On the surmising that I too should repost my character sheet here...
Post forthcoming.
Post forthcoming.
Name: Sarah
Age: 20(ish)?
Gender: Female
Species: ‘Transhuman’
Ethnic Background: “Other.” Mixed; visibly, a blend of Mediterranean influences such as Greek and Italian, with some hinting indications of Hispanic and/or Latino.
Home World: Earth
Physical Description: Body weight of roughly 140lbs, comprised in a 5’9” frame, Sarah is slightly over the average size for females of her species. She is remarkably fit looking for someone such as herself, having a sustainable relation between her body fat and muscle mass, the latter of which is evident as more developed than most others within her age range, depicting someone that possesses noticeable physical viability. Beyond that, her body type isn’t highly pronounced, being of low bust profile, and no discernable proportional issues as far as an eye or two could tell.
As for the aesthetics of her appearance, she is of a mildly tanned complexion, and tans to a darker hue without much fuss as far as sunburns go. Her hair retains its natural-born coloration, being that of a black or very dark brown. Though she once wore it a longer length, she has since taken to cutting it short. Due to a haphazard manner in which she cuts it, it is not totally even, but otherwise maintains the general trend of being cut to roughly two inches in length towards the top and back of her head, while cutting closer to half an inch on the sides. She bears no markings such as tattoos or piercings (though she’ll confess that she’d get both if she could afford to).
The single stand-out trait of her appearance seems to be found in her eyes. Where many might expect one of her complexion and apparent ethnicity to have had darker eyes in the brown or black range, hers are of a somewhat striking light gray hue, contrasting sharply with the otherwise darker nature of appearance.
Sarah’s present attire is an ensemble inspired by the greaser and goth-punk aesthetics, consisting of an almost overabundance of leather materials and displaying a preference for black. Her visible garments consist of a white v-neck t-shirt worn under a black, hip-length leather jacket, which, while somewhat worn out, fits her like a glove; speaking of, she also adorns a pair of fingerless gloves that cover as far as halfway down her forearms. Below the belt, she wears a pair pants made from more of a mock-leather material. Upon her feet, she is adorned by a pair of knee-high, low-heel boots, also black and also made from leather; they are lace fastened along the front height, and buckle strapped from the back near the heel and at knee height.
Psychological Profile: Sarah isn’t particularly in pristine mental health; that much could be discerned for certain. Undoubtedly, the power with which she was born was something that psyche may not have been completely ready to comprehend. Much less so, was she capable of processing what any of it meant. Factors of her upbringing, in particular having lived out her youth in the absence of any solely dedicated parental figure managed to stunt a fair leg of her emotional growth.
Beyond anything else, Sarah’s bane in life, and the primary factor at play in her psyche is rooted in the persistent sense of purposelessness. Through the life of an orphaned girl, with no knowledge of her own heritage, she’s frequently struggled to determine her place within the wider world, let alone the universe, which she frequently ponders despite this fact. With no sense of identity outside of the apparent anomaly of being ‘above’ other human beings, she vents her frustrations through this, seeing it as her single defining trait. The greater sum of her issues are self-mediated, often through aggression, frequently dipping her deeper into what her own power can do.
For all of this, Sarah is not, in fact, an anger-driven rage machine. While aggressive behavior may be a primary outlet, it remains just that: an outlet. Aggression itself does not dictate her actions and movements; nor is it of any primary consequence to her verbal tendencies. She is motivated by the desire to find her place in life, as well as to explore her own limitations, which she believes with little doubt holds the key to achieving the former. Therefore, she takes it upon herself to do what she must to achieve, remaining an attentive and goal-driven individual.
Vital Force - As a being, Sarah exists as a conduit for an energy that she has come to dub “Vital Force.” In the eyes of others, this sort of power would be regarded in the same nature as the notions of ‘chi’ and ‘prana,’ among other titles. Fundamentally, ‘Vital Force’ is the same as these other terms, as being indicative of a tangible “life energy.” In biological terms, it is a primarily metaphysical, spiritual essence, which in turn, resonates within the physical and mental faculties of a being; the power of the ‘soul’ extant within and channeled through the body and mind.
