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I'll post Tommorow, but i'm moving into a college dorm this week so I'll be rather busy afterwards.
Kanbaru Otoko

"Do you really need to ask how an ice themed Magical girl isn't affected by the cold in their outfits? Perhaps you want to question a pyromancer why the flesh doesn't burn to charcoal as they palm a fireball." Fortuna snarked back glibly, content to sit amidst the gently falling snow without a care for her exposure to the elements. It was by no means her idea of fun but she wasn't one to begrudge the necessities of life and the club certainly was one.

Fortunately the rest of the club members arrives in short order, some carrying snacks and drinks while others came with an equally rye sense of humor to offer to the gathering. Regardless of the gifts brought to bear they all directed their attention to the leader now declaring the rules for the evening's combat. Straight forward and easy going, such was Touka's way, and as the candies were sent air borne Kanbaru pocketed her phone shot out her hand, nabbing a chocolate from the air.

"Come on Chie, the lake should nice with a fresh layer of snow." The frosty magical girl declared, turning on her heel to her chosen battleground, only to pause amidst her stride and casually lob a torn half of her chocolate to her partner. After all, it was the season for giving. "Don't slack off tonight."

Say what you will of Gudako's sanity. Or basic decency. Or Human Empathy. Or Capacity for reason. Or a great many things Roche suppressed lest she questioned the benefits of her friendship too closely.

What was undeniable in all things was that Ryuko had a flair for showing off and, amazingly, not flubbing the landing either. A truly marvelous feat of acrobatics and style to record, from fancy aerial twirls to the lightning fast gunplay the orangette adored. There was only the teeniest, tiniest problem that had Roche pulling a fragmentation grenade from her belt yanking out the pin.

That being, while a heavily armored juggernaut was a slow easy target, it could afford to do so because it was heavily armored. Seeing as she would receive no end of complaints if she simply bypassed all of that and roasted the beleagured mini-gunner, Roche opted to whip a grenade with a seasoned familiarity, bouncing it right between the brute's legs where it lost all momentum bouncing between firmly planted boots.

Fire would have made it certainty, but at least with an explosion Gudako could save some face before her viewers.
Sorry, posted in wrong RP. Still need to post here thought so I'll get it done here as well tomorrow.

Ah right. I was waiting on others, so I'll post tomorrow.
I'd have responded to this sooner but have been away from keyboard for a few hours. Let me address this burgeoning dumpster fire:

"Oh, nothing at all apart from a most ill-tempered sort wanting to spoil a good night being had. This girl was just upset that she didn't get to join in jovial bonding with friends. A rather impetuous demeanor, certainly does not help in maintaining any friendships, so she must have made a phony report.

There is no one this applies to but Eris, and since there was no indication that the Dick was lying or just making it up on the spot he does come off as speaking from an omniscient POV. Take care not to do so in the future.


I'm getting tired of you back seat GMing. You are consistently sticking your neck into unrelated matters and making things muddled. I already have a great dislike for how you interact with characters and only restrain myself from commenting because others haven't raised their voices but in matters like these I will tell you to sit down and stay quiet.
I misread. Ignore it.
It should come as no surprise that a heavily populated local near constantly inundated with foot traffic between establishments as eager to serve alcohol as they were to take your life savings would also have good police response times. A conflict in the casino can always be handled by well trained and discrete security, but past their doors it was an issue of public concern and that required a prompt response.

The anonymous call from a certain fashionista with a flare for the gothic and accompanying photos was worthy of a single squad car, two officers old hands at the beat pulling up five minutes after the call went out and arriving to find the picture matched reality. An officer with a balding head and pronounced gut cautiously approached the group of costumed youths with a hand resting against his thighs in easy reach of a holstered taser while the other remained in the vehicle manning the radio.

"All right ladies and gentleman. We've received reports of an unusual gathering here tonight. What seems to be the trouble here?" The officer asked, his tone diplomatic and calm as he tried to assess the situation. By all accounts this wasn't a case of loitering considering their lack of obstruction and outlandish attire wasn't a crime here of all places. It would save him the hassle of paperwork if he could see them on their way without making an issue of it.

What was chiefly of interest in the responding officer's mind was the one in what appeared to be a hazmat suit, one that didn't look cheap and fabricated for an office party to say the least. While they had no reason to suspect anything he still turned to Endemia and asked, "Sir, could you please remove your hood for identification purposes. It would make this process much smoother and we can all be on our ways tonight."
Sooooo, where is everyone? I'm pretty sure we had more Dark Magical Girls raring for a fight then this.
Alright, alright. Sheesh why was that the question to rouse half the cast....

I'll leave @KoL to her business then.
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