Loksfjoer is a Contest Moderator.
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1 mo ago
Current Don't forget to vote in the writing contest! The link is in the sidebar <3
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Back from vacation, taking my time to roll back into roleplays and contests.
2 mos ago
Vacation for a week, I'm off to Finland!
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3 mos ago
Note to self: reply to RPs
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3 mos ago
Deadline is approaching! There is still time to submit your entries ^_^


Hello everyone. I'm Dutch, a mother of a 8-year old boy and I love both rp-ing and writing. Since May 2020 I'm one of the contests mods.

I started with writing Dutch stories in 2002, I was already 19 at that time. I joined a writing competition and that got me started. Soon I started to write down all the stories my over-active imagination came up with. I had my first forum rp experience in 2003 on a Dutch fantasy forum. While I continued to write, I stopped rp-ing when the particular rp and forum slowly died. In 2011 my love for rp's rekindled when I joined a site with a forum and I started to RP solely in English since that is the language of the site. This is also when I wrote my first story in English.

I've got a few 1x1 rp's going on this site and a couple more on another site. I've always been a fan of writing competitions and I joined a lot several of the ones that were hosted on this website. Now I get to host them myself and really enjoy that too.

When you come here to check if I'm online, know that even when I show as online I might not be able to respond to RP's. I open this site so that when I have time I can spend some time here, but I don't always end up with the time to do so.

If I haven't replied in a while, feel free to poke me. I don't ghost on purpose, sometimes I just forgetful and if I read your reply and accidentally closed the tab I might forget I was supposed to reply T_T

Most Recent Posts

I'll post today. I battled some skeletons and shadow creatures in Neverwinter Nights yesterday so I'm prepared for the upcoming battle XD
Michael and his Arcanine started a fire and he took out some supplies from his bag to prepare a meal - a simple curry that needed water and heat. Honestly, he didn't know how to create a meal from scratch, but thankfully there were enough easy meals for travellers. He wouldn't survive as a trainer without. He decided to make two pans, there were six humans after all, taking into account the legendary Pokémon in human form, and one portion wouldn't be enough for the group.

It didn't take long for the meal to start boiling. While Michael took care of that, Andy took a bag Pokémon food from his bag so their Pokémon could also have a light meal. He had seen Frosiien leave, but he wasn't worried about where she was or how long she'd be gone. sometimes women needed their alone time as well.

Merlin and Anthony watched it.
"Will we join them?" Anthony asked.
"I usually find my own food," Merlin commented. "But your trainer will appreciate your presence. Let's fly down.".
Both Flying Pokémon went down and joined the others at the camp.
"I will make arrangements immediately," Lily promised. "Don't you worry about that," she added, gesturing to the room behind her. "I'll send someone to clean it up. I'll have you in another place by tonight, I promise." She turned to Steph while she took her phone. "Is there anything you need? I'm here now so it's the perfect time to ask!"

As she waited for Steph's answer, she started typing in orders on her phone so the crew could get to work. 20:00 hard deadline, she informed them. The crew leader started planning and calling immediately, knowing people would get fired if it wasn't done in time. After making some calls he pulled up the file with the specification of Gaia's first room, as it would be based on that.
Marc nodded slowly without saying anything. What Sara told him made him think about other people that just didn't seem to improve, or react to the medicine like they were supposed to. That was something he could look into, but if he did, then what? What could he do with any information he got?
He decided it didn't matter, something was going on and patients weren't getting better. That was an issue that needed to be solved.
"Let's check the medication list," he suggested.

"Are you two still connected to Ray?" he asked. "Like, do you know if she's in pain or alive?"
They needed to find her, but where could she be? As patients they only had limited access here. There was even an entire garden only staff could enter, how cruel was that? He tried his best not to think of that place, he missed the outdoors enough already and didn't need his mind preoccupied with that.
Fenna shook her hand after crushing the cultist's skull with the blunt end of her spear. She crouched down, slid her bag from her back, and placed it and her spear on the ground. "I'll be fine," she said in response to Adam's question. The only injury after the battle was a slightly burned hand; it hurt, but it wasn't life-threatening and if she ignored the pain she could still use it. She rummaged through her bag until she found the ointment and bandage she sought. After applying some cream on her hand and bandaging it up, she took a moment to observe the room.

Oh dear, they left quite a mess.

When Zell joined her she smiled. "We do make a good team," she agreed. "And if you keep appearing at the place that feels the most dangerous, there is a good chance Sil will keep appearng there. She acts on my emotions." At this point the falcon joined them and settled on the left arm Fenna extended.

