in feigned disgust. "Dr. Ogden left me to man the table by myself so I haven't even had the opportunity to indulge in unhealthy carnival food."

The comment about the briefcase made her tap her acrylic nails against it, resulting a metal drumming sound. "Apparently this suitcase is very important to Dr. Ogden. I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate you calling it creepy just as much as he wouldn't appreciate your ass sitting on our table. Get up, unless you want me to fill out a job application for you," she teased, poking a finger at her shoulder. "Seriously. We've got plenty of jobs available..."

A sudden ka-boom sent the entire event in a frenzy as one of the food trucks toppled over on its side. Fire and smoke erupted while adults and kids screamed and ran in the opposite direction of a monstrous humanoid creature with red-skin and partial head and face covering that was comparable to the Comedy and Tragedy Masks of Theater.

General Maskaraid stepped up onto the side of the fallen food truck, wielding his scepter as several of his Muddie Patrollers swarmed around his side before running out to attack civilians.

"I am Maskaraid, General of the Dark Empire! Hand over the Power Crystals immediately and I won't have my Muddie Patrollers massacre all of you!"

A look of confusion struck some of the faces of the people attending event before they were surrounded by Muddies. A duo of Muddies lifted a person together before slamming them into the ground while others grabbed at another person was tossed into a nearby tent. A gurgling sound emitted from the Muddies mouths as they celebrated the beginning of their carnage.

"Ah! So no one wants to step up? Fine! Attack!" Maskaraid shouted, pointing his scepter forward, commanding more damage to be done until they recovered the Power Crystals.

The explosion's impact was strong enough to knock over the GENESIS display that Charlie helped set up. In turn, the table skidded backwards causing the suitcase to drop to the ground and slide slightly on the concrete, out of Charlie's peripheral. For the time being, she wasn't concerned about the suitcase, and more about Jordan's well-being.

"You okay?" she asked as the smoke began to clear, but suddenly a massive claw attached to staff was swiped into her face, leading her to clumsily flip backwards and off the other side of the table. "What the fu- WHOA!" she yelped, ducking another swipe of the claw before being tangled up from behind by a Muddie, attempting to hold her still. "Get... off me!" She grunted, kicking the Muddie in front of her in the chest and then squirming away from the one that had her wrapped in its arms. She ran over to stand back to back with Jordan. "Who brought the circus?"
The party has officially gotten started! You've got your instruction in the opening post. Long story short, interact with each other in some shape or fashion. Then, Maskaraid will send the Muddies out to community event and cause havoc before getting their hands on that titanium suitcase that Charlie is protecting.

@Crimson Flame @Akayaofthemoon @rocketrobie2 @BenG85

Here is the link to our Discord server as well!

Today, the Angel Grove Youth Center is hosting a community event with a combination of different attractions. For some of the kids, there is a carnival, games, rides and other fun activities to partake. As for the adults, they can also partake in these attractions, but there is also a concert going on along with a job fair a short distance away from all of the fun activities. Essentially, there is something for everyone today.

Unfortunately, things will not be peaceful for too long, especially with what Dr. Raymond Ogden brought with him at the job fair. As a representative of GENESIS, Dr. O is in search of people that are compatible with the Power Crystals, hiding behind the facade that GENESIS needs more full-time workers and interns. GENESIS's research has led to an opening in the Morphin Grid that has brought on a grave danger.

Oblivious to the circumstances and just doing her job as an intern, Charlie is working the table with Dr. Ogden, but when he has to step away for a little while, she is left alone to man the station. She's passionate about what the company offers, but doesn't want to look incompetent at her post.

Perhaps Ryan is part of the performing arts portion of the fair. Or maybe his parents are funding the event in a small or big fashion. Either way, he's certainly making his presence felt one way or another given his tendency to float around conspicuously.

Jordan is probably attending the festivities to get out of the house and maybe look for a job. The job fair has several opportunities for her as well as a familiar face in Charlie. Does she stop by the GENESIS table?

The former high school athlete Nick would probably enjoy the beach volleyball setup a distance away from the concert area. A couple of kids are playing, but he may be open to showing them his skills. Angel Grove hasn't been feeling like home since his family left, but maybe it's also time to consider a job?

A big event as such tends to rub Aiden the wrong way. Too many people, too much stimulation. He would rather be alone. But the fact that he has a cool bike is probably going to bring attention to himself given where he's parked at from a distance. Does he stay where he is in the parking area or does he dare see what's going on at the event?

Regardless, the fun times won't last too long as the Dark Empire has intentions on making its presence felt in a huge way just as things get going.


1. Interact with the other future Rangers/NPCs (or simply observe if you choose not to).
2. Protect the Angel Grove community event from the Muddie Patrollers.
3. Retrieve the stolen Power Crystals from the mysterious figure.

Location: Angel Grove Community Event
Interacting w/: Jordan

Being an intern with a prestigious company like GENESIS was something that Charlie always dreamed of. At an early age, she was a child prodigy, taking an interest in how devices were created and how they operated to the point where she disassembled one of her aunt's telephones to get a closer look at the inside. The result? She was able to actually get the phone to operate faster and more smoothly after she got her hands on it. Needless to say, Charlie had a future in this business which was why Dr. Ogden was adamant about bringing her on as an intern.

What she wasn't expecting within her intern duties was manning a table in the absence of her internship coordinator. Something about needing to run back to headquarters for an emergency left Charlie responsible for handing out flyers and directing prospective employees to tablets so that they could fill out an internship application. As far as she knew, GENESIS was looking for a variety of workers: from cafeteria staff all the way up to engineers.

Fiddling with the cuff of her emerald hoodie, Charlie avoided eye contact with some of the passers by, lowering her gaze to the titanium briefcase that Dr. O left behind.

"Hm... did he mean to leave this?" Charlie mumbled to herself, reaching to pick it up and setting it on the table next to her bag. "Whatever... I'll just let him know it's here if he's looking for it."

Pulling out her phone, Charlie leaned against cloth-covered table with GENESIS's logo on it and shot her mentor a text message. All the while, there was random uproar coming from the other parts of the event. Had she not been working, maybe Charlie would have partook in the activities.

"That funnel cake is calling my name, ugh," Charlie said with a sigh after sending the message to Dr. O, rubbing her stomach to settle it. Narrowing her eyes, she could have swore she saw the all too familiar face of a close friend. "Is that... Jordan!" she called out, waving her friend over. Was she still looking for a job? Being coworkers (technically not coworkers since Charlie was an intern) seemed like a good idea.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the attenders of the event, there was a watchful eye on the perimeter. With an army of Muddie Patrollers forming behind him where he stood at a higher elevation than the event, General Maskaraid began to rally the troops.

"Those Power Crystals are around here somewhere. Lord Galza has given us direct orders to do what is necessary to steal them and bring them back to him."

Turning to face his army, he lifted his scepter up high which prompted a rabid chant in unison.

"On my signal, you attack those humans and capture the Power Crystals!"
@Crimson Flame Yep. That’ll come once I finish up the first post. I have a one track mind right now with it 😂. But yes, it is coming.
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