Avatar of Little Bird


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2 days ago
Current Sleep deprivation is a Hell of a drug.
5 days ago
Effin work probably got me for hella OT this week. I'll get CS's and replies as best I can. ~Itbewhatitdoitdowhatitbe~
6 days ago
I just want to fall completely in love.
7 days ago
ecarg nosive 😈
9 days ago
Is this love? is this love? Is this love? Is this love that I'm feelin'?


Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience.

My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean.

Most Recent Posts

Seeing as I've been itching to return to the Guild, perhaps this would be a rather fitting one for me to jump in on.
<Snipped quote by Wayward>

I've always agreed with this. Like anything, it has it's pitfalls, but outside of the rules for engagement, the arena has always maintained it's primary attractiveness from its flexibility and fluidity.

Pleasant to know that someone agrees with my outlook.

What's always come to mind to me (at least, for as long as I've been RPing) when I think of Arena-based continuity is the omniverse that one of my former roosts had going in their battle section. It was highly informal, but more or less based simply on the idea of declaring that particular battles were, at the discretion of the combatants, considered "continuum" to the characters involved. It pretty followed an honor system, or so it seemed, and pretty much anything that happened in one continuum battle carried over into the next; this went as far as a character dying, and thus, not being able to be used in continuum again unless they could be, within some stretch of reason, resurrected (usually they operated on the standard that another person's character had to do that deed). I think they had some extreme perspective where things carried over to the next battle regardless of its continuity status, but personally, I wouldn't go that far.

Basically, the entirety of fictional (franchises and originals) and real locales provided the battlegrounds.

I think it's really as simple as establishing rules for continuity engagements, and having at it. That, and making sure that events are chronicled effectively along the way, so that new people don't feel like they've been left out.
I have, do, and will probably always, maintain that less is more when it comes to Arena-based continuum.
Not to be a Debbie Downer or anything, but aren't you kind of already running this one IC?
Oh! Hey! You did the thing!

I love when you do the thing.

Now I can start doing the other thing.
My character may take a bit longer than expected. I had friend reach out to me about doing a bit of a collab between characters for this, which has changed my plans.
I'll have my character up later tonight.
@WaywardLet me welcome you with open arms then :D
If you feel inspired, there is a preliminary CS sheet you can work on, no pressure though

I've got something in mind already. Just gotta get it fixed up proper.
I'm game for a good ole' Kingdom Hearts RP.
Just saying, besides the Disciplines that specifically work through symbols, you can use any medium for any Discipline. Also, Spirit and Soul are different, so thank you for doing what you did with your character XD

What is said difference?

Totally high in interest in this, by the way.
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