Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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1 mo ago
Current Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
2 mos ago
Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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3 mos ago
Deadline is approaching! There is still time to submit your entries ^_^


Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

Marc examined Sara for a moment and then nodded. "Okay, this way."
He supported her as he would with other patients. As he had supported Carol when he brought her to and from her room. He still couldn't believe she suddenly had been transferred, there had be no communication about it. And now Ray, it was strange. And Simon too, he had worked here long enough to know Simon, and even like him, and Simon had been a patient who was very unlikely to ever leave this place, but for some reason he had. This place was supposed to be an end station for people with chronic, untreatable or unmanageable mental illnesses, it didn't make sense for anyone to be transferred or go home, as usually patients were transferred to this place.

With these thoughts in his head he opened up an empty room and went inside. "We can tell people we are preparing this room," he told Sara. "What do you know?"

Benjamin turned to Ari when she spoke. "Of course," he said and stepped forward. "What do you feel?"
The thought that she was new to having a body crossed his mind, maybe she was simply tired or hungry and didn't realise it? Or had she experienced it through Ray?

Fenna listened as James explained his idea. Splitting up, it made sense. It was the best way to gather as much information as they could. When James asked if she was okay going with him, she smiled reassuringly. "Of course I don't mind." It would be up to the others to see who would join them. She listened to his follow-up question and nodded. "That should be doable."

There was no doubt in her mind Sil could recognise the people who were with her and that she understood danger, protection and being on the look-out. It didn't take her long to find the falcon, perched on a roof. The moment Fenna looked at her she flew down and Fenna extended an arm. "We need your help, we're all going separate ways. Keep an eye on everyone, will you? Like eggs in a nest. Come to me if the others are in danger." She did her best to think in images and feelings as she tried to explain what she wanted from the bird. If she was not mistaken the bird understood. It was hard to tell, but just as she knew where Sil was, she also knew about that. As if there was a feeling of understanding coming from the bird.

Sil flew up and choose one of the tallest building to sit, her eyes focussed on the village.

When Fenna turned to the others it seemed like the decisions were made. MacKensie had chosen Barracker, and Zell decided to go with Adam. That left Lilliana to go with them and by the sound of it they would be visiting another church. It worked out well this way, Fenna had accompanied Lilliana before and James was a cleric.

After the others went left and right, Fenna turned to the other two. "I suppose we'll head straight the the center and towards the church then," she said. "It's a good starting point and Lilliana needs to be there as well."

She started walking, taking in the small village as she followed the earthen path between the houses. One woman looked suspiciously at them from the doorway and Fenna smiled politely in response. Not all villagers would be happy about foreigners, especially with that cult in the area. A man with a chicken under his arm nodded a greeting and directed them to the church when Fenna asked.

The building wasn't as grand as the one in the city, which was no surprise. It was only slightly bigger than the houses with a roof that stood out a little above the other houses, but it would have been easy to miss.
Netherlu and Andy led the way, going through the forest. Benny, who decided to be lazy, hand on Andy's shoulder instead of flying around. Kim followed close behind Andy, walking slowly on all fours to match the speed of the humans.
They talked about humans and Pokémon, Netherlu was curious about some behaviours he had observed, and Andy took this opportunity to learn more about Pokémon, and Ho-oh in particular.

"They seem to get along well," Michael commented. It was surprising. Not the fact his uncle was able to socialize easily, but that he was able to do so with Pokémon as well. Legendary Pokémon even. Then again, most of the legendary Pokémon he had met were pleasant to be around. One of them in particular. He opened his hand and moved to take Niccia's hand. They would be walking for a while, and he might as well try to make the walk more pleasant.

When dusk set in, Andy stopped and turned to the others. "Camp time?" he asked. "It should be another hour or two before we reach the edge of the forest, but I don't know if we can reach a Pokécenter before it's really too dark to travel."
While the reunion was met with "aww"s in the control room and one of them informed Lily about it, but she ignored the message. She could check up on them and maybe she would, after she had spoken with her other darling.
The lift doors opened and she stepped into the corridor, followed by four guards with guns. Security protocol, she ignored them. These were intelligent beasts and they had shown no signs of being a danger. Although she wouldn't mind getting in harm's way with the Succubus.

"That's quite a smell," she commented as she looked into Gaia's room. "Darling, do I need to send in some people to clean this place up for you? Do you require other accommodations?" She stepped forward. "Let me have a good look at you."
Marc crouched down to examine Sara. "Speak to me," he urged her as he reached out and put a careful hand on her shoulder. "Tell me everything you feel, everything you know, everything you suspect. I need you to talk to me. You're acting like she died."
A little voice inside whispered she was insane, she truly belonged here as a patient, but he refused to listen. And even if she was, maybe he could help her feel better. Regardless of why she acted like this, he saw in her a fragile woman who needed someone with her right now, and that person would be him.

"Two nurses were talking about cleaning out her room because she went home. That's all I know." He rubbed his face. "We need to find her. I don't know where to look for her, but we have to try." He looked at Dia. "You were part of her. Do you have a link of some sort that can help find her?" While he loved being able to touch Dia, right now it would have been easier if she was still a spirit, who could move through walls. He didn't voice that, as it was pointless to bring it up. They had to form a plan with what they had.
Morning came and Fenna woke up. Today was the day they would start their assignment. Or quest perhaps? Regardless of how it was called, they had to complete their contract and hopefully get some answers. She got dressed and packed her bag before going downstairs for a breakfast and to meet up with the rest of the party.

By the time the group had gathered, Fenna noticed Joji was missing. She asked if anyone had seen him, but no one knew his whereabouts. She turned to the innkeeper and asked him that if Joji would come, he would inform their party member they had left to deal with the contract, and included a physical description.