This ‘Vital Force’ typically flows steadily and quite easily through Sarah. Originating somewhere within her biological core within the abdominal region, it is distributed to the rest of the body through pathways not unlike the veins through which blood travels; outlets from these pathways facilitate the movement of this energy into the fibers and organs of the body, allowing them to reap the benefits of its passive and active use when greater output is required.
Existing as something of a rare anomaly within her own Earth plane, Sarah is one who was born with an inherent disposition towards this power; this, opposed to many others, who required decades of training built upon centuries of teachings to access its uses. It flows from its origin within her in far greater volume than it does within other humans of her world. It has been a presence in her life even so far back as birth, and though she's received no formal training as of yet, the basics of harnessing the standard functions of her Vital Force have been effectively ingrained into her mind.
It is, in one capacity or another, through her Vital Force, and the control thereof, that Sarah is able to muster the use of other abilities.
Aura - A related and connected essence, her Aura is a counterpart to the Sarah’s Vital Force. Whereas the Vital Force is an internal essence flowing within her body, the Aura is something that surrounds her externally. It is an encompassing field of static energies, formed primarily out of overflown energy derived from Sarah’s Vital Force, as well as, in part, from a coalescing of some ambient energies within her immediate vicinity. Functionally, the Aura’s purpose is to provide an insulator against external forces.
It serves as a shield of sorts; a buffer zone, spanning out to roughly an inch out from Sarah’s body, that disallows the easy passage of other manners of energy that would do Sarah harm. Such effects range from the dispersal of low power electrical and magnetic assaults, while taking the brunt of damage from those of higher power, reducing the effects of thermal energies, protections from lower levels of radiation, and shielding against projections of forms of energy of similar nature to the Vital Force.. Low-powered projections on their own do little to hinder the Aura, though increased adverse power can cause it to break down and disperse. When damaged, the Aura will attempt to reconstruct, although significant damage could take hours to even days to recover from.
While the Aura is a potent line of defense against energy-based attacks, it is nonetheless a tangible formation. Kinetic impacts from physical strikes and bullets can pass through it with little recourse, save, perhaps, for someone feeling a very minor shock through their body when striking through it. The Aura is responsive to Sarah’s actions, to the extent that it will, on cue, create openings within itself if necessary for her to utilize her own energy-based techniques.
Enhanced Physiology - A byproduct of her disposition towards her Vital Force, Sarah’s physical capacities are considerably superior to those of other humans, outstripping even the abilities of the most accomplished athletes. Present physical prowess facilitates such feats of performance as: sustaining a 30MPH pacing over the course of a mile, reaching nearly twice such speeds in a short distance sprint; lifting approximately one standard ton’s worth of weight overhead; the capacity to withstand an approximate range of 800-4000lbs of force exerted against her (varying, primarily, by the body part impacted); in turn, the ability to exert roughly 2000lbs in striking forces. Attuned and adjusted to these relatively abnormal capabilities, the structural supports and organic function within Sara’s body have developed to accommodate what would otherwise be immense strain and failure-inducing activity. Also heightened in her enhanced state is her ability to react to stimuli, which clocks at approximately .075 second.
Sarah’s enhanced state is not merely the result of current, active Vital flow about her body. It is a condition of her physiological development throughout childhood and adolescence. Simply, the constant flux of energy within her person provided a manner of heightened stimulation over the course of her life, causing her physiological components to develop far more quickly, and to more efficient and effective functional levels. Just as a child will grow more into his/her body over time, Sarah has done the same, albeit in an advance and augmented way. Hence, her enhanced being constitutes her normal limitations.
