Name: Nui Yara
Age: 21
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Background: Commoner
Occupation: Unemployed ("As long as I have a spear, I'll never go hungry"); works odd jobs to make money; formerly an assistant to a scientist researching marine life
Nui comes from a small island on the very edge of the Umitoshi Empire, a place that did not embrace the empire's religion or lifestyle, and the people carry on their tribal way of life even into modern times. For centuries her people have held great reverence for the beasts of the deep ocean, and prayed to some of them like gods; in particular, they revered Kamejira, the great Guardian Turtle who protected the island and its people. They lived a simple life, trading with those who sailed through the area, and hunting on the bottom of the sea to sustain themselves. For most of Nui's childhood, it was a calm, peaceful life.
That changed when a captain from Umitoshi sought to turn the island into his home base for launching attacks on foreign ships, seeking to enslave the natives to build his fortress. The people of the island prayed to Kamejira to save them from this threat, but for the longest time, there was no answer from the Guardian Turtle.
That all changed when the captain separated the children from their families, hoping to force the people to work harder. The children prayed to Kamejira to save them... and the Guardian Turtle's answer was swift and ferocious. Kamejira rose from the sea, destroying the captain's ships and fortress with talon and fire, crushing the invaders underfoot, and reuniting the children with their families. Nui was among them, and watched with awe as a creature powerful enough to level a fortress showed compassion and tenderness to the children who had prayed to it.
Life returned to normal after that, but Nui wanted to know more. If a beast like that truly existed, what else was out there? What legends from the sailors were true, and which were tales born from the bottom of a bottle of rum? She began devouring as much information as possible, learning how to read, write, and speak the common tongue before joining the crew of a ship seeking new lands and strange new creatures, where a researcher took her under his wing. After his death, she took to island-hopping, paying her way by working whatever jobs she could.
At the moment, she's in Prawncourt visiting its local library, hoping to glean as much information as she can from the books there.
Life Goal:
Spear, turtle shell shield, multiple books
Pirate Parameters:
Strength: D
Vitality: B
Intellect: A
Wits: C
Agility: B
Charisma: C
Luck: F-