Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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Recent Statuses

22 hrs ago
Current Away from home between October 26th and November 10th. Contests will return when I'm back home!
2 mos ago
Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

Kim gently held the new Mew and wrapped her tail around it. Newly hatched Pokémon were cute, and she adored this little fellow. "When you're ready, we'll go taste some berries and see what flavour you like best~"

Michael took a moment to just enjoy having Niccia with him, and with things settling down at the party he was starting to relax more. But Nethan's message stayed in the back of his head. Eventually he turned to Niccia "It looks like the new Mew is in good paws," he said, watching Kim for a moment. "Shall we go see Necrozoma?"

"Very interesting," Andy commented. "He seems to have recovered from whatever that was, and he told me I had to be nice to you." He glanced in the direction of where necrozoma had appeared. "Whatever was going on down there seems to have cooled down as well. You Legendary Pokepeople sure know how to make an exciting party!"

Harcu nodded. "Indeed, let's go. Father doesn't look to be otherwise engaged at the moment." He let out a gentle sigh. "I just hope he won't let his pride speak and say he doesn't need it. We can't exactly force him to accept it."
He started walking towards their father; this was something he didn't want to wait for the right opportunity to bring up. The right opportunity was right now.

"I see," Tanter said. "I'm sure father would know. I assume he created her like he created all of us." He stroke his moustache. "I admit I'm curious about her..." A faint smile broke through, "but it worries me that you, out of all of us legendaries, thinks she didn't sound too nice."
Ï'll definitely come and ask you about that radio with white noise once," Benjamin said. "Right now I don't need it. But the art session, I'd like to do that. I like drawing."
While it didn't feel right not knowing what time it was, he wasn't sure he wanted to run to Josh every time he wanted to know. "Let's check on Ray's ex-spirits first."

Vivian smiled when she saw the orb appear. "I have the perfect host for you," she said, opening a small vial of blood and pouring it into a bowl. Of course Benjamin had thought it was to check his blood for vitamin levels and such. Those results were easily falsified. She placed the bowl in the white circle. "This is his blood, you'll find him."
Agent Morrison examined the vampire. He wanted to kill it, but maybe Harriet had a point. They had a whole facility dedicated to examining humanlike creatures, demons and monsters after all. Maybe he could send it there, so they could find a cure against vampirism. Like that boy that had been a vampire for only a couple of days. He sighed, lifted his gun and fired at its head.
"It's more humane to end it now," he stated, with a hint of regret in his voice. "Maybe the next one, when the change happened more recent."
Did he really want to subject this person to painful tests, or observation to see when the change was irreversible? To save others, maybe he should have, but as long as their scientists didn't even have a theoretical idea to reverse this, he didn't feel comfortable sending them test subjects.
"Let's go."

Ethan looked at the dead vampire for a moment, before turning his back on it and examining the surroundings again. Was it only this one here?
Agent Barrow joined him and scouted the area with thermal imaging, but couldn't see more of them.
"Let's continue in this direction," he said. "We'll meet the others at the back of the base.
"You do what you think is best," Nethan replied. "I only came here to deliver the message and ask for assistance." After a final glance at the newhatched Mew, he nodded a greeting and walked away.

"I'm glad about that," Michael replied, wrapping his arms around her. He glanced in the direction of legendary Pokémon, when he realised Nethan hadn't even said his name, but from what he had seen happen at the gate - the few times he had glanced in that direction to see what was happening - the person with Tanter was Necrozoma. He only knew him from a book, of course, but that knowledge combined with what he had seen made him decide to be careful around him. But that was for when they'd go over there and he turned his attention to the new Mew. It was adorable, and it was obvious Kim felt the same way.
The moment the little Mew seemed to fall forward, the Furret moved to catch him, but stopped when she noticed Niccia had him.
"Aren't you a cute one!" she cooed.

Andy hesitated for a moment. New Mew was fascinating of course, but he figured everyone wanted to have a look at it, so he might as well do that with Frosiien. Instead of following Arceus, he went back to the most important one of this party.
"Sorry for abandoning you like that," he said. "I am all yours again."

Hacru smiled now and nodded. "A lovely Sawsbuck. We have several Deerling children who all live in the forest with me. Some of them... they don't seem to change their form when the season changes. Very peculiar, but I love them nonetheless."