-- Overdrive - An informal terminology that Sara has adopted for a means of augmenting the parameters of her physical performance, Overdriving involves drawing out from deeper reserves of Vital Force, which are typically blocked by numerous biological and spiritual buffers, keeping them from ‘common use;’ reserves that are more often used as a backing to maintain long-term stamina of Sarah’s normal state. Accessing these reserves leads to various, controlled increases in performance, often applied on a multiplying scale, the current peak of which allows Sara to increase her strength, speed and resilience up to tenfold her normal level. However, whereas her body has adapted to her normal physical abilities, so as to reduce strain and prevent failures, it is not as acclimated to the exertion of higher ‘Overdrive’ levels. Thus, augmenting her physical abilities tenfold is not only impractical as a longterm solution, but just short of impossible for anything beyond a momentary burst. Long term application of Overdriving provides an assured pathway to strain, failure, and, ultimately, injury, as well as significantly reducing Sarah’s stamina to maintain prolonged activity.
Enhanced Sensory - Just as her physical performance is heightened beyond human levels, so to are her sensory faculties. She is able to see with greater clarity, and discern lower volumes of sound as well as distinguish different sounds out of many simultaneous occurrences with greater ease. Her sense of smell seems to be on par with an animal such as a dog, while her sense of touch is more acute to more ambient movements.
-- Stimulation Redirection - Sarah is able to actively prioritize her sensory impulses, diverting the neural activity from one sense in order to reinforce that of another.
-- 6th Sensory - (EDIT APPLIED c. 09/05/2017. DEFINED RANGE) More as an offshoot of her sense of touch than any other, Sarah is attuned enough to her surroundings that she can feel presence of other ‘abnormal’ beings, effective within a 20 meter radius. This, however, comes under the stipulation that such beings are exerting a substantial amount of energy as to be sensed at all. She is furthermore unable to discern anyone from a crowd on this sensory basis unless an upward spike in power occurs. Because this sense presently functions on a more touch-based level, using it as a means of tracking is generally ineffective, rendered a matter of determining the intensity of stimuli across a location.
Energy Projections - As an offensive means, Sarah may utilize her Vital Force as a catalyst through which to create, enhance, and moderately direct projections of some forms of energy.
The most basic, and least costly of such projections is creation of pressurized force. In such a technique, Sarah applies the force of exerting her own energy through the surrounding air. This in turn serves as a means of instigating a burst of pressurized air from the focal point from which the initial energy was exerted.
As the technique is primarily reliant on the resulting movement of the matter into which it was focused, its threshold of speed is limited. In the case of utilizing air as its medium, these projections cannot produce movement at a speed that significantly exceeds that which is naturally possible upon the world or plane in which it is used. As such, use in a physical environment akin to Earth, a force indicative of speeds up to 300MPH would only be a scarce possibility. Sarah’s own capability in this regard correlates to her energy output at the time of use; functioning in her normal physical state, forces matching to wind speeds of 30-50MPH stands as her effective range.
For this limitation, there exists the ability to marginally direct the movement of the resulting force. They can be released in a manner more typical of a compressed, concussive blast, or as blanketing gales, or as shockwaves pushed outward from a central point (in this case, namely, Sarah).
The second manner of projection is significantly more powerful and increasingly flexible, but comes at a cost of requiring more energy to enact. These projections are within comparable classification as directed energy. They are derived chiefly from the augmentation, externalisation and compression of the bioelectricity flowing through the body, which in itself is sparked by the Vital Force. The process provides an ignition catalyst, creating a superheated plasma concentration. The resulting projectile(s) launch with bullet-like speeds, coupling the intense heat with an added concussive force.
These manners of projectiles may be formed into a much wider variety of shapes and sizes, often dependent upon the focal point through which the initial energy was externalized. Small projection, such as beams released from the fingertips, to large streams the rough size of a sedan. The middle-range of size, particularly blasts measuring to the rough dimensions of shotputs to that of a basketball appear in greatest abundant, as they tend to offer the most effective balance between charge time, energy efficiency, and offensive viability.
