When the team broke from the orientation, Eric remained in the common space. Though he wasn't the only one there, he didn't take the time to talk to anyone of his own accord. Rather, he insisted on taking the luggage he had brought along to a table at the back of the room, upon which he set everything down. It would all have to make its way to his personal quarters eventually, but he wanted to take another look over it, especially with the first assignment in mind. Within moment, his case and his tackle box were set out over the table. It was all basic, compared to what he had been using in his previous occupation; he hadn't had much time to pull everything from his apartment and storage units before making his escape to the sewers.
What he did have on him where the bare essentials: a few bald caps and wigs, basic makeup applications for foundations suited to a variety of skin tones, highlights and shadows and an equally varied assortment of applications to simulate injuries (including some fake blood), some latex adhesive and spirit gum (with the spirit gum remover) and an abundance of brushes, sponges and other make-shift applicators. More supplies would come in as he managed to retrieve it. For the moment though, he ran through what he had, quite conspicuously, in the hopes of garnering some conversation.