Tanter looked from vatier to the weather trio. "I... don't know? They didn't say anything about their sister when we spoke." He turned back to Vatier. "Did something happen to their sister?"
What is your preferred role for the Hidden in Plain Sight plot?

I'm also interested in the A Hostage Situation plot.

I also like fantasy RP's and I have some male characters that are always ready to go on an adventure. I don't care for smut, but I have no issues with any other 18+ themes.
Morrison narrowed his eyes at the flash of something on her head - that had looked like horns, but it had faded as quickly as it had appeared. The black tendrils were likewise not what he had expected, and they were very effective against the vampire. He followed the darting vampire with his eyes, trying to determine from where he would come at a straight line again.
When the vampire leapt towards them, he fired his gun.

Barrow got knocked down and while he could avoid the bite, he couldn't avoid getting cut. A bit of blood welled up, but he used his feet to push the vampire away from him.
Meanwhile, Ethan had approached during their struggle and aimed the gun at the head of the vampire before pulling the trigger.
"Let's do that," Benjamin agreed, followed by a sigh. "There is nothing else to do in this place. If people aren't insane when they get here, they will get it soon enough from boredom. You'd start talking to yourself for less."
That made him think of Simon, who had died. Had he been suffering from auditory illusions before getting here, or did it develop here? Or did he really have a connection with a different realm and had he truly heard people from there?

It saddened him to know Simon had died here, but that they had lied about it filled him with dread. Who would be next?

What time was it even? There were no clocks, and staff only gave the time when specifically asked. "Do you have a watch on you?" he asked.
It couldn't be late, somewhere between breakfast and lunch, but he had lost all sense of time already. He wasn't even completely sure at what time they had breakfast and lunch.
Michael averted his eyes when the egg shone brightly; it reminded him of the light of an evolution. When Niccia fell he quickly bent down to help her up, looking at the new Mew. This one had some blue on its body. It looked cute. Niccia would have a similar form. He glanced at her; it was difficult to imagine her as a Mew, he had only ever seen her in her humanoid form. Thinking of her as Mew, well, he preferred not to.

Nethan smiled as the egg hatched; the birth of a new legendary Pokémon was a rare thing.
"I will present the new Mew to father," he offered. "Then you two can talk with Vatier. That's not a conversation a new Mew should be bothered with."

Hacru nodded to Watcher as well, that would work. It would allow them all to return to their tasks as well.
As Kyio spoke to him, he watched her with a blank expression, not blinking at her question or her blush, standing tall with a straight back. "I am known as life giver," he simply stated as he crossed his arms. "That does not limit to just flowers and trees."

Andy shrugged a bit at the rumour. "Humans claim so much. It's what I like about my job, I observe Pokémon to see how they behave and get to destroy persistent myths." He turned to Lecrero. "I'm glad to see you're okay, but I'm going back to my date. I've neglected her far too long now." He glanced aside when light caught his eyes and noticed Niccia fall. "It looks like you have someone to talk to as well."
He turned to Kim, who almost squealed when she saw the egg hatch. "Go on, I know you want to check it out."
Kim didn't need more encouragement and ran on all fours to check out the newly hatched Mew.

Tanter nodded. "I'm not saying you did the right thing, but it is StarFall and you are family." He walked with him to where the food was and grabbed one of pastries. He sniffed it carefully, having never had one before, and took a bite.
Human food was awfully sweet but it wasn't that bad, he decided.
Morrison narrowed his eyes when he heard Harriet in his head. He didn't particularly like this but he had to admit it was an effective way of communicating. He sneaked forward, carefully placing every step, when he heard Harriet's whisper. While he preferred to be the one in charge, he followed her instructions.
He aimed at the top of tree and turned the torch on.
There, one of the monsters. He fired a shot.

When the vampire jumped over Ethan, he instinctively ducked. When he was upright again he noticed the vampire had fallen down, pulled itself up and then sniped at his fellow agent.
He aimed, but Barrow moved in his line of sight as he tried to get out of reach of the vampire.

Barrow stumbled back as he aimed at the vampire and fired a shot, but the bullet hit the gravel instead. He cursed and grabbed an iron stake for close combat instead.

Meanwhile, Ethan aimed his gun, waiting for a clear shot.
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