Banned for EPIC profile pic.
<Snipped quote by LimeTime966>
Do you think there may be some other intelligence guiding your act of creation?
<Snipped quote by LimeTime966>
Tell me, for something as complex as a donut, how do you form its intricacies? From molecules to grain structure to temperature, there's much to consider.
<Snipped quote by LimeTime966>
*Smiles and dips a fry in ranch*
Thank you, my friend.
<Snipped quote by LimeTime966>
I...suppose I'll take something. Perhaps a glazed donut, if they serve such things here.
<Snipped quote by LimeTime966>
Hey, I'm not the one who goes around killing people I don't like.
<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>
How did you get here and why is a good start.
<Snipped quote by LimeTime966>
Whatever your specialty is!