At Zell's comment on her ability, she looked at her bandaged hand. "If I had to guess, it happened after we defeated Aurok, I felt something had changed but couldn't pinpoint what exactly. After the fire attack, I know how it works and I'm certain it works for other elements as well."

She followed his gaze and examined James as well. "We do," she agreed. Her eyes moved to the fire. "We should probably do something about that as well." While she didn't have anything to put out the flames - some rations of water, but that wouldn't be enough - there was always the option of letting it burn out safely. There was no wind in this room, so if nothing flammable was within fire's reach it should burn out without setting the room on fire. The last thing they needed was setting the whole temple ablaze with them in it. Although the fire mage was used to living here and had no qualms using it in a library. Either he was a fool, or confident that whatever fire would start here wouldn't spread. Still, better safe than sorry, so she went to the table - Sil hopping off her arm to stand on the floor as she approached the flames - and she cleared the area around the burning table.
As Fenna moved her spear to strike the wraith attacking her a second time, she noticed movement from the corner of her eye. The cultist got up again. She finished her attack, piercing the wraith again, who screamed and fell. That's when the cultist shot a fireball at her. Instinctively she raised her left hand. The ball of fire collided and pain shot through her hand, but not as much as she had thought. She had burned herself once before and that had hurt at least twice as much, or was this somehow less painful? The skin on her hand was red, definitely a burn, and she could barely move her fingers, but it wasn't as bad as she had feared. More peculiar, there was a warm sensation in her arm now, spreading slowly to her other arm as well. Her Absorb Elements had activated the moment the fire had made contact with her skin.

A warning squawk came from Sil, who flew up to avoid the bookcases coming down unto the suits of armour and the mage, and Fenna noticed several darts in the air. Two of them suddenly shot in her direction. She kept her eyes on them, trying to calculate when they would hit and used the bottom of her spear to jump into the air when they were about to impact her. They hit the ground she had been standing seconds before.

Landing on her feet, she turned to the fire mage but noticed Barracker's shield slicing through the air. She also went in that direction, if the shield wouldn't finish the mage, at least it would destract him long enough for her to reach him and then she would finish him off. This time she would crack his skull with the blunt end of her spear. She held her spear with two hands and what looked to be smoke curled around the shaft. Some of the earlier fire attack was still in her body and would be unleashed with the next hit.

The falcon circled above the bookcases, her eyes looking for the one she had attacked before, the moment she'd see a part of him and the bookcases were no danger anymore, she'd swoop in for another attack.
As the shaft made contact with the cultist's head and knocked them out, Fenna noticed the movement behind her. A wraith was banging on an invisible wall. Wraith! As it tried again, she grabbed the vial Barracker had given her and applied it to the tip of her spear. As it came around the barrier, she stepped aside and as it raised its blade she ducked and moved her spear into position. The wraith cried in agony when the tip made contact and pierced a part of its body.

At the same time Sil let out a loud screech that distracted the cultists, but the wraiths didn't pay any attention to it.

As the wraith backed down a little she quickly moved her head from left to right to take in the situation in the library. Barracker came to the aid of James and Adam, MacKensie seemed okay, but Zell was under attack from a wraith, and the two cultists that had a wand and a sword ready were also still around. The one with the wand had recovered from the screech and started casting again, but in response to Fenna's worry about that cultist, Sil attacked him with her talons and tried to grab the wand.
Short post is short, but I posted :)
When Fenna entered the temple, Sil joined her and she extended her arm for the falcon to sit. There wasn't a lot of room for her to fly, but she seemed adamant on joining them. With the falcon on one arm and the spear in her other hand, she walked with the others through the temple. There were muffled distant voices, cultists talking to each other. Barracker led them further into the temple until they reached the Library, where Zell suggested to take them out. She caught his eyes and nodded.

With quiet steps, she approached the cultists closest to her, Sil silently spread her wings and lifted into the air as Fenna moved to swing her spear with the intention to hit the cultist in the head with the shaft.
Winner of RPGC #38: Invisibility

To Be Seen, by @artexercise

Jackson sat at an outside table of Tobius Internet Cafe. He passed his card over the bill terminal and paused a moment to see the green checkmark appear before he put his card away. "Well, Marilyn, I have had a wonderful time, as always. Do you want to go out again next Saturday? Museum?"

"I would like that," Marilyn said. "But, I think..." There was hesitation in her voice, and Jackson could hear it. He leaned in a little. She continued, "I think I might be willing to take this to the next step." She giggled a little and let out a breathe of air.

Jackson was flattered. It had been only three dates, which had all gone perfectly. They had so much in common, books, music, taste in food. "I am honored. I look forward to it."