Containing the traces of Sarah’s own Vital Force, this second manner of projection remain in sync with her will. Due to this nature, their trajectory can be set, and their movement manipulated from a nearby distance, allowing for brief direction in pursuit of a moving target, or firing the projectiles around corners. They seem to lose this connection after exceeding a distance around 100 feet.
Switchblade - The only weapon that Sarah has managed to procure and maintain over the years… and thus far, the only one that she’s ever deemed necessary. It’s a visibly unremarkable weapon, though with the advantage of being discrete and easy to surprise an adversary with. Hers features a double-edged blade, measuring approximately four inches in length, housed within a five inch handle adorned with a once polished ebony upon the handle. The internal mechanics are those of a sliding mechanism, ejecting the blade straight out through the top of the hand, and locks into that position while in use. The blade is accompanied in travel by a sharpening block.
In some way, the long-term exposure of both Sarah’s clothing and switchblade to the presence of her aura as rubbed off on both of them. It is to such a point that both her ensemble and her weapon can act as fluid conduits through which she is able to channel her other abilities. She need not remove an article of clothing as to release projections via her bare skin, and may use her knife as a focal point at which to form them.
Historical Outlook: There’s little to be said about Sarah. Though she’s been around for awhile, she’s been in and out of action and on-and-off of the maps. She was raised through a combination of faulty foster care and orphanage life, but spent the majority of her days prowling city streets, often in search of something she could never quite put a name to. Throughout these days, her powers of a constant presence, and she was never particularly frightened of them as to avoid using them as she pleased or needed. Inevitably, this landed her in frequent trouble with authorities, though there was little they could have done to put her down short of just killing her.
As soon as she came of age at 18 years old, she cut any ties she had with any social services and ran away from whatever home she might have had to lash out on her own. She’s fought in at least a handful of battles, sometimes adopting a different surname for the sake of satisfying people that pressed her for her identity. Most fights ended in either stalemates or with dissatisfying, inconclusive results.
Age: 20(ish)?
Gender: Female
Species: ‘Transhuman’
Ethnic Background: “Other.” Mixed; visibly, a blend of Mediterranean influences such as Greek and Italian, with some hinting indications of Hispanic and/or Latino.
Home World: Earth
Physical Description: Body weight of roughly 140lbs, comprised in a 5’9” frame, Sarah is slightly over the average size for females of her species. She is remarkably fit looking for someone such as herself, having a sustainable relation between her body fat and muscle mass, the latter of which is evident as more developed than most others within her age range, depicting someone that possesses noticeable physical viability. Beyond that, her body type isn’t highly pronounced, being of low bust profile, and no discernable proportional issues as far as an eye or two could tell.
As for the aesthetics of her appearance, she is of a mildly tanned complexion, and tans to a darker hue without much fuss as far as sunburns go. Her hair retains its natural-born coloration, being that of a black or very dark brown. Though she once wore it a longer length, she has since taken to cutting it short. Due to a haphazard manner in which she cuts it, it is not totally even, but otherwise maintains the general trend of being cut to roughly two inches in length towards the top and back of her head, while cutting closer to half an inch on the sides. She bears no markings such as tattoos or piercings (though she’ll confess that she’d get both if she could afford to).
The single stand-out trait of her appearance seems to be found in her eyes. Where many might expect one of her complexion and apparent ethnicity to have had darker eyes in the brown or black range, hers are of a somewhat striking light gray hue, contrasting sharply with the otherwise darker nature of appearance.
Sarah’s present attire is an ensemble inspired by the greaser and goth-punk aesthetics, consisting of an almost overabundance of leather materials and displaying a preference for black. Her visible garments consist of a white v-neck t-shirt worn under a black, hip-length leather jacket, which, while somewhat worn out, fits her like a glove; speaking of, she also adorns a pair of fingerless gloves that cover as far as halfway down her forearms. Below the belt, she wears a pair pants made from more of a mock-leather material. Upon her feet, she is adorned by a pair of knee-high, low-heel boots, also black and also made from leather; they are lace fastened along the front height, and buckle strapped from the back near the heel and at knee height.
