I hardly doubt we will be trying to apply mechanics to this. We should be able to take out mobs and ads of enemies pretty easily, especially as a team. The bosses should take a while and even as a GM, @Andromedai should add his/her (sorry) own flare and give the enemies some character development. The numbers of stats shouldn't matter.
Also will finish the History section tonight, and if you're going to post all the characters on the CHAR tab you should also notate which player the character is for.
Weapons Monte Carlo Ice Breaker Some rocket launcher that isn't gally idc
Ghost Name Cyprian
Personality True Neutral Ezeras is a thinker. A scientist and a wizard. He firmly upholds that extreme ethics and morals in either direction are heavily bias, and that only the perfect balance of ideals can allow the light to shine, purging the darkness from the galaxy.