"I mean here," she said in a low tone. "I could take the next step here."

Jackson looked around. There were a few other men at the cafe but like any other place, it was hard to tell if they were alone or with another. He tried to see if any had been listening or were trying to look as well. One made brief eye contact with Jackson and looked away. Jackson looked at the space across the table from him. Like all other woman in public, she was invisible. They revealed themselves only by choice. "Are you sure?" he whispered.

There was silence for a moment. "You're right. Perhaps it's not safe." But then a pair of eyes appeared, blinked, and then disappeared again.

Jackson stared into the space before him. In the distance beyond the outdoor railing, cars passed, some with drivers, some without. Some with fake drivers, which were obvious to the discerning eye. He was trying not to see the activity in the street beyond, however, he was trying to keep and remember those eyes.

"You're quiet," she said in a subdued way.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to hold on to what your eyes looked like. Beautiful," he said honestly in awe. Jackson had seen his mother and his two sisters growing up. His mother appeared all the time inside the home. His sisters, as they got older, appeared less and less frequently. He knew what they looked like, however, and they didn't have eyes like Marilyn's.

"Oh," she laughed. "Well, in that case, you'll look forward to seeing me again. I have a whole face to admire as well."

"I'm sure that I will," he smiled and pushed his seat back, standing and straightening his coat.

"Next Saturday, then," Marilyn said. The sound of her retreating footsteps indicated that she was already on the go.

"Next Saturday," Jackson said.


Throughout the week, Jackson worked like he always had. He arrived at the office building, found his desk, and proceeded to work through data and reports. The only woman in the office who chose to be visible was Susan, the office grandmother. Susan was in her nineties and actually had great great grandchildren. She could be seen talking to the men and to the women, although when talking to other women it always appeared as though she were talking with no one.

Men and women in the office hardly ever talked with one another unless it was necessary, at least not in the physical. Talking though the computer was another story. Rapidly staccato keyboards clickity clacked all across the office space. It was the norm. Messages from cute avatars and plain ones scrolled up the side of one computer monitor all work day as the conventional method of 'water cooler' socialization.

One topic scrolling quickly, the main topic, this week, was that of a news story: Film Actress Kim Porfaux was rumored to be dating someone. Office coworkers speculated about the actor that could be her real life love interest. Famous names leapt up the chat history one after another. Jackson, as usual, only glanced at the chatter, until someone mentioned that her real name was Marilyn Kim Porfaux.

He had been in the middle of creating a prompt for the AI to compile data from two reports when he saw the name. "Marilyn," he chuckled to himself. Then looked up the actress on the internet. He had not seen any of the films before, but none were really the genre that he watched. In the movies she always only wore "the bag". "The bag" was a piece of fashion clothing designed to show where a woman was without revealing much about her. Miss Porfaux was as mysterious as any other woman, but it stuck in Jackson's mind.

"What are you looking at, Jackson?" the ancient and jubilant voice of Susan startled him from behind.

"Susan! Oh, ah, the office chatter is about the actress. I'd never heard of her."

"Not a fan of historical romance? Me neither. I like history, but not romance. Had enough of that in my life. Documentaries are my thing. A little adventure show from time to time."

"Yeah, Sci-fi and Cop shows for me. I was just curious," he looked at the screen again.

Susan patted him on his head, "Whoever is dating her is a lucky guy." She then moved on down the rows of cubicles to chat with someone else.

"Lucky guy," Jackson said looking at the image of Marilyn Kim Porfaux in the bag, cinched at the waist, hat and sunglasses, waving to the camera.


He knew it was an insane idea. Friday night and even into Saturday morning, he looked up as much information on Marilyn Kim Porfaux that he could. He listened to interviews, but all interviews involving women had synthetic voice overlays. It was impossible to tell. He watched the historic romance, "Unseen Hearts along the Nile", and found that he liked the movie well enough. He even thought that the actress sounded like his Marilyn, which caused him to sweat a little. Who was he to be dating someone famous?

Saturday morning just before he was getting ready to leave his apartment, it occurred to him to try, "Kim Porfeux most recent sighting" in the search engine. The image that returned was unmistakable, the Tobius Internet Cafe. Jackson didn't know what to think. He was an IT guy, not some Hollywood hotshot. His watched beep twice, and he glanced at it. He needed to leave to make their date at the museum, but how could he focus now that he knew who she was.

On the drive to the museum he tried to remember their previous dates. Were there any clues? He remembered what when he said when he explained his job. "I look at reports and write more reports," he had joked.