Psychological Profile: Sarah isn’t particularly in pristine mental health; that much could be discerned for certain. Undoubtedly, the power with which she was born was something that psyche may not have been completely ready to comprehend. Much less so, was she capable of processing what any of it meant. Factors of her upbringing, in particular having lived out her youth in the absence of any solely dedicated parental figure managed to stunt a fair leg of her emotional growth.
Beyond anything else, Sarah’s bane in life, and the primary factor at play in her psyche is rooted in the persistent sense of purposelessness. Through the life of an orphaned girl, with no knowledge of her own heritage, she’s frequently struggled to determine her place within the wider world, let alone the universe, which she frequently ponders despite this fact. With no sense of identity outside of the apparent anomaly of being ‘above’ other human beings, she vents her frustrations through this, seeing it as her single defining trait. The greater sum of her issues are self-mediated, often through aggression, frequently dipping her deeper into what her own power can do.
For all of this, Sarah is not, in fact, an anger-driven rage machine. While aggressive behavior may be a primary outlet, it remains just that: an outlet. Aggression itself does not dictate her actions and movements; nor is it of any primary consequence to her verbal tendencies. She is motivated by the desire to find her place in life, as well as to explore her own limitations, which she believes with little doubt holds the key to achieving the former. Therefore, she takes it upon herself to do what she must to achieve, remaining an attentive and goal-driven individual.
Powers & Abilities
Vital Force - As a being, Sarah exists as a conduit for an energy that she has come to dub “Vital Force.” In the eyes of others, this sort of power would be regarded in the same nature as the notions of ‘chi’ and ‘prana,’ among other titles. Fundamentally, ‘Vital Force’ is the same as these other terms, as being indicative of a tangible “life energy.” In biological terms, it is a primarily metaphysical, spiritual essence, which in turn, resonates within the physical and mental faculties of a being; the power of the ‘soul’ extant within and channeled through the body and mind.
This ‘Vital Force’ typically flows steadily and quite easily through Sarah. Originating somewhere within her biological core within the abdominal region, it is distributed to the rest of the body through pathways not unlike the veins through which blood travels; outlets from these pathways facilitate the movement of this energy into the fibers and organs of the body, allowing them to reap the benefits of its passive and active use when greater output is required.
Existing as something of a rare anomaly within her own Earth plane, Sarah is one who was born with an inherent disposition towards this power; this, opposed to many others, who required decades of training built upon centuries of teachings to access its uses. It flows from its origin within her in far greater volume than it does within other humans of her world. It has been a presence in her life even so far back as birth, and though she's received no formal training as of yet, the basics of harnessing the standard functions of her Vital Force have been effectively ingrained into her mind.
It is, in one capacity or another, through her Vital Force, and the control thereof, that Sarah is able to muster the use of other abilities.
Aura - A related and connected essence, her Aura is a counterpart to the Sarah’s Vital Force. Whereas the Vital Force is an internal essence flowing within her body, the Aura is something that surrounds her externally. It is an encompassing field of static energies, formed primarily out of overflown energy derived from Sarah’s Vital Force, as well as, in part, from a coalescing of some ambient energies within her immediate vicinity. Functionally, the Aura’s purpose is to provide an insulator against external forces.
It serves as a shield of sorts; a buffer zone, spanning out to roughly an inch out from Sarah’s body, that disallows the easy passage of other manners of energy that would do Sarah harm. Such effects range from the dispersal of low power electrical and magnetic assaults, while taking the brunt of damage from those of higher power, reducing the effects of thermal energies, protections from lower levels of radiation, and shielding against projections of forms of energy of similar nature to the Vital Force.. Low-powered projections on their own do little to hinder the Aura, though increased adverse power can cause it to break down and disperse. When damaged, the Aura will attempt to reconstruct, although significant damage could take hours to even days to recover from.
