Earth - Proving Grounds
Amid the busy toil of martial labor, a young woman walked. Kong Sharong, having only arrived an hour earlier, bided her time self-touring the so-called "training Mecca" of the planet. From the peripheries of plains and outcrops lined with meditating minds, through the inner yards wherein strength and speed were exercised with a list of equipment she could only sparsely name, she made her way towards the ground's more sought after sanctums. She was seen by most of the eyes that saw her, but the sparse greetings she received indicated that hospitality was something foreign to the methods of this stream of warriors; she made few friends off of this understanding, having been rebuked by nearly a dozen patrons for reprimanding their lack of courtesy to exchange a bow.
Such silly kids parents raise out here; so blind to decorum. Sadly, there was no time to fix such problems right away; that would be done in due time anyways.
First, I have to earn their eyes and ears. Passing by a bathhouse, a cacophony of unmistakable ferocity opened her own ears. The sound illuminated to the path before her. Within moments she was looking down a hillside, inlayed by stadium seating, overlooking a plethora of tournament rings. Every last ring, she saw, was already host to a fight. Most seemed fresh, and likely to last a while. She could sense that the bulk of the population was comparable in energy, and by comparison, far from a challenge to her. "Silly. You'll never find anyone just using your eyes." Sharong closed off her eyes, allowing herself to feel the energies about her.
It didn't take very long. In the crowds of lesser warriors, the outliers stuck out like a tree on a grassy plain. She spun ninety degrees to her left and forged her way towards two beings of no ordinary power. A seemingly female human sat in enjoyment between an inhuman looking male and an obviously human male.
The latter of these three was considerably worse for the wear against his more monster-appearing opponent. The young Sharong gasped in fright as the finishing blow was followed up by continued hardship at the hands of his victorious opponent. Breaking into a brief flight, she beelined nearer the the female spectator; seeing an ice cube lobbed through the air by said spectator as she neared, the three-eyed girl diverted her path and intercepted the cube before it reached the ring.
In that spot, she hovered, suckling on the cube until it melted to water in her mouth. "You two..." She started, throwing scolding glances to both the victor in the ring and the spectator. "Is this any way to act in a place of honor?"