I'm torn on that as I agree, but they also made the gameplay worse because fore and background distinction in several areas is basically nonexistent and always "what is most inconvenient."
Looks like a ledge you can jump on. It is not. Doesn't look like one, is and mandatory or you fall to doom. That kind of thing.
Fortunately the QOL mod fanhack unironically does help this out immensely. Shame Nintendo is deeply ashamed of the whole Philips deal nonsense and refuses to acknowledge any of the games, might be some of the best games to remake in history. lol
Looks like a ledge you can jump on. It is not. Doesn't look like one, is and mandatory or you fall to doom. That kind of thing.
Fortunately the QOL mod fanhack unironically does help this out immensely. Shame Nintendo is deeply ashamed of the whole Philips deal nonsense and refuses to acknowledge any of the games, might be some of the best games to remake in history. lol