While the Aura is a potent line of defense against energy-based attacks, it is nonetheless a tangible formation. Kinetic impacts from physical strikes and bullets can pass through it with little recourse, save, perhaps, for someone feeling a very minor shock through their body when striking through it. The Aura is responsive to Sarah’s actions, to the extent that it will, on cue, create openings within itself if necessary for her to utilize her own energy-based techniques.
Enhanced Physiology - A byproduct of her disposition towards her Vital Force, Sarah’s physical capacities are considerably superior to those of other humans, outstripping even the abilities of the most accomplished athletes. Present physical prowess facilitates such feats of performance as: sustaining a 30MPH pacing over the course of a mile, reaching nearly twice such speeds in a short distance sprint; lifting approximately one standard ton’s worth of weight overhead; the capacity to withstand an approximate range of 800-4000lbs of force exerted against her (varying, primarily, by the body part impacted); in turn, the ability to exert roughly 2000lbs in striking forces. Attuned and adjusted to these relatively abnormal capabilities, the structural supports and organic function within Sara’s body have developed to accommodate what would otherwise be immense strain and failure-inducing activity. Also heightened in her enhanced state is her ability to react to stimuli, which clocks at approximately .075 second.
Sarah’s enhanced state is not merely the result of current, active Vital flow about her body. It is a condition of her physiological development throughout childhood and adolescence. Simply, the constant flux of energy within her person provided a manner of heightened stimulation over the course of her life, causing her physiological components to develop far more quickly, and to more efficient and effective functional levels. Just as a child will grow more into his/her body over time, Sarah has done the same, albeit in an advance and augmented way. Hence, her enhanced being constitutes her normal limitations.
-- Overdrive - An informal terminology that Sara has adopted for a means of augmenting the parameters of her physical performance, Overdriving involves drawing out from deeper reserves of Vital Force, which are typically blocked by numerous biological and spiritual buffers, keeping them from ‘common use;’ reserves that are more often used as a backing to maintain long-term stamina of Sarah’s normal state. Accessing these reserves leads to various, controlled increases in performance, often applied on a multiplying scale, the current peak of which allows Sara to increase her strength, speed and resilience up to tenfold her normal level. However, whereas her body has adapted to her normal physical abilities, so as to reduce strain and prevent failures, it is not as acclimated to the exertion of higher ‘Overdrive’ levels. Thus, augmenting her physical abilities tenfold is not only impractical as a longterm solution, but just short of impossible for anything beyond a momentary burst. Long term application of Overdriving provides an assured pathway to strain, failure, and, ultimately, injury, as well as significantly reducing Sarah’s stamina to maintain prolonged activity.
Enhanced Sensory - Just as her physical performance is heightened beyond human levels, so to are her sensory faculties. She is able to see with greater clarity, and discern lower volumes of sound as well as distinguish different sounds out of many simultaneous occurrences with greater ease. Her sense of smell seems to be on par with an animal such as a dog, while her sense of touch is more acute to more ambient movements.
-- Stimulation Redirection - Sarah is able to actively prioritize her sensory impulses, diverting the neural activity from one sense in order to reinforce that of another.
-- 6th Sensory - (EDIT APPLIED c. 09/05/2017. DEFINED RANGE) More as an offshoot of her sense of touch than any other, Sarah is attuned enough to her surroundings that she can feel presence of other ‘abnormal’ beings, effective within a 20 meter radius. This, however, comes under the stipulation that such beings are exerting a substantial amount of energy as to be sensed at all. She is furthermore unable to discern anyone from a crowd on this sensory basis unless an upward spike in power occurs. Because this sense presently functions on a more touch-based level, using it as a means of tracking is generally ineffective, rendered a matter of determining the intensity of stimuli across a location.