When Barracker gave an explanation of what they could expect she listened intently. Spill innocent blood? Fenna wasn't sure she could, but maybe she'd feel different after being attacked by those cultists. She accepted the vial of spectre oil and put it away safely.
"Thank you, I'll make good use of it," she told him.

It was obvious the citizens were used to leaving parties, as they barely got any attention. A greeting from another party going in a different direction, a salute from a guard. A knot of tension formed in her stomach. They were really doing this now, the gold contract. It should be doable, she reminded herself. They had fought their way through the Mazy Hillocks and survived, a feat that surprised the people who knew about party and monster classifications. A cold contract should be easier than dealing with Aurok, and they had an experienced adventurer with them this time. She continued to remind herself of this until MacKensie spoke up.

"It is," Fenna agreed. Even though there was some stress involved with actually going there, the looming task had made sure she hadn't been able to completely relax. All she had done was distract herself and pass the time until the day finally came. And her fellow ranger made a good point, sitting still and doing nothing for a long time would make it more difficult to get into it again.
"I agree. Even though rest is needed, too much isn't good. I do look forward to getting this contract over with and returning to the city."

They stopped when a man on a wagon greeted them and she returned the greeting. For the most part she listened to the conversation that followed and she accepted the blade in the scabberd from James as she thought about what was said. Brainwashed cultists, an evil cult. There was a good reason this was a gold contract of course. She caught what Zell said to MacKensie and it was good advice and maybe she'd have a talk with her to try and determine what was bothering her, but not yet. That should be a more private conversation.

When Zell addressed her she faced him. "Sil understood what needed to happen with the cube when I threw it in the air," she said in response to his question. "And she understood when I wanted some company. I'm certain she'll warn us when she sees something she perceives as danger, but I don't think she can understand complex orders. At least not yet. We do have an emotional bond, which is why she was able to fight with us against Aurok, which was strange behaviour for a bird of prey. I did spend time getting to understand her and our bond in Valheim, but I haven't tried giving commands yet. I suppose it's possible though, I just need to work out how exactly."
I'll get something posted today.

Edit: I posted! I'm also doing? NaNoWriMo this month, so if I miss a deadline it's because of that. I will make time for the RP though, but I thought I'd give a heads-up just in case.
The winner of this round is "To be seen".
Congratulation! I will update the thread accordingly.

Everyone who found the fifth entry: well done! It was intentionally posted this way.
As they walked to the orphanage, Fenna listened to Barracker and the two children pointing out their favourite places, until the ran off. From what Fenna could see, the orphanage was a well-kept place and the children living here were happy. She smiled when she was introduced to Anne, the mother of this place.

Fenna waved her hands when she was introduced as the one killing Aurok. "It really was a team effort, I couldn't have done it without my friends," she reminded the children, although she realised it was a futile thing. Hopefully word wouldn't get around too far. The last thing she wanted was to be known as "Fenna, slayer of Aurok".

When one of the children introduced herself, she smiled and leaned in a bit. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Isabella.'

As the children started talking and playing among each other, the adults had a few moment to themselves. Anne was kind and asked where she was from (far away was all Fenna said) and if she enjoyed the city (a beautiful place). Fenna complimented Anne on the children and how she cared for them, adding that it was sad a place like this was necessary, but the children seemed happy. The conversation turned to motherhood and Fenna was happy to talk about her children for a moment.

When it was time to go she walked with Barracker back to the inn and listened to the explanation of Cerberus. It sounded like a dangerous beast. Would it be in the same classification of Aurok? She was careful not to make any promises. It wasn't that she didn't want to help Barracker, but could they? And where even was Corsica? She did express her compassion about losing his mentor and how awful it was so many people had died already.

"To be honest," Fenna said after Barracker called her gifted. "I had not fired my bow before today. I haven't used it in combat, I only used my spear." Again she realised how odd it was she could fight with it, even though she had never wielded one before. "I guess I prefer close combat, or, well, semi-close. Spear-lenght."

The moment Barracker mentioned the falcon she looked up. "Oh yes, that is Sil. She... I don't know exactly how it happened, but something clicked and now we hang together." She smiled as she talked about it, as she always did when she mentioned the falcon. It was nice having her around.

Once inside the inn, Fenna turned to Barracker. "It was nice talking with you and seeing the orphanage. I look forward to working with you."
After that she told him and any of her companions who were still in the common area that she'd return to her room, and she asked the bartender to have a meal brought to her room. The only thing she had planned was to wash up and have a final shower before leaving on their next mission the next day. She wished them all a pleasant evening and went to her room.
Fenna turned to Tyron when he asked his question. Help Barracker hunt down a beast called Cerberus. There were so many things to consider, and the boy looked at her with such innocence and hope. "I'll see what I can do," she said. It wasn't something she could decide alone and the main mission was to return home, but since Barracker would help them, it was only fair if they would help him as well. If it wasn't on the other side of the world. "I'll bring it up to my team leader," she added.

She smiled when Barracker said kids had the best interest at heart for others and agreed to that sentiment, stating Tyron was a good kid.

When Eren went back to the shooting range and smiled at her, she decided to stay a little and watch him shoot arrows. When she noticed Barracked addressed her, she turned to him. "I don't have any plans, I'd be happy to tag along for a bit. We're staying at the same place tonight." She paused as she watched Eren practice. He was improving, but it'd take more training to be good at it. It was a joy watching him, and Tyron was adorable as well.

When Tyron moved a bit closer to Eren to encourage him, Fenna stood next to Barracker. "Maybe you can tell me more about Cerberus on the way to the Mended Drum," she said to him.

Sil circled over the shooting range and flew down to the tree closest to Fenna. She settled there and watched for a moment, ready to fly up when she would start walking.
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