Her response had been, "That sounds better than what I do. People tell me what to do all day. They don't really see me. I'd really just like to quit and be a landscape painter." 'They don't really see me' was a phrase many woman used because of the whole invisibility thing, but maybe she'd said it because everyone sees her in way, to be ironic.

He was in the museum parking lot before he knew it. He got out of his car and stood there holding his phone in a tight grip. Wouldn't most guys be thrilled to know they were dating a movie star? Jackson just felt overwhelmed. Then he saw the people far across the parking lot at the entrance: Paparazzi. He laughed a nervous laugh.

A fancy car pulled up. A woman's voice shouted, "It's Marilyn!" Camera's took pictures of the car and the driver as it arrived. The doors of the car opened and someone threw a bag of bright pink colored Gulal powder right at the open door. The partial outline of a woman's head and shoulder beside the driver could be seen. Camera's flashed and filmed the event in high definition. The pink peppered partial ghost looked around and appeared to be looking right at Jackson for a moment.

The driver yelled, "Back in the car!" and the pink dusted silhouette jumped back into the car and the doors all closed. The vehicle made a quick exit, and some paparazzi were quick to follow. Jackson walked up to the area where the car had been and watched as the car sped away with some pursuers close behind.

It all happened to quickly. Other bystanders not involved with the whole event looked around at each other. People exchanged shrugs and looks of concern and wonder. Jackson backed up a few steps and then finally retreated to his car. His blood was pumping, his mind was spinning, and he looked down at his phone. "Are you at the museum?" he texted.

A quick moment later a reply appeared, "Yes! That was crazy, right?"

Jackson breathed a sigh of relief. He laughed out loud. It couldn't have been her. He'd been psyching himself out for nothing. Maybe she was already waiting inside. He texted, "I'm at my car. Where are you?"

"I'm at your car, too," the text returned.

Jackson looked around as if he might see an invisible person. He laughed internally at himself and with a breath said, "You're here. Were you going to surprise me? Hard to do after seeing that."

"Yeah, my sister likes to plan elaborate things," Marilyn's voice came from the other side of Jackson's car.

"Your sister?" he said a little confused.

"Jackson," Marilyn said some shakiness in her voice, "I have a confession to make. It's about my job. Can I tell you in the car though?" The doors opened and Jackson sat in the car and the doors closed.

"Marilyn Kim Porfaux," Jackson said staring forward. In front of the museum some of the paparazzi still milled about hoping to see her come back through. Someone from the museum was yelling at the man who through the pink dust. A few visitors were looking confused as they tried to enter attempting to ignore the strange throng. Camera's occasionally took pictures of vacant air hoping that something would come of it.

"Yes... You knew?"

Jackson could hear her timidness. His mind softened towards her. For three weeks he'd simply gotten to know Marilyn, just a woman named Marilyn. Somehow he still couldn't reconcile the information he'd discovered online about the actress to what he'd learned on a few dates about the invisible woman beside him. "I think I just found out by accident this week."

"The rumors," she sighed. "I shouldn't have been so bold at the cafe. I should have been more observant."

"But," Jackson was riding the roller coaster of thought and emotions, "Our similar interests, and... and Historical Romance?" His incredulousness against the genre of her movies came off as an accusation.

"Have you seen my movies?" a slight embarrassment in her voice.

"Just one. Last night. I was trying to discern if it really was you? Unseen Hearts along the Nile."

"That one?" she groaned slightly, "Why not Hidden Promises and Hidden Guns?"

"Unseen Hearts along the Nile high a higher Rotten Tomatoes score," Jackson said as plainly as he could, and Marilyn laughed. Jackson could not help but chuckle along. "You said, 'People tell me what to do all day'. I'm guessing now directors."

"And an agent. also the studio. And maybe a few others. They won't let me do a Syfy movie original, or a Sitcom Comedy. It's off brand." She sighed, while the people in front of the museum continued to wait.

Jackson could hear the woman he'd been getting to know in her answers and her voice. He'd let some of the office gossip affect him, and he shouldn't have. She was still Marilyn from the dates. "There is another museum about an hour down the interstate. You want to go there instead?" He looked at the empty seat next to him, imagining those eyes, hoping she'd say yes.

Marilyn's eyes and lips appeared transparent then translucent in the air before him. She smiled, "That sounds like fun." Then suddenly that vision of her disappeared, and she was invisible again with a giggle, her giggle.

Jackson was captivated as a smile grew on his face. Those lips, those eyes, that smile. "Alright," he said turning on the car. It was a date. He laughed as he pulled out of the paparazzi plagued museum parking lot, "I see you."
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