Energy Projections - As an offensive means, Sarah may utilize her Vital Force as a catalyst through which to create, enhance, and moderately direct projections of some forms of energy.
The most basic, and least costly of such projections is creation of pressurized force. In such a technique, Sarah applies the force of exerting her own energy through the surrounding air. This in turn serves as a means of instigating a burst of pressurized air from the focal point from which the initial energy was exerted.
As the technique is primarily reliant on the resulting movement of the matter into which it was focused, its threshold of speed is limited. In the case of utilizing air as its medium, these projections cannot produce movement at a speed that significantly exceeds that which is naturally possible upon the world or plane in which it is used. As such, use in a physical environment akin to Earth, a force indicative of speeds up to 300MPH would only be a scarce possibility. Sarah’s own capability in this regard correlates to her energy output at the time of use; functioning in her normal physical state, forces matching to wind speeds of 30-50MPH stands as her effective range.
For this limitation, there exists the ability to marginally direct the movement of the resulting force. They can be released in a manner more typical of a compressed, concussive blast, or as blanketing gales, or as shockwaves pushed outward from a central point (in this case, namely, Sarah).
The second manner of projection is significantly more powerful and increasingly flexible, but comes at a cost of requiring more energy to enact. These projections are within comparable classification as directed energy. They are derived chiefly from the augmentation, externalisation and compression of the bioelectricity flowing through the body, which in itself is sparked by the Vital Force. The process provides an ignition catalyst, creating a superheated plasma concentration. The resulting projectile(s) launch with bullet-like speeds, coupling the intense heat with an added concussive force.
These manners of projectiles may be formed into a much wider variety of shapes and sizes, often dependent upon the focal point through which the initial energy was externalized. Small projection, such as beams released from the fingertips, to large streams the rough size of a sedan. The middle-range of size, particularly blasts measuring to the rough dimensions of shotputs to that of a basketball appear in greatest abundant, as they tend to offer the most effective balance between charge time, energy efficiency, and offensive viability.
Containing the traces of Sarah’s own Vital Force, this second manner of projection remain in sync with her will. Due to this nature, their trajectory can be set, and their movement manipulated from a nearby distance, allowing for brief direction in pursuit of a moving target, or firing the projectiles around corners. They seem to lose this connection after exceeding a distance around 100 feet.
Weapons & Items
Switchblade - The only weapon that Sarah has managed to procure and maintain over the years… and thus far, the only one that she’s ever deemed necessary. It’s a visibly unremarkable weapon, though with the advantage of being discrete and easy to surprise an adversary with. Hers features a double-edged blade, measuring approximately four inches in length, housed within a five inch handle adorned with a once polished ebony upon the handle. The internal mechanics are those of a sliding mechanism, ejecting the blade straight out through the top of the hand, and locks into that position while in use. The blade is accompanied in travel by a sharpening block.
Residue Alterations
In some way, the long-term exposure of both Sarah’s clothing and switchblade to the presence of her aura as rubbed off on both of them. It is to such a point that both her ensemble and her weapon can act as fluid conduits through which she is able to channel her other abilities. She need not remove an article of clothing as to release projections via her bare skin, and may use her knife as a focal point at which to form them.
Historical Outlook: There’s little to be said about Sarah. Though she’s been around for awhile, she’s been in and out of action and on-and-off of the maps. She was raised through a combination of faulty foster care and orphanage life, but spent the majority of her days prowling city streets, often in search of something she could never quite put a name to. Throughout these days, her powers of a constant presence, and she was never particularly frightened of them as to avoid using them as she pleased or needed. Inevitably, this landed her in frequent trouble with authorities, though there was little they could have done to put her down short of just killing her.
As soon as she came of age at 18 years old, she cut any ties she had with any social services and ran away from whatever home she might have had to lash out on her own. She’s fought in at least a handful of battles, sometimes adopting a different surname for the sake of satisfying people that pressed her for her identity. Most fights ended in either stalemates or with dissatisfying, inconclusive results.